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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Ascension 135

    Quote Originally Posted by Gold Rush 2019

    A person that faces adversity using ingenuity & bravery, guided by a selfless code of conduct and driven by a goal to aid others around them.


    A person that uses manipulation & abuse, guided by selfish reasoning to take what they desire and find methods to justify their means regardless of casualties.

    Championship Gold.

    The validation of success in pro wrestling. To hold a Championship is to show you are of most importance in the world of pro wrestling and hold favor above others to use as desired.


    Those that do not hold gold, had the opportunity to prove themselves worthy to fight for it. And so, they put everything they had on the line for victory. Gold does not just represente great riches. But it also represents the victory after a struggle. It drives these men and women to push themselves beyond human capability.


    Mikey gets up and stands over Buchanan who is dragging himself up, pulling on Mikey’s pants while the Champion just can’t believe it. He pats Buchanan on the shoulder in respect and starts winding up for the Headshot! But Buchanan breaks away from it and manages to hoist Mikey on his shouders, then hitting an Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. He quickly tries getting on Mikey for the Emerald Choke but Mikey powers his way out of it, tosses Buchanan into the air and then slams him down with the Game Over and makes the emphatic cover. 1…….. 2…….. 3!!!

    Here is your winner and STILL WZCW Elite Openweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!!

    Copeland: A wild brawl between these two with the relative rookie not wanting to let this opportunity pass him by. At the same time, the frustrated Champion has too much on his mind and his frustration seemed to be both his best weapon and his biggest obstacle.

    Cohen: That was part one. Now he has to get ready for a test that is both physical and mental.

    Connor: You have to imagine he was watching this one closely.


    Calliesault! Calliesault pins Eve Taylor down and Katie Shepard is there for the 1…2…3! The cosplayer rolls off and sits up, clearly shocked as the bell rings and Katie lifts her hand up in victory.

    Harrys: Here is your winner…Callie Clark!!!

    Hearing her name, her expression changes to one that simply says “I told you so.” Eve Taylor struggles getting back up, but when she does it dawns on her that she has lost her final match. She becomes enraged, getting aggressive with Katie Shepard, grabbing fistfuls of her shirt. Security immediately flood the arena, but not before Callie Clark spins Eve Taylor around and sticks her with a Lights Out!!! Officials cart the dazed alternative model out of the ring and cart her out of the building. Cameras follow them as they dump her unceremoniously into the parking lot.

    "NA NA NANA..."

    "NA NA NANA..."



    Copeland: It's over! After everything Eve Taylor has done, after all the lies and the backstabbing that's been her legacy, she is gone and the crowd cannot be happier. This has become THE night to remember. Holy cow. I kinda want to sing along. Do you think they'd dock my pay if I did?


    Stetson gets back up while Black shakes out his leg, but Stetson is taken back down with a bulldog! Black is firing up here as he tries to get back into this, and he waits for Hayes to get back to his feet, before wrapping his arms around him, and dropping him with a belly to belly suplex! Hayes is down again, and appears to be in some real trouble here as he stumbles back to his feet, and Black hits an enziguri to stumble him, the big man appears out on his feet, as Black slowly lifts him up onto his shoulder, his knee buckling in the process but he manages to keep Stetson on his shoulders...and connects with the Black Out! Hayes drops and Black covers him, is it over!? 1....2....3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner and NEWWW Eurasian Champion, Garth Black!

    The fans have a mixed reaction to this as Garth gets handed his new championship and is helped up by the referee. Black holds up his championship as he stumbles back against the ropes, but with a smile on his face at pulling off the victory, and pinning the man who hadn't lost a singles match yet.

    Copeland: For the first time in his illustrious career, Garth Black is Eurasian Champion!

    Connor: Stetson Hayes' undefeated streak is over. But when it comes to defeat, it's not about the fall, it's how you get back up and nobody knows that better than Garth Black.


    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament!

    As soon as the match starts, Xander charges at Kagura, still in her corner, but at the last second she sidesteps and Xander's attempted splash hits nothing but turnbuckles! Xander rubs his jaw as he stumbles backwards, right into a waiting Kagura, who spins him around and drops him with a quick judo throw!

    Xander watches Kagura hold her throat as she recovers in the corner, but he stops that as he walks in and blocks a punch, only to grab a handful of hair and drag Kagura to the middle of the ring, and turns to Shepard and mocks her yelling at him to release her hair, before doing so by pushing Kagura down to the mat.

    Copeland: This kind of disrespect is what we've come to expect from Xander, but he better be careful about getting on the bad side of the official.

    Kagura blasts him with a Shining Wizard, First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto! Xander drops and Kagura quickly covers him for the pin, and she might end this one here! 1...2...No! Xander kicks out!

    Copeland: So close there for Kagura!

    The fans cheer for Kagura winning the exchange after holding their breath to see who would get the upper hand, and Kagura stands up, as Xander stumbles to his feet, and Kagura dives off the top looking for a flying knee strike...NO! Xander blocks it by pulling Shepard in front of him, and Kagura takes out our referee, as Xander jumps out of the way!

    Copeland: Oh that coward! Pulling the referee, a woman no less, into the way of that!

    Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto, the Wrist Clutch Exploder Suplex! Kagura falls on top of him for a pin and does she finally have him? 1....2...NO! Xander with another big kickout in this match! Kagura looks surprised as Xander somehow still has fight left in him, but she stays on the attack, as she pulls him right back to his feet, and bounces off the ropes, but before she can do a move, Xander strikes out of nowhere with a second X Rated Superkick of the match, this one square in the jaw! Kagura drops and Xander covers her for a pin, hooking both legs for the count 1...2....NO! Kagura with a big kickout of her own!

    Xander looks knocked out as he lays face down on the mat, but Kagura isn't done yet, as she drags him up to his feet one last time, and connects with the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami! The two handed Heart Punch connects! Xander drops flat on his back in the middle of the ring as Kagura falls on top of him, and hooks both legs on the pin, and referee Shepard counts the pin 1....2...3!

    Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the Gold Rush Tournament, Kagura!

    The fans roar with approval as Kagura gets up to her knees with a look of pure joy on her face, as she gets her arm raised in victory after a heated battle with a bitter rival. She slowly gets back to her feet and begins celebrating as the fans cheer loudly and again chant for Kagura.

    Copeland: She did it! Kagura has won the Gold Rush Tournament after a hell of a match with Xander!


    Harrys: This next match is scheduled for a single fall, and will be contested for the WZCW Mayhem championship belt. It has been sanctioned a mayhem rules bout!

    Mikey and Matt circle each other, as the timekeeper rings the bell. The larger man looks incredibly hesitant to fight his friend. Tastic shouts at him repeatedly, “You don’t have a choice, Mikey! Did you forget what that steel chair felt like? Fight Me!” The larger man shakes his head, and holds his hand up, offering a grappling contest. “We’ll do this fair, I wanna do this fair!” Tastic sneers, and meets Mikey in the middle of the ring.

    Matt is driven to his knees by his friends raw strength, but stands and quickly kicks the big man in the balls!

    Copeland: I can’t believe this! Mikey wanted to wrestle this match clean, and even gave Tastic the opportunity, but he kicked him low!

    Mikey turns and glares at the chair across the ring. He walks over, and picks it up. He hoists it over his head, drawing a pop from the crowd. He starts to stalk his friend, who’s still struggling to his feet. Stormrage raps the chair against the mat a few times, as Tastic gets back to a vertical base. Mikey raises the chair, but Matt drops to the mat, and rolls out of the ring, earning some boos and jeers from the crowd. Mikey throws the chair down, and goes out after him.

    Copeland: It seems as though Mikey’s struggling with his conscious over whether to use any sort of weapon against Tastic.
    Mikey raises the lid, and thrusts it forward, straight into his friends face! Matt stumbles backwards, as Stormrage measures him. He rears back, and clocks him in the head with the Headshot! The sound of the bionic elbow ricochets through the arena, and the crowd gasps. Tastic crumbles to the mat, as Mikey signals for the end. The true end of the game this time.

    Copeland: What a desperation move from Mikey!

    Matt slams the steel chair across his back! Mikey grits his teeth in pain, and slowly starts to stand once more, but Tastic hits him again. He lifts the chair up, and begins blasting Mikey with it over and over, like he did at the start of the match, but this time he doesn’t stop.

    Copeland: Oh my god, Matt’s snapped.

    Then, showing an incredible amount of strength, no doubt fueled by his intense anger, and will to win, he lifts the big man up onto his shoulder. Tastic strains, feeling the full weight of Mikey’s 360 pound frame. He drives Stormrage down head first onto the chair with the “Headache Driver!” Totally spent, Matt falls on top of his former comrade, as the referee counts: 1…2…3!

    Harrys: Here is your winner, and the new Mayhem champion, Matt Tastic!

    Copeland: I can’t believe how low Matt Tastic had to sink to win this match. Mikey Stormrage was his best friend! In the end, the champion gave a valiant effort, nonetheless.

    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *

    Connor: We are live at the SAP Center in Silicon Valley! 12,605 strong from here in San Jose, California greet us for Ascension 135!! We have a big night for you as we finish off all the fallout from Gold Rush! The Gold Rush tournament winner Kagura will see action while Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic continue their war in a tag team match with Vega and Annie Halloway en-tow.

    Cohen: Not only that but we also have a return? Or is it a debut? We see Vlad Azarov and more!

    Matt Tastic makes his way to the stage to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. He takes it in stride and raises his newly won Mayhem Championship up proudly and then walks down the aisle.

    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new WZCW Mayhem Champion, Matt Tastic!

    Connor: Oh. Here is the newly crowned Mayhem Champion makes his way down to the ring, winning the title at Gold Rush after Mikey Stormrage had defended his Elite title against Dirk Buchanan earlier in the night.

    Cohen: The man sold his soul to the devil and now he owns hell. He burned not just a friendship but a full relationship for the sake of winning a Championship. Love burned in the name of glory. I hope he’s proud and can sleep fine at night.

    Matt takes a mic as he enters the ring waits for the crowd to die down.

    Matt: …………..I--

    But the crowd interrupts with loud booing. He stops to look at them and wait again to die down.

    Matt: ……….I-


    Matt now seems a bit annoyed by it but he still feels confident.

    Matt: ………………………………...I-


    Matt: I have all night. I have no problem standing here all show long.


    Matt: That’s right. You people calm down now. It’s time to bask in the glory of success.

    Matt raises his Mayhem Championship up proudly.

    Matt: The only person in wrestling history to hold the same Championship 5 times. A record that will NEVER be broken. And I will make sure of that. See, Mikey Stormrage broke code when he won this. Becoming WZCW’s first ever dual Champion. But that little trivia note will now sit there untouched. A red stain on WZCW’s record. It will never happen again and we will never have a Mayhem Champion ever again. I am officially announcing the retirement of the WZCW Mayhem Championship and this time it will STAY retired. As such, I now have no Championship. But why would that ever stop me? At Gold Rush I defeated the Elite Openweight Champion. And as such, I want an opportunity at that Championship. So Mikey, I suggest putting your pointless feelings aside. I know I did. Or otherwise, you will lose again.

    Matt drops the mic as he leaves, draping the now defunct Mayhem title over his shoulder.

    Connor: I cannot believe that sneak! He retires a Championship to go after another one, all in the name of taking it away from his former best friend. How low can he get?

    Cohen: Even I’m disgusted by his actions. Absolute selfishness from the man.

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Smoke comes billowing from all sides of the entrance ramp. Vlad steps out into the arena's lights, expressionless, and takes a quiet stroll through the colorless smog.

    Harrys: From Crawley, South East England, weighing 202 pounds, Vlad Azarov!!!

    Connor: It has been quite a while since we last saw Vee here in WZCW. He was a blue chip of a talent, close to the Eurasian Championship in several cases. Can't wait to see if he still has it or if ring rust has set in.

    Cohen: He shared some words for us backstage earlier today.

    An inset video plays.

    Vlad: None of these neanderthals speak for me. This person, Vee A.D.Z., no longer exists! I am Vlad Azarov, a man who is going to beat a policeman to death on live TV and get away with it.

    PC Stevie Broon is already in the ring as Azarov steps inside. Referee Katie Shepard gives the timekeeper the signal to ring the bell.

    Ding Ding Ding!!!

    Vlad gets the drop on Stevie Broon with a 720° Guyver Kick - a leaping spinning roundhouse kick to the head! The returning superstar kips up and paces the ring, waiting for the official to check Broon's condition. Katie gets Broon's attention and asks him if he is okay with continuing the match. Broon says something unintelligible, but she expects it's just his accent and backs away. Broon gets to his knees before Vlad is on him with the Mawashi Geri, another roundhouse. Broon twitches on the ground. Vlad rests his foot on Broon's chest for the cover. 1...2...Vlad takes his foot off! Katie Shepard reprimands him, but he ignores her and grabs the dazed officer. He mutters in his face how Broon better not bleed in his ring. Broon tries to slap Vlad's hold on him. This only angers the crazed opponent - Leviathan Cross! The Ushiro Geri (back kick) + Hiza Geri (jumping knee strike) combo lands flush and Stevie is out cold. Vlad places his foot back on Broon's torso, and right as the referee comes close to the three, he let go. Unsatiated, Vlad picks him up again and Katie pleads with him to just end the match. Another Leviathan Cross and Broon's nose is bleeding. The sight of the red falling on the white canvas makes Azarov's eyes widen. He kneels down on the mat and grips Broon's beard. A forearm catches Stevie's cheek. Followed by another. And another. Broon is screaming to the referee as Vlad continues his assault. Katie sees this as a sign of submittance and calls for the bell.

    Harrys: Here is your winner by forfeit...Vlad Azarov!!!

    Connor: I...don't usually see someone win like that. But Vlad has done it.

    Cohen: I think this pissed him off more than it satisfied him. You can see it in his eyes.

    Vlad again paces the ring, gesturing to PC Stevie Broon to stand up and fight. He is instructed to leave by Katie Shepard. He leans against the ropes and obliges with a contemptuous grin carved across his face.


    We cut to the backstage area where we find Mikey Stormrage perusing the catering table as we can hear the crowd popping. Before he can grab any food, a familiar sound catches his ear in the distance. It's the feint sound of a tiny engine.

    Mikey: Is that...

    Stormrage walks down the hall and opens up a set of double doors leading into the arena parking lot. He gets there just in time to see his own Vespa motorized scooter come to a skidding stop directly in front of him. The rider removes his helmet to reveal himself as Vega. The crowd can be heard cheering once again as Mikey's confusion sets in.

    Vega: Hey, sorry I'm late.

    Mikey stares at his Candy Red Vespa with his palms up.

    Mikey: Dude, the rental agency has been on my ass about returning that Vespa. I've been looking for it for 2 days.

    Vega: Oh, you don't remember, do you?

    Mikey: Remember what?

    Vega: After the second karaoke bar the other night, you wanted to drive- or uh, ride your Vespa home. I couldn't let you do that, so I took your keys and put you in an Uber.

    Mikey: ...and then you took my Vespa?

    Vega: Well, I didn't wanna just leave it there.

    Mikey: Okay... well, thanks for bringing it to the arena.

    Vega: No problem.

    Stormrage waits for Vega to get off the Vespa, but he doesn't move.

    Mikey: I'll take that now.

    Vega looks down at the scooter.

    Vega: No.

    Mikey: What do you mean no?

    Vega: I like it.

    Mikey: Dude... give it back.

    Vega: Maybe later.

    Mikey: But-

    Stormrage is cut off by the sound of the Vespa's obnoxious engine. Vega puts his helmet on and rides off, leaving Mikey in the dust.

    Mikey: Vega stole my Vespa. Not cool, man. Not cool.

    Mikey shakes his head as he the scene come to an end.

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    The screens fade to black and a MELTDOWN EXCLUSIVE logo pops up for a moment. Pre-recorded video kicks in with interviewer Leon Kensworth and Garth Black sitting at a clothed table. The Eurasian Championship stands between them, with Black resting a hand over it. Cameras cut to their faces.

    Leon Kensworth: Welcome to WZCW's Meltdown Exclusive, aired for Ascension. Tonight I'm joined with the new Eurasian Champion Garth Black. Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

    Black: Thanks for having me.

    Leon: At Gold Rush you defeated an opponent with their own fair share of momentum. Tell me- how does it feel beating the then-undefeated Stetson Hayes?

    Garth thinks it over before speaking.

    Black: I respect his work, I really do. He treats our craft as if it were sacred. Getting in the ring with him felt surreal compared to the menagerie I'm used to fighting. But he relies on his leg submission a bit too much and I exploited that. Knowing I could mix it up with a country boy and beat him at his own game answer your question, it felt fantastic. I cut the head off a snake before it could strike too if you think about it. This title deserves the world, not a country and in Stetson's hands, that's what we would have gotten. More America First crap.

    Leon: I see. So under your reign, you're looking for a bit more diversity in your challengers compared to him?

    Black: Absolutely. There's this itch I have, like I owe several people in my life more respect than I have given them. I need to make amends, so why not extend that to the locker room as well? I welcome anyone in the back to step up and show me what they're made of. The gold should be fought everywhere - Japan, Italy, Texas, hell even Parts Unknown if we can book the flight.

    Leon: Speaking of, earlier this week we did see an opponent rise for your championship. Xander won a Triple Threat against Callie Clark and your pay per view opponent. What thoughts can you share with the folks at home about this turn of events?

    Black: Eh I'm glad it is him. He has had a few tough breaks in the past. But in all honesty, I don't think his head is in the game at all.

    Leon: Please elaborate.

    Black: Here's the inconvenient truth, Leon - Xander has shown time and time again he doesn't care about this title. Not as much as the World Championship that has eluded him his entire career. Nothing wrong with that, the World is supposed to be the peak of our company, but to him, this is a stepping stone towards it. That's the difference between us. He wants to be Eurasian Champion in hopes he'll get closer to the World title. I've been to the mountaintop before, and the view is damn near as breathtaking as it is being the man holding this belt. So much history has gone into this thing and Triple X should know that better than anyone. He should also be reminded what it means being a champion now compared to back then. It's a touchy subject for many, but this here-

    Garth gives his belt a squeeze.

    Black: This means more now than it ever did before. More than when Ty Burna held it, or Chris K.O., or Xander aka Triple X himself. I am World Champion in my own right as long as I hold this. Xander more than deserves a shot at immortality. But not at my expense. He's gonna have to change his way of thinking of my baby here if he wants to bring his A game against me. And believe me, I want that.

    Leon: The Eurasian Champion with harsh words for his contender. Xander vs. Garth Black is set for Unscripted and this is sure to be a talking point until then. Thank you all for watching.

    The feed cuts to a commercial.

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    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first from The Pacific Northwest, weighing 235 pounds, Dirk Buchanan!

    Lights dim as the music starts. Dirk Buchanan steps to the stage He stands for a brief moment, runs his hand through his hair, before slowly making his way down the ramp as he aknowledges the fans along the way.

    Connor: Dirk Buchanan has been a promising rookie and had a very good showing at Gold Rush against Mikey Stormrage. But tonight he steps up big in competition facing the #1 Contender to the World title.

    Cohen: At Gold Rush he faced a Mikey Stormrage that was distracted and trying to pace himself. Tonight though, he's facing Kagura who has been looking to take a massive step back to the top.

    Buchanan paces the ring as the crowd cheers him on awaiting his opponent.

    His opponent, the #1 Contender to the WZCW World Championship, from Ise, Mie, Japan, she is the 2019 Gold Rush Tournament winner, Kagura!!

    Sakura petals rain down on the SAP Center just days before spring arrives as the crowd looks up to see and catch them. Pink lights shine on them as well as Kagura appears on the stage to a great reaction between mist. She makes a slow walk down the aisle and to the ring.

    Connor: He had a very short World title run. But now she's right back on top again for another crack against a former rival in Titus.

    Cohen: I'd like to call her a choke-out artist. But at the same time, she constantly finds a way back to the title picture. She does not give up and hell even I admire that.

    Referee Elizabeth Prince prepares for the match to start as the two measure up.

    *Ding Ding Ding*
    The bell rings and the two meet up in the center of the ring. Kagura and Dirk stretch out their hands and shake in respect. They circle the ring before measuring up. Kagura locks a Headlock onto Dirk Buchanan. She bends down to apply pressure but Dirk pops right out of it and applies a Hammerlock. He pulls and tugs from behind the #1 Contender for a bit as she tries to find a way out. It takes a bit of effort but she manages to get out of the hold and trips Buchanan with a Drop Toehold. She applies another Headlock as Buchanan struggles to get up or out of it. She takes him over with a Takedown, placing him on his back but doing so gives him an opening to get out, by attempting a Cradle off the Takedown. 1........ 2....... But Kagura re-adjusts. He tries again. 1........ 2........ But Kagura again re-adjusts out of the cover and decides to get on her knee to avoid the pinning predicament. Off that, Buchanan hits a big Backdrop Suplex. He attempts the Emerson Choke but Kagura drives him to the corner to get him to let go. Off the corner she hits a Snapmare and hits a Shinning Wizard, the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. She drags Dirk back to his feet and hits the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami. Buchanan drops to one knee but before he can fall, Kagura warps herself around him with the Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami, quite similar to the Emerson Choke as Dirk passes out and referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell.

    Here is your winner, The #1 Contender to the World Championship, Kagura!!

    Connor: Oh wow. That was a very dominant win by Kagura.

    Cohen: Kind of a shame for the newbie, but I do feel he took her a bit too lightly here.

    Elizabeth Prince raises Kagura's hand in victory. Kagura poses in each turnbuckle as the fans cheer her on loudly. Dirk gets on one knee and Kagura spots him, turning to him and extending her hand to help him up. He's hesitant at first, but he accepts and extends his hand and is pulled up. They shake hands and Dirk raises Kaguras hand up in respect before leaving

    Cohen: Well ain't he a class act. He gets kneed in the face and choked out but he still finds the time to be a gentleman.

    Connor: Oh Jack, do you have to be so sarcastic?

    Cohen: How's that sarcasm?! It's literally what happened!

    Dirk goes up the stage as Kagura goes to ringside and starts saluting fans and posing for some wanting to take a picture. We follow her all the way to the Gorilla position and there's Titus in a suit with the World Championship on his shoulder. He claps as Kagura spots him. There's a solitary second of tension between the two before Kagura nods approvingly and leaves.

    Cohen: I sense some tension between that respect. These two were not buddies in the past at all.

    Connor: They battled for the Eurasian Championship in the past. Soon enough, it'll be for the World Championship.


    The very first WZCW event comes to the brand new WZCW Network! Titus Avison goes into a Trios match, Celeste Crimson makes her first impression and the hunt to crown the first ever WZCW World Champion begins! Get hyped and don't miss out as this remastered episode goes live soon.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-27-2019 at 08:06 PM.

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    Backstage we find Stacey Madison with mic in hand ready to begin an interview. Standing beside her is Annie Halloway, looking a little bored waiting for things to get started.

    Stacey: I'm standing here with Annie Halloway, who was a bit mysterious in her absence last round. Annie, do you care to address why you were not a part of Gold Rush?

    Annie: It's simple, Stacey. Last time I was on Ascension, I defeated the current WZCW Champion. I said it then and I'll say it now, I deserve to be named the new number one contender for the World Championship, and nothing less.

    Stacey: Well I'm sure another victory tonight would go a long way in securing a title shot. Tonight, you find yourself teaming up with Matt Tastic in the Main Event against Mikey Stormrage and Vega. Your thoughts?

    Annie: As far as I'm concerned, tonight is just another opportunity to-

    Halloway is suddenly cut off mid-sentence by an obnoxious sounding engine. It's the same sound we heard earlier tonight ushered in by Vega and the Candy Red Vespa he's "borrowing" from Mikey Stormrage. Vega doesn't stop, and just rides right through the middle of the shot and continues off screen. Stacey and Annie watch on in confusion as the sound of wheels coming to a screeching halt echo throughout the halls of the backstage area. Halloway seems intrigues, and leaves the interview area to head off in the same direction.

    Stacey: I guess we're done here...?

    Madison shrugs as the camera follows Halloway. Annie walks down the hall and finds Vega standing next to the Vespa, inspecting it's side.

    Vega: Uh oh...

    He sees a scratch on the Candy Red paint, and tries wiping it off with his sleeve to no avail.

    Vega: Hope Mikey got the insurance.

    Annie curiously approaches Vega and interrupts his investigation into the damage on the Vespa.

    Annie: You just rode right through my interview.

    Jolted by her voice, Vega stands up straight and quickly turns around. He see's Annie, and notices Stacey walking away with a mic in hand in the distance.

    Vega: Whoops... sorry about that. I didn't even notice you guys there.

    He looks down at the skid marks the tires left on the floor. Annie observes them and grows skeptical of Vega's riding skills.

    Vega: I uh, guess I'm still getting used to it. I don't think we've formally met... I'm Vega.

    Vega extends his hand, but Annie just stares at. She doesn't shake his hand, but Annie pretends to look away and not see it while speaking up.

    Annie: I know your name, Vega.

    She reverts her attention back to Vega, who by now has lowered his hand.

    Annie: That's the thing... that's allI know about you. I pride myself on being one of the greatest hackers on the dark web. There isn't a single piece of personal information that I don't know about every single member of this company. Everybody, that is, except you.

    Halloway's eyes study Vega, who simply stands there with a smile.

    Annie: You don't have a clean record, Vega. You have no record at all... because if I can't find it, it doesn't exist.

    Vega: You sound impressed.

    Now it's Annie who standy there simply smiling, not wanting to admit anything out loud.

    Vega: You and I, Annie... we're a lot alike. Both gifted in ways the world deems as "criminal." We do what we're best at to succeed in this world, even if what we do is wrong. The only difference between you and I is that your criminal actions gained you a following. Mine? Mine mean I never existed.

    Halloway scowls slightly at Vega's words.

    Annie: You chose to live in the shadows, Vega. But me? I was meant for the spotlight.

    She stands there proudly, drawing an amused smile from Vega.

    Vega: You do have skills, kiddo. I could have used someone back when I was... well, back when I didn't exist.

    He extends his hand again, making sure Annie sees it this time.

    Vega: Good luck in our match tonight.

    Annie smiles, trying to hide the fact that she takes what Vega says as a compliment. It soon vanishes as she stares at Vega's hand. She reverts her eyes back to Vega with a look of distaste.

    Annie: Don't call me "kiddo."

    Halloway sneers towards Vega before turning around and walking away. Vega chuckles to himself while shaking his head. He looks back down to the scratched Vespa as the segment comes to an end.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-27-2019 at 08:05 PM.

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Ascension main event! The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!

    Mikey Stormrage and Vega appear on stage together as the bright lights flash across the arena. The fans cheer the duo on as they walk down the aisle. Vega climbs up to the top rope as Mikey continues around ringside saluting any fan looking to respond.

    Cohen: I'm glad to see these two being so cheerful. We all know what's happened to Mikey and then you have Vega who had to sit out Gold Rush. These two tonight are looking for redemption.

    Connor: I'm genuinely surprised by how supportive you've become of Mikey Stormrage. It's refreshing.

    Introducing first, the team of the WZCW Elite Overweight Champion Mikey Stormrage and Vega!!

    The two pose in each corner with referee Jurou Akiyama in the background.

    Annie Halloway marches down to the ring by herself and not too pleased. She makes it to the ring before we finally see Matt Tastic, no longer carrying the Mayhem title with him. He pays no attention to the loud booing of the fans and fails to give a single glance to Mikey in the ring.

    Connor: Annie Halloway is in quite a tough spot here teaming with someone who's downright injured her not too long ago.

    Cohen: And how could you even trust a man who would dare be as callous to his best friend's romantic feelings? She's already felt his carelessness before.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    Right away, Tastic shoves Halloway aside and decks Stormrage from behind. He starts stomping away as Vega tries to intervene but that's met with Tastic violently raking his eyes and pushing him away. Halloway just looks on as Tastic stomps and stomps as Akiyama tries to intervene. Tastic pushes Jurou away and goes back to stomping on Mikey and Vega again tries to intervene. He pulls Tastic away but Tastic maanges to pry himself away and gives an absolutely harsh slap right across the face which makes Mikey collapse completely to his knees. Referee Akiyama pushes Tastic away to his corner as Matt has his arms up, as if he did nothing. He then casually sits on his corner. Mikey furiously gets back up and charges towards Tastic, but as he does, Tastic tags Annie and drops down to ringside. Annie looks on surprised and defensive but Mikey is not interested. He TRIES to go after Tastic, but referee Akiyama intervenes leading to the crowd booing loudly. Mikey struggles to get by but Akiyama is having none of it. He will put this match under control however he can. Eventually as Stormrage calls down, Halloway enters the ring. Vega takes the tag from Mikey and tries to further calm him down. Vega enters and the two lock up. Halloway its an Uppercut and starts stomping away at Vega's limps, picking with detail which area she stomps on. Vega covers up as best as he can before Halloway drops to one knee and applies a Headlock. He holds down Vega to the canvas, trying to cut his oxygen as best as he can. Mikey tries to cheer Vega on while Matt is seated at ringside. We cut to him seeing the fans attempting to heckle him but he just ignores them.

    Cohen: There it is. Careless. Absolutely apathetic.

    Connor: I know you've grown to really hate him, but Annie Halloway is also in there trying to make something of this.

    Halloway continues to apply the pressure as Vega tries to fight back and Mikey cheers on. It just seems a tad too slow for Matt's taste though who gets up from the floor and casually gets in the ring. He pulls Halloway mid-headlock to their corner, also dragging Vega along. Matt takes the tag and proceeds to start stomping at Vega as referee Jurou Akiyama orders Halloway to let go. Tastic picks up from there, holding Vega in the corner and lighting him up with chops and clubbering blows in the corner. He tags Halloway who seems more willing now, seeing their effectiveness. She continues the punishment with knees in the corner and shoulder thrusts. Tastic takes the tag surprising her, but Tastic reassures her before stepping in.

    Connor: This is concerning. They're working well together. Tastic seems to be very coopertive and Annie is being very receptive.

    Cohen: Well, at the end of the day, Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage were both teachers not that long ago.

    He pulls Vega out of the corner and hits a Back Suplex, making the steady cover. 1........ 2.........-But it just gets 2 before Vega kicks out. Tastic gives instructions to Halloway and gives her the tag who climbs the ropes and stands on the top turnbuckle. She drops for an Elbow Drop but Vega gets out of the way. Halloway yells in pain as Vega begins to look for Stormrage who is pacing in the corner back and forth, waiting for the tag. He stomps on the steps too as Vega drags himself to his corner. Matt yells at Halloway to get her wits about her and she seems to catch on. She looks for her corner but she seems to starstruck to reach out to Tastic. Vega is halfway to his corner with his hand stretched out. Mikey's hand is also stretched out, as far as he can. He leans over as much as he can over the ropes. But suddenly....... Mikey's hand pulls away. Vega is suddenly shocked at what happened. His partner vanishes and we cut to see Matt Tastic has pulled Stormrage out of the ring apron and throws him against the barricade. Mikey fights back as a brawl breaks out between the two at ringside. Back in the ring, Halloway beats on Vega again and drops elbows onto Vega's knee. Halloway drags Vega to the ropes and uses the ropes to raise herself and drops seated onto said knee. She does it several times over but eventually, Vega raises his foot and manages to toss Halloway over the ropes. She holds on to the ring apron as Vega sees her getting her footing on the apron. Standing there, Vega hits a big Roundhouse kick to Halloway, knocking her down to the floor. Vega falls down after it and starts to yet again, slowly making his way to his corner. Mikey is there with the earlier brawl having cooled off. As Vega drags over, Tastic grabs Halloway at ringside and tosses her into the ring and takes the tag himself. He leaps into the ring to stop Vega but as he dashes across, Vega leaps and his hand meets with Stormrage's. The tag is made and Mikey, in an uncanny show of athleticism, he leaps over the ropes and DASHES across and starts hitting away at Matt Tastic. Stormrage hits an Exploder and Matt off the momentum Tastic gets back to his feet. So Stormrage hits a second one. Matt gets to his knees and slowly starts and Mikey is right there to grab him and slams him with a Uranage.

    Connor: Mikey Stormrage is lighting up Matt Tastic!

    Cohen: Get him!

    Mieky drops onto Tastic and starts lighting him up with punches. Matt tries to escape and its none other than referee Jurou Akiyama intervening again. He stops Mikey as done earlier. This time though, Mikey backs off as instructed. As soon as the ref stands down, Mikey goes right back on the attack and tries the Live Mas Slam. Matt however, leaps over behind Mikey and drives Mikey facedown to the canvas with the Goblin Slayer. Tastic quickly bails after that as he quickly tags in Annie Halloway. Stormrage gets back up and sees his foe bail to the outside. He gives the tag to Vega before he bounces off the ropes and LEAPS OVER THE TOP ROPE!! Mikey Stormrage dives over and lands on top of Matt Tastic!! The crowd explodes as the two continue to brawl. Tastic does his best to get away. He dives over the barricade into the crowd but Mikey Stormrage goes right after him. The brawl continues until you can no longer see them. Back in the ring Vega and Halloway exchange blows. Halloway attempts the 1984 but Vega avoids it. He hits a German Suplex, followed right away by a Dragon Suplex. Vega bridges it for a cover, 1....... 2.........-But Halloway kicks out. She manages to nip up back to her feet but in trying to keep up, she clutches her neck and drops to her knees in pain. Vega goes for a Thrusting Side Kick, but Halloway tucks and shoves Vega onto the ropes. She gets back up and runs the ropes, going for the Calculation but it's caught. Vega drags her by the legs to the ring. He attempts the Dragon Slayer but Annie counters hitting the Root Of All Evil. Annie makes the cover. ..........1..........2..-But Vega manages to kick out Annie tries to apply the Hallowed Road but Vega struggles and manages to get free. He catches Halloway with the Target Locked, driving her face first onto the canvas. Vega grabs her and applies the Dragon Slayer. Rather quickly the referee checks on Halloway and calls for the bell. Halloway has passed out.

    Here are your winners, Mikey Stormrage and Vega!!

    Connor: This was a tag team match, but it seems Stormrage and Tastic decided to take their match elsewhere. But nevermind that, Vega was able to defeat Annie Halloway.

    Cohen: Tastic and Stormrage were unable to contain themselves and the brawl broke out. As for Vega, well good for him. He's bounced back here.

    Vega has his arm raised as he celebrates his win. He stands on the top turnbuckle but stops his celebrating to look towards where Tastic and Stormrage vanished. We then cut backstage where we see Tastic and Stormrage brawling. Fans witness what's going on as the two continue going by the arena. Security appears as dozens and dozens of guards swarm in to stop the two and separate them as the show goes off the air.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 02-27-2019 at 08:05 PM.

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Mikey Stormrage/Vega vs Matt Tastic/Annie Halloway - Lee
    Kagura vs Dirk Buchanan, segments - KJ
    Vlad Azarov vs PC Stevie Broon, segments - Spidey

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