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Thread: Battle Roya: WZCW Edition

  1. #11
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    46 Remain - Start of Night Four

    A lightning storm has picked up as night falls. Most superstars settle in for the night under cover of shelter and tend to their wounds and try to rest. Annie Halloway however tries to use the storm to power some computer equipment she found in an abandoned bunker. She is making some progress, as some of the computers will flicker to life momentarily. She is laser focused on the computers and doesn't see Armando Paradyse come into the bunker. He is soaked from the rain in the storm and wrings out his shirt, leaving a puddle on the ground. He remembers he left the door to the bunker open so he goes to close it. Annie hears the door and runs to investigate, but slips in the puddle and crashes into the computer equipment. This sets off an electric shock that kills Annie. Armando is credited with the kill, but he is none the wiser.

    45 Remain

    Voice can be heard arguing. They are the voices of Justin Cooper and Constantine. "You let Keaton go off on his own and we haven't seen him since." Constantine says. "He knew the risks. Plus its one less person to have to deal with to win the game." Cooper responds. They continue to argue when loud, plodding footsteps are heard. A distorted voice then pierces the night. "This one requires an all weather upgrade." The two Vis Imperium members look at each other, they recognize the speech pattern as that of S.H.I.T. The mandroid is unaware he is close to them. "We need to attack. We have the numbers advantage." Cooper whispers. "No. There isn't enough light to properly see what is going on." Constantine replies. "We should at least try to see if he is alone. Maybe we can get the jump on him if he doesn't see us coming." Constantine takes a moment to think, but reluctantly agrees. The two stalk the mandroid, but aside from the numbers they have no inherent advantage. "Let's follow from a distance. There is a tree we can climb to see where he goes." Cooper points to the tree and begins to climb. Once he is safely in the tree he yells out to get the attention of S.H.I.T. "Hey! Over here!" he yells. Constantine looks up and swears at him and readies for a fight. As S.H.I.T. turns around he sees the two Vis Imperium members and notices a sly smile on Cooper's face. "This one does not like betrayal. This one also respects the career of the one John Constantine. Run if you wish. This one has no qualms with you." Constantine looks confused but backs up slowly as S.H.I.T. turns his attention to Cooper. The Aussie calls Constantine a coward before he leaps out of the tree at the mandroid. A Piston Chop connects with Cooper though and he falls limp. The impact of the blow forced the top of the spine to dislodge from the skull, severing motor function. Cooper looks around, but is unable to move. "You should go now Mr. Constantine." The Hall of Famer doesn't think twice and turns to retreat, officially dissolving Vis Imperium. He turns back one last time to see S.H.I.T. Piston Chop the head of Cooper and see blood dripping from his hand. S.H.I.T. is credited with the kill.

    Vis Imperium is officially dissolved with the death of Justin Cooper, though Constantine is still unaware Keaton is dead.

    44 Remain - End of Night Four

    Deaths Thus Far

    1. Xander (Parachute failed to deploy)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr. Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex Mussel)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple stab wounds from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar from Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck slice by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head crushed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to skull by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone Blades)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Piston Chopped by S.H.I.T.)

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  3. #12
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    44 Remain - Start of Day Five

    elegANT is washing his shirt in the ocean when a pair of hands grab him and throw him into the ocean. "Let's see is ants can swim." laughs the culprit, Flex Mussel. Surprisingly, elegANT is able to swim back to shore but is no match for the powerful Flex, who throws him back just for fun. When he lands he lets out a small "ouch" and by the time he is able to get his bearing in the water, it is too late. Flex treads into the water slightly and notices a small stonefish next to where elegANT landed. Flex wisely retreats, not wanting to meet the same fate from the potent venom. Flex is credited with his third kill of the contest.

    43 Remain

    "I'm telling you this is all somehow Justin Trudeau's fault. This is what happens when the 'tolerant left' is given too much control. I mean, were Nazis really that bad?" The voice is that of "Showtime" David Cougar. He is using a small stick as a microphone and trying to interview a squirrel like animal. "And then I said, the left can't meme." Showtime then falls to the ground, dead. The sound of an axe being pulled from his back is heard as the original Hall of Famer, Everest kneels next to his fellow Hall of Fame brother. "I'll make sure to avenge those who put us here and drove you to this madness." He says before he treks deeper into the jungle. Everest is credited with the kill.

    42 Remain

    Tyrone is still carrying his handmade spear when he comes upon a small clearing. He makes sure to check the area before he cuts across. He thinks better of it though when he hears a noise. He isn't sure what it is, but he hunkers down low and scans the area again. He sees something moving just on the other side but can't make out what it is. He decides to walk just inside the jungle and make his way there. The movement is Sam Smith, crushing up some plants. He snorts one of the crushed plants up his nose, but just starts to cough and sneeze. "Old habits die hard, I see." Tyrone says as he readies his spear. "Just do it man, I can't get my fix. I thought I had kicked the habit when I became a lawyer, but it came back once I got to WZCW. Why I gave up a successful law career for a forever midcard wrestling career I will never know, but damn it I was a good midcard champion!" Tyrone simply shrugs. "Are you sure you want this?" Smith nods and gives Tyrone an easy shot. Tyrone doesn't buy it and Smith is angry. He throws the powder he had hidden in his hand at Tyrone, but Tyrone was ready and manages to slash Smith across the cheek. The sight of blood freaks Smith out a bit and he runs at Tyrone, who only needs to step to his side and trip Smith, who is clearly under the influence of something. Tyrone takes the spear in one hand and kicks Smith in the side. He rolls over in pain and Tyrone uses the blunt end to smack Smith in the chest. He then looks down at Smith, who is smiling as Tryone takes the spear and cuts across the neck of Smith. Tyrone keeps a hand over Smith's mouth until he bleeds out. Tyrone is credited with his second kill.

    41 Remain

    The Beard and and The Masked Gent are watching two elephants knock leaves from a tree. They are watching because King Shabba is trying to corral one of them and use it to his advantage. "I used to ride an elephant to the ring, how hard can it be to tame one?" He asks as he prods one with a stick. Beard and Gent approach and Beard distracts Shabba with some poetry, about beards of course. The Gent takes a branch that had fallen and smacks the elephant with it to get it to run, trampling Shabba. He is flattened and Beard begins to celebrate, when he is hit over the head with the same branch. "Why?" he softly mutters. "I'm a changed man old friend. No longer am I the masked Gentlemen, now, I am Xander LeBelle!" Gent proclaims as he rips his mask off. He bashes Beard in the head with the branch a few more times until he stops moving. LeBelle is credited with the kills of Shabba and Beard, making him the first with a double kill. He makes a quick retreat though as the elephants are making a lot of noise.

    The alliance of The Bearded Gents is no more

    39 Remain

    James Howard still has the torch he used to kill Michael Winters earlier in the contest, though it is no longer lit. "Come on you silent bitch!" he yells as he urges Kagura to attack. She feints like she is going to attack, but Howard's MMA background pays dividends as he is able to watch her body language and know it is a fake. Looking at the blood and scrapes, its evident the two have been locked in a battle for some time. Kagura raises her machete and drops it at her side. She urges Howard to attack her. "Honorable move. Honorable, but fucking stupid." Howard charges and manages club her in the arm, but she keeps her ground. He swings again but misses due to a well time dodge. He swings again, with more malice this time and Kagura is able to use his momentum and connect with a judo throw. He drops the torch, but scrambles for the machete. Kagura stops this with a vicious shining wizard. Howard falls flat. Kagura, knowing Howard has a history of neck issues, checks him. He lies flat, but she wants to make sure she has finished the job. She grabs him by the head and lifts him up, and Howard responds by stabbing a knife into her thigh. "Stupid bitch." Howard mocks her as she falls back. He stretches his neck to the side and a popping sound can be heard. "Oh you almost got me, that was a hell of a shot. Luckily surgery repaired most of the damage after my retirement. Too bad this is the end for you." He bends over to grab the machete, but falls to the ground clutching his neck. Kagura falls as well, putting pressure on the now open wound in her thigh. Howard looks at Kagura, who smiles at him as he pulls the knife from his neck and slowly fades into the darkness. Kagura takes the knife to cut Howard's shirt and fashion a makeshift bandage for her thigh. She is credited with her third kill, though she has paid hefty prices for two of them. She knows she must find shelter soon, as nightfall approaches.

    38 Remain - End of Day Five

    Deaths Thus Far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)

  4. #13
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    38 Remain - Start of Night Five

    Amber Warren is fighting with Armando Paradyse and is thoroughly kicking his ass. Like someone needs to call Momma and tell her that she raised a bitch. Out of nowhere, Amber stops the beating. "I know I'm about to do something great, but I don't wanna do this anymore. She walks to the ocean and stands there. Armando follows and tries to push her, but he falls. Amber turns and sighs before he walks into the ocean to her death. Not only did Amber quit right before a big W, but no one can get credit for her fucking off. Armando tries to stand, but feels a sharp pain in his hand. That goddamn stonefish strikes again. Armando stumbles around and panics, only quickening the inevitable. He falls and begins to spasm and takes in too much water. He soon passes. No one gets credit for either kill.

    36 Remain - End of Night Five

    Deaths thus far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)
    23. Amber Warren (Walked into ocean to quit the game)
    24. Armando Paradyse (Stung by stonefish and drowned)
    Last edited by Yaz; 10-13-2018 at 10:55 PM.

  5. #14
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    36 Remain - Start of Day Six

    Steven Holmes is resting next to a rock. "Putting a broken old man on this godforsaken island. Whose bloody idea was this?" He groans. "I rather like the idea of us being stranded on an island with you all." Holmes turns and squints to see Alhazred standing on top of the rock. He is, of course, thrusting he pelvis. "Would you mind taking that elsewhere? You are in the presence of The Elite." Holmes quips back. "Nah, its fisting time old man." Alhazred jumps off the rock and presses a button on his power glove before he bunches Holmes in the chest. He falls over, dead almost instantly. Alhazred presses another button and then touches the glove with his other hand. He recoils a bit. "Might need to turn the electrical flow down a bit. I didn't mean to kill the old fucker so quickly." Alhazred then teabags Holmes before he runs off. Alhazred is credited with the kill.

    35 Remain

    Flex is running, leaping over some downed trees. He is bleeding on his forearm and back. Someone is in pursuit. Flex tries to leap over another fallen tree, but trips and rolls under another tree. He lies low and keeps his eyes peeled from the direction he was running. "You cannot hide forever. The Devil himself has sent me to do his bidding, and I gladly obey." The voice is that of Dorian Slaughter, who is slowly making his way toward Flex's position. For the first time all competition, Flex looks panicked as Dorian lets the whip he is carrying drag the ground. Flex knows he can't keep running so he gets to his feet and readies to fight. Dorian laughs, he has a clear upper hand. He lashes the ship out next to Flex, who does his best not to flinch. Dorian then lashes it out again and hits Flex in the knee, dropping him to the ground. "If you are going to kill me, just kill me." Flex growls from his knees. Dorian laughs again. "It is not his will." He snaps the whip, catching Flex across the face. Dorian stands in front of Flex and bends down to lick the blood from his cheek. When he does, Flex punches him in the dick. He falls over and Flex grabs the whip. He tries to snap it at Dorian, but is unable to figure it out. He simply wraps the whip around Dorian's neck and begins to choke him. "Bit of a kinky way to go out, don't you think?" Flex mocks as Dorian tries to fight him off. The earlier blows have weakened Flex, but he is still too much and eventually the life is gone from Slaughter. Flex tries the whip a few more times but can't get the hang of it and tosses it aside. Flex is credited with yet another kill.

    34 Remain - End of Day Six

    Deaths thus far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)
    23. Amber Warren (Walked into ocean to quit the game)
    24. Armando Paradyse (Stung by stonefish and drowned)
    25. Steven Holmes (Electric Powerglove punch from Alhazred)
    26. Dorian Slaughter (Choked by Flex)

  6. #15
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    34 Remain - Start of Night Six

    Tyrone is carrying his spear with him when he comes upon two bodies. The first is the body of Vengeance. He has ligature marks on his neck, which Tyrone find suspicious, as he is also covered in blood. Tyrone plants his spear in the ground and kneels to pay respect to one of his first rivals. He notices out of the corner of his eye that the body next to Vengeance moved slightly. "Farewell old friend." Tyrone stands and keeps an eye on the body next to Vengeance. The moonlight is faint, but Tyrone can tell the body isn't dead. Tyrone grabs his spear and in one swift motion goes to plunge it into the back of the other body, but the body springs to life and stabs Tyrone in the leg. "I see you have a keen mind and eye. Too bad here tonight is where you die." Tyrone falls to the ground clutching his leg as Dr. Zeus stands over him. Zeus goes to grab the knife from Tyrone's leg, but Tyrone punches and kicks at him as he scoots away. Zeus begins to flash an evil grin, he is enjoying watching Tyrone suffer. Tyrone continues to scoot away with Zeus approaching. Zeus lunges for the knife, but Tyrone catches him with his boot and Zeus falls to the ground. He recovers and tries to grab the knife, which Tyrone rips from his leg and throws into the night. Zeus looks a little shocked, but then grins again. "You only continue your struggle, but there is way to avoid this trouble." Zeus' familiar rhyming haunts the night. Zeus looks at the moon and laughs before he advances back on Tyrone. Zeus dives toward Tyrone, but he was able to get to his spear and Zeus lands on it. Tyrone uses his good leg to kick Zeus off his spear before he hobbles to his feet and stabs Zeus a second time. "That last one didn't rhyme bitch." Tyrone then spits on Zeus, finally getting his revenge on the Pale Rider. Tyrone is credited with the kill.

    33 Remain

    The sounds of steel clashing together is broken up only by the sounds of waves. The sound is a katana. Saboteur has managed to find one, which is rather lucky all things considered. He is locked in a battle with Theron Daggershield, who is swinging his prop sword. Theron is yelling a bunch of weird battle cries that just seem to make Saboteur laugh. "You are a weird guy Theron." Saboteur says as they continue their sword dual. Theron says some stuff, but most of it is gibberish that makes no sense. He then swings, but Saboteur blocks and kicks Theron in the chest. "You do not play fair Mr. Infiltrator. Mystra will not look upon you fairly." Saboteur just laughs. "Are you for real?" This angers Theron who runs at Saboteur and tries to tackle him, but Saboteur moves aside. Theron vanishes into the night. Saboteur laughs some more before he gives chase. "I have a real sword, his is fake, why am I doing this?" Saboteur asks himself as he runs. Suddenly Theron jumps from a bush and yells 'boo!' at Saboteur. "Yeah, verbal Critical Hit!" Saboteur is having none of it and swings and decapitates Theron, killing him instantly. Saboteur is credited with the kill.

    32 Remain

    Saboteur then picks up the severed head and makes it talk, speaking in some made up language. He laughs hysterically. Suddenly Saboteur falls to the ground. His neck snapped. A culprit reaches down and picks up the katana. "No, there is no honor in importing foreign goods. Good old fashioned FlexAmerican muscle will do just fine." Flex then hurls the katana into the ocean. Flex is credited with another kill.

    31 Remain - End of Night Six

    Deaths thus far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)
    23. Amber Warren (Walked into ocean to quit the game)
    24. Armando Paradyse (Stung by stonefish and drowned)
    25. Steven Holmes (Electric Powerglove punch from Alhazred)
    26. Dorian Slaughter (Choked by Flex)
    27. Dr. Zeus (Stabbed by Tyrone)
    28. Theron Daggershield (Decapitated by Saboteur)
    29. Saboteur (Neck snapped by Flex)

    In A Hidden Bunker

    A group of men, seen only from the back, are seen watching the events unfold on multiple monitors. There is a giant board displaying those dead, and the cause of death.

    "Almost half the competitors are down and ratings are through the roof. This is just what WZCW needed."

  7. #16
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    31 Remain - Start of Day Seven

    USA is waterboarding Blade. Despite this, Adams thinks he is still a good guy. "Tell me who the terrorist sons of bitches are who put us here. I know you know!" The torture continues, as USA does not give Blade time to speak. Suddenly Adams falls to the ground with blood tricking from his head. Harald var Krigare stands over the two and swings the pipe one more time, connecting with USA's head and putting him down for good. HVK is credited with the kill.

    30 - Remain

    "We Europeans needs to stick together." Harald says as he extends a hand to Blade. Blade pulls him down and stabs him in the stomach as he does. "Ireland forever." Blade retorts. He then takes the pipe and bashes Harald until the life leaves his massive body. Blade is credited with the kill. he dusts himself off, but forgets the knife in Harald's stomach as he walks off.

    29 - Remain

    Chris K.O. is sitting on a stump, looking dejected. "It was only a volleyball, and I threw it away to save our lives!" Eve Taylor yells at him. Chris looks up, something behind Eve catches his eye. He does not warn her as Ricky Runn leaps from a tree and knocks her to the ground. "This is your Austin you heart breaking bitch!" Ricky lands on her and begins to punch away. He has no weapon, but he is fucking her up. Chris walks over and Ricky prepares to fight. Chris simply hands him the crowbar used to murder Austin Reynolds and walks away. Ricky slams the crowbar into Eve's face, breaking her orbital. He swings again, this blow breaking her nose. The third and final blow cracks her skull. She doesn't pass instantly, but Ricky is satisfied. He looks for Chris K.O. but he has vanished. Ricky Runn is credited with the kill.

    The alliance of Eve Taylor and Chris K.O. has been dissolved.

    28 Remain

    "Conspiracy, its all a conspiracy!" Drake Callahan is shouting. He sounds drunk. "Come on you son of a bitch, I'll fight you. I hot a woman once, I'll fight you too." He is drunk, but the footsteps approaching are real. It is Everest. The Hall of Famer holds his hands up to show he isn't a threat. "Drake, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to find out who put us here and how we can get home." Drake isn't having it and swings an empty bottle at Everest and hits him in the head. "I'll send you home in a box." Drake takes a shard of the broken glass and slices the neck of Everest. He then grabs another bottle and starts to drink. The sounds of a gasping Everest anger Drake, who smashes the half full bottle into his face. He then kicks him in the face before he goes back to drinking. Drake is credited with the kill on Everest.

    27 Remain - End of Day Seven

    Deaths thus far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)
    23. Amber Warren (Walked into ocean to quit the game)
    24. Armando Paradyse (Stung by stonefish and drowned)
    25. Steven Holmes (Electric Powerglove punch from Alhazred)
    26. Dorian Slaughter (Choked by Flex)
    27. Dr. Zeus (Stabbed by Tyrone)
    28. Theron Daggershield (Decapitated by Saboteur)
    29. Saboteur (Neck snapped by Flex)
    30. Ulysses S. Adams (Beaten wih a pipe by Harald)
    31. Harald Var Krigare (Stabbed and beaten with a pipe by Blade)
    32. Eve Taylor (Face smashed with crowbar by Ricky Runn
    33. Everest (Broken glass to neck by Drake Callahan)

  8. #17
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    27 Remain - Start of Night Seven

    Drake Callahan is still drunk and having an unusually good time for a man stranded on an island in game of fight to the death. Where he got all the alcohol is a mystery, but he is living his best life. He is partying so hard that he doesn't hear S.H.I.T. approaching. He offers the mandroid a drink once he realizes whats up, but the robot declines. S.H.I.T. then Piston Chops Drake and knocks him backward and to the ground. As the mandroid approaches, Drake tosses his bottle at S.H.I.T. and it causes him to have a freak out. Drake then stumbles forward and grabs his foe and hits his signature Last Call brainbuster onto a rock. S.H.I.T.'s neck snaps and he falls limp. Drake celebrates by pouring one out for the departed homie he is credited with killing.

    26 Remain - End of Night Seven

    Deaths Thus Far

    1. Xander (Parachute failure)
    2. Rush (Heart attack)
    3. Action Saxton (Knife wound from Big Will)
    4. Mr Baller (Head and neck crushed by Flex)
    5. Vengeance (Hanged by Stetson Hayes)
    6. Gordito (Stabbed by Dr. Zeus)
    7. Michael Winters (Burned and tortured by James Howard)
    8. Big Dave (Multiple machete stabs from Kagura)
    9. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams (Drowned by USA)
    10. Austin Reynolds (Face smashed with crowbar by Eve Taylor)
    11. Keith Kole (Neck sliced by Kagura)
    12. Yemrez Reqonic (Head smashed with rock by Flex)
    13. Vega (Hatchet to face by Ace)
    14. "Remarkable" Mark Keaton (Thrown off cliff by Tyrone)
    15. Annie Halloway (Electrocuted by Armando Paradyse)
    16. Justin Cooper (Skull splitting Piston Chop by S.H.I.T.)
    17. elegANT (Thrown onto stonefish by Flex)
    18. "Showtime" David Cougar (Axe to back by Everest)
    19. Sam Smith (Neck slashed by Tyrone)
    20. King Shabba (Trampled by elephant enraged by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    21. The Beard (Head smashed with branch by Xander LeBelle/The Masked Gent)
    22. James Howard (Stabbed in neck by Kagura)
    23. Amber Warren (Walked into ocean to quit the game)
    24. Armando Paradyse (Stung by stonefish and drowned)
    25. Steven Holmes (Electric Powerglove punch from Alhazred)
    26. Dorian Slaughter (Choked by Flex)
    27. Dr. Zeus (Stabbed by Tyrone)
    28. Theron Daggershield (Decapitated by Saboteur)
    29. Saboteur (Neck snapped by Flex)
    30. Ulysses S. Adams (Beaten wih a pipe by Harald)
    31. Harald Var Krigare (Stabbed and beaten with a pipe by Blade)
    32. Eve Taylor (Face smashed with crowbar by Ricky Runn
    33. Everest (Broken glass to neck by Drake Callahan)
    34. S.H.I.T. (Brainbuster from Drake Callahan)

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