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Thread: TNA My Way | TEW 2003 Wrestling Simulation LP

  1. #31
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    TNA Sacrifice Hype

    Curt Hennig vs. Raven (c) in a Six Sides of Steel Cage Match

    AJ Styles vs. Juventud Guerrera (c)

    America's Most Wanted vs. The Badstreet Boyz (c)

    Worth noting that this makes The Badstreet Boyz's second title reign with the belts (this is still technically NWA-TNA gold), since they won them February 17, 2001.

    I should also do a better job on showing what the date is for these events. In-game, they're set up with Final Resolution - January, Against All Odds -February, etc. TNA Sacrifice falls on August and Victory Road, what I'm treating as my Battle Royalesque PPV, is September. My PPVs aren't big enough to land me a decent buyrate yet, but I have scheduled them to fall on a Saturday to try and get out of WWE's black hole.

    Signed a load of people, because my profits are up $22,085. Currently my company stands with $5,043,078. I'm as shocked as you are.

    They're all under Exclusive PPAs:

    Bobby Lashley, Enhancement Talent Face

    Nelson Knight aka Viscera, Main Event Heel

    Alexis Laree - renamed Mickie James, Manager Face

    Talia Madison - renamed Velvet Sky, Manager Heel

    There are certain guys I'm just not interested in signing that I know could benefit my company. Sabu is one. I flat out don't like him. Shane Douglas is another. In-game, he is working for at least six different promotions including his own booking gig XPW.

    Also TNA is going through a weird phase if you can't tell where women are doing the valet thing. Here's a list of who all is managing whom:

    Chris Sabin - Lollipop
    The Badstreet Boyz - Cheerleader Melissa
    CM Punk - Mickie James
    John Hennigan - Angelina Love
    Juventud Guerrera - Velvet Sky
    Sonny Siaki - Desire

    Not ready to pull the trigger on a Knockouts Division, obviously, but we're close to getting them involved in a match...

    I also let Dixie Carter, The Harris Brothers, and Mike Sanders go. Carter was on a Written contract so had to pay her to leave. Was a bit more than a grand, which isn't that bad.

  2. #32
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Nelson Knight aka Viscera, Main Event Heel.......You are a goddamn mad man.

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  4. #33
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    That was the auto-push fucking with me. Usually I micromanage but figured "eh they'll put Mabel in a good enough spot..."

    Of course I'm still going to get my money's worth off his rap/goth/rapey ass.

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  6. #34
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Yeah the autopush can be weird. Joey Ryan is an opener but Alicia Fox is a main eventer if I auto push so

  7. #35
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    TNA Sacrifice 2003


    Opener: Samoa Joe vs. Elix Skipper vs. Shark Boy vs. Jason Cross
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Joe defeated Elix Skipper in 12:30 by Submission with the Coquina Clutch.

    Bobby Lashley vs. Sonny Siaki
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Lashley defeated Siaki in 7:53 by Pinfall.

    Ace Steel vs. Chris Sabin vs. Low Ki
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much in The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Steel defeated Low Ki in 10:07 by Pinfall with the Spinal Shock.

    The New Church vs. The S.A.T.
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Joel Maximo pinned Slash in 11:44 after a Spanish Fly. Father James Mitchell was beside himself.

    Main Event: John Hennigan vs. Jerry Lynn
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Lynn defeated Hennigan in 7:59 after a DQ due to Hennigan kicking him in the nuts.

    TNA Sacrifice

    Opener: Dueling Promos
    Raven begins the show by claiming to have broken the spirit of every suit in the back. Even Jeff Jarrett, the man who built this house, can't look him in the eye anymore. Together with Konnan and several hungry wolves ready to bare their teeth, Raven is going to make a banquet of the bourgeois. Cue Curt Hennig, who is here to make a stand against the chaos. Raven agrees that Hennig is "the perfect little soldier" who seems to crusade for Jarrett and the others lately, but just like the Christian crusaders of yore, they're not going to win back the holy land. Raven lifts the title. Curt Hennig stares at it.

    Segment: Dueling Promos, Continued
    Crowd Reaction: Lifted
    A new music hits. Nelson Knight, the super heavyweight he is, towers over Curt Hennig on the stage. Hennig gazes up at him, and Knight sneers. Raven introduces the man as his bodyguard and blue chip. Tonight, Nelson Knight will face Ron "The Truth" Killings while he and Hennig will dance in the cage. That way, Raven can can walk into Victory Road with no worthy challengers. Nelson Knight steps into the ring and shakes Raven's hand.

    Segment: Manager w/Client
    Percy Pringle III gets in AJ Styles's ear about what it means to win back the X Division Championship tonight. There are rumors that Juventud is an informant for Konnan and this shadow army Raven is building behind the scenes, and it would be a blow to them if Styles can regain the belt back in Juvy's first defense. Styles says nothing, contemplating how big this night truly is.

    AJ Styles vs. Juventud Guerrera (c)
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Good
    AJ Styles defeated Juvy in 13:05 by DQ after Juventud struck Styles in the head with the title.

    Segment: Promo
    Konnan is here to tell us that TNA is hiring minorities to fight him, and he sees that as a really messed up thing to do. Days ago, Rena Mero signed...Super Crazy! He feels sorry for Crazy, but must make an example out of him.

    Segment: Interview Manager w/Client
    Matt Striker is here to talk with Father James Mitchell. Mitchell says he's taught The New Church everything he knew, yet still they refuse to obey him and that's why they're in the shape they're in. Mitchell says he needs a new protege. One that listens. One that is willing to do everything it takes to win. One that's a true demon in the ring. Cameras pan over Mitchell's shoulder to reveal Abyss.

    America's Most Wanted vs. The Badstreet Boyz (c) in an Elimination Tag Match
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    The Badstreet Boyz defeated America's Most Wanted in 13:52. James Storm was eliminated first, and then Chris Harris. During the match Cheerleader Melissa interfered to cost Harris. Defense #1.

    Segment: TNA Shilling
    Pre-recorded video of Mickie James, Angelina Love, and Cheerleader Melissa in a hot tub. They splash around, get out, and dry themselves off. Their asses spell out T-N-A.

    Konnan vs. Super Crazy
    Crowd Reaction: Good
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Konnan defeated Super Crazy in 11:45 by Pinfall after an unseen lowblow.

    Segment: Authority
    Rena Mero is busy signing papers when BG James comes in. He is nervous about Killings and what he will do with James's TNA Contract. Mero smiles and tells him not to worry - she bought the contract back from Truth for a handsome pay increase. BG is relieved and turns to leave. Mero tsked him, and asks him he better get ready. Tonight she wants to see him fight Jeff Jarrett. James's eyes widen.

    Kid Kash vs. CM Punk
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Punk defeated Kash in 8:08 by Submission with the Anaconda Vice.

    Segment: Cage Dancing
    New girl Velvet Sky takes the stage. She has the audience eating out of her hands - the elderly and the children, gay men and straight women alike.

    Segment: Hype Package
    You're still going to see Curt Hennig, the company man who believes in doing what's right, pitted against TNA World Champion Raven, who isn't about either of those things.

    Nelson Knight vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Ron Killings defeated Knight in 7:48 when he knocked Nelson Knight out.

    BG James vs. Jeff Jarrett
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    BG James defeated Jeff Jarrett in 12:49 by Pinfall, using the ropes for leverage.

    Segment: Post-Match
    Jarrett exchanges words with BG James. Without warning, Double J delivers a closed right fist. He throws everything he has at James as the referee tries to break it up. The referee is shoved off. Jarrett launches BG into the corner post. He goes and grabs his guitar at ringside, glaring at it maniacally. He brakes it over Jame's face from the outside. Fans boo wrathfullly at the unsportsmanlike display.

    Main Event: Curt Hennig vs. Raven (c) in a Six Sides of Steel Cage Match
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Raven defeated Hennig in 18:26 by Pinfall after the Raven Effect and Raven clutching the cage itself to secure the victory. Defense #3.

    • Bobby Lashley debuted his Patriot gimmick. It got an A*.
    • Ace Steel swapped to a Happy-Go-Lucky gimmick. It got an A.
    • John Hennigan vs. Jerry Lynn went too long given who was involved.
    • Curt Hennig worked the crowd well through improvisation.
    • Raven struggled while going off-script.
    • Raven improvised well introducing Nelson Knight.
    • Nelson Knight debuted his Bodyguard gimmick. It got a C+.
    • Percy Pringle III clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off-script and performed well.
    • Percy Pringle III looked good.
    • Juventud Guerrera and his valet, Velvet Sky, have Great chemistry.
    • Velvet Sky debuted her Cocky Youth gimmick. It got an A*.
    • Matt Striker debuted his Geek gimmick. It got an A.
    • The performance of Abyss was good.
    • Super Crazy has debuted his Thrill Seeker gimmick. It got a D-.
    • Konnan and Super Crazy have Great chemistry and it showed in their match.
    • Mickie James has debuted her Blue Collar gimmick. It got a B.
    • Jeff Jarrett foreshadowed his heel turn during his fight.
    • Jeff Jarrett did a masterful job of improvising interactions with the crowd.
    • BG James improvised well without a script to follow.
    • Jeff Jarret's heel turn is a complete success.

  8. #36
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    TNA Victory Road Hype

    Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Raven (c)

    The Inaugural King of the Road Battle Royal

    America's Most Wanted vs. The Badstreet Boyz (c) In A Tables Match - Cheerleader Melissa Is Banned From Ringside

    It's funny because IRL she bankrolled the company.

    The hits just keep on coming.

    Worth noting TNA is still the #2 company in the world. I forget to mention stuff like that because there is SO much to keep track of. I'll try and cover all I can right after this event.

    $21,577 profit. Can't even give this money away.

    Also Matt Striker got mad about his push as Color Commentator even though he's pretty good at it. So he's walking around as an Upper Midcarder right now. Weaselly fuck.

  9. #37
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    TNA Victory Road 2003


    Opener: Jason Cross vs. John Hennigan vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Sonny Siaki
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Siaki pinned Jason Cross in 10:16 with a Siakalypse.

    Bobby Lashley vs. Kid Kash
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Lashley defeated Kash in 5:48 by Pinfall after debuting The Dominator.

    The New Church vs. Steel & Punk (Ace Steel and CM Punk)
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    CM Punk made Slash submit in 12:14.

    Chris Sabin vs. Shark Boy vs. Super Crazy
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Super Crazy defeated Shark Boy in 8:30 with a Pinfall after a Crazy Bomb.

    Main Event: The S.A.T. vs. Triple X
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Elix Skipper defeated Jose Maximo by Pinfall after Low Ki distracted the referee for Skipper to thumb Jose in the eye.

    TNA Victory Road

    Opener: America's Most Wanted vs. The Badstreet Boyz (c) in a Tables Match
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    It is Elimination Style - First Chris Harris went through a table, and then Christian York, leaving a member from each respective team. The last one to go through...Joey Matthews. America's Most Wanted regain the TNA World Tag Team Championship.

    Segment: Authority
    Rena Mero has a conversation with Raven backstage, asking what he's playing at. He tells her the time will come, but for now she should sit pretty and watch him make money for her. It's really a beneficial relationship, him as champion. She ponders this, and reluctantly agrees. Raven extends a hand. She takes it.

    Segment: Authority, Continued
    From behind, Ron "The Truth" Killings attacks him, flooring the TNA World Champion. He glares at Rena, who cuts her eyes back at him. Truth seizes the championship and gazes at it.

    Segment: King Of The Road
    BG James is speaking directly at the camera, explaining how a win here would mean so much to him. Of late, he's had a rough patch of bad luck. He took things a little too far with Break It Til Ya Make It, but something woke him up when Jeff Jarrett, the face of the company, smashed a guitar over his head. He's done being the goof and tonight he'll risk everything in the 10-Man Battle Royal Entry Match.

    The King Of The Road Match:
    BG James vs. AJ Styles vs. Nelson Knight vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Striker vs. Samoa Joe vs. Abyss vs. Curt Hennig vs. Konnan

    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Good
    AJ Styles wins the Battle Royal in 24:09, going the distance. The Final Four were himself, Abyss, Curt Hennig, and Jeff Jarrett - the Runner Up. Abyss got the most eliminations (4) by tossing Konnan, Juvy, Striker, and Knight over the top rope. AJ Styles is the King Of The Road.

    Segment: Too Hot For TV
    Mickie James and Velvet Sky have a Catfight! No one knows what it is about, but Sky is stripped down to her underwear. Weird. The last thing I expected under there was pixels.

    Segment: Backstage
    Jeff Jarrett broods over being the final eliminated wrestler. He doesn't talk, but judging from the look on his face he's quite bitter. Commentary reminds the viewers that Jarrett did all he could to dethrone Raven but it was enough, and the fight changed him. Will it change Killings?

    Main Event: Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Raven (c)
    Crowd Reaction: Good
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Raven defeated Killings in 18:17 by Pinfall after a Raven Effect on the outside. He rolled him in and hooked his boot on the bottom rope. Defense #4 of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    Segment: Post-Match
    AJ Styles's music hits. He comes out and stares Raven down. The champion grins from ear to ear, not intimidated. Thankfully, there is no Bound For Glory sign they can point at to get the point across here.

    • Raven was visibly tiring towards the end of his match.
    • AJ Styles came across well in the post-match segment.
    • Raven underperformed in the last segment.
    Last edited by Spidey; 01-24-2019 at 12:08 PM.

  10. #38
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    The Wars To Come

    MLW signed CM Punk out from under me. In turn I took their Matt Sydal. Not the most balanced exchange, but both workers have roughly the same popularity and Sydal has good stats for 2003.

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  12. #39
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    What's Going On In The World Pt. 3

    He musta got a ton of heat with that.

    A monkey rapes Rock's ear. Classic.

    Makes sense IRL, knowing what all Goldberg did in 2003. Still would have loved the fantasy aspect of immediately picking him up once I hit Cult status.

    Hot diggity damn.

  13. #40
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    TNA Bound For Glory Hype

    AJ Styles vs. Raven (c)

    Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings

    The First Knockouts Match

    A lot at stake here really. AJ Styles won King of the Road and earned a title shot against Raven, but for months the TNA World Heavyweight Champion has gathered a shadow army behind the scenes and they're about ready to strike. With several staff members bending to Raven's whims, odds are heavily stacked against Styles. Will the last vestige of a company's hero claim the gold, or has the warlord riding on faux diversity cement become too much to handle?

    Speaking of company men, Jarrett has shown his true colors by turning on the fans and, in essence, his own company. A madman with a weapon, he laid waste to BG James leading to a rare double turn. In ironic fashion, Killings, who has spent half the year dealing with James and his pettiness at not being casted in a B movie, has taken up his rival's mantle and is set to face Jarrett. It will be former World Champion against the first Lord of the Lockdown in what could be a match of the year candidate.

    While on the subject of firsts, the year is 2003 and women will fight in-game. Two Knockouts are set to go head-to-head but the big question on everybody's minds is are they ready?

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