Quote Originally Posted by BestSportsEntertainer View Post
Why do you care so much about people caring about Dave Meltzer?

He has his opinions about wrestling. You have yours. Why can't the two co-exist?

Now do some people take him too seriously? Sure, but that's a very small percentage of the people who follow him. Most people are just curious to hear what one of the most respected and well known wrestling journalists today thinks. Nothing more, nothing less.
Man this is pretty spot on. I'm impressed with you duder.

Meltzer is obviously biased and I don't think his reporting is as accurate as it once was, but he was really the first respected pro wrestler journalist because his reports were often accurate. He didn't just write random garbage to grab reader's attention and he didn't just post vague garbage like "Hulk Hogan might consider joining ECW if they give him enough money."

I am old enough to remember a time before 24/7 instant internet access, I remember watching wrestling on VHS tapes, and in those days Dave was a big collector of all companies and styles in both the US and Japan. He originally put out WON to keep his friends and wrestling contacts in the loop, and grew it to the most respected publication of all time.

Yeah, it does annoy me when people rush to his ratings and view them as holy scripture and it does rub me the wrong way that he likes to put on a persona on social media to bring attention to himself and his product, but it works. He is good at his job and people shouldn't constantly give him crap for that. It isn't like his job is stealing formula from babies, he just writes about wrestling, a very silly form of entertainment all things considered.