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Thread: What are you binging on Netflix?

  1. #21
    Senior Member jmt225's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    I can't believe what a great reception Wonder is getting; when I saw the trailer I laughed out loud at how saccharine it looked, but I guess maybe I'm more dead inside than most.
    I didn't see the trailer or commercials for it before seeing it. Just came across the poster, read a one sentence description and decided to give it a shot.

    I watched the trailer afterward and it truly doesn't give justice to the film at all. The trailer comes across corny and cliche, but the film is anything but that.

    With the way Wonder is crafted, acted, and edited... I was honestly blown away by it. Give it a shot on a gloomy day.

  2. #22
    Senior Member JGlass's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmt225 View Post
    I didn't see the trailer or commercials for it before seeing it. Just came across the poster, read a one sentence description and decided to give it a shot.

    I watched the trailer afterward and it truly doesn't give justice to the film at all. The trailer comes across corny and cliche, but the film is anything but that.

    With the way Wonder is crafted, acted, and edited... I was honestly blown away by it. Give it a shot on a gloomy day.
    I can almost guarantee you that I won't watch it, but let it be known that I trust your judgement enough to not assume it was a cheesy by the numbers feel good film, like Simon Birch.

  3. #23
    Junior Member FalKon's Avatar

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    I'm currently going through a long list of movies I haven't seen and I'm almost nearing completion of what Netflix AU has on their library. Movies like Green Mile, Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, American History X and Forrest Gump are just some of what I've been watching for the first time ever. Currently, I still have Charlie's Angels, Dawn of the Dead, Braveheart, John Wick and Pearl Harbour on my list to watch for first viewing. There are many more movies I want to watch but a majority of those aren't available on Netflix AU and I'll need to look elsewhere for them. There are a backlog of shows I need to watch as well. Black Mirror, Altered Carbon and The Crown I need to dive into, as well... so this thread is helping me immensely to see everyone else's opinions.

    As for recommendations, I'd place Bojack Horseman on the top somewhere. The way that show hits you hard with depression feels all too real. It's a silly world with silly characters but when you begin to dive a little deeper beyond what you can see, they're people with problems most of us would deal with. We perceive others as a stereotype or a character but when you know a person, they're so much more than who you thought them to be. Really gives a new meaning to "skin deep".

    I'll also throw my tip of the hat to Outlander, as well. Sometimes, the plot is weird and does a little craziness with how quickly it skips from one arc to another, but the overall show is pretty great. A romance that shouldn't happen during a bloody war-filled part of history. It does not hold back on the gore, violence and sexual nature of the show, and there are times where you will probably look away... but damn, it's a great romantic story.

  4. #24
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    I can almost guarantee you that I won't watch it, but let it be known that I trust your judgement enough to not assume it was a cheesy by the numbers feel good film, like Simon Birch.
    I loved that movie as a kid. Mostly because the kids kind of had potty mouths and Simon was a bit of an ass to the townsfolk. I watched it once as an adult and was like, man this is cliche as fuck. I think that movie was my introduction to Oliver Platt. I think he is a bit of a underrated actor. He isn't like, oh man you have to see all his films good, but he has range. I enjoyed Ready to Rumble and Lake Placid more than I probably should, but he has had some good supporting roles in some solid films.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Awesome_Miz's Avatar

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    One of the easiest recommendations on Netflix is of course Stranger Things due to the nostalgia acts and quite possibly the best acting ever performed by kids. Also one show I was quite impressed with was The End of The Fucking World. Not that bad, it's quite better than what I thought it would be. Also one fun thing to watch on Netflix just because of the fun of the show and star power is Parks and Recreation. One of the funnier shows that I'm currently enjoying rewatching for a third time around.

    Speaking of rewatching an old sitcom series, on the Hulu side I recommend rewatching How I Met Your Mother as almost everything until the finale is pretty awesome. Seriously that ending just kills the show very badly.

  6. #26
    Junior Member Phoenix's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmt225 View Post
    I still need to see Logan, Lady Bird, Phantom Thread, Atomic Blonde, and I, Tonya.
    Lady Bird was one of my favourite films of the year, great performances, tight editing, really relatable. My wife and I LOVED Atomic Blonde, Charlize Theron was superb in the role and the realistic fighting was a nice change from the norm. We like Phantom Thread but I will be honest and say that while I liked it, I'm not in any rush to see it again. Daniel Day-Lewis' final role is decent, but Oldman's performance as Churchill beats him this year. Really liked I, Tonya, Margot Robbie really puts in a fun performance, as does Sebastian Stan, but Allison Janney KILLS IT as the mother. Totally deserves the praise for her performance as she steals every scene. CGI is a bit off in places, but honestly, it made me look up all the real-life footage of Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Logan is the Wolverine solo film they finally got right, Hugh Jackman's last outing as the character was a good send off.

    Quote Originally Posted by JGlass View Post
    I don't trust MoviePass, things that are too good to be true generally are.
    Honestly, I was super hesitant when it first came out, but I had a few friends pick it up and once they fixed some of the bugs, it was great for them. We did the Costco deal and already have exceeded the value in movies we've watched. I don't know how it will do in the coming years, but given 2018 is a big year for films, I think it's worth using to save money.

  7. #27
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    I'm currently watching Dear White People on Netflix. At first I was just interested to see how racist it was or if it had an anti white/pro black message. Surprisingly, it's light on the rhetoric and actually a very good watch. It's funny and insightful. I'm enjoying it.

  8. #28
    Considering Retirement Dave's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Recently finished End of the Fucking World. Not what I was expecting but an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. I felt a lot better after realizing the lead girl is 26 or so in real life, as before that I felt a bit uncomfortable with her acting.

    My girlfriend and I really enjoyed Queer Eye. I was not expecting to but it's extremely wholesome and sweet.

    This is Us is excellent, though a little over the top sappy at times. If you know nothing about I strongly encourage you to watch it from the start without reading anything beforehand.
    The End of the Fucking World was really good actually. It took a lot of convincing my fiance to watch it with me but even she loved it. Its funny, it's sweet but it's dark. All in all, it was a great piece of TV that I would recommend to anyone.

    As far as what I'm watching now goes, I just got done watching all of Black Mirror from start to finish again. Might seem like a bandwagon kind of response but it truly is an amazing show. Every episode is terrifically written, directed and acted. Again, watching it the other half is the acid test and even she loves it - coming from someone who not really into sci-fi, that's a big compliment.

  9. #29
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    I just finished binging Orange is the New Black. I ignored the hype when it first got big, but it was legit. People said it dropped off after the second season, but I personally enjoyed all five. Specifically seasons 2, 4, and 5 were my favorites. I've got my Grandma binge watching it now.

    Before OITNB I was rewatching Weeds, but I stopped in season 4 and I don't think I'm gonna pick that one up again. I've already seen the series so I'm good.

    I'm about to start a binge rewatch of Sons of Anarchy, and maybe I'll give that End of the Fucking World show a chance since everyone is hyping it up.

  10. #30
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ty Burna View Post
    Wifey's been cruising through The Last Kingdom, so by osmosis I've been watching it off and on with her since the weekend.

    I'm part way through the series Altered Carbon, which has been an absolutely fantastic cyberpunk/sci-fi series. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous, not quite on par with Blade Runner 2049 but they certainly put some serious effort into it.
    Altered Carbon peaked my interest, but I'm still a little iffy because of the hype I'm seeing from some people who typically have the exact opposite view I do on movies and shows. From what I gather it is set in the future and gene modification is common place?

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