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Thread: Ascension 136 - Titus Avison & Kagura vs Callie Clark & Stetson Hayes

  1. #1
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Ascension 136 - Titus Avison & Kagura vs Callie Clark & Stetson Hayes

    From the Honda Center in Anaheim, California, Titus Avison & Kagura will face Callie Clark & Stetson Hayes.

    RP Deadline is 03/12/19 at 11:59:59pm CST
    Extension Deadline is 03/10/19 at 11:59:59 CST

  2. #2
    3 Time Elite Champion Skairipa's Avatar

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    After Meltdown 158: Las Vegas, Nevada

    I was angry, I was disappointed, and I just didn't know what to do with myself. Not only did I NOT become the #1 contender to the Eurasian Championship, but I submitted. The only thing I could hang my head on was I didn't tap out, but I was still angry about it. Freaking Xander of all people had my opportunity and now I had a sore neck on top of that, it was going to take one hell of a massage to get that taken care of. As I was leaving I was stopped by Stacey Madison, of course she found her way to me to rub the loss in my face, bitch.

    Callie, any thoughts on your loss tonight?

    I rolled my eyes and shot her a glare.


    You gave up, costing yourself a huge opportunity in the process, what...

    I cut her off, I'm not just gonna stand here and let her take shots at me.

    No no no, get it right. I didn't give up, did you see me tap? No? That's what I thought. Xander might have beat me, but it's because he was choking me out, how the hell do you expect me to keep fighting when someone is literally making me unable to breath? I'd like to see you get in the ring and see if you could escape a choke hold. In fact, forget about the ring, if you keep up your attitude I'll choke you out in this damn hallway!

    I had fire in my eyes as I glared at her, normally I could keep my cool and just throw the sass back at her, but not tonight. Not after I just went through hell in the ring and was already in a bad mood. Stacey looked a little surprised at seeing me snap, and I spoke up, not waiting for her to respond.

    Now, do you have anything to actually ask me or did you just come to be a bitch?

    I watched Stacey regain her composure as I crossed my arms. Finally she spoke up after taking a deep breath.

    I didn't intend it that way, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but there's no need for threats. Anyway before you cut me off, I was going to ask you what the fans should expect next from you? Do you have your eyes set on another championship or do you have a certain target in mind?

    I regained my cool, I don't know if she was telling the truth but I think I put a scare into her and that was good. As far as what was next for me? That was a good question, one I didn't know the answer to. But of course I had an answer for her, I always have an answer.

    First of all, no matter what I'm doing I always have my eye on every champion around here. The better question there is if they have their eye on me, the fastest rising star in this entire company. But to answer your question as for what's next, what's next is my next match, whatever that may be, where I get back to my winning ways. That's all you need to know, anything else is for me to know, and everybody else to find out.

    I smirked and picked up my bag off the floor, and started walking away but Stacey called out to me.

    Um Callie? We're not done here yet.

    I turned my head to look at her.

    Maybe you aren't, but I am. Vegas has been awful to me and I'm catching the next flight out of here and getting a massage first thing tomorrow morning, see ya.

    I waved and walked away before she could say anything else. I'm sure she had a funny look on her face of surprise or whatever, but I couldn't care less. I was out of there.

    A Week Later: The Ropebreak Ranch in Fort Worth, Texas

    I had arrived at The Ropebreak Ranch a couple days after appearing on the TV show with Stetson. I hadn't expected that appearance originally, but hey when you get the calls to go on a nationally broadcasted show, you'd be stupid to turn them down, no matter how...weird things ended up going. Stetson had invited me to his ranch and I figured why not? It couldn't possibly go any worse than the previous TV show experience, could it? I brought with me my PS4 in effort to try and bond with him. I seriously doubted he was a gamer, but it was worth a shot. Besides everybody can find joy in at least one game. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, and after a minute or so the door swung open and Stetson stood in front of me, still sporting the eye patch. I wasn't sure if he was faking the injury or not, but as long as it's not gonna cost me a win, that's an issue for him, not me.

    Callie! Nice to see ya, glad ya made it! C'mon in.

    I walked into the ranch house and looked around, it was certainly nothing compared to my house, but I guess it looked fine, for a ranch. There was beer bottles scattered around the room among other clutter, part of me was disgusted but I figure when you don't have someone paid to clean for you that's what happens.

    Can I get ya anything to drink? Beer, soda, water?

    Uh, do you have coffee?

    Sure, how do ya take it?

    With extra sugar and caramel or peppermint flavoring, no foam.

    He looked dumbfounded as he looked at me. Was that confusing?

    ....Ya lost me after sugar.

    You know what, nevermind. I brought a bottle of water with me.

    I held up a bottle of water from the side pocket of my backpack and opened it to take a sip.

    Thanks anyway.

    Alright if you're sure.

    He shrugged and led me into the living room, where I put my bag down and took a seat on a near by chair while he sat down on the couch.

    So what'd ya bring with you in the bag?

    I opened it and pulled out my PS4 travel case and put it down on the table.

    I figured maybe I could show you some video games. I have a bunch of different games so I'm sure we can find one you'll like.

    Vidya games? I don't know about that. I guess I could give it a shot. I was thinking maybe I could show you some stuff around here while you're down here.

    You're into something besides wrestling and drinking?

    I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, and he chuckled. I'm glad he took it as a joke, cause I was serious.

    Well of course, a guy's gotta be good at ranching' if he's gonna have a ranch doesn't he?

    Touché. Well maybe we can do that later, I show you a little bit of my world, you show me a little of yours.

    I laughed a little myself and went about hooking up my PS4 to the TV, I was amazed the old TV even had an HDMI hook up but I could tell it hadn't been used in a long time, if ever, based off how dusty it was. After hooking up the system I turned it on, handing the second controller to Stetson while taking my silver one for myself.

    Okay so what game do you wanna play? I have Spiderman, Spyro, Injustice, Mortal Kombat, South Park, Grand Theft Auto...

    He cut me off before I could continue listing off games, probably a good idea even if it was rude, I have a lot of games.

    Err how bout you pick?

    Hmm let's go with Injustice then, it's a fun fighting game where you play as different superheroes or villains from the DC universe. It's really easy to get the hang of too.

    I don't know about this syfy stuff, but fighting is what I'm good at, so maybe I'll be good at this.

    I loaded up the game and went to exhibition mode after bringing up the controls so he would have an idea what to press. I was quick to select one of my favorite characters on the game to play as, Gorilla Grodd. Who doesn't like a badass gorilla who can control your mind? I waited as Stetson scrolled through the characters, I could tell by the look on his face he hadn't a clue who most of them were, but he finally settled on Batman, I assume the only character he's heard of.

    Go easy on me now, I ain't no expert like you.

    I'll try.

    As the fight began, I waited to let Stetson get the first couple hits, I was pretty sure all he had figured out was basic punches. Finally I got bored with waiting, and began fighting back, unleashing a series of strikes, and throwing him into the theater sign in the background, quickly gaining my special attack. I could see the frustration on his face at losing, so I slowed down my attack trying to keep it more even, but with how bad he was at the game, I couldn't stop the competitor in me from simply destroying him.

    Damn, you're good at that.

    I shrugged.

    Yeah I guess so, do you wanna try again?

    He quickly shook his head no.

    I'd rather go have a drink.

    It's 10 am....

    And? It's 5 o'clock somewhere.

    He laughed but I awkwardly chuckled as I exited the game.

    How about we try another game? I'm sure we can find something you'll be good at...

    Clearly I was wrong. We tried 3 or 4 more games, and he was terrible at all of them, I even had to stomp him from throwing my controller once. I was about to give up, when suddenly I got an idea. I knew exactly what game to have an old cowboy play!

    Okay okay I know you're probably gonna hate me saying this, but I have one more game I want you to try. I think this one you'll really like.

    You said that about the last one. I don't wanna try anymore dang games.

    Even if I had one where you play as an outlaw cowboy in the west?

    I could see the interest on his face already.

    Ya got my attention toots.

    Don't ever call me that again. Or any woman for that matter.

    I shot him a glare.

    Anyway it's Red Dead Redemption 2, you can pretty much do whatever you want, there's missions, stage coaches or trains you can hijack, freeroaming, all kinds of old west things.

    Okay blondie, set it up.

    I set it up so he could play it, and handed him back the controller after telling him how it works. I figured I'd use this time to check my social media and see what's going on in the world as I've been disconnected for far too long.

    One Hour Later:

    I had finally gone through everything I wanted to look at on my twitter, instagram and facebook, even posted a couple cute selfies. I looked up and noticed Stetson was still playing the game and seemed to be having a good time with it, though currently he was just sitting in a bar having a drink, I should have known that would happen.

    Having fun?

    Stetson looked up and nodded.

    Heh yeah I guess so, what'd ya say this game is called?

    Red Dead Redemption 2.

    This is a good game, why aren't all games like this?

    ...because that'd get boring having every game be the same?

    Pfft, ya damn kids are too fickle.

    Whatever. Anyway I hope you're ready for our match this week. If we lose cause you're over here cosplaying as a damn pirate with that eye patch I will NOT be happy. This is our chance to make a huge splash and defeat the World Champion and the winner of the Gold Rush, we can't screw this up, YOU can't screw this up.

    I shot him a serious look, and he put down the controller and looked over at me with his one good eye.

    You ain't gotta worry about me little lady, I don't need two eyes to be the toughest SOB in the ring and I don't need two eyes to take our opponent's legs home with me. I'd say ya should worry about yourself, you were the one who got choked out last week.

    Why does everybody insist on bringing that up!?

    Ugh we aren't talking about that, besides I'm not the one who couldn't even beat Garth Black! If I was facing him for that vacant championship, I would have won it easily. But we need to be on the same page if we're gonna win and trust me, you don't need to worry about me. I'm looking to get some revenge on Kagura for knocking me out of the Gold Rush Tournament, and Titus beat me when we had a singles match. Plus pinning Titus, the World Champ? Nothing would make me happier.

    Stetson nodded as he listened to me talk, I knew what a big opportunity this was, and I would be damned if I didn't take advantage of it.

    That's good, and truthfully I don't care if you get the win or I do, as long as we win right?

    I nodded in agreement.

    Good point, hell rip Kagura's leg off for all I care, that bitch spit green mist in my face last time I was in the ring with her, it would serve her right. At least Titus is someone I respect, I might not like him but I respect him But Kagura? I don't respect her. She claims to have honor but she could only beat me by cheating, hell she cheated to beat Xander! Nobody likes hypocrites. Am I right?

    I could see the confusion on Stetson's face as he tried to figure out what I was saying, but he shrugged and nodded in agreement.

    Sure if you say so. I know I don't like hypocrites so that makes two of us. But I'd say the fact we ain't bout to be facing each other in the near future and ain't worried about the other getting softened up is gonna help us too.

    I nodded.

    That's true, they'll probs be happy to see us beat up the other one. But they'll still wanna win, that's why we'll just have to put them down.

    Just like my old cat...

    I gave him a weird look, who brings up things like that randomly?! I didn't even know what to say, but after an awkward silence, I changed the subject. The next couple hours shockingly went pretty smooth, who knew that'd happen? Before I left Stetson gave me a gift, a cowboy hat of his. He asked me to wear it to the ring this week and after thinking about it, I agreed. I could find a cosplay it wouldn't look out of place with, I'd just need to get this thing dry cleaned before it goes anywhere near my head. By no means were Stetson and I going to be friends after this, but we'd be able to get along as tag team partners. We might be underdogs in our match, but that was only gonna work in our favor. Titus and Kagura were owed some payback from me, and I fully intended to get it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    High Noon

    Stetson: Ain't y'all got jobs to go to?

    Varney: If you're just now joining us, Stetson Hayes of WZCW is with us today to discuss business. But first, viewers may be aware that Mr. Hayes is wearing an eyepatch. Earlier this week he was attacked by a group of protesters. This act of violence was obviously politically motivated. Can you tell us what happened, Mr. Hayes?

    The country boy adjusted his tie and moved his cowboy hat that was out of camera shot in front of him.

    Stetson: Well you see, what had happened was I left the arena, headed towards my pickup, and these thugs came up to me. Said they didn't like what I was sayin' about AOC. I told 'em they was an overrated stable led by a druggie with a Hasbro toy. So them activists hit me with lead pipes and chains. I can't see in this un' and my one good eye has lost 60% of its vision.

    Varney: We're very sorry to hear about your attack. This is happening too much in our society nowadays.

    Stetson: Too much. Man can't even rile up crowds no more without them gettin' all riled up.

    Varney: Does WZCW provide health coverage for instances like this?

    Stetson: Hell naw. And now I gotta rassle again in California. C a l i f o r n i a, Varney. A state so blue it's clinically depressed!

    Varney: Indeed. Do you expect the fans to lash out and cause you physical harm like they did in San Jose?

    Stetson: I ain't sayin' all folks from Anaheim are alike. May be a few out there that stands for whas decent like I do. All I know 'bout Anaheim is they have a hockey team. San Jose got one too so I gotta assume I'm leavin' the Honda Center completely, utterly, absolutely blind. Hockey fans are 'bout the dumbest people on Earth, Varn. Gotta keep that'n mind. And these are in Southern Cali-f███ing-fornia. Makes as much sense as Jamaicans bobsledding. There's a joke 'bout Anaheim - What's the difference between The Ducks and a fat chick?

    Varney: What's that?

    Stetson: A fat chick scores every once in awhile.

    Varney: Tragic.

    Stetson: Yep. So I gotta go down there where a man is a woman and a woman is a mannequin. And they ain't even got a good sports team! They call Texans backwards...

    Varney: Let's focus a bit on the business at hand. You're here to promote a match pitting the best in wrestling against each other. From what I've been told, you'll be in Anaheim facing the World Champion Titus Avison and Kagura in a tag team match. Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share about that?

    Stetson: Ol' Tito done right for himself these past four odd years. He's a ring veteran. Hall of Famer. Man of a thousand matches. Hell, even managed to balance out an acting career on the side. One thing I hate about this business is all the phonies that come in and treat it like it's a hobby. This ain't a hobby. Doctors are needed in the hospitals and crime bosses belong in jail. But Tito toed that line in a way I'd say is damn near admirable. He's a rassler even when he's courting them Hollywood elitists. But see thas my problem with him. It ain't the legacy inside the ring that burns my biscuits. It's his legacy outside. Damn celebrities think they run the world.

    Varney: And what about Kagura Ohzora?

    Stetson: I've fought the former champion before. Kagura is shifty and has dabbled in witchcraft to get the edge on her opponents. She comes from a culture that's s'pose to be all about honor but she's the most dishonorable rassler you can step in the ring with. Ain't no love lost 'tween me an' her. But Kagura Ohzora can fight. I giver that. Long as she can make up her mind on what dance she wantin' to do or what last name she wanna go by. I'd lose my sh██ if I were her handler. Poor man prob'ly don't get it on the reg neither.

    Varney: I've noticed you tend to say competitors' names wrong except Kagura's. Why is that?

    Stetson: What the f██ are you talking about?

    Stuart Varney placed his hand against his ear and looked down. Stetson put his cowboy hat on.

    Varney: Nevermind. I'm being told to standby for a video interview. My colleagues tell me we have a special guest -

    A familiar face stared back at Stetson Hayes. She grinned like a pixie.

    Varney: Live from Balboa Park in San Diego, California, please welcome WZCW Star Callie Clark on-screen!

    Stetson: Come on. My week has been rough enough without this da-

    She laughed over his last words.

    Callie: Hello Stetson. Nice eyepatch. You look like Dr. Evil's henchman.

    Stetson: Who?

    Callie: Don't know him? What about Nick Fury?

    Stetson: Sounds familiar.

    Callie: ...Snake Plissken?

    Stetson: I don't watch Sci-Fi.

    Callie: Then how did you know...whatever. Rooster Cogburn? You know, True Grit?

    Stetson: ...Are you hittin' on me, Miss Clark?

    Callie: Eww. Of course you'd know that one. It's your kind of cosplay.

    Hayes glared at his partner with his mouth agape.

    Stetson: I'm not a f███ing cosplayer.

    Callie: Well you've been in costume since you joined the company. Like, cowboys and stuff are so 1800s cosplay. And now you're wearing an eyepatch...bit fake looking but eh...

    Stetson: This is a legitimate injury! I have lost 70% of my vision in my other eye.

    Clark smirked.

    Varney: Let's get back on track, friends. Your opponents are high up on the ladder, if you mind me saying. They are preparing for your match as we speak. How can you two get on the same page and perhaps come out with a win?

    Callie: Well err...we both hate fakes?

    Stetson: Miss Clark looks like mah cousin.

    Stetson takes his cowboy hat off and runs his hand over the rim. Callie stares off into the distance.

    Varney: I'm not confident you guys are going to beat them. Surely there's more to it then not liking fake people and a passing resemblance to family.

    Stetson: The f███ else is there? We ain't one of those "despite our differences" types. That's Disney crap. I'm a drunk and she's a hashtag. Can't expect people to hit it off immediately after being thrown together in a match. What could we have in common?

    Callie: Right? We just want to beat those that have done more in WZCW than we have. Why does it have to be complicated?

    Varney: I guess that's a fair point.

    Stetson: Damn right it is. We're rasslers. Well, I am and she sorta is so we can work with that. Look, we all know we're not the big dogs in this hunt. But we're the future of this company. With my Back To Rasslin' Roots and her Social Media Megastarpower, we can make our mark by winnin' this match.

    Callie: Plus all the attention we've received lately. With me retiring Eve Taylor I'm poised to take this place by storm. And Stetson here is going to wrestle with one eye. That'll be something to see.

    Stetson: B███! I am blind in this eye and can barely see in the other! I have about 80% vision kaput!

    Callie: Stop playing with yourself before you lose .

    Varney closed his eyes and made a silent wish to be anywhere else but there in the studio. The redneck chuckled.

    Varney: This may have been a mistake.

    Stetson: Agreed. She shoulda came here instead of on live feed. She got balls. Juss like the gals from Anaheim.

    Callie: Thanks...I guess.

    Stetson: Oughta go out fer drinks. You gotta be more interestin' than a sh██faced Kagura.

    Callie: I suppose I can visit you on your ranch sometime.

    Varney: Let's go ahead and get some closing remarks from our professional wrestling friends here. An obviously mismatched duo is about to go head-to-head with two individuals with world championship reigns under their belts. Any final thoughts for our viewing audience?

    Stetson: I don't need my eyes to execute the Texas Cloverleaf. I did it to my cat in my sleep once.

    Callie: You have a cat?

    Stetson: I had a cat.

    A reserved silence fell on the three. The ticker tape below their faces read "WZCW STOCK ROSE 5% AFTER MASTURBATION JOKE MADE ON AIR".

    Varney: And on that note, we'd like to thank WZCW and all WZCW affiliates for coming. This has been a thing.

    Callie: Sure has.

    Stetson: Her name was Lola. She kinda had Kagura's face when Kagura puts that clown paint on.

    The redneck was escorted out of the building by Security. Rows of protesters jeered from a sidewalk close to the parking lot where Stetson's white pickup sat. He heard them before he saw them - angered, upset, and in their 20s. Stetson Hayes flipped his eyepatch upwards, revealing a perfectly fine right eye. The Security placed themselves between the wrestler and the activists. They grew hostile, pushing themselves up against the bodyguards. Stetson calmly lit a cigar.

    He inhaled, and exhaled.

    Stetson: Yoller just goldfish gettin' flushed and don't even know it.

    They jeered and clawed at the cowboy.

    Stetson: How long ago wassit when Titus was yer punchin' bag? Month ago? Two months? How quickly we forget. Y'all can write on yer little poster boards and think you got somethin' to say, but you'll be bitchin' and moanin' bout something else soon and those that defended me can pat themselves on the back. Thas how the world works now. Flash - outrage, flash - new outrage. By the next "disaster" y'all done forgot the one before cus yer short- term-goldfish-fuckin' memories! Can't even see the gator comin' from the sewers. Delirious little fish in a world of shit. Titus knew how to play the media, how to play each one of ya, and look at him now - World champeen and loved by all. He ate the controversy up and came out smellin' like daisies.

    He flicked the ash from his cigar. His tone was soft but firm, and his words were spoken with blunt assuredness.

    Stetson: But I ain't forget, and I can see where this is going - with good eyes or bad. I can play this game. Come at me with your fake outrage, useless petitions, lyin' media, and dumb awareness. Months from now you'll be kissin' me and my fans' asses. Look at the world around you: no one cares anymore. There's a numbness to it all, can't you feel it? Thas what yer wimpy generation does, right? Feel? So go ahead and march and rant and blog your sleepless nights away. I'll be right there on TV, riding muh horse and pullin' every trigger I can on your fragile sensitivities. You think the last world champ shook the status quo?

    With each passing sentence, his face grew red and his brows contorted into a mass of wrinkles. Spittle formed around the corners of his mouth. His eyes beamed brightly from the small pillar of smoke slithering up passed the brim of his hat into the nether. The crowd chanted about wrestling being better than this. He talked over them with a teacher's precision.

    Stetson: King Muscle ain't got shit on me. I'm real. I'm the uncle that gets a little outspoken at Thanksgiving. I'm the dad that yells at the local news from his couch. I've been with you all yer lives and you're ready to Unfriend me cuz you don't like what I have to say? Twitchy, bitchy goldfish. And ya see, the real kicker is there's nuthin any of you folks can do to shut me up now. Rasslin is a country boy's sport. Always has been. Even after I'm dead and gone you'll see others like me. Can't get rid of my kind. I'm the South. I'm the Midwest. The reddest state and the bluest collar. I'm the farmer, the pastor, the cop, and the soldier. We ain't goin' nowhere. You can't block whas flesh and bone. Wasting your time waving boards around, kids. Y'all better start swimmin' back up the pipes because I'm gettin' hungry.

    The cowboy took another drag. From blocks away he could hear the police sirens. He grinned like a Cheshire cat.

    Stetson: As fer your Hollywood fat cat Titus Avison...

    He unlocked his truck and got in. Someone threw a bottle and it smashed against his hood. He revved his engine and tore through the line of picketers without another word to them.

    Hayes turned right and the cop cars whizzed passed him. He muttered to himself just as he did when Barack Obama became president.

    Stetson: He's not mah champion.

    A group of men in orange were doing community service along the side of the road. Callie Clark's tag team partner flicked the rest of his cigar out at them. He didn't turn to see if they were giving him looks. Stetson turned the dial to a Country radio station and stepped on the gas.

    Stetson: He ain't no one's champion.

  4. #4
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

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    "He's going to do it, the mad Bastard is going to do it!" The voice of Rosie Danvers echoed down the phone. Leon Kensworth stuttered "But what about Kagura? Surely he won't let her down". "Well," said Rosie "I am pretty sure that whoever has anything to do with the winning of matches will realise that Kagura should be judged on her own merits". Leon audibly sighed down the phone "Fine, but what exactly will be doing? He can't be..."

    The scene cuts to Titus shaving. He hears Rosie and Leon on the phone and sneezes. The sneeze makes him cut himself. "Bugger".


  5. #5
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    Due to an unforeseen family emergency, I was not able to complete this RP to my liking this round. Here is my outline for the RP with some bullet points highlighting the more important details.

    - The story begins with a shot of Kagura in a dark room. The scene pans out to reveal her face still painted in bizarre makeup. Picture the Great Muta. She still looks the same otherwise, but now rocking her solid black attire.

    - In her native tongue, Kagura begins to talk about her childhood. When she was younger, she was tall for age and naturally athletic. This made her a popular choice for sports. Being the quiet introvert that she was, she mostly kept to herself and went along with the other girls. If you’re familiar with the Azumanga Daioh series, picture Miss Sakaki. That’s what I’m going for here.

    - Deep down Kagura secretly loved competition and the thrill of the challenge. That’s a big reason why she became a wrestler in the first place.

    - She begins to compare and contrast herself with Titus, her tag team partner. She believes Titus strives to accomplish all that he can just to prove his own worth to himself. Kagura on the other hand just wants to see how far she can go with the doors that open up.

    - She was content being on the upper-middle of the card. A few high profile matches here, and a run with the Elite championship there. It wasn’t until winning the KFAD briefcase that she began reexamining her self-worth. She wants to aim higher.

    - She won the world title and then Gold Rush on top of that. More doors open. She starts to feel more confident. She no longer feels content with the spot that she’s had for years. Kagura wants more.

    - When she was a child, her parents and grandfather introduced her to the concepts of humility and shame early on. She was taught that young lady should act proper. As a priestess, she had to learn to submit to channel the kami’s power. She had to learn to purge herself of arrogance and pride. In the wrestling world, that earned her a reputation of being a coward.

    - The biggest culture shock she experienced after coming to America was seeing how open everyone carried themselves. Americans wore their hearts on their sleeves, while she was taught to suppress her emotions in public because it that was considered proper behavior. Over time, her peers began to regard her as weak.

    - While her accolades might not amount to a Hall of Fame worthy career, she’s still earned her place in the history books as a groundbreaker and a trailblazer. The “first” to do many things as a woman. Kagura’s not content with that. Not anymore. That’s not the type of competitor she wants to be. Following the doors as they opened up led her this far, but now she’s ready to take a page out of Titus’ book. She wants to prove to herself that she’s the best, and vows to take the world title for the second time at Unscripted.

    - Kagura states that she doesn’t hate Titus. He’s simply an obstacle in her way. She does feel that he doesn’t see her as someone that he needs to be worried about, and that pisses her off. She vows to stay in her lane during the tag match, so long as Titus doesn’t try anything.

    - She talks a little about her opponents, Callie Clark and Stetson Hayes. This is mostly just protocol, as I really didn’t have much to say besides the usual drivel whenever someone is dismissive of an opponent that they aren’t currently feuding with.

    - I was going to end the RP with something cool and witty with Kagura declaring that the funs only just begun, or something to that degree. It was a character driven story designed to show off her new persona where she’s fully embraced the concepts of arrogance, selfishness, and pride – all the things she was taught were wrong to embrace when she was younger. Youkai Kagura is her, I guess you could say “Americanized” persona. Kagura basically doesn’t give a shit anymore, and just does whatever she wants, and what she wants is the be world champion again.

    I plan to be back in top form next round guys.

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