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Thread: Milenko's Graphic Novel Reviews

  1. #21
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: We're back to perfect flow which is nice

    The Storyline: Batman & Superman decide to rid the world of Kryptonite. They go around the world and destroy most of it. Then the US government gets involved and Amanda Waller almost kills Clark with Kryptonite weapons as well as a Kryptonite laced Doomsday clone & unmasks Bruce. Turns out Lexcorp provided them with the weapons so they go pay Clark's old flame and new Lexcorp CEO Lana Lang a visit. Something happens i won't spoil for you. The end has Clark giving Bruce the last piece of Kryptonite just in case.

    Artistry: Just like the last one in this series it has that classic feel I'm starting to really enjoy that adds to the story.

    Re-readability: 90%

    How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it. Again it's perfect for the Batman or Superman fan so it's really enjoyable if you're like me and are fans of both of them.

    Final Thoughts: A great change of pace after the last one. After reading these two in the Batman/Superman series I will definitely be on the look out for more

    My Rating : * * * *1/2 out of 5

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    Batman '66 Vol. 2

  2. #22
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: It was a bunch of short stories based on the old Adam West TV show so as one whole novel it didn't really flow.

    The Storyline: There was a bunch of them so I'm not going to detail on all of them. I would be here for a while if I went through all of them

    Artistry: It based on Adam West and I have to give them credit Batman really did look like Adam West. The Artistry was very good for what it was.

    Re-readability: 2%

    How much I Liked It: It was OK but I didn't enjoy the campiness. I get that the old show was campy so this kind of had to be but that kind of stuff just isn't for me.

    Final Thoughts: Out of all the reviews I've done this is the first one I just couldn't finish. Even Hellboy I was able to speed read my way through but this I couldn't. The campy nature just kept me from getting sucked in the way I like and when that happens I just don't enjoy it and don't finish. If you're a Batman fan or a fan of the old TV show give this a shot, maybe you'll have better luck than me.

    My Rating: * 1/2 out of 5

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    Batman: Vol. 7 Endgame

  3. #23
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: It all flows together nice.

    The Storyline: I don't want to ruin this for anyone who may want to read it.

    Artistry: It's got an amazing futuristic feel to that i love. Crisp, clean & awesome

    Re-readability: 100%

    How much I Liked It: It may be that the last one was that bad but I loved this one. I couldn't put it down.

    Final Thoughts: Simply awesome. This is a must read for everyone. If you're a Batman fan you owe it to yourself to find it & read it.

    My Rating : * * * * * out of 5

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    Superman: A Celebration of 75 years

  4. #24
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: it was 75 years worth of comics so while this didn't flow llike most of the others it wasn't supposed to.

    The Storyline: there were a lot and i enjoyed all of them

    Artistry: it ranged from 1938 to 2011 so this varied as well. It was nice to the artistic evolution of Superman though.

    Re-readability: 83%

    How much I Liked It: I didn't go into this hoping for a single story so that helped keep my enjoyment up quite a bit.

    Final Thoughts: This should be high on the list of every Superman fan if they haven't read this. Just seeing the evolution of Superman makes the slightly boring & outdated parts pretty cool to read.

    My Rating : * * * * out of 5

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    Civil War: Frontline Vol.1

  5. #25
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: There's actually 2 main stories as well as 2 smaller stories. They flow pretty well ll this considered.

    The Storyline: Everything gets tied in a neat bow and doesn't leave any loose ends.

    Artistry: Sleek & Modern like the others in the Civil War saga. Still my favorite style.

    Re-readability : 97%

    How much I Liked It: Nothing has changed between Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Why they didn't put it all in one edition is beyond me.

    Final Thoughts: It was a nice end to a great story. Had it all been in a single binding it may have gotten 5 stars.

    My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5

    Up Next
    Civil War: Frontline Vol.2

  6. #26
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: There's actually 2 main stories as well as 2 smaller stories. They flow pretty well all this considered.

    The Storyline: Everything gets tied in a neat bow and doesn't leave any loose ends.

    Artistry: Sleek & Modern like the others in the Civil War saga. Still my favorite style.

    Re-readability: 96%

    How much I Liked It: Nothing has changed between Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Why they didn't put it all in one edition is beyond me.

    Final Thoughts: It was a nice end to a great story. Had it all been in a single binding it may have gotten 5 stars.

    My Rating : * * * *3/4 out of 5

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    Stephen King's The Dark Tower The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins

  7. #27
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: Flows together awesome like single novelesque stories tend to do.

    The Storyline: Roland starts his journey for the Man in Black and comes across a town. He saves some people, people die. He also gets laid.

    Artistry: pretty modern. A lot different than I pictured reading the novels.

    Re-readability: 100%

    How much I Liked It: I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

    Final Thoughts: I picked it up because it caught my eye and I had no idea King had his name on any graphic novels. I'm glad I did though. A must read for any Dark Tower fan or someone new to the series.

    My Rating : * * * * * out of 5

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    The New 52 Batman & Robin Vol. 4: Requiem For Damian

  8. #28
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    5 Stars
    Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Marvel)

    Civil War (Marvel)

    Batman Vol. 7: Endgame (DC)

    Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Journey Begins (Marvel)

    4-5 Stars
    Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (DC)

    The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War (Marvel)

    Flashpoint (DC)

    Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC)

    Batman/Superman: Supergirl (DC)

    All*Star Superman(DC)

    Batman/Superman: The Search for Kryptonite(DC)

    Superman: A Celebration of 75 years (DC)

    Civil War: Frontline Vol. 1 (Marvel)

    Civil War: Frontline Vol. 2 (Marvel)

    3-4 Stars
    Batman: A Death In The Family (DC)

    X-Men: With Great Power (Marvel)

    Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again(DC)

    Guardians Of The Galaxy (Marvel)

    2-3 Stars
    The Road To Civil War (Marvel)

    Superman Codename: Patriot (DC)

    1-2 Stars
    Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom (Dark Horse)

    Batman '66 Vol. 2 (DC)

  9. #29
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows Together: Flows together awesome like usual

    The Storyline: rather similar to A Lonely Place of Dying. Robin is dead only this time it's his son Damian. He goes nuts until his friends pull him off the edge.

    Artistry: Crisp, modern & clean.

    Re-readability: 96%

    How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it immensely. Had i read Vol. 1-3 first i probably would have loved it.

    Final Thoughts: something I highly recommend to everyone. You may way want to read the others first though.

    My Rating : * * * * 3/4 out of 5

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    Civil War: X-Men

  10. #30
    SCF Fantasy draft Mod 'Ravishing' Ned Flanders's Avatar

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    How Everything Flows TogetherTogether: Not as well as others in the Civil War saga. Most of them take place during the Civil War and show how the mutants are handling it but it's a very loose thread tying it all together. The last 2 are dossiers written from the POV of Tony Stark so they could have been left out all together without changing much.

    The Storyline: Each title has it's own core story but the it's all within the shadow if the Superhuman Civil War.

    Artistry: Each title had a different artist so it varied but nothing was absolutely horrible but it wasn't as clean as i like either.

    Re-readability: 55%

    How much I Liked It: I enjoyed it but the different artists and very loose storyline tying it together took me out of the story on occasion.

    Final Thoughts: I do recommend it so you can get a different look at the Civil War but it isn't a must buy right now kind of thing.

    My Rating : * * * out of 5

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    DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

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