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Thread: Fastlane 2019: WWE SD Tag Team Championship - The Usos (c) VS. McMiz

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  1. #1

    Fastlane 2019: WWE SD Tag Team Championship - The Usos (c) VS. McMiz

    We saw on SD Live last night that the Usos kinda sorta goaded Shane and Miz into a rematch for the tag titles with Jimmy & Jey insulting Miz, by which Shane, who struck me as playing at being reluctant to use his influence to get a rematch for him and Miz, agreed after standing up for Miz.

    The match will be pretty good, it probably won't be a barn burner and the ending will probably cause Miz to snap since this whole thing is about him getting his father to be proud of him. As I said when I did my own little review for Elimination Chamber, this storyline is one of those that isn't all that realistic to me. Miz has a HOF worthy career, is happily married to a gorgeous woman who bore his child & is pregnant with his 2nd, has had a successful side career as a B to C movie actor and has made a ton of money. Realistically, if someone's dad isn't proud of them for all that, then the problem is that their dad is quite possibly an asshole.

    Either Miz is pinned again, snaps and beats the hell out of Shane or Shane is pinned, Miz snaps and beats the hell out of Shane. What probably leads to the snap is his father, who'll be either at ringside or in the crowd, will probably sell disappointment, Miz will see said look of disappointment, his father will turn his back on him and leave the arena and Miz just loses it.

    At any rate, this will probably be how they set up their reported WrestleMania match.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
    I, Who Was Born In A Naked Land And Bred In The Open Sky.
    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
    Rush In And Die Dogs - I Was A Man Before I Was King."

    Conan Of Cimmeria

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  3. #2
    Senior Member OYDK's Avatar

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    I know this is probably going to lead to Miz turning on Shane to set up a Mania match, and that's probably the safest option, but I think this feud would have a lot more steam with a little role reversal. Shane should be the one to go heel. It seems like, for the first time in a long time, people are ready to cheer Miz and equally as ready to boo Shane and it would make the dynamic a hell of a lot more interesting heading into Mania. Besides, Shane has always been a great heel and he hasn't had the opportunity to really show that off since returning. In the past, Miz's face work has been pretty abysmal, but again, I think that had a lot to do with the fact that the crowd just did not want to cheer him at all; things have obviously changed in that regard over the past couple of years.

    It would be an easy story to tell. Shane and Miz lose, Shane gets pissed and attacks Miz. On Smackdown he comes out calling him a failure, a disappointment, no wonder your father was never proud of you, etc, etc. Plus, if things work out in the right way, it could set up an awesome face Miz/heel Bryan title feud.

    This is assuming Miz/Shane is actually happening at Mania. As far as the match goes, should be fun, but no way Usos aren't going into Mania as champs. As they should.

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  5. #3
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    Zero interest in The Miz vs. Shane, particularly at Mania. But as a team they have legs. I'm still baffled by the decision to take the titles off them so soon.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    The whole storyline surrounding Miz's dad is dumb as shit. I hate it.
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    Goon: Drebin!
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    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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  9. #5
    Senior Member OYDK's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Deliverer of Mail View Post
    The whole storyline surrounding Miz's dad is dumb as shit. I hate it.
    I think it's hilarious, especially when Miz tries so hard to sell it. *in tears, "My dad only became proud of me once I won a random tournament that meant nothing and became Shane McMahon's tag team partner. Never mind that I've already won the tag titles 6 times before, am an 8 time IC champion, married one of the sexiest women in the world, am rich as fuck, and oh yeah, beat John Cena in the main event of Wrestlemania in a WWE championship match. It all pales in comparison to teaming with you Shane!"

    It's literally like the people writing this storyline were hired a year ago and had never even heard of WWE or The Miz before then.

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  11. #6
    I Stay Blasted Yaz's Avatar

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    Yeah the dude beat Cena with the title on the line in the main event of Wrestlemania, is a legit actor, is married to Maryse, was on a fairly popular MTV show, is one of the most decorated IC champions of all time, but his goofy ass looking dad was only proud once he was a partner with Shane. It's the worst kind of stupid.

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  13. #7
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    Does anyone actually enjoy the Usos these days? They were great in 2013 when they did a little tag team revival and they were allowed to have nice matches with the Wyatts and the Shield and the Real Americans, but they're pretty much exactly the same tag team now except they act more....urban. I guess they used to be good because they were the only team doing superkicks and big suicide dives 5 years ago, but thankfully HHH hired the entire roster of PWG circa 2014 so we actually have plenty of tag teams that can do what they do now. One's that probably don't try to fight police officers.

    Flames out,

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