I heard something (fairly unrelated) on the radio the other day and it triggered my thoughts on this. Are we currently living in the greatest sports era for the greatest ever?

For example, Tom Brady is considered by many to be the greatest quarterback of all time (and thus, by extension, the best football player ever, given the importance of the position). LeBron James is considered by many to be the greatest NBA player of all time. The argument can be made Roger Federer is the greatest men's tennis player ever. I think almost everyone would agree Serena Williams is the greatest women's tennis player ever. Mike Trout is making his case as arguably the greatest baseball player ever (longevity is huge factor here). Tiger Woods is arguably the most transcendent golf player ever, even if his total majors aren't the most, and most people agree if not for injuries/personal strife, he likely would have smashed the major record. While I don't watch soccer much, Lionel Messi is increasingly being called the greatest footballer ever. As short/incomplete as the history of women's basketball is, it is certainly a reasonable argument to call Diana Taurasi the greatest women's basketball player ever.

Certainly not all of these players are in their primes. No one is arguing Tiger Woods today is the greatest ever or that Mike Trout is definitely the best ever if he retired today. However, we are currently living in an era where many of the best players in their sport's history are currently playing right now. Pretty awesome to think about.

Thoughts on this?