An undertaking of minuscule proportions...(taken from the WZCW site)

I've set a challenge for myself. I'm going to watch at least one episode of whatever indie promotion I can get my hands on that's readily available on Youtube or any other free site. It can't be a big promotion like WWE or NJPW. Not really wanting to cover TNA/GFW/iMpact/etc but if I am asked, I will. There is a criteria on how I'm going to be judging these things, as it's really mostly on first impressions:

The venue. I figure this would be a big selling point for small shows as the bigger ones have gone vanilla with their locations.

The crowd. If the fans are digging two guys doing somersaults around the ring, then maybe I can warm up to it, too. Also factoring in what sort of people are in attendance too, like if it looks like an older audience, then I expect a more mature program. Tricky to explain, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

The wrestling. Obviously. I don't expect the super-athleticism we get from the WWE, but I still expect to enjoy the choreography. Also will factor in mannerisms of wrestlers and what little I know about psychology. Expect me to approach this as a literature fan, where I'd expect certain things from certain characters. On that note...

The characters. How interesting are these guys outside of a flip and a dive? I truly believe a company can make a basic guy look like a great working class hero type if they put the effort in, so this will matter to me a lot when watching the show.

The production. Do I expect TV quality? Nah. But I do expect something that would make the program stick out a little from mainstream programs. If it's a comedy wrestling thing, then I don't expect the same quality I'd get from one that's focus is on hardcore, unless of course I should expect a clown to go through a table.

So how am I going about this?
  • Will do one episode, and that's it. (Unless it has my interest, then I may do another.)
  • Will focus on narrative over ring-skill.
  • Will pay attention to commentary, as it should be their job to bring new viewers up to speed on storylines.

I am also taking suggestions.

In The Works:

1. Championship Wrestling From Hollywood
2. Hoodslam
3. The West Coast Wrestling Connection
4. Dramatic Dream Team
5. Urban Wrestling Federation
7. National Wrestling Alliance

Up first: Reality of Wrestling