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Thread: Priscilla Kelly And The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Spot

  1. #1
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Priscilla Kelly And The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Spot

    So not sure if you have heard of this, but its something.

    Priscilla Kelly was wrestling at an event for Suburban Fight on December 30th, when a rather unusual and noteworthy spot took place. Kelly's opponent, a fellow female by the name of Tuna, was sat in a chair when Kelly shouted the line "You want a taste of the tuna?" and then reached into her tights and pulled out a gimmicked bloody tampon and shoved it into Tuna's mouth.

    The incident was actually fairly minor until Gail Kim made comments about it being disgusting, which sparked the spread of the video. I'm not gonna post it, cause you know, sensibilities and such, but it isn't hard to track down. Most wrestlers, male and female, expressed negative feelings over the spot. A notable few, including Joey Ryan and Tommy Dreamer, came to her defense.

    Kelly has since gone on to defend the spot by saying the venue was a 21+ venue and that Suburban Fight is known for a controversial style of shows which involve the show taking place without a ring and featuring 'bar' style fights. She also made mention it was obviously fake and that moves involving male wrestlers and their penis have been used to comedic effect for years now.

    My take, its wrestling and this isn't a big deal. I'm not saying it isn't a little gross, but that is the entire point of the spot. We have seen Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels do blade jobs and spill buckets of real blood from their faces, so why is fake blood from a vagina any different? As Joey Ryan argued with Road Dogg (who was outraged), we saw Mae Young give birth to a hand on TV, complete with fake placenta and birth material, so why is fake blood any different? Yeah, the fake blood was being forced into her opponent's mouth, but it was a 21+ live show, not a nationally broadcast show. I'm sure Gangrel got his fake blood into the mouths of a few opponents too.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member OYDK's Avatar

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    It's no more disgraceful than a lot of the other shit that's gone on in wrestling over the past 25 years. Yeah, shoving a used tampon into somebody's mouth is disgusting, as it's meant to be, but so is covering people in shit, performing necrophilia, whipping your dongs out on live TV, an 80 year old woman giving birth to a hand, and the list goes on and on and on. What's the difference between this and the stinkface? Or even the Bronco Buster? Is an obese Samoan in a thong shoving his ass into a woman's face any less fucked up than a woman shoving a FAKE used tampon into another chick's mouth? Or X-Pac literally riding another dude's face in the corner? Is that supposed to be "ok" because it happened on the big stage instead of in a rinky dink promotion?

    Give me a break, this is called selective outrage. As I mentioned, there are much worse things that have gone on in a wrestling ring. Road Dogg getting all offended over this is perhaps the funniest, most hypocritical thing I've seen in a long time. This is a guy that used to dry hump every opponent he got in the ring with. People are upset because it has to do with a vagina and that's not allowed. Penis spot=funny. Vagina spot=dirty, disgusting, and horrible. This is something that will blow over in maybe a day and nobody will ever talk about it again.
    Last edited by OYDK; 01-06-2019 at 06:24 AM.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Alex's Avatar

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    Joey Ryan's been flipping people with his dick (Youporn Plex) for the past few years and people either find it hilarious or annoying (because all wrestling needs to be serious apparently) Heck I remember watching a video of Candice LeRae flip people with her tits (Boobplex) and nobody complaining about that.

    As has been pointed out there's been Mae Young, Katie Vick, Stinkface, Bronco Buster, Road Dogg and Viscera dry humping people, Edge and Lita's live sex celebration etc. I'd argue the Mandible Claw is a disgusting move in itself (sticking your hand into someone else's mouth).

    I could have seen the legitimacy if this was WWE, ROH, Impact etc. You know shows that are televised and have sponsers and children watching. But this was a random show at an adult venue. That if it hadn't been filmed nobody would have cared about.

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    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Short term memory here to remind the outraged Page enjoyed a dick-flavored sucker last year.

    Since it didn't happen at a hardcore bar event I'm sure it gets a pass though.

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  8. #5
    Currently Between Feds smarkmouth's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaz View Post
    Kelly has since gone on to defend the spot by saying the venue was a 21+ venue and that Suburban Fight is known for a controversial style of shows which involve the show taking place without a ring and featuring 'bar' style fights. She also made mention it was obviously fake and that moves involving male wrestlers and their penis have been used to comedic effect for years now.
    Boils down to this, really. Yes it was gross, just like Horror films or Shocksploitation are often designed to disgust. Whether you don't support it or you do, cool, let's move on.

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  10. #6
    Call me, Rhea #AbsoluteUnit's Avatar

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    Still not as bad as Kenny Omega wrestling a 9 year old girl.

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  12. #7
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    Spots like this shouldn't exist in wrestling. Similar spots have been happening for years, but that doesn't mean they should be happening. Wrestlers and promotions want to be shocking and push the envelope a bit, but there should be a line that isn't crossed. Mae Young giving birth to a hand crossed the line. Katie Vick went WAY past the line. Joey Ryan has. Ironically enough Road Dogg did several times. Not everything in wrestling has to be serious. There can be fun and comedy, but I wouldn't consider this to be either of those things.

    Now with that said, this was at an adult-only event that wasn't televised, so it's ultimately no big deal and won't be remembered. But I'm still not a fan.

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  14. #8
    It was gross and stupid but, at the same time, I've seen far grosser and far stupider in my time.

    Something like this would be a walk in the park for Joey Ryan, for instance, as he's all about shock value. Ryan embraces any and all things penis related, yet he has some people calling him a genius.

    Look at all the crazy and dangerous spots guys like Terry Funk, Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer have performed over the years that were gross, stupid or both. I mean, we've seen these men wrestle in matches where the ropes are barbed wire, we've seen Foley tossed off the top of cages, put through flaming tables and slammed into thumbtacks. We've seen Tommy Dreamer split wide open in matches where he's literally bled all over his children while they're crying in the front row.

    We've seen a guy who's gimmick was to pull a dozen or so earthworms out of his pocket, eat them and then let all the disgusting bits flow out of his mouth and over his chin.

    We've seen Vincent Kennedy McMahon pull his man panties up the crack of his ass so that William Regal, Jim Ross, or others were "forced" to literally have their lips or face pressed up against one of Vince's cheeks because Vince felt that this was fun, entertaining television.

    We've seen depictions of occult sacrifices on TV with the Undertaker speaking in tongues in which the whole thing is a cheesy representation of satanic rituals. We've seen Steve Austin "sodomize" Vince McMahon with some sort of medical probe while Vince was "hospitalized." We've even see Steve Austin pull a gun out on Vince, threaten to shoot him on national television, only for a little bang flag to pop out and Vince to literally piss himself.

    Oh and probably the two most tasteless words in wrestling history: Katie Vick.

    Yeah, it was tacky, it was classless and it was lowbrow. So is pro wrestling as a whole when you get right down to it.
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  16. #9
    Administrator Slyfox696's Avatar

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    We're talking about an entertainment medium where guys threaten to kill one another and then proceed to beat and bloody their opponent half to death with all sorts of objects the police would consider "assault with a deadly weapon", but people are really becoming outraged over a fake tampon?

    I feel like that says way more about society than the wrestlers involved.

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  18. #10
    What I still can't get over is why Priscilla Kelly performed the move on Tuna, and not the other way around?

    Like, her name is Tuna. TUNA!!

    Why would Tuna be offended by tasting something that supposedly tastes like tuna? I get that a bloody tampon is disgusting, but the question "You want a taste of the tuna?" is fundamentally stupid. That was almost as stupid as Kota Ibushi doing multiple backflips as if to depict an inflatable sex doll somersault pile driving him.

    Tuna should have done the spot, because that would be something that a person nick-named tuna would do! We fans could at least get a few shameful yucks out of the notion. Priscilla Kelly doing that spot is just dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidercanrana View Post
    If the internet has taught me anything, it's that a show is either touched by God's mighty pen or Satan's diseased penis.

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