Quote Originally Posted by ShinChan View Post
As a business man, you want to have more profit. So, when you can make Braun one of the stars (I believe. Would love to know if you believe so or not.), why would you have his momentum halted for Roman Reigns?
They could have made him a star, yeah. That being said, in regards to making money, what WWE is doing makes sense, to the point where what happens on TV barely matters anymore. It's not Reigns or Strowman making money. It's WWE as a whole.

Quote Originally Posted by #MrScissorsKick View Post
How many Pay-Per-Views have you been to, live?
Not counting Takeovers, 6.

Backlash 2006
ROH Supercard of Honor VIII
Wrestlemania XXX
Wrestlemania XXXII
Wrestlemania XXXIII
Wrestlemania XXXIV

The morning of Wrestlemania XXIX I decided to go to Wrestlemania XXX and spent a year saving for it. Then I thought "why not do it every year?"