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Thread: Yaz Runs OVW in TEW 2016: A Subpar LP

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  1. #1
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    OVW Breakdown #7
    Live from the Elizabeth Lynn Robbie Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Midwest Region)
    Attendance: 880

    Backstage Incidents!
    Brendon Watts was brought before the Wrestler's Court, accused of forgetting to shake another wrestler's hand when entering the locker room. The judge, Rhino, found him to be guilty and ordered him to buy everyone a round of drinks after the show.


    Apollo Jr. vs Cortez
    In a terrible pre-show match, Cortez defeated Apollo Jr in 5:52 by pinfall with a Superkick.

    Ricky Starks vs Cain Justice
    In a terrible pre-show match, Ricky Starks defeated Cain Justice in 6:57 by submission with a crossface.

    Aaron Solo vs Jax Dane
    In a poor pre-show match, Aaron Solo defeated Jax Dane in 8:48 by submission with a crossface.

    Team Overkill vs The Pieces of Hates
    In a terrible pre-show match, The Pieces of Hate defeated Team Overkill in 6:37 when Jigsaw defeated Christian Rose by pinfall with a Jig â??nâ?? Tonic.

    Mascara Dorada vs Michael Dante
    In a pre-show bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Mascara Dorada defeated Michael Dante in 7:46 by pinfall with a Dorada Screwdriver.

    The Supremacy vs RVD & Carlito Colon
    In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Carlito Colon and Rob Van Dam defeated The Supremacy in 6:42 when Rob Van Dam defeated Sefa Fatu by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash.

    OVW Breakdown

    Chris Adonis storms out, with Bruce Prichard doing his best to keep up while hobbling. Adonis tells Batisa to get his ass out here right now. Prichard goes on about how Chris isn't scared, but being a World Champion comes with certain responsibilities, so he has places to be. He says Dave would know that if he wasn't on movie sets and was in the ring instead. DDP comes out and tells them Batista isn't here yet, but will call Bruce when he arrives.

    Battle Royal:
    Aaron Stevens, Afa Anoa'i Jr, Amazing Red, Angelico, Brian Pillman Jr, Crimson, Curry Man, Dick Justice, Fallah Bahh, Flip Gordon, Jervis Cottonbelly, Josh Woods, Mr. 450, Robbie E, and Ryan Nova.
    In a poor match, Angelico won a Battle Royal in 14:44. The other members of the 'final four' were Aaron Stevens, Robbie E and Curry Man, with Aaron Stevens being the final elimination. Brian Pillman Jr got the most eliminations over the course of the match.

    Post Match:
    After the match DDP comes out and congratulates Angelico. He says due to some recent scheduling conflicts, they need a new number one contender for the American Title, so why not Angelico. He agrees, but before he can speak La Sombra comes out and says this is the exact thing he has been complaining about. La Sombra has worked his ass off and all Angelico does is win one match. The champ says he will defend the title tonight and hand pick his opponent. DDP says that sounds like a good idea, but DDP will pick a second opponent to make it a triple threat.

    Bailey & Rebecca Knox vs Nikki and Paige Turner
    In a decent match, Bailey and Rebecca Knox defeated Nikki and Paige Turner in 15:35 when Rebecca Knox defeated Nikki by pinfall with a Hard Knox.

    Post Match:
    After the match Jaxx comes out and attacks Knox. The three heels team up on Bailey and Knox. Trinity hits the ring to even the numbers and the six girls square off as security rushes out. They trade insults instead of finishing the fight.

    Jake Something vs Matt Murphy vs La Sombra(c) - OVW American Title
    In a decent match, La Sombra defeated Jake Something and Matt Murphy in 7:42 when La Sombra defeated Jake Something by pinfall with a Sombra Driver. La Sombra makes defense number 3 of his OVW American title.

    Post Match:
    After the match, the champ keeps attacking Jake Something while Murphy acts like he doesn't see anything. Mascara Dorada runs in for the save, first taking out La Sombra and then Murphy with an athletic planca.

    World Champion Chris Adonis and his manager Bruce Prichard come out of the locker room, talking about how Batista was too cowardly to show. Prichard's phone rings and it shows DDP is calling. They turn and corner and run into Batista....'s cardboard cutout. Prichard gets scared and Adonis punches the cutout. They have a quick laugh as they walk away. They round the next corner and the real Batista is standing there. Adonis drops his belt and runs away, leaving Prichard to be thrown onto the catering table. Batista grabs the title and holds it to end the show.

    Final Rating:C-

    18 regions and such.
    Apollo Jr debuted his Blue Chipper gimmick. It was rated as Very Good.
    Cain Justice debuted his Biker gimmick. It was rated as Great.
    Starks and Justice just didn't click and it showed in their performance.
    Jacob and Sefa both debuted their Street Fighter gimmick. They were rated as Average and Very Good respectively.
    Prichard had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand with his improv.
    DDP improvised some lines well.
    Afa Anoa'i has a gimmick that is getting stale.
    Mr 450 debuted a new Punk gimmick. It was rated as Awful.
    Amazing Red showed signs of a heel turn.
    Bailey and Paige Turner did well without a script.
    Rebecca Knox is getting better at her gimmick and improv.
    Nikki struggled without a script.
    .05 TV rating. We just keep gaining.
    Batista says Ryan Nova needs to be let go because he doesn't connect with the fans.
    Nikki says Mr. 450 is clumsy and is going to hurt someone and should be let go.
    La Sombra told me Jax Dane doesn't connect with the fans and has little future.

    Post show thoughts:
    I've now ran two shows outside my home region of the Great Lakes. One in the Southeast and one in the Midwest. Both drew respectable numbers, but not enough to justify more shows outside the Great Lakes for now. Still, glad to get a little extra exposure.

    Mr. 450 is gone. He was pissed over his gimmick and wasn't really showing what I expected him too.

    I tweaked the gimmick for Afa Anoa'i, will see how it goes for now.

    WWE released Cedric Alexander. Tempting. I should just build my entire roster with WWE castoff women and CWs.

  2. #2
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    OVW Breakdown #8
    Live from Theunissen Stadium in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
    Attendance: 2,030


    Amazing Red vs Cody Hall
    In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Amazing Red defeated Cody Hall in 6:21 by pinfall with a Red Star Press.

    Milk Chocolate vs The War Kings
    In a terrible pre-show match, The War Kings defeated Milk Chocolate in 9:20 when Jax Dane defeated Randy Summers by pinfall.

    Princessa Sugehit vs Paige Turner
    In a poor pre-show match, Paige Turner defeated Princesa Sugehit in 6:54 by submission.

    Orange Cassidy vs Brian Pillman Jr
    In a terrible pre-show match, Brian Pillman Jr defeated Orange Cassidy in 8:10 by pinfall.

    Impact Exposure:
    Christy Hemme interviews Extra Talented in the ring. They say they will be watching the main event and put the winners on notice. They will be coming for those titles.

    Portly Gentlemen & Dick Justice w/Coach Stevie vs Cortez, Michael Dante, and Robbie E
    In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Dick Justice and Portly Gentlemen defeated Cortez, Michael Dante and Robbie E in 12:18 when Fallah Bahh defeated Cortez by pinfall.

    OVW Breakdown

    A video airs hyping the three teams in the main event and talks about what it means to win ladder matches.

    Afa Anoa'i Jr w/Trinity vs Aaron Stevens
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Aaron Stevens defeated Afa Anoa'i Jr in 7:13 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

    Video Package:
    A video of Gabby Ortiz airs. She is in a knee brace and says she will be back sooner than expected and ready to prove she belongs.

    In Ring:
    La Sombra says despite his claims, he says winning a match against so many other men is worth a show of approval so he claps for Angelico. With that said, since he defended his American Title against two men last week, he won't be putting the title on the line this week. Angelico says that he will beat La Sombra no matter what obstacle is put in his way.

    Angelico vs La Sombra - Non Title
    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Angelico defeated La Sombra in 6:42 by pinfall after a quick roll up. Sombra tried to leave the match, but Mascara Dorada cut him off, leading to Sombra getting back into the ring and walking into the roll up.

    Hype Video:
    A video airs showing the amazing athleticism of Kenneth Crawford. He debuts next, against Matt Murphy, who is also highlighted.

    Kenneth Crawford vs Matt Murphy
    In a poor match, Kenneth Crawford drew with Matt Murphy in 9:36 following a double count out.

    The Colons vs Cryme Tyme vs Storm & Rhino(c) - OVW Tag Team Titles - Ladder Match
    In a decent match, Storm & Rhino defeated The Colons and Cryme Tyme in a Ladder match in 17:20 when James Storm retrieved the item. Storm & Rhino make defence number 2 of their OVW Tag Team titles.

    Final Rating: D+

    All 18 regions increased in popularity.
    Brandon Watts debuted his Party Animal gimmick, rated as Above Average.
    Randy Summers debuted his Surfer gimmick, rated as Average.
    Orange Cassidy has debuted his Comic Relief gimmick, rated as Above Average
    The tweak to Anoa'i Jr's gimmick kept it fresh for a bit longer.
    Both La Sombra and Angelico struggled without a script in their segment.
    Kenneth Crawford debuted his Laid Back gimmick, rated as Above Average.
    Eddie Colon took a stunt bump during his match.
    Rhino was visibly tiring toward the end of his match.
    Drew a .05 TV rating.

    Post Show Thoughts:
    I am really bummed over Crawford. I gave him some hype before the debut and had Murphy in mind for his first match and it ended up with him not being able to keep up with Murphy. There is still plenty of time to right the ship but man that is a kick in the dick.
    WWE is letting Tamina walk when he contract is up in 30 days. I think that one is for the best.

  3. #3
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    OVW Breakdown #9
    Live from Frank Eck Stadium in Notre Dame, Indiana.
    Attendance: 2,500 (SELL OUT!)


    Team Overkill vs The War Kings
    In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The War Kings defeated Team Overkill in 8:38 when Jax Dane defeated Matt Cage by pinfall.

    Bailey vs Gabby Ortiz
    In a decent pre-show match, Bailey defeated Gabby Ortiz in 8:42 by pinfall with a Bailey-to-Belly Suplex.

    Rebecca Knox vs Kris Wolf
    In a decent pre-show match, Rebecca Knox defeated Kris Wolf in 8:59 by pinfall with a Hard Knox.

    The Supremacy vs Brian Pillman Jr & Carlito Colon
    In a terrible pre-show match, Brian Pillman Jr and Carlito Colon defeated The Supremacy in 8:19 when Brian Pillman Jr defeated Sefa Fatu by submission.

    Amazing Red vs Kenneth Crawford vs Michael Dante vs Matt Murphy
    In a poor pre-show match, Matt Murphy defeated Kenneth Crawford, Michael Dante and Amazing Red in 10:58 when Matt Murphy defeated Amazing Red by pinfall with a Murphy Breaker(brainbuster).

    OVW Breakdown

    DDP congratulates Storm and Rhino on their huge victory last week. They talk for a minute about how they are the best damn team in OVW. Chris Adonis's music hits and Bruce Prichard says he is happy for Storm and Rhino, who are both damn fine wrestlers, but not a single word was said last week about how Dave Batista put his hands on him. DDP says he was getting to it and has news for all three wrestlers out here. Batista requested a match with Adonis tonight, but even a star like Batista doesn't get to call the shots. So DDP is making a tag match, a six man tag to be exact, and Adonis can team up with the tag team champions to face Batista and two partners of his choosing.

    Trinity vs Ruby Raze
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Trinity defeated Ruby Raze in 7:35 by pinfall with a Split-Legged Moonsault.

    Post Match:
    After the match, Jaxx comes to the ring and bumps Trinity. She says she is about to do Trinity one better and to stick around to see how a champion wins matches. Trinity gives her the ring.

    Jaxx vs Makoto - Non Title
    In an extremely short match, Jaxx defeated Makoto in 5:02 by pinfall after a Samoan Drop.

    GM Office:
    DDP is in his office when Curry Man comes in. He hands DDP the Cruiserweight Title. DDP says in this day in age, smaller wrestlers all over the world have proved they can hang with big men and deserve equal footing. He tells Curry Man he served the fans well, and will be given the first shot to earn the new title. He says fans demand a certain level of action and OVW will give it to them. At the next pay per view, Curry Man will compete for the inaugural OVW Extreme Title. Curry Man says he will bring the spice.

    Extra Talented vs Cody Hall & Cortez
    In a poor match, Extra Talented defeated Cortez and Cody Hall in 8:11 when Ricky Starks defeated Cody Hall by submission with a crossface.

    Parking Lot:
    Batista walks out to the parking lot, where Jay-TG and Shad are trying to fan some smoke. Smells like Groot out here Batista jokes. He says he needs some partners tonight and knows the two of them would like a little revenge after last week. Cryme Tyme crack a joke about Dave's role in the Kickboxer reboot, but agree to the proposal.

    Batista & Cryme Tyme vs Chris Adonis & James Storm & Rhino w/Bruce Prichard
    In a decent match, Chris Adonis and Storm & Rhino defeated Dave Batista and Cryme Tyme in 14:15 when Chris Adonis defeated Jay-TG by submission with an Adonis Lock after interference from Bruce Prichard. Prichard tripped the ref, then attacked Batista with his crutch. Storm and Rhino then attacked Cryme Tyme with the tag belts. The ref came to and saw Adonis with the submission on a limp Jay-TG and called for the bell.

    Post Match:
    The champions celebrate up the ramp as Prichard is talking to the referee, who isn't sure what happened. The three champions are gone when Prichard goes to collect his crutch. He doesn't notice Batista has gotten up and is eye balling him. Prichard tries to run but runs into the waiting arms of Cryme Tyme. They toy with him a bit and make him beg. Prichard begs and the two agree not to harm him. Prichard kisses their feet and goes to leave but bumps back into Batista. Jay-TG mentions they don't speak for Big Dave though. Batista hits a Batista Bomb on Prichard.

    Final Rating: C-

    Got the usual popularity gains in the usual regions.
    Both Shad and Jay-TG turned face over the course of the show. The turns were a complete success.
    Curry Man, Jaxx, and Trinity did well without scripts. They didn't say much, but hey, I'll take it.
    DDP did well without a script in the opening, but struggled in the later segment.
    .05 TV Rating

    Post Show Thoughts:
    Batista passed his follow up drug test. Thank whoever I need to thank.

    Cody Hall came to me and complained about his push, one week after I upped his push after he complained. The guy has a good look but his best match with me was a D+ in a battle royal. When he worked in Japan he got a C against Naito, but I mean, its fucking Naito and I could get a decent match with him. I showed him the door.

    I also let Matt Cage go. Of the two members of Team Overkill, he was the lesser, but he was the one who griped about getting a win from time to time. Christian Rose likely won't amount to much more than low card, but at least he is satisfied with it.

    I hired a new interviewer, Christy Olson. She worked in NXT for a bit in the same role under the name Christy St. Cloud. I have some plans for Christy Hemme soon. Plus it feels more professional to have more than one person for backstage interviews.

    Makoto signed to tour with Ice Ribbon. It's likely gonna mean she is unavailable for a while. It isn't a huge loss as I have some other jobber level faces to feed to women like Jaxx and Nikki.

    Speaking of Nikki, she gave me notice she is retiring in three months. I tried to talk her out of it, but she is committed to it. The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

    Oh and on the same day (Mil Mascaras, Bully Ray, and Chavo Guerrero Jr also decided to call it quits on the day) I had Kana, aka Asuka, inform me she is declining a contract with me as she will be retiring in three months. What the hell was in the water this day?

    I am looking into Aria Blake. She worked with SHINE and MLW and a few other East Coast indies and has solid skills, but she no showed a MLW event in game and was fired so I'm debating it.

    MLW offered Bailey a deal, so I counter offered an exclusive PPA deal that includes travel coverage, a pay increase, and a signing bonus.

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