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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Meltdown 158

    Quote Originally Posted by Gold Rush 2019

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event and is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

    Please welcome at this time, your special guest referee for the evening, WZCW Hall of Famer, Everest!

    Introducing first, in the corner to my left. He is the challenger. Weighing in at 225 lbs, from Keystone City, Kansas, this is WZCW Hall of Famer, Titus!

    And in the corner to my right, weighing in at 220 lbs, he is the self proclaimed "Commander and Chief" and the reigning, defending WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, "King" Flex Mussel!

    Everest pulls Flex away, earning a glare from Flex. The champ isn't happy, but throws his hands up and backs off. Titus shakes his head a bit but exits the corner and locks up with the champ.

    Cohen: Did you see Everest put his hands on Flex earlier? I told you he was biased.

    Everest starts the five count and Titus tries to break the tie up. Flex pulls him back in though and Everest has to physically separate them. As Everest has his back turned, Flex rakes the eyes of Titus.

    Connor: Still think Everest is biased Jack? He put his hands on Titus.

    Titus uses a school boy to roll him up...One!...Two!...but Flex kicks out. Titus makes sure to keep pressure on with a quick reverse DDT before Flex can get his wits about him and makes a second cover...One!...Two!...Kick out by the champ a second time.

    Copeland: I wouldn't count Titus out just yet Jack. He isn't a Hall of Famer for nothing.

    Wasabi runs over and grabs his leg, unseen by Everest. Titus kicks him away, but the distraction was enough. Flex is able to roll Titus up as the challenger tried to pick him up...One!...Two!...Kick out by Titus!

    Connor: Wasabi just cheated for Flex!

    Flex turns around and the Hall of Famer catches him with a kick to the midsection. He follows up with the Tit Drop! The Fame Asser that has won countless matches connects. Titus hooks the leg...One!...Two!...Three! Titus leaps to his feet in celebration, only for Everest to get his attention and point to the bottom rope.

    Copeland: More cheating from Wasabi, this time making sure Flex didn't lose after taking the Tit Drop.

    He connects with a modified Tit Drop through the ropes! Instead of making a cover, Titus ascends to the top rope. The entire arena knows what is coming, and he follows up. The Red Comet! A spectacular shooting star corkscrew elbow drop right into the evil heart of Flex. Titus crawls into the cover and Everest slides into position...One!...Two!...Three! Titus has done it. Titus, the Englishman, has won in Washington DC. The crowd is euphoric as Titus cements himself in the WZCW record book yet again.

    Copeland: Titus is the hero we needed! He has captured the World Title!

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and NEEEEEEEEEEEEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus!

    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *

    Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a sold out 16,548 strong T-Moblie Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada to see the fallout of Gold Rush!!

    Cohen: The night the Flexamerican government shut down! Titus Avison has taken the WZCW World Championship but at the same time, Kagura has won the Gold Rush tournament and will now be his first challenger.

    Copeland: Did someone say challenger?

    Cohen: Umm..... I did?

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the NEEEEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus Avison!!

    The NEW World Champion makes his way out to the stage to a massive ovacion as confetti showers over him. He has a cheerful smile armed on his face as he holds the title over his shoulder. He makes his way down and enters the ring. He takes the mic and awaits for the crowd to die down before speaking.

    Titus: You've heard legends of a man in a red mask. You've heard legends of a man who swept the Oscars. You've heard the legends of the man who vanquished Everest. You've heard legends of the man who vanquished Ty Burna. You've heard legends of the man who vanquished Flex America.


    The legend is real. And the legend is World Champion once again.

    Titus puts the mic down as he makes his way up the aisle and his music hits again.

    Copeland: The new World Champion has spoken. And later tonight we will see him in action as he takes on Alice "Baby Doll" Adams and we have a big 3 Way main event as Xander, Callie Clark and Stetson Hayes face off to determine who will challenge our new WZCW Eurasian Champion Garth Black.

    Cohen: But coming up next, our opening match happens to involve our new Eurasian Champion as he teams up with Zhanshi to take on the former World Champion Flex Mussel and Keith Kole.

    As Cohen finishes speaking we cut to Gorilla position as Titus comes back in. As he walks to the back, Kagura is there. The two meet and exchange a glance before Titus moves on. They acknowledge each other. But for now, nothing more.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-23-2019 at 08:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from the Last Chance Saloon, weighing in at 15 stone, he is the new Eurasian Champion, Garth Black!

    Garth Black walks out onto the stage with his newly won championship wrapped tightly around his waist. He points to it proudly as the fans cheer for him, before making his way down the ramp, high fiving a few fans in the front row while keeping hold of his water bottle in his other hand. He walks up the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope, taking a swig of water before tossing it to ringside and nodding to the fans cheering for him and stepping into his corner.

    Harrys: And his partner, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Hong Kong, China, Zhanshi!

    The camera pans past four nervous looking young men in white Kung Fu uniforms. There is no music as they stand two per side, all four are holding square wooden boards. Zhanshi walks to the top of the stage, he gives them all a warning glace as if to say -get ready- The young men tense and hold the boards out, Zhanshi spins with an elbow and screams, snapping one of the boards, he hops on one foot to deliver a crescent kick to snap the board opposite him. He screams again with a straight palm thrust, snapping another board. He grabs the last board off the man and pushes him away. He walks a few steps down the ramp, holding the wooden board with an almost smirk on his face. He holds the board out in front of himself and pauses for a moment, then snaps the board with a lightning fast punch......

    (Zhanshi theme here)

    ...the lights go out and a spotlight shines over Zhanshi, two red lights shine from under the ramp as the muscular demon stands there, staring straight at the ring as dust from the broken board still lingers in the air. He starts to slowly walk towards the ring, he's taking his time as the lights follow him. He walks up the steel steps, he stands on the ring apron for a moment, he gives the fans a long stare before grabbing the top rope and springboarding high over them and into the ring, he lands and does a quick front roll to the other side of the ring, he stands back up and roars as the lights come back on, jets of thick steam shoots out of each ring post as the music hits 1:05 with the choir in full noise. Zhanshi slaps his thighs and stretches his neck as he prepares to do battle.

    Copeland: This should be quite the interesting team to say the least.

    Cohen: And taking on Flex America, a team that have experience teaming up, it should make for a good challenge for these two taking them on.

    Copeland: Indeed, but let's not forget that this team does feature the Eurasian Champion, a man who's proven his worth around here quite well, and I'm sure has had a lot of odd ball partners. I imagine he'll be able to work with the newcomer.

    Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 450 pounds, the team of Keith Kole and Flex Mussel!

    The two men make their way out to the ring with Kole waving the flex america flag and Flex carries out fruit and protein shakes, tossing them into the crowd while yelling at the fans about being unhealthy fatties. Flex and Kole now enter the ring and stare down their opponents, both of whom look ready to fight.

    Cohen: Gold Rush was a terrible night for Flex America with Flex losing the World Title, can Flex bounce back here?

    Copeland: I think he can Seabass, but the loss of his championship may still be weighing heavily on him and might lead to him not being fully focused on the match at hand.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    Zhanshi and Flex start the match for their respective teams as their partners step out onto the apron. Flex goes for a lock up, but Zhanshi takes a step back, and attempts a karate front kick quickly, which makes Flex jump back to avoid it. Zhanshi takes a fighting stance, daring the former world champ to come at him as he gets back to his feet, and after sizing him up, laughs off the challenge and makes the tag to Keith Kole.

    Copeland: Seems Mussel is afraid to go at it with the newcomer to start things.

    Cohen: Afraid? Nonsense! He just went through a war at Gold Rush and Zhanshi doesn't wanna lock up, so he's letting Kole deal with him. That's the great thing about having sidekicks.

    Kole steps into the ring and stares down Zhanshi, who tells him to bring it on, and Kole charges at him, but Zhanshi sidesteps, as Kole prevents himself from running into the turnbuckles, and turns around into a jumping spinning elbow strike! Kole drops, holding his jaw as he rolls away towards a neutral corner to recover as Zhanshi stands in the middle of the ring letting Kole get to his feet, but as soon as he does, Zhanshi flys into the corner with a knee strike to the jaw! Zhanshi tosses Kole out of the corner and to the middle of the ring and covers him for an early pin attempt. Kole kicks out.

    Kole gets to his feet seconds after Zhanshi, who stands ready to fight in a fighting stance again, and Kole looks angry at the newcomer getting the best of him, and throws a few punches with all of them getting blocked, and Zhanshi goes for a suplex, but as he lifts Kole up, Kole hits a knee to the skull to block it, and stumbles back into his corner, which lets Mussel tag back into the match, and sidestep the charging china man, causing him to slam into Kole! The two men are stacked up in the corner now, as Mussel charges in, and splashes both men, using his own tag partner to sandwich Zhanshi! Mussel isn't done there though as he drags Zhanshi out of the corner and tells Kole to lift his knees, which he does, before whipping Zhanshi back into the corner, causing him to run spine first into the raised knees and fall to the mat.

    Copeland: Some nice team work there from Flex America, even if Flex used his own partner as a weapon.

    Cohen: Hey it slowed down Zhanshi so that's all that matters.

    Kole leaves the ring as Flex stomps on the newcomer to keep him down, as Garth Black tries to will his partner back into the match, but as Zhanshi starts getting to his feet, Flex lifts him up and drops him with a gutwrench overhead throw! Flex doesn't give his opponent a chance to rest though, instead lifting him right back up and taking him down with a belly to belly suplex, right into a pin! 1....2...No! Zhanshi kicks out!

    Flex seems a little surprised but stays on the attack, firing off a few knee strikes to the gut to keep him down, and then taking time to strike a pose, all while keeping a foot on the back of the head of Zhanshi.

    Copeland: Oh come on that's uncalled for!

    Cohen: Show me the rule that says he can't do that Seabass!

    Flex continues to pose, but he poses for a second too long which lets Zhanshi recover and push him away, and then kick the former champ away as he comes back at him, which lets him get back to his feet as Flex comes out of the corner, and Zhanshi throws a punch, but it's blocked and Flex drops him down to the mat, grabbing both legs and dragging him to the center of the ring and he motions for the spin and win, this could be trouble! Flex begins spinning, around and around he goes, 12,13,14 and finally 15 spins before dropping Zhanshi and covering him for another pin attempt, 1.2....but Garth Black breaks it up! Black punches Flex a few times, but Kole enters the ring and saves Mussel, charging into Black with a shoulder block to knock him down and kicks him out of the ring! The ref yells at Kole to leave the ring and he gets back on the apron, as Flex makes the tag to him, then lifts up Zhanshi and restrains him before yelling for Kole to finish him! Kole laughs and slaps Zhanshi across the face, which only angers him as he tries to get free, and Kole takes a step back, then goes for his Superkick, May I Take Your Order?....NO! Zhanshi escapes and ducks it, causing Mussel to get blasted with a kick to the face!

    Cohen: Oh no, the king is down!

    Kole looks shocked as he checks on Mussel, who lays on the floor not moving and Zhanshi takes the opening to make a tag to Garth Black, who was yelling for him! Garth enters the ring and runs up behind Kole, grabbing him around the waist and dropping him with a german suplex! Kole gets back up and stumbles into the nearest corner, Black follows and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, firing off 10 straight punches followed by a kick to the ribs, and monkey flipping Kole to the middle of the ring, the 12 Step Programme hits!

    Copeland: I think the end is near, Black seems to be closing in on the victory and Kole is rocked!

    Kole slowly stumbles to his feet as Black lifts him up onto his shoulders, and drops Kole with the Black Out! Kole drops and Black covers for a pin as Zhanshi jumps off the apron onto Mussel, who was just getting up on the floor as the ref counts the pin, 1..2...3!

    Harrys: Here's your winners, Zhanshi and the Eurasian Champion, Garth Black!

    Copeland: Wow, that was a dominant victory for the oddball team tonight.

    Cohen: You're telling me, and the rough stretch continues for Flex America, and for Keith Kole who doesn't seem to be present lately with his performances.

    Copeland: Maybe he's been eating too much fast food.

    Cohen: Some Flex Fitness will surely help him get back on track.

  3. #3
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, from Keystone, Kansas, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, this is TITUS!

    The crowd come alive as their champion makes his way onto the stage. He smiles wide as he heads into his first match since capturing the WZCW World Title for a record tying third time. He takes time to slap fives and shake hands with everyone he can, really soaking in the moment of his first walk to the ring with this belt in so long. He gets into the ring and immediately gets on the second turnbuckle and holds it high. Once he hops down and hands the title over though, he is all business, ready for the task at hand.

    Copeland: Despite it being so long since he held the World Title, you would think Titus never missed a beat. He looks like a natural with the gold around his waist and looks just as pumped today as he did when he won it the first time back in twenty ten.

    Cohen: Maybe time is a circle Seabass. What was old is now new again. I just hope Joseph Rios doesn't come out here tonight, I may have to resign if so.

    And his opponent, from Palm Springs, Ca, weighing 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

    The crowd boos as Alice walks out seductively, strutting with a confidence few others could muster. She teases the audience with her feathered boa, and a few men in the front few rows cheer her. She struts to the ring and climbs the steps. Before she enters she blows a kiss to Titus and tosses her boa aside and bends over as she enters the ring, making sure to show off her ASSets.

    Cohen: This is a great show. I'm glad we have a great seat for this. Makes up for having to watch Titus.

    Copeland: A big opportunity for Adams here tonight. A win would carry double value, a champion and a Hall of Famer. It would really give her some momentum.

    Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell and we are underway.


    The two immediately lock up in the center of the ring and Adams forces Titus back into the corner and holds her hands up for a break. They separate and lock up again, and this time Titus forces Adams into the ropes and a second break occurs. Titus backs up and Adams fires off a dropkick and makes the cover...One!...Titus kicks out with ease. Adams tries to keep up the pressure but Titus springs to hit feet and answers with a dropkick of his own and makes the cover...One!...and Adams kicks out with no issues. They both get back to their feet and they both miss with separate big kicks and square off. The audience applauds the display, as kicks are big business in wrestling. They tie up again, with Titus getting the upper hand and working to a standing arm bar. Adams fights and gets close to the ropes, but the veteran know how of Titus comes into play and he smashes an elbow into the arm of Baby Doll before she can break the hold. He then Irish whips her across the ring and takes her down with an arm drag off the rebound. He keeps the arm bar required to execute the hold locked on and wrenches on it, keeping Adams in the center of the ring.

    Copeland: Titus seems content to slow things down a bit here after a fairly quick start.

    Cohen: It's boring. I don't wanna see limb work and smart wrestling. I wanna see kicks and flips and dives and speed.

    Titus wraps his leg around Adam's torso and looks to fall back and really pop the arm, but she shows great knowledge of her opponent by rolling with Titus and stacking him up, pinning his shoulders to the mat...One!...Two!...Titus is forced to break the hold to kick out. Adams is still on her hands and knees as Titus approaches her, but it was a ruse to hit a mule kick and stagger the champ. She gets to her feet and rushes him with punches and forearms from her good arm, backing him into the corner as she continues the blows. Keith Morse tells her to break so she connects with one vicious back elbow to knock Titus into a seated position. She then shakes out her bad arm a little and she walks to the far turnbuckle. She then charges and connects with a bronco buster. She pulls Titus out of the corner and makes a cover...One!...Two!...But the champ kicks out. Adams is quick to drag Titus to his feet by his hair before she simply throws him down back first into the mat. As the referee warns her over the hair pull, she hops on the second turnbuckle. As Titus stands she takes him down with a diving bulldog, planting his face into the mat. She hooks a leg...One!...Two!...Kick out again by the Hall of Famer and Adams slaps her hands on the mat in frustration.

    Cohen: Baby Doll clearly frustrated by some slow counts by our incompetent referee.

    Copeland: Nothing slow about the counts Jack, Adams simply hasn't done enough to put the Hall of Famer away.

    Adams grabs a chinlock and makes sure to trap one of Titus' arms to apply more pressure. Frustration is clearly forming on her face as he wiggles around and tried to break the hold. "TITUS! TITUS! TITUS!" The crowd comes alive for the champ and he keeps fighting eventually working his way toward the ropes and getting his boot on the bottom rope, breaking the hold. Adams keeps the hold locked on until the count of four and when she breaks the hold she screams in the face of Keith Morse. She then charges at the now standing Titus. He is able to back body drop Adams over the top rope and onto the apron. He then connects with a kesagiri chop that drops Adams to the floor below. The champ climbs onto the apron and waits for Adams to stand, then leaps and connects with a clothesline from the apron. He pops to his feet and throws his arms in the air as the crowd cheers his efforts. He grabs Baby Doll and rolls her into the ring. As he climbs inside himself, Adams is able to grab him and pull him into a small package...One!...Two!...Kick out by the champ again. On their feet, Adams looks to fire off her discus clothesline, The Encore, but Titus ducks and hits a Pele kick that staggers Adams. He then connects with a kick to the midsection, the set up to the Tit Drop! Adams is able to counter by lifting Titus and dropping him behind her, but the champ is quick to connect with a reverse hurricanrana, plating Adams awkwardly on her neck. The crowd gasps as Adams doesn't move. Keith Morse tells Titus to give it a moment. Adams doesn't move so Morse goes to check on her. Titus looks beside himself and paces a bit before he goes to check on Adams.

    Copeland: You just hate to see this, anytime a competitor is hurt you never want to assume the worst, but her neck impacted the ring very awkwardly.

    Cohen: No question, you never want to see this. We work in a dangerous business and all of us who have stepped into that ring know the risks, but this is a sad scene.

    Morse and Titus go to help Adams when she suddenly hits Titus with a low blow before she springs to her feet. The Hall of Famer drops to his knees.

    Cohen: HAHA! She suckered Titus in! Brilliant!

    She hits the ropes and hits a flying forearm smash to the face of Titus. The crowd is all boos as she calls for the finish and gets Titus in position for Not Your Doll, the window's peak move she likes to end matches with. Titus is able to grab the top rope though as they were too close to the ropes. He uses it to switch positions and eventually end with him having Adams in an ankle lock. Adams is able to fight it and roll over onto her back to try to kick the champ away. Titus reacts in time to grab her leg however and flip over into a jackknife cover...One!...Two!...Three! Adams kicks out a fraction of a second too late.

    Cohen: She kicked out!

    Copeland: It was three, barely, but Titus again showed off his ring presence and veteran intuition by countering some big shots and underhanded tactics.

    Titus has his arm raised by the referee as Adams has choice words with the timekeeper and ring announcer. Finally she leaves and Truman Harrys can make it official.

    Here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus!


    At the Las Vegas strip we see none other than Stetson Hayes as he goes about drinking and gambling through the assortment of casinos, surrounded by slot machines, alcohol, cigars and scadily clad women.

    Stetson: Now this is my kind of entertainment!! I just made $500 and lost them right away! What a thrill. This is what it's all about. Gambling big to win big, surrounded by fine booze, fine women and the aroma of fine cigars.

    Hayes steps out showing the night life in Las Vegas. The bussling streets, the bright lights, the exotic design of the hotels but as he does, he realizes something.

    Stetson: Mother of God, it's cold as balls out here. What in the hell? What's the temperature? .........34 degrees?! And I'm out here in my wrestling gear?!! I'll freeze my tits off! Oh Jesus, time to head back to the arena. I got me a title match to earn.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-23-2019 at 08:49 AM.

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    Backstage we spot Matt Tastic in a dark, gloomy room. He stares at his newly-won Mayhem Championship. Contemplating something before he starts to clutch it.

    Copeland: The new Mayhem Champion Matt Tastic, dethroned our first ever Dual Champion Mikey Stormrage to win that title. He stabbed his best friend in the back to win that title.

    Cohen: Tomorrow at Ascension, these two meet again with Vega and Annie Halloway as their tag team partners. To what lows will Matt Tastic sink in the name of his alledged glory?

    Copeland: It says a lot that not even you bother defending him.


    Xander stands in front of a camera, sitting on a bleacher.

    Xander: I get so close, only to fall short just in the last second. But I still stand back up and try again. That's what sets me apart from everyone else. I never die. I never stay down. I will never settle. I will continue to keep going until I reach the top. But not even that could posibly stop me. I may have fallen short of winning the Gold Rush tournament, but here I am. Back up and ready to fight again. I will dig, scratch, claw and do whatever it takes to win.

    Xander gets up and walks away.


    The very first WZCW event comes to the brand new WZCW Network! Titus Avison goes into a Trios match, Celeste Crimson makes her first impression and the hunt to crown the first ever WZCW World Champion begins! Get hyped and don't miss out as this remastered episode goes live soon.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-23-2019 at 08:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: The following contest is a 3 Way match scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, from New Your City, she is Callie Clark!!

    Callie Clark appears on the stage clad in full leather, sunglasses and guns on holdsters. She pops bubblegum in her mouth as we see her hair in a bun, cosplaying as Cassie Cage from Mortal Kombat 11.

    Copeland: Out of the three participants in this match, Callie Clark is the only one who had a victory at Gold Rush. The difference being that she is coming up after falling short in the Gold Rush tournament. Hayes and Xander fell short in the Eurasian and Gold Rush tournaments respectively.

    Cohen: Are you implying she deserves it more than the others? I feel they all deserve this tonight.

    Second, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 lbs, this is Xander!!

    A spotlight emerges over Xander as he makes his way down the aisle as the crowd boos at the Gold Rush runner-up. As he enters the ring, he flips off the crowd as he poses on the corner.

    Copeland: You have to image Xander has a big chip on his shoulder. He came so close to winning the Gold Rush and that opportunity he's been clamoring for so long, but fell short again.

    Cohen: Tonight he has a chance to dust himself up and stand back up again. That's his defining trait. He doesn't give up.

    Xander's music dies out as the two competitors await the third entrant but nothing happens for a good while.

    Stetson Hayes: How humiliating!!

    Hayes' voice booms through the PA system and on the stage, the man comes around riding his large horse to the stage with a mic at hand as he gets down.

    Hayes: An entertainment haven like Las Vegas and our alledged DJ drops the ball finding my entrance theme. I have been criticized and lambasted day in and day out for nothing but truthful comments. But then I come to a sesspool like Las Vegas. Gambling and drinking? I mean, that's a great hook. But then you see these shows here. Hologram Michael Jackson? Hell, at least they got him to stop going all Peter Pan. Circle Doo Soley? I can't even pronounce that! Who could? There should be a rule against entertainers with names you can't pronounce. And of course, the biggest lie of all. MMA. Mixed Martial Arts? Who would watch such obviously fake, fixed matches with such obvious favoritism by the alledged sports commition? There's a reason wrestling doesn't have one. It be as corrupt as USADA. But don't worry. I am here to show you what entertainment is all about. By showing these two gamer kids what a real wrestler is all about. I will win here. Win the Eurasian title and rebrand it the AMERICAN title.

    Hayes enters the ring amidst his rant as the other two seem to not pay much heed.

    Senior referee Jurou Akiyama verifies the three contestants and has the bell ring to start the match.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    Right away, Callie walks up to Steston and kicks him right low between the legs. Stetson clutches his netherregions in obvious pain but now Xander walks up. HE kicks Stetson low too. Stetson collapses onto Xander's shoulder leading to the extreme wrestler to grab him and toss him out of the ring. Xander turns around to face a very ready Callie Clark. They measure up in the center of the ring, trying the Collar and Elbow tie-up. They press looking for the advantage but its Callie who takes charge as she uses her shorter stature to her advantage. She bends her knees, lays on her back and Monkey Flips Xander over her. She holds on to the Tie-Up though and they stay like that on the canvas, stopping to cut to Stetson on the outside writhing in pain as fans seem to be laughing at him. Back in the ring, Callie and Xander get up and they stare each other down defensively. Xander grabs Callie with a Headlock and tries to hold her down. She once again bends her knees and exits the Headlock. She quickly grabs Xanders legs and trips him up. With Xander face down on the mat, Callie rolls over his back and starts stomping over Xander's head as he struggles to escape. He rolls out but as he tries to get up kicks him in the chest several times. He catches one and stands up and hits Callie with chops to the chest as he holds on to her leg. Callie desperately skipping on her one leg to not fall down but leaving herself open in doing so. Xander lets go of the leg and leaps into the air for a big Dropkick as Callie stumbles onto the ropes and falls to the outside and Xander milks the boos from the crowd.

    Copeland: This sounds like a tough match for the crowd. Three rather shady individuals facing each other here.

    Cohen: What?! How dare, Seabass! These are three people who have been constantly wronged despite their success forced to face each other so only one of them can get their just due. Just look at what Hayes has to overcome right now.

    As Cohen says that, Stetson gets back in the ring and faces Xander. They butt heads insulting each other before Xander throws a slap. Stetson responds with one of his own. They stare at each other in anger and exchange more slaps to the face. Xander tries an Enzuigiri but Stetson manages to telegraph it and ducks, leading to Xander crashing and burning from missing it. Xander tries to get back up facing away from Hayes who has a brilliant follow up by hitting a Big Boot to the back of Xander's head leading to him falling out of the ring. As Xander falls out, Callie is on the top rope and Hayes sees her. Unfortunately, he has no defense as Callie flies in with a Missile Dropkick, knocking him down. She spots Xander on the outside and she dashes across the ropes, flying to the outside between the ropes with a Tope Suicida and driving him against the barricade. She bounces off him and lands on her feet and in the heat of the moment she takes in the crowd cheering her for her athletism. Callie dashes back into the ring but is hit right away with a thunderous Lariat, stopping her cold. Stetson poses in delight, but gets nothing but boos. Steston pulls Callie up by her hair, ruining her bun and he starts hitting forearms. Callie tries to cover up to no avail. It's a rather uncomfortable look as Stetson just beats on her and she seems defenseless. She staggers backward with each hit catching her hard on the head. Steston takes a swing with a big haymaker but Callie manages to see that one coming and ducks it. Hayes staggers backward and Callie takes the oportunity to hit a Pele Kick to the back of Hayes' head. He clutches his head as he turns back to face Callie and as he does so, Callie hits a second Pele Kick to the face of Hayes. He staggers away to the ropes as Xander suddenly dashes towards him and viciously Clotheslines him against the ropes, knocking Hayes out. Xander stands there and turns around to find Callie running at him in similar fashion. Xander ducks as Callie comes in and he launches her over the ropes and onto Stetson Hayes on the outside who is knocked down. They both start come about and Xander sees his opportunity and runs across the ropes diving over them and onto Hayes and Callie on the outside in an incredible leap.

    Cohen: Wow. These three are just tearing it up in there! I am very much enjoying this.

    Copeland: No sense in looking to cheat when there's a third person in the match who would break things up.

    Xander tosses Hayes back into the ring, not wasting a second. He hits the Enzuigiri he was looking for earlier as Hayes tries to hold on to the corner to keep himself up. A mistake as Xander leaps onto him with a big Splash. He then Snapmares Hayes over and kicks him right in the spine. Xander has all of a tenth of a second to bask in his offense though as Callie suddenly Spears right through him with the Slingshot Spear between the ropes. She presses him for the first cover of the match but right away Hayes picks Callie up and dumps her to break it up. He grabs Xander and lifts him up for a Powerbomb. But Xander holds on and pulls himself back up, following that with a Huracanrana, sending Hayes crashing on to the ring post. With him stuck there, Callie comes flying in with yet another Dropkick. This one aimed right at his backside as Hayes drops from the pain clutching his back. Callie turns around and is met with the X-Rated Superkick from Xander! Her body crumbles from the impact as he hooks the leg for a cover and no Hayes to break it up! 1...... 2........ But Callie still has fight in her and kicks out. Xander grabs Callie looking for Fade Away but Callie fights it. She struggles to not fall for the submission but Xander seems to have it locked in. Callie struggles to break free but she's clutched. She manages to grab the rope but referee Jurou Akiyama signals that it's pointless in this match-up. Suddenly, Hayes appears with a big steel chair and takes a big swing, hitting Callie in the back so hard, Xander lets go also in pain from the blow. He starts to hit both with the corner of the chair repeatedly over and over. Despite it being legal, referee Jurou Akiyama intervenes, taking the weapon from Hayes and discarding it.

    Copeland: It may be legal, but our senior oficial was not pleased with Hayes seemingly taking the shortcut here.

    Cohen: See what I mean, Seabass?! It's perfectly legal! Why did he stop him?!

    Hayes grabs Xander off the canvas, he tosses him overhead with a Fallaway Slam. As he does he's quick to pick up Callie. But the crowd has an odd reaction, cheering after Xander is tossed. It's revealed why when he picks up Callie, turning around to find Xander up. He landed on his feet. Hayes freezes holding onto Callie and is met with his own X-Rated Superkick which dominoes into Callie still being tossed overhead with the Fallaway Slam. Except Hayes falls down. Xander decides to go for the X Press. He hits the Moonsault. But as he goes for the Shooting Star, Hayes gets his knees up. Xander clutches his ribs in pain as Hayes grabs him and hoists him up in the air for a big Powerbomb. Hayes holds on for the cover. 1..... 2.......-But Xander gets a shoulder up. Right away though, Hayes grabs the legs and locks in the dreaded Texas Cloverleaf dead in the center of the ring.

    Cohen: This is it! No one to stop him! He's got it locked in! Stetson Hayes may win this!

    Copeland: Xander's only chance now is to hold on and hope for intervention from Callie Clark!

    Xander screams in agony as Hayes lays on the pressure. Xander tries to drag himself to the ropes, but Hayes just drags him back to the center of the ring. The seconds pass on by as time seems eternal in the hold. Xander desperately tries to hold on to the point that he'll bite his fingers in pain. Cutting to Callie Clark we see her getting a hold of herself and seeing what's going on. She runs up and leaps on to the top rope. With absolutely no hesitation she flies into the air with a Spiral Tap, crashing back first onto Hayes and getting him to release the hold. She gets back up and seemingly out of pure spite, she grabs Hayes hand. She milks the crowd as she holds on to the hand and pops Hayes' hand. He screams in agony has Callie yells at him. Hayes rolls out of the ring in pain as Callie climbs the top rope, measuring the prone Xander on the canvas. She flies off with her patented Calliesault but is met with knees to the gut!! She clutches them but right as she does, Xander grabs her and locks it in! The Fade Away!! Hayes is outside having his hand checked! Callie is trapped in the center of the ring and is already out of air! She fades away! Hayes sees what's happening and goes to get in the ring but as he slides in, Jurou makes the call!

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a knockout, here is your winner, Xander!!

    Copeland: Senior oficial Jurou Akiyama made a call there. Callie had passed out and it is a referee's job to ensure the safety of our wrestlers.

    Cohen: Stetson Hayes was just seconds away from breaking the hold!

    Copeland: One second too late, Jack. Callie was out cold. He could not wait a second longer. Xander is Garth Black's next challenger.

    Xander gets his arm raised as ringside assistants tend to Callie Clark, coughing after being released. Stetson comes in and starts arguing with Akiyama about the decision with his hand still messed up. The show closes as Xander poses in the corner.

  6. #6
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Backstage, the camera catches a glimpse of Callie Clark getting ready for her match. She already in full ring gear. As she stretches and does some last minute warm ups, the camera catching some money shots of her derriere, she's suddenly approached by Leon Kensworth. She doesn't appear to be too thrilled about having a microphone shoved into her face, but she smirks and allows the man to ask her a question or two.

    Leon: Callie Clark, in the main event you have a huge opportunity to compete for the #1 contendership to the Eurasian title. Tell me what your mindset is going into this match later on tonight?

    Callie's demeanor turns stone cold serious as she takes the microphone and pulls it closer to her face.

    Callie: Garth Black made history at Gold Rush. He's the lucky man that gets to write the next chapter in the history of the Eurasian championship. Now me, I'm already in the history books as the greatest Elite champion of all time, but I'd like to try setting new records. Unscripted is coming up soon, and Garth Black doesn't have an opponent. After I win tonight, we'll set out little date. Black's on borrowed time, Leon. The age of me is coming. Once I beat him, I'll be the one writing that belt's history. I always set my sights on impossible goals and make them into a reality. I'm the one that broke the curse on the Elite title. I'm the one that won it three times, more than anyone ever. Once I win the Eurasian title, I'm going to break Titus' record. The EurCallie era will last a lifetime. I guarantee it. All I need to do is beat Stetson Hayes and Xander tonight.


    The camera cuts to another area of the arena. We see former world champion King Mussel holding his jaw after being accidentally superkicked by his own partner. He looks frustrated as hell. He stops, sensing someone in his way. He looks up and smiles.

    King Mussel: Well well, I didn't expect to see you here. Weren't you supposed to be teaming with the Elite Corpulent champion on Ascension?

    The camera pans to reveal none other than Vega, whose making a surprise appearance on Meltdown.

    Vega: Mikey prefers the term Elite Overweight, just so you know.

    Flex scoffs.

    King Mussel: It doesn't matter, he's fat! Now what do my subjects and I owe this impromptu visit of yours, Vega? And don't tell me you were just "in the neighborhood."

    The former Mayhem champion laughs.

    Vega: I think your subjects should be questioning by what right does a disgraced monarch have to rule over them, don't you ever get tired of the this shtick, Flex?

    The former champion smirks.

    King Mussel: You think you're clever, huh? You have an awfully big bark for such a little dog. Here I was thinking Mikey had adopted you as a pet. It must be a real honor for you, getting to throw away his empty Taco Bell wrappers.

    That gets a snort from Vega, as both men step forward to get in each others faces. A tense stare down occurs with neither man budging.

    Vega: Speaking of lap dogs, I saw yours bite his masters hand tonight. I think you're losing your touch, Flex.

    The "Monsieur of Muscle" chuckles.

    King Mussel: Just a minor setback, Vega. Don't you worry. Are you going to answer my question from earlier?

    The smaller man smiles and backs away a few steps.

    Vega: Just here to scope out the competition, Flex. Unscripted is coming up soon, and I'd like the chance to show Vance Bateman that I deserve to move up to the next level.

    The larger man doesn't seem impressed.

    King Mussel: You've been in WZCW for years now and what have you accomplished? The Elite Lardo's last diet was more successful than your current run.

    Vega shakes his head.

    Vega: There was a time when a comment like that would have gotten to me, but I won't let the words of a has-been ruffle me. You traded everything that was once important to you for a chance of fame. I hope it was worth it, now that your kingdom as crumbled. Meanwhile, I have developed something just as important as fame.

    The bodybuilder huffs.

    King Mussel: Yeah, and what exactly is that?

    Vega grins, and turns to leave.

    Vega: Character. I'll see you around Flex.

    The monarch stews over his words, before shouting back.

    King Mussel: It's King Mussel, get it right! Lousy peasant.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-23-2019 at 08:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Intro,segments & Main Event - KJ
    Titus Avison vs Baby Doll - Yaz
    Zhanshi/Garth Black vs Keith Kole/Flex Mussel - Matrix
    Segments - Echelon

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