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Thread: Mikey Stormrage

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    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Mikey Stormrage

    Real Name: Michael Brown

    Gimmick Name: Mikey Stormrage

    Nickname: None

    Height: 6'4

    Weight: 355

    Hometown: Evansville, Indiana

    Billed From: Berkley, California by way of Indiana


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length: Long black curly hair

    ----------------Eye Colour: Brown

    ----------------Facial Hair: long messy unkempt beard

    ----------------Ring attire: Various colors themed wrestling shorts(think Samoa Joe) with black boots, and wrist tape matching his shorts

    ----------------Backstage Attire: Picture the clothes if Xavier Woods and Neville had a fat child. Not a fan of suits.

    ----------------Physical Features: A big ol' dick

    ----------------Tattoos: A Super Mario themed half sleeve on his left arm. On his right, he has a half sleeve dedicated to those he has lost, it includes a dragonfly for his mother, a deer for his father, a rose for an ex girlfriend, an a yellow bird for a girl he doesn't speak of. On his right leg, he has a sleeve of those who have impacted his wrestling life. A black and yellow bar code for James Howard. Script of Live Mas for Matt Tastic. A broken heart and lipstick print for Eve Taylor.

    Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

    Main Gimmick: On the surface, Mikey is a run of the mill man child nerd. Cut through the layers (of fat) and you find a man who is deeply depressed and fills his life with many vices including sex and alcohol.

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Mikey is something of an idiot savant. In 98% of the aspects of life, he is a failure and lacks common sense level knowledge. In the other 2% he is among the best of the best. Pro Wrestling and video games fall into that 2%.

    Due to his refusal to seriously treat his mental health, Mikey suffers from a myriad of issues. He is deeply depressed and tries to cure it with various vices. He is a borderline alcoholic, constantly has meaningless sex, is a glutton, sleeps long hours, and has terrible hygiene. He also craves attention and attachment, but often tries to destroy his relationships out of fear.

    Strengths: 1)Knows how to use his size to full advantage.
    2)Thanks to extensive training with James Howard and Matt Tastic, he is among the best strikers in WZCW.
    3)His everyman persona helps the crowd to connect to him, and Mikey feeds off the WZCW Universe like few others. He has incredible heart and absolutely refuses to quit with the crowd behind him. Only one man has ever beaten Mikey by submission, Ty Burna with his Harbinger's Omen triangle choke. Mikey refused to tap and lost consciousness, resulting in a ref's stoppage.

    Weaknesses: 1)More than once Mikey has shown up unfit to wrestle. His vices always take priority over his wrestling.
    2)Mikey has injured his back twice in his WZCW career. Once at the hands of Ty Burna in Hell in a Cell, and once at the hands of an underhanded attack by Mark Keaton. Medical advancements meant recovery was possible and his career not be cut short, but it goes out and gives him problems from time to time.
    3)Mikey is an IDIOT. He will never back down from a fight, but it is easy to pull the wool over his eyes.

    Sample Pic of Wrestler:

    Brief History: Growing up in rural Indiana, Mikey was the nerd, the dork. A constant target of bullies and always picked last, Mikey was the definition of uncool. At the age of 22, Mikey Stormrage made his WZCW debut after a short career on the independent circuit. Wrestling was the first place Mikey ever felt at peace, and his success speaks for itself. Despite this, his personal life always remained hell, so his mental health further went south. He continued to ignore those issues all while distancing himself from his family. The deaths of his father and then mother in short succession caused him to hit rock bottom. Despite being World Champion, Mikey was empty, going through the motions. After a vicious attack put his career in jeopardy, Mikey has recovered and as he returns to the ring, is taking a new stab at life, but old habits die hard.

    Entrance Music:

    Entrance Description: The entrance changes based upon Mikey's mental state. The lights go down a bit and green flights pulse to the music for each entrance. If Mikey is in a positive mood, he will have his usual energetic entrance, slapping hands with and interacting with fans, before rolling into the ring and climbing the turn buckle and shouting a might "Game Over!"

    If he is depressed, he often is late to the ring in regards to his music. He keeps his head toward the floor while looking lethargic. Once in the ring, he slumps in the corner and awaits the match to start.

    If Mikey shows up drunk but manages to swindle officials into allowing him to wrestle (has happened) he basically stumbles through excessive crowd interaction. Once he manages to make it into the ring, he does his best to sober himself up, sometimes having the ref slap him about.

    Finishing Moves:
    Game Over - The World's Strongest Slam
    Random Access Mutilation (R.A.M.) - Coquina Clutch (will grapvine if it goes to the ground)
    *will use a moonsault in high stakes matches as a desperation finisher

    15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
    Falcon Punch(Pop up European Uppercut)
    Live Más Slam(Side Belly to Belly Suplex with Stormrage falling on top of opponent for added damage)
    Headshot!(Bionic elbow with theatrics)

    Short arm clothesline
    Suicide dive
    Exploder suplex
    Seated Senton/can be followed by pin
    Abdominal Stretch(with slaps to the chest or butt)
    Spinning Samoan Drop
    Sidewalk Slam
    Fallaway slam
    Running body block
    Various attacks from the second turnbuckle (axe handles, clotheslines, tackles, ect)



    3x World Tag Team Champion (With James Howard as "Strikeforce"(2) and Matt Tastic as "Live Mas")
    Eurasian Champion
    2x World Heavyweight Champion
    Elite Overweight Champion
    Mayhem Champion
    Main evented Kingdom Come VIII
    Had Sex with Eve Taylor

    Katherine King Profile

    Click for Spoiler:
    This is strictly for the match KJ and I have this week and any future appearances she may have.

    Real Name: Katherine King

    Gimmick Name: Katherine King

    Announced As: Katherine King

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 127

    Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Billed From: Berkley, California

    Alignment: Face


    ----------------Hair Colour/Length: Shoulder length jet black hair

    ----------------Eye Colour: Brown

    ----------------Facial Hair: No because she is a lady

    ----------------Ring attire: Typical female wrestling top, black with blue accents. Tattered black jeans. Has the word 'KING' on a patch on the right leg. Black Converse style boots with blue accented kickpads.

    ----------------Backstage Attire: Glasses when she isn't wrestling. Often in punk rock style jeans and Converse. Shirts usually consist of something related to pro wrestling (especially Stormrage) or music. Often has a sleeveless leather jacket as well.

    ----------------Physical Features: Ears gauged, hoop nose ring in left nostril

    ----------------Tattoos: Anime themed sleeve on her left arm with Ryuk being the center piece, script of "My secrets cry aloud, I have no need for tongue" on her right side, various musical related pieces on her right thigh

    Sample Pic of Wrestler:

    Main Gimmick: Standout student of Stormrage & Tastic at Kick Ass Academia/Love interest of Stormrage

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick: A very devoted and over achieving student, but still very green.
    Rebellious and headstrong

    Brief Bio/History: Katherine's father was in the US Army and took a deployment to Ft. Buchanan in San Juan. He met Katherine's mother, a nurse who was doing volunteer work, while there and decided to settle down. Katherine has always felt a little out of place, being a white girl who grew up in Puerto Rico. She was a solid athlete growing up, doing well in softball and soccer, but always feeling out of place due to her ethnicity. She was rebellious for some time, but when she was seventeen, she went to a local wrestling show and fell in love with the athletic displays. She fulfilled a promise to her parents to graduate college. She earned a degree in athletic training from Florida International, where she attended on a softball scholarship. Once she graduated, she returned to Puerto Rico and took a job at a gym just outside San Juan. When she heard that WZCW Hall of Famers were opening a wrestling school on the island, she quit her job to pursue her passion. She soon felt an attraction to Mikey Stormrage, but kept it a secret for fear of judgement. She was unaware at the time that Stormrage was also developing feelings for her. They began to move toward each other, but Matt Tastic's betrayal of Stormrage and Stormrage's subsequent admission of his feelings for both Katherine and Tastic threw a wrench into her life.

    Entrance Music:

    Entrance Description: The music kicks in and plays for a few seconds before Katherine makes her way through the curtain. She jumps around a bit and hypes herself up. She interacts with the crowd before getting into the ring and focusing in the corner.

    Fighting Style: Athletic striker

    Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Has a fake tooth from a softball injury. Also broke her foot playing soccer in college, though neither had long term impacts. Can be hot headed and headstrong at times, as she has yet to learn to completely control here emotions in the ring.

    Finishing Moves (2 max): Shinigami Strike (Spin Kick)
    King's Cradle (Lotus Lock)

    Signature Moves (3 max): Headshot! (Bionic elbow adopted from Mikey Stormrage)
    Kira Kick (Flying Thrust Kick, adopted from Tastic but changed the name because Matt Tastic is a bastard man)
    Panther Driver (Head scissor Driver)

    12 Most Used Moves:
    Abdominal Stretch (with the same attacks mid hold Stormrage uses)
    Baseball Slide
    Split Leg Legdrop (That Jeff Hardy move that somehow isn't a low blow)
    Springboard forearm
    Springboard arm drag
    Monkey Flip
    Discus back elbow
    Wheelbarrow slam
    Corkscrew plancha
    Sling Blade
    Last edited by Yaz; 07-30-2019 at 09:19 AM.

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