SO IT IS SETTLED! WE HAVE 8 PARTICIPANTS (this is the order in which people confirmed they are in the contest. The number is how

  1. Storm Trooper
  3. BSE
  4. Jeff
  5. Smark
  6. #MrScissorsHands/RicSolarFlair
  7. Spider
  8. OYDK

Using a sequence generator from I have determined the draft order.
Click for Spoiler:

8 2 1 7 6 3 5 4

  1. 8-OYDK
  3. 1-Storm Trooper
  4. 7-Spider
  5. 6-#MrScissorsHands/RicSolarFlair
  6. 3-BSE
  7. 5-Spider
  8. 4-Jeff

Congrats OYDK on the first pick!

As this is a snake draft, the 8th spot will have the first pick in the 2nd round, and then the 1st spot will be 1st in the 3rd round, etc.

Stay tuned for a schedule, and for the beginning of the draft! Before we start I need to post the rosters for each brand. I'm thinking of starting the draft Tuesday of next week, as hopefully by then all the Raw and Smackdown rosters are set.