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Thread: TNA My Way | TEW 2003 Wrestling Simulation LP

  1. #81
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Break It 2 - Yours To Own On DVD

    "Not sure who this appeals to, but I hope they're satisfied now." - The Chicago Tribune

    "When you get passed the age gap it's not that bad." - Kirkus Reviews

    "Ever had one of those dreams where you can't move your body, you can only stare at Hell's messengers as they convort in front of you? It's a lot like that." - Alan Smithee

    "I didn't know you could give top billing to a walk-on." - Rip Taylor

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  3. #82
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 12
    Week 4, February 2004 MD Retriever Activities Center (Mid Atlantic)
    Attendance: 3,938
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky
    Crowd Reaction: Devoid Of Action Or Heat
    In-Ring Action: Absolutely Wretched
    Mickie James defeated Velvet Sky in 8:17 by Disqualification as Sky wouldn't release at rope break.

    Low Ki vs. Ultimo Dragon
    Crowd Reaction: Good
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Ultimo Dragon defeated Low Ki in 11:13 with a roll up

    Abyss vs. Ace Steel vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Kid Kash vs. Samoa Joe vs. Shark Boy vs. Super Crazy vs. Ultimo Dragon
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Samoa Joe won the 10 Man Battle Royal in 15:38, last eliminating Jerry Lynn. Shark Boy was the Runner Up, followed by Ultimo Dragon. Abyss had the most eliminations, beating Super Crazy, Ace Steel, and Elix Skipper.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Scenes From The Past PPV
    Video played of Bill Goldberg Spearing and simultaneously pinning Jeff Jarrett, becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. After the show, Jarrett got in Rena Mero's ear about how they must make an example of the "fluke champion". TNA is on the rise and they don't need some flavor of the month walking around with the most important prize in professional wrestling. Jarrett and Rena agreed they would talk to their financial backers.

    AJ Styles vs. Matt Striker
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    AJ Styles defeated Matt Striker in 8:45, pinning him after The Styles Clash.

    Post Match: Call Out
    Crowd Reaction: Lifted
    AJ of all people asked for a microphone. He knew he's been in a rut lately since Jarrett defeated him at Final Resolution, but he's woken up now. Randy Savage has been on his mind a lot lately, and as a devout Christian he took exception to him parading around calling himself Jesus. He wanted Savage in the ring, which got a huge response from the fans. AJ called out Randy...Randy's music hit...but nothing came of it.

    Segment: Backstage Promo
    Crowd Reaction: Lifted
    Former World Champion Jeff Jarrett was all grins. He told the camera that no matter what happened tonight, next week Goldberg's time was up. A spokesperson was coming in to address the future of TNA, and Jarrett just knows the World Champion ain't part of it. Beating Goldberg and Hennig in a tag match with Raven would just be icing on the cake.

    Bad Street vs. Sabin & Sydal
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Bad Street defeated Sabin & Sydal in when Joey Matthews pinned Sabin, using Christian York for rope leverage.

    Segment: Backstage
    America's Most Wanted attacked The James Gang! There was a brawl in the back and BG & Kip were overwhelmed - AMW double powerbombed BG into the catering table! Guacamole and salsa flew everywhere.

    Cheerleader Melissa vs. Little Nattie
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Melissa defeated Nattie in 8:18 by pinfall with an Air Raid Crash.

    Segment: Authority
    Rena Mero said there's big news all around for next week, including Randy Savage in action! The Jesus Christ of Professional Wrestling will get between the ropes. Why not tonight? Because Maryland is a terrible crime-ridden place.

    Segment: Movie Advertisement
    Ron "The Truth" Killings with the second installment of Break It Till Ya Make It. In a world that forgot how to breakdance, Truth showed them the way. In a world in need of a spy action hero...he was there, walking away from the explosions. Now he must face his biggest challenge yet - time itself. Break It 2: Graveyard Shift.

    Main Event: Jeff Jarrett & Raven vs. Goldberg & Curt Hennig
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Jarrett and Raven defeated Hennig and Goldberg in 12:43 when Jarrett pinned Hennig after hitting him with his guitar. Raven distracted the referee. Both men ran away before Goldberg could get his hands on them.

    • The Mickie/Velvet dark match brought the crowd's mood down.
    • Low Ki/Dragon wasn't as good as their previous matches.
    • As the fourth time Low Ki/Dragon has been done recently, it needed to be better.
    • Randy Savage came out of AJ's promo looking good.
    • Jeff Jarrett struggled while going off-script.
    • Rena Mero clearly enjoyed herself having the freedom to work without a script.

  4. #83
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 13
    Week 1, March 2004 CO Balch Fieldhouse (South West)
    Attendance: 3,886
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Matt Sydal vs. Ace Steel
    Crowd Reaction: Nonexistent Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Matt Sydal defeated Ace Steel in 7:44 with a surprise rollup.

    Elix Skipper vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Non-title. Killings defeated Skipper in 10:17 by Disqualification, hitting Ron with a chair and storming off to the back.

    Angelina Love vs. Little Nattie
    Crowd Reaction: Devoid Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Awful
    Little Nattie defeated Love in 6:53, submitting her to the Sharpshooter.

    Kash Strike vs. Konnan & Super Crazy
    Crowd Reaction:
    In-Ring Action:
    LAX defeated Kash Strike in 10:51 when Konnan pinned Kash following a Cross Powerbomb.

    Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    IN-Ring Action: Solid
    Low Ki defeated Samoa Joe in 8:32 when Joe was disqualified for putting his hands on the official.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Backstage Assault
    AJ Styles was making his way to the ring but is stopped short at the tunnel. Randy Savage jumped him, throwing him out onto the ramp. He proceeded to kick him while he's down, shouting over the buzzing crowd how Styles was not in his league, let alone division. Security backed the TNA Legends Champion off of AJ.

    Juventud Guerrera vs. Ultimo Dragon
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Juvy defeated Dragon in 11:09 by pinfall, grabbing the tights in doing so.

    Segment: Backstage Promo
    Cameras catch up to the flustered Randy Savage. He vented, stating how he's sick of the disrespect he gets from the young folk. He built this business for talent like him and if Savage called himself Jesus, then Styles should shut up and bow his head. Savage is feeling more than fired up, and he wanted to prove that Styles wasn't ready by calling out a guy Randy thinks IS on his level...Goldberg! Savage wanted him in the Main Event.

    Amy Dumas vs. Mickie James
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Mickie James defeated Dumas in 8:13 by pinfall with a Mick Kick following interference by Cheerleader Melissa.

    Segment: Worker Warming Up
    Goldberg was lifting weights in the locker room and told the crowd Savage is next.

    Segment: Mystery
    Jeff Jarrett was on the phone with someone. He looked outright pissed, even shouting "But this is MY company!". He saw the cameras and evaded them.

    Segment: Tag Team Interview
    Percy Pringle was with the TNA World Tag Team Champions, The James Gang. They were asked about America's Most Wanted's assault last week and what they plan to do about it. BG told Percy that if they want tables, they'll get tables, and Kip chimed in that The James Gang was more than happy to put their titles on the line and end this bloody feud once and for all. Kip: "We're not getting any younger!"

    America's Most Wanted vs. The James Gang (c) in a Tables Match
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    The James Gang defeated AMW in 16:16, with Kip putting Chris Harris through the table using a Fame-Asser. Defense #2 of the TNA World Tag Team Championship.

    Segment: Video
    Abyss stood in a rock quarry, not saying a word. That's it. That's the segment.

    Main Event: Randy Savage vs. Goldberg
    Crowd Reaction: Fantastic
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Non-title. Randy Savage and Goldberg drew in 8:52 when Jarrett slid in and low-blowed Goldberg. Referee Scott Armstrong was ready to call this fight for the World Champion but then AJ Styles rushed in to attack Savage.

    Post-Match: Arrival
    Click for Spoiler:

    Roddy Piper! Roddy Piper was there, with a camera up-close and following him straight on through The Gorilla Position, the tunnel, and then the stage. He allowed the crowd to get some chants in before he brought a mic up to his face. Goldberg, Styles, Savage, and Jarrett stopped fighting out of sheer curiosity. Piper was visibly unhappy.


    Post-Post Match: Arrival, Continued
    Click for Spoiler:
    He had a few things to get off his chest. As a representative to the people financing the company, he will be their on-screen spokesperson. They're aren't happy, Piper stated. First executive decision was to fire Scott Hall, who has been using the company's money to go dine out and take extended vacation trips. "He woulda stole your guitar and chopped it into toothpicks anyways, Jeff." Second order, GM Rena Mero was to be demoted from Authority Figure to a member of the Women's Division. "Can still do some grunt work getting 'em to sign contracts or whatever, but I'm the final word!" And lastly, as Jeff Jarrett was beyond fuming at this point, The Cause was to be disbanded. "We've had enough of gang wars. Time to usher in a new age of wrestling." Goldberg laughed, Styles grinned, and Savage was confused. Jeff Jarrett's face was scarlet when the show came to an end.


    • Randy Savage did a masterful job working the crowd on the mic tonight.
    • Amy Dumas's performance tonight stood out as being good.
    • Jeff Jarrett clearly enjoyed the freedom to go off-script in his phone segment.
    • BG James also enjoyed that freedom in his tag team interview.
    • Percy Pringle worked the crowd well as a backstage interviewer.
    • BG James was visibly tiring towards the end of the Tables Match.
    • So was Kip James.
    • Randy Savage was visibly tiring in the Main Event.
    • Roddy Piper debuted his Loose Cannon gimmick. It got a B.
    • Roddy Piper clearly enjoyed his freedom on the mic tonight.

  5. #84
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    So Far

    Prestige: D

    Momentum: A*

    February = $38,890 PROFIT

    I signed Mistico (Midcarder) and LuFisto (Women's Division) to PPA contracts. Both have exceptional ring skills.

    I probably need to make another list of guys and their position in the company soon.

  6. #85
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    As I was booking my show yesterday, something came across my mind. How much in advance do you plan?

    Example, I have my title feuds laid out until the PPV, but some of my matches are very seat of your pants. The Gallagher/Stevens match on my last show was me giving them ten minutes to put on something solid as a thank you for their backstage stuff, and almost all of my dark matches are just me experimenting to see who has good chemistry.

  7. #86
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Hey Yaz You Think We'll Ever Hit Downtown And Order Drinks From Chris K.O.?

    It's definitely a combination of things. My World title scene is always set up a certain way to get to the PPV, and lately so is the Knockout and X Division. But only a few matches do I prebook in advance for the shows. I look at each guy and their momentum, then try to figure out who can take a loss and who needs a win. Sometimes that alone pulls some guys out of the hole, like Low Ki, but other times it makes it worse like Elix Skipper and Bobby Lashley. Dark matches are almost always slapped together. You can tell how well I plan out my segments depending on how silly I make them. Truth as a B-movie star in an incredibly bad/vague film was spur of the moment, but I liked the idea so much that I kept it around.

    Sorry it took so long. TNA My Way is taking a short hiatus because of WZCW at the moment.
    Last edited by Spidey; 06-07-2019 at 10:28 AM.

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  9. #87
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Rip Taylor at random was my favorite bit of the movie story line. I picture him just showing up, throwing some confetti on Truth and laughing and then credits.

    Any failed ideas so far?

    I will tell you the one thing I dislike thus far, and its Little Nattie. I just hate the name so much.

  10. #88
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    It's definitely a shit name. She's one of my slow burners.

    Oh several man. I wanted to place Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett into a rivalry farther down the line, eventually turning Hall face and having him in one scene chop up Slapnuts to make one of his toothpicks (Piper's throwaway line was to make me, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, happy). Also was going to push CM Punk in the same sort of way I did AJ because his stats were fantastic, have him go for the X Division title but that was scrapped when he jumped ship to MLW who have him in an Exclusive PPA. When I started, the plan was to shoot Abyss up the card like I did AJ because TNA did that, but Abyss's stats are very mediocre and I've held off on it.

  11. #89
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    More Bonus Stuff

    In case folks are following along and were wondering...

    Several workers have gotten Upset with me based on choices I have made for them. Right now, BG James is still pissed over losing way back in mid-2003 and Kip James is sore about losing to Abyss in a dark match. Scott Hall, Juvy, and Konnan have all been mad at one point or the other due to my booking. I paid them off to make them happy. Doesn't break the bank or anything, a few grand usually soothes things over. But it's worth pointing out.

    I'll try and keep tabs on morale.

    This game is massive and covering all my bases is damn near impossible. Though with the way it's set up I have slowly warmed up to it more than EWR.

  12. #90
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    iMpact on Fuel TV

    Ep. 14
    Week 2, March 2004 MI Athletics Center O'Rena (Great Lakes)
    Attendance: 3,683
    Taped For Television

    Dark Matches

    Triple X vs. Sabin & Sydal
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    In-Ring Action: Solid
    Triple X defeated Sabin & Sydal in 10:17 when Elix Skipper pinned Chris Sabin after The Play Of The Day.

    LuFisto vs. Little Nattie
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    The debuting LuFisto (dressed in marching band attire) defeated Nattie in 8:08 with a Mangalize. Post-match Lu chastised TNA for not getting her on television and she demanded competition that's not "little".

    Segment: Worker Walking Backstage
    Shark Boy was seen walking around the hallway eating a bowl of clam chowder when Striker stopped him. Matt Striker teased him for not taking his mask off even to eat soup. "It's not soup, it's chowder, and I'll make sure you don't forget it next week!" A confused Striker watched him walk away in a huff.

    Mickie James vs. Angelina Love
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Mickie defeated Love in 7:58 by pinfall after the Mick Kick.

    Juventud Guerrera vs. Jerry Lynn
    Crowd Reaction: Not Much In The Way Of Heat
    IN-Ring Action: Solid
    Juvy defeated Lynn in 9:57 by pinfall, grabbing Jerry's tights.

    TNA iMpact

    Opening: Authority
    Roddy Piper opened the show in his office, which is decked out in plaid. He told the live audience that it wasn't enough to break The Cause. The fans deserve a fight. He booked Jeff Jarrett in the Main Event against Raven. Roddy paused before continuing. There was talk of how TNA Legends Champion Randy Savage had an announcement to make tonight, and figured AJ Styles will wanna let off some steam, so it will be AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven. A contest no man can afford to lose.

    Abyss vs. Konnan
    Crowd Reaction: Average
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Konnan defeated Abyss in 9:30 by disqualification when Abyss grabbed a chair and went to town on K-Dogg.

    Segment: Backstage Promo
    Percy Pringle interviewed Ron Killings. Truth told Percy that he had been a busy boy since becoming the TNA X Division Champion, and that it was time to give back. Coming up next, there will be an X Entry Match - where a winner will get a spot in the Ultimate X Match at Destination X. Mystiko, a new luchador, faces Kid Kash, a constant contender.

    Kid Kash vs. Mystiko - X Entry Match
    Crowd Reaction: N/A
    In-Ring Action: Extremely Poor
    Mystiko defeated Kash in 7:54 by pinfall with a fast rollup. Mystiko will compete in Ultimate X.

    Segment: Product Shilling
    Velvet Sky dressed like a sexy leprechaun to tell viewers if they catch her, she'll have to grant them anything their hearts a new Goldberg action figure, or the Break It movie that's 80% off.

    Samoa Joe vs. Curt Hennig
    Crowd Reaction: Good
    In-Ring Action: Decent
    Samoa Joe defeated Hennig in 8:28 by submission with the Coquina Clutch. Curt took his time getting out of the ring.

    Segment: Person To Person Interview
    Rena Mero stood by with Cheerleader Melissa and TNA Knockouts Champion Amy Dumas. They stared daggers, Amy reminding her that she had not forgotten her involvement last week. Melissa retorted about forgetfulness - calling Amy and Rena "fossils of a forgotten era". Mel is the future. How she sees it, they each have beaten the other at one point, but now they need to settle the score. Amy agreed, Mel is the future, but she was the present. She assured her that Destination X will be the end of this rivalry, and it will be in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match. Cheerleader Melissa was fine with that, as long as Amy doesn't forget to bring Mel's title with her.

    Segment: Worker Talks To Audience
    After much deliberation, Randy Savage has decided to AJ Styles does not deserve to go 1-on-1 with The Jesus Christ of Professional Wrestling. He doesn't care if AJ wins or loses the Main Event. The hard truth is Randy doesn't care how old AJ is - he showed him disrespect in last week's Main Event. The Legends Championship is too high an honor for some spot monkey with a chip on their shoulders. Fans booed Savage out of the building.

    Main Event: AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven
    Crowd Reaction: Great
    In-Ring Action: Good
    Close to the end, Jeff Jarrett got fed up and left the match. AJ Styles defeated Raven in 13:59 by pinfall with a Styles Clash.

    Post-Match: Chase Scene
    Crowd Reaction: Lifted
    Jeff Jarrett complained to staff how unfairly he's being treated in his own company. One way or another, he is going to terminate Piper's contract. He just needs a little time. "Time isn't something you have!" Goldberg rushed Jarrett, but Jeff was quicker, getting into the parking lot and starting his pickup. As the vehicle began to accelerate, Goldberg grabbed the tailgate and for a brief moment stopped Jarrett in his tracks. Jarrett put the pedal to the metal and got the hell out of there, screeching tires left black marks all over the ground. Goldberg watched him leave with nothing but contempt on his face.

    • LuFisto debuted her Band Member gimmick. It got an A.
    • Percy Pringle enjoyed his unscripted freedom.
    • Ron Killings did too.
    • Mystiko (Mistico) debuted his True Born gimmick. It got a B.
    • Randy Savage did a masterful job on the mic.

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