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Thread: How do you feel watching Daniel Bryan?

  1. #1
    Currently Between Feds smarkmouth's Avatar

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    How do you feel watching Daniel Bryan?

    This may be hard to assess for some, as he's only been back for two matches, but I'm wondering how other people are feeling about watching Daniel Bryan perform again. I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan, so it pains me to admit that I had a lot of trouble enjoying his match last night.

    Before I go on, I want to clarify that this is not my critique of his performance itself. He seems like he hasn't missed a step, and his storytelling instincts are still good. However I was a little uneasy watching him against AJ last night. While AJ is clearly a safe worker, I kept cringing at any bump or head shot that Daniel took. I kept getting taken out of the moment. My concern overpowered my enjoyment.

    This problem is all on me as a viewer, and not an indictment of the performer. I certainly want to enjoy Daniel Bryan's matches, but this general uneasyness will prevent that. Perhaps this feeling will pass, and I'll grow comfortable watching him perform once more.

    Did anyone else experience this while watching Smackdown or WrestleMania

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  3. #2
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    I worry about him anytime he receives a head shot, especially the suplex that happened just as Nakamura interfered and he was down holding his head. I cringed when Nakamura gave him the Kinshasa knowing how stuff he can be.

    Hopefully the feeling of worry goes away the longer his run goes without any injuries.

  4. #3
    I've been into Bryan since I first saw him on NXT when it was some sort of "competition" show. The fact that he looked so ordinary compared to everyone else on that show made him stand out and it made me think that there was vastly more to him that meets the eye.

    When I watch Daniel Bryan, I'm hooked into the match just as I was because the guy's extremely good. If he was about 8 to 10 years younger, with his overall style, he would absolutely thrive in NXT right now. He could incorporate more of his submission and technical skills into things because he's every bit as good at that as Zack Sabre Jr., maybe even more so. Everything that Sabre is doing now, Bryan was already doing 10 years ago. However, I do feel a little trepidation whenever I see him take a big impact. For instance, I cringed last night when he hit his missile dropkick spot on Styles because it LOOKED like the back of his head smacked right into the mat. That spot in particular is something I wish that he'd alter, he could turn in the air and land in a way that allows him to better protect himself than just by tucking his chin.

    I hate to see anyone get hurt because these are people just like the rest of us. They're doing a job and while it's entertaining to watch, it's also dangerous and you want someone to be safe doing it. With Bryan, he's made his mind up that he's gonna wrestle the way he's gonna wrestle and that's it so I very, very much hope that it works out. If he gets hurt, then it's primarily going to be his own fault because he probably knows as much about concussion as it's possible for a lay person to know. He's a grown man, he's made his decisions and if the worst happens, which I most certainly hope it doesn't, then I'm not going to be pointing fingers at WWE or whomever he happens to be wrestling against, unless the guy is just beyond sloppy and reckless, because Bryan's the one who vehemently wants to roll the dice.

    I think the trepidation will fade over time. The longer he goes without injury, the more at ease we'll feel. Of course, that feeling of dread will be jacked up at times if he winds up facing certain people, such as Brock Lesnar, or if he's in certain matches, like ladder matches.
    Last edited by Jack-Hammer; 04-11-2018 at 01:35 PM.
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  6. #4
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    I'm not concerned about his health in the slightest. He wouldn't be in there if it was an issue. A concussion could change that so I guess the trick is to enjoy it whilst it lasts.

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  8. #5
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    I have to admit that I too get a little worried about D Bry in the ring as well. I was enjoying his match with Styles last night because it was awesome and he really hasn't missed a step. When they had that Suplex spot off the top rope near the end, though, it took me right out of the moment and I started to wonder about his health and how many more of those he can take.

    Like some have said; if his health was such an issue that he couldn't take bumps like that then he wouldn't be in there so I try to remind myself of that. I also try to get myself excited about this next run of his and remind myself that he's completely doing a HBK. In that he was great in the ring, was one of the most over ppl in the business, got injured, had to take years off, and has been able to come back looking just as good as he did before he left. Maybe one day we'll be debating which version of D Bry was better.

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  10. #6
    Senior Member Undying's Avatar

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    Heâ??s not the first wrestler to have gotten injured and come back. Also not the first to have even retired and came back. Iâ??m not worried at all. He got cleared and is supposedly looked at after every match. WWE wouldnâ??t risk him getting paralyzed in the ring. Just enjoy it. Maybe he pulls another almost ten years like Shawn or it lasts 6 months and gets injured again.

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