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Thread: TNA My Way | TEW 2003 Wrestling Simulation LP

  1. #101
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Almost each show I get a message from Batista talking about how certain members of the roster don't deserve to be there, mostly the women. I'm gonna post up my next show, have a little surprise you will enjoy.

  2. #102
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    Still waiting to get a nerd to do a world mod update for mine, I have no clue how to do it.
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

  3. #103
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
    Space Invaders Champion! Moon Lander Champion! Mario Bloons Shooting Champion!

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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 16
    Week 1, April 2004 CA Leavey Center (South West)
    Attendance: 4,102
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Little Nattie vs. Rena Mero
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Rena Mero defeated Nattie in 8:25 by pinfall while grabbing hold of the ropes.

    Triple X vs. Bobby Lashley & Ace Steel
    Crowd Reaction: N/A
    In-Ring Action: Extremely Poor
    Triple X defeated Lashley & Steel in 8:24 when Elix Skipper made Steel submit to a Crossface.

    Shark Boy vs. Chris Harris
    Crowd Reaction: N/A
    In-Ring Action: Extremely Poor
    Chris Harris defeated Shark Boy in 7:41 by pinfall after a Catatonic.

    Mystiko vs. Matt Striker
    Crowd Reaction: N/A
    In-Ring Action: Extremely Poor
    Mystiko defeated Matt Striker in 7:58 by DQ, Striker using a roll of pennies in full view of the referee.

    Kid Kash vs. Super Crazy vs. Ultimo Dragon
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Ultimo Dragon defeated Kash & Crazy in 11:31 when Dragon pinned Kash following an Asai DDT.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Authority
    For the past couple of weeks, GM Roddy Piper has been on top of the game, and now he wants to give back to the TNA fans. He knew Curt Hennig was due a rematch for the TNA Legends title. He knew Savage did Styles dirty at Destination X. So tonight the main event is going to be a Triple Threat for Randy Savage's gold.

    Segment: Mystery
    After Roddy Piper said his piece, the camera focused on the office door, which was ajar. Someone watched Piper make his announcement...

    Abyss vs. James Storm
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Abyss defeated James Storm in 7:55 by pinfall after a Black Hole Slam. After the match, Father James Mitchell took a bow, promoting his "work of art" that is Abyss.

    Segment: PPV Hype
    Video of Samoa Joe, who will not forget Raven's unsportsmanlike conduct at Destination X. That night the better man won, but Raven can't sit on his perch forever. Lockdown will be Joe's night, even if it means going through friend and foe alike for the trophy. He hopes Raven beats Goldberg just for them to meet again, but at Slammiversary.

    Segment: Tag Team Promo
    The James Gang are under the weather, beating trash cans and tossing various garbage around the backstage area. They want to see the Bad Street Boyz again, very very soon.

    Segment: Talking To The Audience
    It was only for a moment, but Jeff Jarrett came out all beaten down. Fans laughed and jeered The Owner. His face went scarlet with fury, and told them in no uncertain terms he will have his vengeance.

    Juventud Guerrera vs. Konnan - Winner Gets A Lockdown Entry
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Konnan defeated Juvy in 11:50 by DQ, when Juice kicked him in the nards. Konnan gets a spot in next month's tournament.

    Segment: Cage Dancing
    Cheerleader Melissa entered the pod, but it was clear she wasn't into it. Still pissed off about her match a few nights ago, she left the cage, slamming it loudly.

    Segment: Couple
    Ron Killings was about to have an interview with Todd Pettengill, but Velvet Sky of all people intervened. She started flirting with the star, asking him if he could get her a role for Break It 3. He grinned and told her he thought she was with Juventud. Sky winked and said "that's about to change".

    Segment: Product Shilling
    Rena Mero revealed the cover of this month's Playboy magazine ...which she is on! With some other blondie.

    Segment: PPV Hype
    Curt Hennig promoted Lockdown and the Main Event, telling viewers that his sun may be setting soon, but before night falls he will take the Legends Championship AND the Lord of the Lockdown trophy with him. He's been truly humbled by his experiences here, but there's still a fire burning inside and come Hell or high water he will see his career through to the bitter end.

    LuFisto vs. Mickie James
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Good
    LuFisto defeated Mickie James in 8:01 by pinfall after using a foreign object, her baton.

    Segment: PPV Hype
    Now Goldberg with the hype promo. He discussed his win against Jarrett, but he was just getting started. Raven was a clever man, but talkers don't last very long when put in a ring with him. Whatever tricks Raven may be up to will not be enough to take the TNA World title away from him. He came to TNA for this very reason, to be the beast he was born to be, and he quite likes his gold.

    Segment: Backstage Promo
    Raven gloats about beating Samoa Joe and making him tap to his own finisher. He also points out that there's a shift in TNA and asks if Goldberg can feel it. His time at the top of the mountain is coming to an end. The suits have had their fun, and the first fires of the revolution have been lit. Quoth The Raven, Nevermore.

    Main Event: Curt Hennig vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Savage (c)
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Savage defeated Styles and Hennig in 9:25 when Randy pinned Curt with a Diving Elbow Drop. After the match Curt Hennig was distraught. Defense #2 of Randy Savage's TNA Legends Championship.

    Segment: Mystery
    The Titantron went spastic, clipping through video footage of Raven, Goldberg, Curt Hennig, and Samoa Joe's Lockdown promos before settling on Roddy Piper and the person that was watching him. The words "EARLIER TONIGHT" illuminated the screen, and then the person, a masked man, attacked the General Manager with a lead pipe. Styles and Hennig's jaws dropped. Savage raised an eyebrow. Audio of someone laughing ended the show.

    • Bobby Lashley seemed off his game tonight.
    • Roddy Piper worked the crowd well.
    • BG James didn't do well without a script to follow.
    • Kip James struggled.
    • Jeff Jarrett didn't do well either. Well fuck.
    • Konnan was visibly tiring towards the end of his match.
    • Ron Killings improvised well in his segment.
    • LuFisto and Mickie James have Pretty Good chemistry, and it lifted their match.
    • Raven didn't do well without a script. What the hell is going on?
    • AJ Styles seemed off his game tonight.

  4. #104
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Goings On/ Roster Cuts

    Have a few bits of news similar to this one. At first I thought the game was getting spastic because they're still pulling Bs, but I forgot how many people WWE did business with around the world. I still think they'll be fine.

    I set him to On Hiatus like The Rock. Tempted to pull him in, but just like Rock they're still technically contracted to WWE and I'd have to wait til they're in their final month.

    For the first time in a while, TNA lost money this month ( -$72,496). I'd chalk that up to Written Contracts for my few active guys and a couple of big names I'm about to bring to the dinner table.

    Also have to let a few guys go. I'm at 41 right now and making some elbow room would probably be for the best. I hate bloated rosters.

    Some of these may be a shocker, but I just don't have a place for them in the near future:

    Ace Steel
    Bobby Lashley
    Elix Skipper
    Kid Kash

  5. #105
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 17
    Week 2, April 2004 AR K.L. Johnson Complex (Mid West)
    Attendance: 4,094
    Taped For Television

    New Commentary: Jerry Lawler debuted in a three-man with Mike Tenay and Don West

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Stable
    Raven was already in the ring as he re-introduced his old friends from The Cause: Jeff Jarrett, Randy Savage, and Rena Mero. They rechristened themselves The Effect, and claimed full responsibility for the attack on Roddy Piper last week. They're back to restore order, giving Jeff Jarrett his job back as the authority of TNA. Pleased with themselves, they were on their way out...

    Segment: Authority

    Click for Spoiler:

    ...when Mick Foley arrived! And he cut straight to the chase - Piper knew The Cause would try something soon, and signed Foley on as a Worst Case Scenario hire, meaning Mick Foley is the Acting General Manager of TNA! The Effect lost their shit as the fans cheered. Mick instructed Raven that he will be in action tonight against another Worst Case Scenario hire. Randy Savage grabbed the mic from Raven's hands and insulted Foley, saying he had no business meddling in their affairs. Foley replied Savage had no business still wrestling. The two almost came to blows when Security pulled everyone away.


    Juventud Guerrera vs. Chris Sabin
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Juvy defeated Sabin in 8:13 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.

    Segment: Manager
    Bret Hart also made an appearance, and promoted his new client, his niece Nattie Neidhardt. He told the crowd that after tonight, she won't be thought of as "little" anymore. She'll be teaming with Knockouts Champion Amy Dumas later on.

    Segment: Manager
    Father James Mitchell was back at it again, but this time he offered his services to Konnan. K-Dogg laughed in his face.

    Amy Dumas & Nattie Neidhardt vs. LuFisto & Rena Mero
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Amy Dumas & Nattie defeated Mero & LuFisto in 7:33 when Nattie made Rena tap out with The Sharpshooter.

    Post-Match: Catfight
    As they celebrated, LuFisto jumped both women from behind. She threw Nattie out of the ring and depantsed Amy Dumas, exposing her iconic thong fully. LuFisto laughed and skipped towards the exit.

    Segment: Backstage Argument
    Goldberg and Curt Hennig discussed which of The Effect was the one to attack Piper. Curt believed they're just taking responsibility, that the culprit was someone else in the locker room. Goldberg got angry, asking Curt why would they lie. The two got heated for a minute before cooling down, realizing that they need to be on the same page if they're going to eradicate the power-hungry group.

    AJ Styles vs. Ultimo Dragon
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Good
    AJ Styles defeated Ultimo Dragon in 10:26 by pinfall with The Styles Clash.

    Post-Match: Respect
    AJ Styles came up to Dragon, and offered a handshake. Dragon accepted it and the two posed together for the fans.

    Segment: Backstage Interview
    Percy Pringle talked to Ron "The Truth" Killings about losing his X Division title at Destination X. Truth admitted not being fully in the game, but now that there aren't four other dudes to keep an eye on, he wants his rematch against Low Ki mano e mano. Last time they fought, Low Ki couldn't answer the referee's 10 Count. Truth wanted to see if he can respond next week in a Last Man Standing Match!

    Pre-Match: Walking Backstage

    Click for Spoiler:

    STING IS HERE! The Icon's music filled the arena as he walked from the parking lot, through the backstage hallway, and onto the ramp. He slapped hands with a few from the front row and stepped inside the ring.


    Main Event: ??? vs. Raven
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Sting defeated Raven in 11:28 by DQ when Rena Mero handed Raven a bat and Raven pummeled him in full view of the referee. Raven stood staring down at Sting as the show came to an end.

    • Raven clearly enjoyed the freedom to go off-script.
    • Mick Foley debuted his Fan Favorite gimmick. It got an A*.
    • Mick worked the crowd well.
    • Randy Savage improvised well.
    • The Juvy vs. Sabin match was too long given who all was involved.
    • Bret Hart debuted his Fun Babyface gimmick. It got an A*.
    • Bret improvised well without a script.
    • Father James Mitchell improvising interactions with the crowd.
    • Nattie Neidhardt and Bret Hart are a good pairing, they play off each other well.
    • AJ Styles and Ultimo Dragon have Great chemistry, and it showed in their performance.
    • Ron Killings struggled while going off-script.
    • Ron Killings has a dreadfully stale character, a change is needed.
    • Percy Pringle worked the crowd well.
    • Sting debuted his Old School Face gimmick. It got an A*.

  6. #106
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 18
    Week 2, April 2004 AK Curtis Menard Sports (North West)
    Attendance: 3,870
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Chris Harris vs. Jay Lethal
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Jay Lethal made his debut by defeating Harris in 7:43 with a surprise rollup.

    Bad Street vs. Sabin & Sydal
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Bad Street defeated Sabin & Sydalin 11:02 when Matthews pinned Sydal with a Virginia Neck Tie after valet Cheerleader Melissa interfered.

    Abyss & James Storm vs. Shark Boy & Mystiko
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Abyss & Storm defeated Shark Boy & Mystiko in 8:48 when Abyss defeated Shark Boy by pinfall after The Black Hole Slam.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Ron Killings vs. Low Ki (c) in a Last Man Standing Match
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Ron Killings defeated Low Ki in 11:48 when Low Ki couldn't answer the ten count following multiple Consequences by Truth. Ron Killings has regained the X Division Championship.

    Segment: Authority
    Done up similar to Trauma: Life in the ER, Roddy Piper was seen slowly making strides in his recovery. He sat down with cameramen and while he thanked Foley and Sting for coming in and keeping the peace, his attacker will be brought to justice by his own hands. He knew who did it, but wanted to see if his assailant was man enough to admit it to the fans. Scene ended on the wild eyes of Piper.

    Segment: Outside Of The Arena
    Amy Dumas was at a small local bar playing with a band a few might know in a few years called The Luchagors. When the band finished their set, they were met with heckling. LuFisto and Cheerleader Melissa were at a table jeering the Knockouts Champion. Amy Dumas leapt off the stage and a bar fight broke out. After Melissa smashed a pint against her cranium, Dumas went through a table after being suplexed by LuFisto!

    Segment: Tag Team Promo
    Crowd Reaction: Lifted
    Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett declared their intent to bring Curt Hennig and Goldberg down a peg tonight. Even though Raven will be the one to meet the World Champion at Lockdown, Jarrett promised to be the one to give Goldberg his first pin in the Main Event. Savage reminded the folks at home that no matter who claims to be in charge around here, whether it's a crippled Scotsman or a crippled stuntman, the Jesus Christ of Pro Wrestling answers to no one.

    Velvet Sky vs. Nattie Neidhardt
    Crowd Reaction: not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Velvet Sky defeated Nattie in 7:45 by Pinfall after a Blond Ambition following interference from her boyfriend Juvy.

    Segment: Authority
    Mick Foley was backstage with Raven. Raven demanded a challenge tonight, and he didn't care who it was. Foley agreed and reminded him that he acted unbecoming of a #1 Contender when he assaulted Samoa Joe last pay per view, so they'll be meeting up again very soon. Raven sighed and said of course he'd book him against Samoa Joe.

    Segment: Backstage
    Sting was in the building! But...someone was watching him very closely. They followed him from the Parking Lot and to the Locker Room. There was a lead pipe in their hands...but then the person in question laughed and dropped the pipe to the ground. It gave a resounding metallic clang.

    Samoa Joe vs. Raven
    Crowd Reaction: Good
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Samoa Joe defeated Raven in 8:03 when Raven kicked him in the nards. DQ.

    Segment: Manager
    Father James Mitchell was back at it again, this time badgering AJ Styles. AJ told him to buzz off. Aaand scene.

    Segment: Video Package
    It's a hype vid for The Effect vs. Goldberg and Hennig coming up. Legends Champion and former World versus World and former Legends Champion.

    Segment: PPV Hype
    Jerry Lawler got up from commentary and explained the scenario for Lockdown: Barring injury or acts of God, last year's winner will compete and defend the mantle of Lord. Meaning Ron Killings is automatically entered. This got fans excited.

    Main Event: The Effect vs. Goldberg & Curt Hennig
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    The Effect defeated Goldberg & Hennig when Jarrett pinned Goldberg following a run-in distraction by Raven.

    Post-Match: Tantrum
    Hennig went to help Goldberg up, but Goldberg shoved him away. He was clearly pissed off as the show came to a close.

    • Jay Lethal debuted his Happy-Go-Lucky gimmick. It got an A*
    • Shark Boy and Mystiko showed Excellent Chemistry when working together.
    • Ron Killings has now switched to a Dude gimmick. It got an A.
    • Father James Mitchell clearly enjoyed going off-script.

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  8. #107
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Road To Lockdown Champ / Standings

    TNA X Division Champion

    Ron "The Truth" Killings

    I decided what the hell and looked over every company's champion and where they stand compared to TNA's. I don't do this sorta thing much anyways.

    Also have the companies ranked based on Importance.

    WWE Cruiserweight: Spanky E-
    WWE Heavyweight: Kurt Angle A
    WWE Tag Team: Los Guerreros (Eddie & Chavo Guerrero) C-
    WWE Women's: Linda Miles D-
    WWE World: Shawn Michaels A
    WWE World Tag Team: Booker T & Goldust C-

    King Of The Road (Annual Event): AJ Styles B+
    Lord of the Lockdown (Annual Event): Ron Killings B-
    NWA-TNA World: Goldberg B+
    NWA-TNA World Tag Team: The James Gang (BG & Kip James) D+
    TNA Knockouts: Amy Dumas C
    TNA Legends: Randy Savage B-
    TNA X Division: Ron Killings D+

    MLW Global Tag-Team Crown: Carly Colon & CM Punk D-
    MLW World Heavyweight: Shane Douglas B
    MLW World Junior Heavyweight: Paul London D

    3PW Heavyweight: VACANT (Was Jay Lethal) B

    XPW King of the Deathmatch: Vic Grimes B+
    XPW World Heavyweight: Altar Boy Luke B+
    XPW World Tag Team: Danny Doring & Halloween C-

    ROH Champion: Homicide B
    ROH Tag Team: Izzy & Dixie (Special K) C-

    JAPW Heavyweight: Homicide B-
    JAPW Light Heavyweight: EC Negro C-
    JAPW Tag Team: EC Negro & Magic C-
    JAPW Television: Monsta Mack D-

    OVW Heavyweight: American Dragon C+
    OVW Southern Tag Team: VACANT (Was Payne and Matt Morgan, aka Painkillers) D-

    WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight: The Tahitian Prince C-
    WWC Television: Austin Aries D+
    WWC Universal Heavyweight: Jay Briscoe B
    WWC World Tag Team: Reggaeton B & Eddie Colon C-
    WWC World Television: Rico Suave E+

    FWA All-England: Mark Sloan D
    FWA British Heavyweight: Alex Shane B
    FWA British Tag Team: Alex Shane & Ulf Herman D+

    BCW Can-Am Heavyweight: TJ Wilson C+
    BCW Can-Am Tag Team: TNT (Tyson Dux & El Tornado) D+
    BCW Can-Am Television: Larry Destiny D-

    NWA: Wildside SMALL
    NWA Georgia Junior Heavyweight: Onyx C-
    NWA Wildside Heavyweight: NOSAWA B-
    NWA Wildside Tag Team: Tank & Scottie Wrenn D+
    NWA Wildside TV: Hotstuff Hernandez C-

    NECW Heavyweight: Maverick Wild C+
    NECW Tag Team: Alex Arion & Sonny Siaki D+

    UPW Heavyweight: Tom Howard B
    UPW Intercontinental: Ghostwalker D-
    UPW Tag Team: Ballard Brothers (Shane & Shannon Ballard) C-

    IWA Mid-South Heavyweight: Corporal Robinson C+
    IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight: Shark Boy D
    IWA-MS King of the Deathmatch (Annual Event): Corporal Robinson A*
    IWA-MS Ted Petty Invitational (Annual Event): Chris Hero A*

    British Heavyweight: Alex Shane A*
    British Mid-Heavyweight: Robbie Brookside C-
    British Open Tag Team: Doug Williams & Robbie Brookside D+

    HWA Cruiserweight: Rory Fox C
    HWA Heavyweight: Shane Douglas C+
    HWA Tag Team: Matt Stryker & Rory Fox C-

    PWI International Wrestling: Shane Douglas B
    PWI Tag Team: Kid Kash & Michael Modest D

    ECWA Heavyweight: Cheetah Master C+
    ECW Mid-Atlantic: Jose Maximo C-
    ECWA Super 8 (Annual Event): Cheetah Master B-
    ECWA Tag Team: Mr. Ooh La La & Mike Kruel C

    Chaotic Wrestling Heavyweight: Maverick Wild C+
    Chaotic Wrestling New England: Dukes Dalton D
    Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team: Slash & Adam Booker D

    ECCW Hardcore: Dropkick Murphy E+
    ECCW Pacific Cup (Annual Event): Scotty Mac D+
    NWA/ECCW Pacific Northwest Heavyweight: Juggernaut C+
    NWA/ECCW Tag Team: Disco Fury & Johnny Canuck D+

    FIP Heavyweight: Jimmy Yang B-
    FIP Tag Team: Jigsaw & Sonjay Dutt D

    NWA United Kingdom Heavyweight: Andre Baker B
    NWA United Kingdom Junior Heavyweight: Mark Sloan D+

    Stampede British Commonwealth: Carl Oulett D+
    Stampede International Tag Team: Johnny Divine & Harry Smith D+
    Stampede North American Heavyweight: Stampede Kid B

    PWG World Heavyweight: Crowbar C+
    PWG World Tag Team: Juilio Dinero & Eddie Edwards D

    CZW Best of the Best (Annual Event): GQ C
    CZW Death Match (Annual Event): Lobo C
    CZW Ironman: The Messiah C-
    CZW Tournament of Death (Annual Event): Nick Mondo C
    CZW World Heavyweight: The Messiah C+
    CZW World Junior Heavyweight: Ruckus C
    CZW World Tag Team: H8 Club (Nate Hatred & Nick Gage) D+

    APW Tag Team: Team Chismo (Excalibur & Disco Machine) D
    APW Universal Heavyweight: Marty Jannety C+
    APW Worldwide Internet: Super Dragon C-

    CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas: UltraZERO (Mister ZERO & UltraMantis Black) D-
    CHIKARA Grand Championship: Salvatore Rinauro A
    CHIKARA Young Lions Cup: Hallowicked C-


    Brand Prestige: C-

    Brand Momentum: A*

    Size: Cult (Need 8 Regions in America to have C+ in Importance to move up to National status)


    Great Lakes: D-
    Mid Atlantic: D-
    Mid South: D+
    Mid West: D
    New England: D
    North West: D-
    South East: D+
    South West: D-
    Tri State: D
    Puerto Rico: E-
    Hawaii: E+

    The Maritimes: F
    Quebec: F+
    Ontario: F+
    The Prairies: F+
    British Columbia: F+

    Central England: F-
    Northern England: F-
    Scotland: F-
    Southern England: F-
    Ireland: F-

    Northern Mexico: F+
    South Eastern Mexico: F+
    West Central Mexico: F+

    Tohoku: F-
    Kanto: F-
    Chubu: F-
    Kinki: F-
    Chugoku: F-
    Shikoku: F-
    Kyushu: F-
    Hokkaido: F-

    Central Europe: F-
    Scandinavia: F-
    Mediterranean: F-
    Eastern Europe: F-

    Western Australia: F-
    Central Australia: F-
    Eastern Australia: F-
    New Zealand: F-


    Great Lakes: D
    Mid Atlantic: D
    Mid South: D+
    Mid West: D
    New England: D
    North West: D
    South East: D+
    South West: D
    Tri State: D
    Puerto Rico: E+
    Hawaii: D

    The Maritimes: F+
    Quebec: F+
    Ontario: F+
    The Prairies: F+
    British Columbia: F+

    Central England: F-
    Northern England: F-
    Scotland: F-
    Southern England: F-
    Ireland: F-

    Northern Mexico: F+
    South Eastern Mexico: F+
    West Central Mexico: F+

    Tohoku: F-
    Kanto: F-
    Chubu: F-
    Kinki: F-
    Chugoku: F-
    Shikoku: F-
    Kyushu: F-
    Hokkaido: F-

    Central Europe: F-
    Scandinavia: F-
    Mediterranean: F-
    Eastern Europe: F-

    Western Australia: F-
    Central Australia: F-
    Eastern Australia: F-
    New Zealand: F-

    Every place that could be effected right now has shown improvement. Huzzah.

  9. #108
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 19
    Week 3, April 2004 IN Hammond Civic Center (Great Lakes)
    Attendance: 4,120
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Ocean Myst vs. Juventud Guerrera & Matt Striker
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Shark Boy and Mystiko, now going by the team name Ocean Myst, lost to Juvy and Striker in 8:02 when Juvy pinned Mystiko after using a handful of salt with the referee distracted.

    Segment: Backstage
    Ultimo Dragon received a phone call. It was all in Japanese so I couldn't translate it, but Dragon seemed quite chipper during the conversation.

    Samoa Joe vs. Joey Matthews
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Joe defeated Joey in 11:02 by submission with the Coquina Clutch.

    Segment: Hype Package
    Super Crazy is quite super if you give him a chance.

    Abyss vs. Konnan
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Abyss defeated Konnan in 8:49 by Count Out.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Authority
    Todd Pettengill grabbed a brief word with Interim GM Mick Foley. He asked him about The Effect and if he was concerned with what they might do days before Lockdown. Foley wasn't worried, and with the looming presence of Sting now part of TNA he's felt a new wave of confidence there in Indiana. So much so that he's booked the Main Event- it will be Jeff Jarrett, The Owner of TNA, against Mick Foley! He gave a smile and slid back into his office, leaving Todd flummoxed.

    Low Ki vs. Jay Lethal
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Low Ki defeated Lethal in 7:58 by pinfall with a Ki Krusher.

    Segment: Promo
    Ron Killings was in the locker room discussing how much last year's Lockdown win meant to him. He got the opportunity to challenge for the World title at Slammiversary. He has kept a lucrative movie deal in check. Multiple X Division Champion. Who knows what this year would bring for him if he could be Lord of the Lockdown twice in a row...

    Segment: Ringside Brawl
    Amy Dumas came out for a ringside interview with Jerry Lawler, but was stopped short when LuFisto attacked her from behind. LuFisto attempted to toss her over the ramp, but Dumas countered, sending LuFisto flying off the runway! Dumas posed with the Knockouts Championship.

    Segment: Manager
    Father James Mitchell watched the women fight from a wall screen before Percy Pringle got his attention. Pringle stated that for the past few weeks Mitchell has asked around the locker room for management services. Having failed to sign anyone at every turn, should Mitchell focus on bringing Abyss to the focus of TNA? Father James Mitchell smirked, telling him that Abyss was ready, and that whoever gave Pringle his information was a liar. Someone did sign with Mitchell, and he will be in their corner very, very soon.

    AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn vs. America's Most Wanted
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Styles and Lynn defeated AMW in 10:03 when AJ Styles pinned Chris Harris after the Styles Clash .

    Segment: Talking To The Audience
    Curt Hennig came out to address Goldberg and The Effect, but changed his mind as he walked down the ramp. Hennig's time in TNA is coming to a close, he can feel it. For months he just can't reclaim the spirit he had for the business. But he wanted to end things on a high note. He spoke with Foley and will be able to fight in the upcoming Lord of the Lockdown Tournament. He couldn't find his words on what was left to be said, so just gave a thank you and exited.

    Segment: Product Shilling
    Mickie James and Angelina Love are just so fucking cute in their TNA apparel and can't wait to take it off...and send it to you customers when you give your Credit Card information over on

    Segment: Backstage
    Behind closed doors, Sting is berating Goldberg, telling him to get his head in the game. They're still outnumbered. It's possible to eradicate the menace at Lockdown, however - Goldberg retains against Raven and Sting wins the tournament. Being the owner, Jarrett is already has a spot so best Sting could do was request entry as well. Goldberg agreed, and didn't know what came over him last week. Strong front in the face of the enemy!

    Segment: Lockdown Hype
    The James Gang parody The Green Mile, right down to the Kip calling himself Kip James, Kip like taking a nap, it's even spelled the same. Prison might not be in The James Gang's future, but for Lockdown they'll probably have a thing or two in store for the inmates, Kip: "Maybe Mickie will do her famous ping pong trick!"

    Main Event: Mick Foley vs. Jeff Jarrett
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Mick Foley defeated Jeff Jarrett in 18:40 by pinfall.

    Post-Match: Attack
    Raven came out with Randy Savage and Rena Mero in tow. They pummeled Foley into a bloody mess before Raven grabbed a mic. He is sick of the disrespect given by Foley, Sting, Piper, and Goldberg. The Effect are a greater threat to their comfy desk-slobbering lives than they realize. Raven reminded the audience that last year he challenged for the World Championship at Lockdown and won. Goldberg has no strong army to challenge The Effect. It's already over for him. Raven threw the mic down and picked the fallen Jarrett up, smiling at the camera.

    • Todd Pettengill did not do well without a script to follow.
    • Ron Killings was very poor when trying to improvise dialogue.
    • Percy Pringle III improvised well without a script.
    • So did Father James Mitchell.
    • AJ Styles looked good in his match.
    • Curt Hennig struggled when going off-script.
    • Mick Foley was visibly tiring towards the end of the Main Event.
    • Jeff Jarrett seemed off his game tonight.
    • Mick Foley looked good post-match.

  10. #109
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    "when you give your Credit Card information"

    They are gonna be selling feet pics soon aren't they?

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