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Thread: Vega

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    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    Gimmick Name: Vega

    Real Name: William De La Vega

    Nickname: None

    Height: 5'10"

    Weight: 225

    Hometown: Lower East Side (LES), New York City

    Billed From: New York City

    Hair Color/Length: Dirty blonde & black medium length hair.

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Facial Hair: Trimmed beard.

    Ring Attire: Long matte black wrestling tights with a metallic black "V" on the rear, matching fingerless gloves, knee pads, wrestling boots & kick pads.

    Backstage Attire: Long matte black leather trench coat with a metallic "V" on the back over his wrestling gear when scheduled for a match. Jacket, V-Neck shirt, jeans and boots otherwise.

    Alignment: Face

    Main Gimmick: Former thief turned government assassin currently on the road to redemption.

    2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
    1. Vega is determined to not let his past define his future. For this reason, he has chosen to leave his underhanded tactics that brought him success in the Mayhem division behind him. Even though he is fully capable of cheating with the best of them, Vega is on a mission to prove he can achieve success without falling back into his evil ways.
    2. For the first time in his career, Vega is going out of his way to improve in the ring and out. He started an intense training regiment to gain muscle and weight while traveling the world to learn the craft of wrestling from as many different sources as possible.

    1. Superb Balance & Coordination: Never the biggest or strongest in a match, Vega has always been one of the most physically coordinated wrestlers in the promotion. He can jump, hop and scale onto the narrowest of ledges and move along them with ease. This comes into play with his maneuverability on the turnbuckles, ropes, apron, ladders, guard walls/rails etc.
    2. Quick Reflexes & Defensive Movement: Known for having some of the best reflexes in the entire company, Vega is extremely adept at avoiding damage when possible. His reaction speed is superb,easily being able to dodge opponents strikes with simple moves of his head and body. Similar to Floyd Mayweather in boxing or Anderson Silva in his prime in MMA, connecting with simple strikes when facing off against Vega is usually extremely difficult and frustrating for his opponents.
    3. Accurate Striking/Counter Striking: Vega has only recently begun to focus on properly learning actual wrestling maneuvers. He has, however, always been extremely adept at striking. Vega is able to knock people down and sometimes out cold with a multitude of stiff strikes like elbows, knees and kicks. He is often able to use his quick reflexes to dodge attacks and respond with a stunning counter strike with precision accuracy.

    1. Size & Strength: Regardless of all the weight training Vega does to gain in mass, he will never be anywhere near the level of the WZCW's biggest and strongest competitors. His newfound size and strength should help somewhat, but Vega will rarely be able to defeat his opponents using just his brute strength.
    2. High Risk: With this new version of Vega comes an expanded arsenal, one that shows he isn't afraid to take risks. Combining his natural gifts of balance and coordination with his newly acquired knowledge of lucha libre learned from El Califa Dragón, Vega is much more open to the idea of putting his own body on the line than ever before.
    3. No More Mr. Bad Guy: Vega realizes he is best known for his worst actions both in life, and in wrestling. He is determined to leave that all behind him, and therefore will go out of his way to avoid underhanded tactics to win a match.

    Sample Picture of Wrestler:

    Brief History: Little is truly known about Vega. He is a former criminal who has boasted about being a master conman, burglar and thief. He has lived in multiple lavish locations around the world under different aliases, inventing a new identity and history every time. Vega has openly spoken about killing people in the past whether it be in self-defense, for pay, or simply pleasure.

    During his first tenure in WZCW, he was able to focus all of his evil and sociopathic tendencies into the Mayhem Division. After becoming Mayhem Champion and enduring the longest reign in the title's history, the championship was retired, and the division was done away with. Soon thereafter, Vega's success in the company began to suffer. Feeling lost and lacking a sense of direction, Vega disappeared without much fanfare and has not been seen or heard of since... until now.

    Entrance Music: "Intro" by The Xx

    Entrance Description: The lights fade to darkness. The soft sounds of "Intro" by The xx begin to play as smoke slowly begins filling the entrance ramp. The lights flicker on for brief moments as bass drums pound like a beating heart. That's when we can begin to see the shadowy silhouette of Vega playfully moving his body to the music. Just as the snare drums kick in, two spotlights shine down on Vega from opposite sides of the arena. He stands there in the center of a foggy glowing "V" formed by the lights, basking in them with determined look on his face.

    Eventually, he slowly saunters his way down the aisle, almost staggering down as he contorts his body in different ways to take in as much of the crowd and moment as possible. Vega walks around the ring and approaches the crowd on the camera side. He gracefully hops onto the guard wall and stands there on top of it near the fans with his arms out wide, soaking in the crowd noise as if he feeds off of it.

    After a few moments of standing in glory, he walks across the guard wall from one corner to the other to pose before hopping off with ease. He walks up the steel steps at the corner of the ring and then walks to the center of the apron. Vega spins around so he's facing the crowd again with his arms draped over the top rope behind him. He smiles confidently before lunging back, flipping backwards over the ropes and into the ring. Once inside, Vega stands in the center and holds out his hand in the shape of a gun, as smoke rushes across the canvas. He stands there taking aim as spotlights in the arena shine down upon him in the shape of a foggy "V."

    • Primary Finisher: The Kill Shot - Kenny Omega's V-Trigger. He uses it similarly to Omega in the sense that he'll have many different variations and levels of effectiveness. If Vega doesn't connect flush or with full momentum, it could take multiple strikes to finish the job. The strongest variation of the move is usually when his victim is against the ropes and Vega sizes them up by turning his hand into a gun and taking aim. He pulls the trigger, takes off running in the opposite direction and bounces off the ropes to achieve maximum velocity as he runs back and delivers a deadly Kill Shot to his opponent. Often Vega will have to drag the victim's lifeless body off of the ropes for the pinfall.
    • Desperation Finisher: Flying Kill Shot (Springboard, walking the tightrope, off the top turnbuckle, etc.)

    Signature Moves
    • Target Locked: Vega's original finisher from his first stint in WZCW; a Swinging Reverse STO, aka Bray Wyatt's "Sister Abigail." He enjoys using this as a set up for The Kill Shot whenever possible.
    • Walking the Tightrope (Signature Move): Vega loves walking the top rope with ease like a tightrope. He does it for various reasons. To set up flying strikes, to counter enemy attacks, or to escape precarious situations. Sometimes, he'll walk from one turnbuckle to another along the top rope either to escape an opponent's attack or simply just to show off.
    • Elbow & Knee Strikes: Never being able to throw the strongest punch in a fight, Vega learned to use his elbows and knees in a multitude of different ways to attack his opponent. Variations would include Muay Thai style knees and elbows to the head and body from the clinch, running elbows/knees, flying elbows/knees, springboards, jumping after walking a tightrope, on the ground from top mount or defensively off his back, etc.
    • Martial Arts Kicks: Round house, side kick, spin kicks, flying kicks, etc.

    12 Most Used Moves:
    • Judo Throws
    • Counter Striking: Vega is extremely adept at using his elite level reflexes to avoid strikes with head and body movement while quick and smart enough to set himself up with the perfect angle to launch a well timed counter strike. It could be something as simple as moving his head back and popping his opponent in the face with a quick jab, or ducking a stronger attack like a haymaker or kick and responding with a quick Superman Punch or Elbow.
    • Luchadore Maneuvers: Vega learned the craft of lucha libre from El Califa Dragón. He was quickly able to combine his superb balance and quick reflexes and adapt the high-risk nature of lucha libre to his arsenal. He is now much more comfortable utilizing springboard maneuvers, dives to the outside, hurricanranas and headscissors in general. He has also learned the technical side of lucha libre, such as the intricate chain grappling, quick ground transitioning and sophisticated pinning predicaments.
    • Face Breaker: If an opponent is bent or keeled over, Vega will leap up into the air and use his knee to driver his victim's head and face into the ground. It is similar to a Curb Stomp or Fame-Asser, except Vega is using his knee.
    • Leapfrog Bulldog: If Vega is behind his opponent, he will use his victim's shoulders to help him leapfrog over them and catch them on the way down with a bulldog. Sometimes Vega will hit a springboard bulldog instead.
    • Bridging Suplexes: Vega recently learned a couple of useful versions such as German, Dragon, Tiger, Half Nelson and Northern Lights.
    • Basement Dropkick: He hits his opponents with a running basement dropkick either to the knees, or to the face of a downed victim.
    • Moonsaulting Knee Strike: Standing, from the turnbuckles, springboarding, tightroping, etc.
    • 360 Clothesline: Either on the ground, from the turnbuckle or off the ropes.
    • DDT: Different ground and flying variations.
    • Shooting Star Press: From the turnbuckles or springboarding off the ropes.
    • Flying Triangle Choke
    • Rolling Knee Bar
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-16-2019 at 11:08 AM.

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