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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Meltdown 159

    At Gold Rush, a decade's old veteran rose up. After years of hatred towards the company, he looked to turn over a new leaf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gold Rush 2019
    Garth: Listen Yosemite Sam, Iâ??m not afraid of you, do you think after everything Iâ??ve done in my career that Iâ??m going to let some rope swinging, horse riding, twig chewing cowboy to threaten my chance at the Eurasian Championship? A championship thatâ??s been waiting for a worthy holder? That holder is not you, itâ??s Garth Black!


    Stetson gets back up while Black shakes out his leg, but Stetson is taken back down with a bulldog! Black is firing up here as he tries to get back into this, and he waits for Hayes to get back to his feet, before wrapping his arms around him, and dropping him with a belly to belly suplex! Hayes is down again, and appears to be in some real trouble here as he stumbles back to his feet, and Black hits an enziguri to stumble him, the big man appears out on his feet, as Black slowly lifts him up onto his shoulder, his knee buckling in the process but he manages to keep Stetson on his shoulders...and connects with the Black Out! Hayes drops and Black covers him, is it over!? 1....2....3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner and NEWWW Eurasian Champion, Garth Black!

    The fans have a mixed reaction to this as Garth gets handed his new championship and is helped up by the referee. Black holds up his championship as he stumbles back against the ropes, but with a smile on his face at pulling off the victory, and pinning the man who hadn't lost a singles match yet.

    Copeland: For the first time in his illustrious career, Garth Black is Eurasian Champion!
    He succeeded. But that brought out a new challenge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Road To Meltdown 158

    Garth: Where to now?
    As a Championship finds a new owner, a new challenger must also rise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown 158

    Harrys: The following contest is a 3 Way match scheduled for one fall!

    Copeland: The winner of this match will become the #1 Contender to the EurAsian Championship.

    Right away, Callie walks up to Steston and kicks him right low between the legs. Stetson clutches his netherregions in obvious pain but now Xander walks up. HE kicks Stetson low too.

    Xander ducks as Callie comes in and he launches her over the ropes and onto Stetson Hayes on the outside who is knocked down. They both start come about and Xander sees his opportunity and runs across the ropes diving over them and onto Hayes and Callie on the outside in an incredible leap.

    Cohen: Wow. These three are just tearing it up in there! I am very much enjoying this.

    Xander holds on and pulls himself back up, following that with a Huracanrana, sending Hayes crashing on to the ring post. With him stuck there, Callie comes flying in with yet another Dropkick. This one aimed right at his backside as Hayes drops from the pain clutching his back. Callie turns around and is met with the X-Rated Superkick from Xander!

    Suddenly, Hayes appears with a big steel chair and takes a big swing, hitting Callie in the back so hard, Xander lets go also in pain from the blow. He starts to hit both with the corner of the chair repeatedly over and over. Despite it being legal, referee Jurou Akiyama intervenes, taking the weapon from Hayes and discarding it.

    Copeland: It may be legal, but our senior oficial was not pleased with Hayes seemingly taking the shortcut here.

    Callie flies off with her patented Calliesault but is met with knees to the gut!! She clutches them but right as she does, Xander grabs her and locks it in! The Fade Away!! Hayes is outside having his hand checked! Callie is trapped in the center of the ring and is already out of air! She fades away! Hayes sees what's happening and goes to get in the ring but as he slides in, Jurou makes the call!

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a knockout, here is your winner, Xander!!

    Copeland: Senior oficial Jurou Akiyama made a call there. Callie had passed out and it is a referee's job to ensure the safety of our wrestlers.

    Copeland: One second too late, Jack. Callie was out cold. He could not wait a second longer. Xander is Garth Black's next challenger.
    And the opportunity was seized.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension 135
    Black: Here's the inconvenient truth, Leon - Xander has shown time and time again he doesn't care about this title. Not as much as the World Championship that has eluded him his entire career. Nothing wrong with that, the World is supposed to be the peak of our company, but to him, this is a stepping stone towards it. That's the difference between us. He wants to be Eurasian Champion in hopes he'll get closer to the World title. I've been to the mountaintop before, and the view is damn near as breathtaking as it is being the man holding this belt. So much history has gone into this thing and Triple X should know that better than anyone. He should also be reminded what it means being a champion now compared to back then. It's a touchy subject for many, but this here-

    Garth gives his belt a squeeze.

    Black: This means more now than it ever did before. More than when Ty Burna held it, or Chris K.O., or Xander aka Triple X himself. I am World Champion in my own right as long as I hold this. Xander more than deserves a shot at immortality. But not at my expense. He's gonna have to change his way of thinking of my baby here if he wants to bring his A game against me. And believe me, I want that.
    At Unscripted, Garth Black will look to prove he's changed for the better as he looks to continue Titus Avison's work. But now Xander stands to take it all away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Road To Ascension 136
    Xander: I donâ??t really care. See Jack, I did say that about the Eurasian Championship. I even burned the Championship I once held because I didnâ??t believe it to be worth my time. But after a while, I realized that wasnâ??t entirely true. Iâ??d looked upon it with such disdain that I failed to see it for what it really was. An opportunity. Take Titus for example. Look at him. He held what I believed to be this albatross around his neck for years when, in reality, it was his Golden Goose. It became his ticket to the World Championship. Long story short; the goose is mine, and so will be the benefits.
    But that isn't the only thing boiling on the road to Unscripted............

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension 135
    Stormrage gets back up and sees his foe bail to the outside. He gives the tag to Vega before he bounces off the ropes and LEAPS OVER THE TOP ROPE!! Mikey Stormrage dives over and lands on top of Matt Tastic!! The crowd explodes as the two continue to brawl. Tastic does his best to get away. He dives over the barricade into the crowd but Mikey Stormrage goes right after him. The brawl continues until you can no longer see them. Back in the ring Vega and Halloway exchange blows. Halloway attempts the 1984 but Vega avoids it.

    Annie tries to apply the Hallowed Road but Vega struggles and manages to get free. He catches Halloway with the Target Locked, driving her face first onto the canvas. Vega grabs her and applies the Dragon Slayer. Rather quickly the referee checks on Halloway and calls for the bell. Halloway has passed out.

    Here are your winners, Mikey Stormrage and Vega!!

    Vega has his arm raised as he celebrates his win. He stands on the top turnbuckle but stops his celebrating to look towards where Tastic and Stormrage vanished. We then cut backstage where we see Tastic and Stormrage brawling. Fans witness what's going on as the two continue going by the arena. Security appears as dozens and dozens of guards swarm in to stop the two and separate them as the show goes off the air.
    Actions have consequences.......

    Quote Originally Posted by
    WZCW roster members Matt Tastic and Elite Openweight Champion Mikey Stormrage have been suspended for 30 days due to disorderly conduct.

    At the end of Ascension 135 these two wrestlers disrupted the main event tag team match by abandoning it to fight off in the crowd. Their actions endangered the fans in attendance as well as damage the event's main event match.

    The two wrestlers were detained as the event went off the air but they would not stop attempting to fight each other for an aproximate half hour as various staff members and wrestlers tried to restrain them. As such they are barred from WZCW events for the next 30 days. Measures will be taken for them to have some presence in upcoming events but they will not be physically present.

    We apologize for any fans looking forward to seeing either of these two superstars at upcoming events for the inconvenience.
    But that does not stop these stars trapped between love and war.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *
    * PYRO *

    Copeland: We are live and jam-packed! 19,345 fans in attendance in what is surely a night to keep everyone on their feet! Live from the Entertainment Capital of the World! The Staples Center in Los Angeles, California! I'm Sebastian Copeland alongside my broadcast partner Jack Cohen and what a night we have for you here as we have the new WZCW Eurasian Champion in one on one action. It's Garth Black vs Alice Adams in our main event!

    Cohen: But that's not all, Seabass! We also have student proxies! Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage have been suspended, but in their place are their students Katherine King and Zorro Volador who I understand has renamed himself? I won't even try to pronounce that. But our opening contest is a tag team match and it starts right now!

    As the theme of Dirk Buchanan plays the lights dim and spotlights emerge, circling the arena. The fans murmur as the music plays on and the anticipation builds. But just off a spotlight, we can see a body thrown onto the stage. The music stops. The spotlights dim and the arena lights go back on, revealing Dirk Buchanan on the stage attacked. Annie Halloway and Vlad Azarov appear after him armed with chairs and they use them to attack Dirk, hitting him repeatedly onto his back. He tries to defend himself but to no avail. Officials appear to separate them to little avail as Vlad and Halloway keep hitting Dirk repeatedly.

    Cohen: These two have been looking for any way to make a name for themselves. I feel the tension finally boiled over.

    Copeland: And that excuses them from disrupting their scheduled tag team match?

    Vega runs out and attacks Halloway and Azarov, managing to make them discard their chairs. The brawl continues as referee, security and others try to intervene to calm things down.

    Copeland: This is absolute mayhem! We need to get things under control here soon.

    Cohen: I say let them go ahead and fight. Let the steam out. Let the frustration out. They want to do it this way, then by all means do it this way.

    Everything stops once the familiar theme plays. Becky Serra emerges, in casual attire oddly enough rather than a suit, and surveys the situation.

    Copeland: The general manager!

    Cohen: Oh dear.

    Serra: I appreciate a little proactiveness in my pro wrestlers. But I don't appreciate a medical bill and all the write-offs involved with one. Vlad Azarov, Annie Halloway, you two had a tag team match scheduled with Vega and Dirk Buchanan. But it seems Dirk is now unable to compete. Now, I could go the cheap way and let the two of you face Vega in a handicap match but how would that be fair to him? So rather than a tag team match, don't we have a 3 Way match instead? Vega vs Annie Halloway vs Vlad Azarov!

    Halloway and Azarov are clearly not pleased with the change and argue the fact with Serra but she promptly leaves as the referees, security and others clear out. Vega makes his way backstage to clean himself up while Azarov and Halloway contemplate what to do. They eventually also return to the backstage as things cool off.

    Cohen: This was scheduled to be a tag team match. I don't think it's fair that it's made into a 3 Way match.

    Copeland: Buchanan has been left unable to compete. You heard Becky. Would it be fair to throw Vega to the wolves there? Of course not.



    Tomorrow, don't miss

    Champion and Challenger team up as World Champion Titus Avison and Kagura team up against Stetson Hayes and Callie Clark!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-26-2019 at 06:47 PM.

  3. #3
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    Cohen: I did not know Joseph Rios had a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame!

    Copeland: Actually, I think that's just him posing for an Instagram picture. None the less, it is the beautiful Hollywood Walk Of Fame here in Los Angeles, California and look who's out there!

    A sea of people are seen through the famous sidewalk, walking by whether it's as tourists seeing the sights or just passerby's, however one person clearly sticks out. Shirtless, muscly and oily. It's none other than Randy Studd. On the hunt for the ladies.

    Randy: They said it was cold but just looking at these fine ladies in these very short shorts is enough to burn your calories. And then seeing my own reflexion on those calves. I think I can take a wee-lets not get crazy, a day! Yeah, a day off the gym. Hey! My dear, how would you like to go see the stars with an absolute Studd?

    The woman he's addressing just ignores him. Studd can't believe how rude she's being but she clearly has headphones on. And is jogging. As in doing exorcise.

    Randy: No, you're right! A healthy jog is very important. And..... what's this?

    Randy hides behind a lamp post as he spots a familiar face in the distance. It's the equally muscly former World Champion Flex Mussel alongside Keith Kole and Wasabi Toyota.

    Flex: See?! I told you! It happened again! Some greedy, jealous, slimy, no good son of a b***ch trashed my star in the Walk Of Fame.

    Keith: They should call this the Walk Of Shame.

    Wasabi: Should I post about this on your Twitter?

    Flex: No. We'll fix this and set up a trap to catch the culprit. I bet he's a filthy spy. Quick camouflage!

    Keith: What about your match with Xander?

    Flex: If you shut up and hide, we can set the trap up in Anaheim.

    Keith: Anaheim?

    Wasabi: You think it was a WZCW Star?

    Flex: I have theories.


    Cohen: Does Flex Mussel have a Star in the Hollywood Walk Of Fame?

    Copeland: No. As far as I know the only WZCW Star to have a Star there is our current World Champion Titus Avison who will team up with #1 Contender Kagura tomorrow to face Stetson Hayes & Callie Clark. But still to come tonight is our main event as Eurasian Champion Garth Black takes on Alice Adams, Baby Doll. Also, a special match involving students of Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage's now defunct wrestling school.

    Cohen: I can't believe that now their students are being dragged into this. How can they be considered good teachers when they do something like this?

    Copeland: Well Jack, due to circumstances as seen at the start of the show, Stormrage and Tastic could only have pre-recorded appearances on these shows. As such, their students will take their place. Who knows. They may get jobs out of this depending on their performance. As a matter of fact, Mikey Stormrage recorded this to hype his selected student, Katherine King.


    Mikey Stormrage appears on the screen with a rather cheesy poster behind him of Katherine King reading "She's Great!" on the top while the bottom reads "Matt Tastic is a butt".

    Stormrage: Hey, boys and girl! Do you like hot tattoed chicks? Of course you do. Who doesn't? Do you like awesome pro wrestlers. Of course. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. Do you fantasize with hot girls who can take you down to the mat and outwrestle you as you feel their tits press-- REDACTED-- Oh. I can't say that. OK then. But still. I have just the girl for you. She's Katherine King. Talented. Gorgeous. Stacked. Charismatic. Educated. Ready. And she's gonna beat Zorro or whatever his name is now because he's not gorgeous. He's not stacked. He's not charismatic and his teacher Matt Tastic is.......... Matt Tastic is........

    Mikey Stormrage turns from excited to dejected as he tries to finish his sentence. The camera zooms in on him.

    Stormrage: You could've said something. But you didn't. Katherine is gonna beat your boy. And I am not gonna give you what you want. You selfish prick.

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Backstage we see Xander walking by as Leon Kensworth approaches him with a mic in hand.

    Leon: Xander, tonight's main event the man you will be facing at Unscripted for the WZCW Eurasian Champion will be in action. Garth Black takes on Alice Adams. My question to you is if you will be paying any attention to the match.

    Xander: That seems like a very silly question, Leon. Why would I not?

    Leon: Well, Xander. The thing is, between past actions and past comments, many seem to think that you don't really care about the Eurasian title.

    Xander: I was beaten in Gold Rush. I can't change that. But I also won this opportunity to challenge for a title I once had. But my reign wasn't good. It was many years ago and I guess back then I was just too naive. I don't look back at those days too fondly. Yeah, I did say those things about the Eurasian title. But at the same time, look at who is the World Champion. The man who held that title for over a thousand days. It's clear that one thing leads to another. And that's what I'm after. If that's a problem to some, too bad. I don't care. If it's a problem to Garth Black, he should remember how badly he had to scratch and claw his way to the World title. I'm in that same boat right now. I'm not stopping. No one is stopping me. See you at Unscripted.


    In another area backstage, Stacey Madison stands by with one half of tonight's main event, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams.

    Stacey: Baby Doll, Alice Adams. Last round of shows, you faced the World Champion Titus Avison one on one. Now tonight you face the Eurasian Champion Garth Black one on one. These are some very steep opponent's you're being pitted against. How do you think you'll fare tonight?

    Adams: I do feel a bit overwhelmed. But babycakes, I also relish a challenge. I am very excited for tonight to see how well I can stack up against a guy who's been here for so many years. Who knows. Maybe Xander won't be the only one challenging for the Eurasian Championship at Unscripted.

    Stacey: Sounds like you're feeling confident for tonight.

    Adams: Of course, honey. If I don't act confident, how can I expect to win? It's a mindset, dear.

    Stacey: Well that's coming up next. Eurasian Champion Garth Black vs Alice Adams.


    We return to Leon Kensworth who now has said Eurasian Champion Garth Black with him.

    Leon: The competition is feeling confidant here tonight, Garth Black. Are you more focused on your match tonight or are you more focused on your upcoming title defense with Xander?

    Garth: That's actually a good question, Leon. Where is my head at? On what I'm doing tonight? Or on my first title defense? Truth is, I try to have my mind on the title and keeping it. That involves non-title matches as a loss there means a new challenger. So I guess vaguely enough, it's on both things?

    Leon: I guess that works. With Xander claiming he is watching closely, will you be returning the favor tomorrow at Ascension?

    Garth: I wouldn't be much of a Champion if I overlooked anyone. Tonight I look to defeat Baby Doll. Tomorrow, I'll check out Xander's match with Flex. Though I should point out. Tonight, I'm the main event. Tomorrow, he isn't. He was talking about how he's clawing his way to the top. The thing is I did it. He still hasn't and just finds excuses to say why he hasn't. He likes to say. But I like to show.

    Garth raises his Eurasian title up for the camera to see as we fade to black.



    Coming Soon! Live from the Alamodome in San Antonio, TX!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-26-2019 at 07:23 PM.

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    Harrys: The following contest is our main event of the evening, and it is scheduled for one fall!

    Alice seductively walks to the ring in her signature robe. She unties the front and lets it slip off of her shoulders without breaking pace. As she slides under the bottom rope to enter the ring, she abandons the wrap. With a determined look on her face, she throws her hands straight up into the air and brings them down against her hips, legs, and finally bending forward until she reaches her neat leather boot. She rises, winks, and blows a kiss to the audience.

    Harrys: From Palm Springs, California, weighing in at 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!!!

    Copeland: Perhaps the most provocative member of The WZCW, Adams is sex and war wrapped in a robe. A modern day Aphrodite and Athena.

    Cohen: Do you use that line when picking up girls? How well does that work out for you?

    Garth walks down to the ring purposefully, carrying a bottle of water. On the way down to the ring he looks into the camera and speaks -

    Black: No excuses, Xander. Seeing is believing.

    and says something specific to the match at hand. On the way down to the ring, he takes his local sports shirt off and gives it to a fan in the audience. When he gets to the ring, he slowly climbs in, acknowledges the crowd, has a drink of the water before tossing the bottle out of the ring.

    Harrys: And her opponent, from The Last Chance Saloon, weighing in at 15 stone, the Eurasian Champion Garth Black!!!

    Copeand: Garth has harsh words for the contender.

    Cohen: That's all well and good but he's fighting Baby Doll now. I don't know how he can talk about Xander when he's looking at her.


    They square up, and Alice immediately applies a headlock to Black. Black staggers, grasping at Adams's arms, but the dancer stomps the canvas aggressively, clutching on to the somewhat larger opponent. She executes a running bulldog and hastily applies the hold again, receiving a chorus of jeers. She laughs cockily. This time Black does power out - shoving her off and bulldogging Alice himself. He wraps her up for a pin but doesn't even get one. The Eurasian Champion judo throws her and she rolls to a corner of the ring. Baby Doll lashes out by grabbing the corner ropes to hoist herself up. Garth Black charges, and like a matador Adams dodges, Black lands into the turnbuckles. Adams takes a moment to straighten her hair before pulling Black out from his entanglement. Garth is on his feet and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep. Another pin, another kick out before one. Adams slaps Garth from her prone position. He falters, holding the side of his face, and then drops the elbow to Adam's stomach. She cradles her midsection and crawls near the bottom ropes.

    Copeland: Balanced fight so far. Have to wonder what's going on in both competitor's minds.

    Cohen: "Haha Xander isn't in the Main Event!" "Oh my god I'm in the Main Event!"

    Adams slides out of the ring and Garth Black is in pursuit. They run the parameter of the squared circle, Adams is back in first, Black crawls in, and Baby Doll is on the assault, throwing stiff punches to the back of his head. Referee Katie Shepard backs Adams away before reaching the five count. Black gathers himself up and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. Black gets the upperhand, Irish Whips her into the ropes, ducks her rebound clothesline, German Suplex! Black latches on, lifts her above his head again, releases, and Adams somersaults but lands on her feet behind him. Baby Doll dropkicks him and he falls into nearby ropes. Adams follows and leaps over the ropes. Her boot lands flush to the side of Black's face, causing him to tumble to the mat. Baby Doll struts over to the turnbuckle post and climbs up. She blows the fans a kiss as Black gets to his feet. She leaps - Private Show is countered into a Northern Lights Suplex! Doll's back smacks audibly against the canvas and she cries out in pain.

    Copeland: Mercy that was loud. They heard that one in Cali.

    Cohen: Garth Black got lucky. Chalk that one up to experience and having the wherewithal to catch her.

    Black couldn't hold for a pin, but he did turn and hook the leg for the pin. 1...2...Kickout. Garth claps his hands in approval, wanting the fight to continue. Adams rolls onto her stomach in search of the ropes. He grabs hold of a leg and performs a half Boston Crab. Alice hollers in agony, frustratingly clawing at anything she can touch. Black bends backwards. The burlesque dancer drags her nails against the white mat, leaving almost unnoticeable marks. Katie asks her if she wants to quit. Adams grits her teeth and shakes her head. Garth closes his eyes and applies more pressure. Alice pulls herself towards bottom rope, and fastens her hand on one. Black lets go by lifting her off the ground and letting gravity do the rest. Battered but not broken, Adams secures herself as the referee instructs the champion to back away. As Black goes for Adams, Adams spits in his face. The act distracts Garth enough for Adams to give an Encore. The two fall to the mat almost simultaneously with Adams on top of Black. Katie Shepard counts the pin. 1...2...Black kicks out. Adams beats the mat with her hand in frustration.

    Copeland: The look in her eyes could turn men to stone.

    Cohen: We're passed the mythology talk, Seabass.

    The exotic Alice Adams lifted Black up and brought him back down with a swinging neckbreaker. She places an alluring black boot over his chest, but he slaps it away. Baby Doll shouts something unintelligible. She pins him again with her heel. Black slaps it off. Again Doll says something to him but he gets on all fours. She laughs. He kicks her in the midsection and she falls to one knee. The Eurasian Champion rushes her with Getting On The Wagon. She crumples in a heap. Seeing his opponent down the champion saunters over to the turnbuckles. He climbs. She quietly gets back to her feet. He leaps high into the air as she dazedly grins up at him, slapping her chest as if to say she can take it. The Come Down ISSSSS Good! Black immediately pins Adams - shoving his forearm against her face for good measure. 1...2...3!

    Harrys: Here is your winner...Garth Black!!!

    Katie raises his arm up in victory. Alice stares blankly from the mat. With his music blaring all over the arena, Black stands over his defeated opponent. She sits up, jarred from the finisher but otherwise conscious. He extends a hand out to her. Alice Adams looks at it, up at him, and back at the hand. She keeps her focus on it as she pulls herself back up to her feet. Alice sways, but is standing. Black tells her outright he wants to shake her hand. Baby Doll grimaces and backs away from him. The crowd boos brazenly. Adams climbs out of the ring on her own accord and doesn't give him another glance.

    Cohen: Well, that's our upandcomer for you. Huge chip on her shoulder. Like me, she isn't a fan Garth Black going soft it seems.

    Copeland: Soft? He was just showing sportsmanship. That's the sign of a great athlete.

    Cohen: Whatever you say, Plato.

    Garth Black shrugs and celebrates with the fans as the show comes to its conclusion.

  6. #6
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    Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we are back and as we saw moments ago, this is now a 3 Way match after Vlad Azarov & Annie Halloway attacked Dirk Buchanan at the start of the show.

    Cohen: I'm still not too pleased about this. One match was promoted and it was changed with no prior warning.

    Harrys: The following contest has been rescheduled, and has now been sanctioned a triple threat match!

    The lights fade to darkness as smoke slowly begins filling the entrance ramp. The lights flicker on for brief moments as bass drums pound like a beating heart. Just as the snare drums kick in, two spotlights shine down on Vega from opposite sides of the arena. He stands there in the center of a foggy glowing "V" formed by the lights, basking in them with determined look on his face. He saunters his way down the aisle taking in as much of the crowd and moment as possible. He gracefully hops onto the guard wall and stands there on top of it near the fans with his arms out wide, soaking in the crowd noise as if he feeds off of it. After a few moments of standing in glory, he walks across the guard wall from one corner to the other to pose before hopping off with ease. He walks up the steel steps at the corner of the ring and then walks to the center of the apron. Vega spins around so he's facing the crowd again with his arms draped over the top rope behind him. He smiles confidently before lunging back, flipping backwards over the ropes and into the ring. Once inside, Vega stands in the center and holds out his hand in the shape of a gun, as smoke rushes across the canvas. He stands there taking aim as spotlights in the arena shine down upon him in the shape of a foggy "V."

    Harrys: Introducing first from New York City. He weighs in tonight at 225 pounds, please welcome Vega!

    Copeland: What an ovation for Vega here tonight! He's riding high off of a victory from last round. Will this momentum of his last? Something tells me he'll need as much of it as he can to topple the king.

    Cohen: Vega has made an enemy of one of the greatest men to ever step foot in WZCW. No away he's walking out of a fight with King Mussel in one piece.

    As the music starts to play, the ramp is filled with smoke and Vlad walks through it slowly. The crowd showers him with boos as he makes his way to the ring. He enters and eyes Vega in the corner. The madman doesn't say much and keeps to himself as he awaits his other challenger.

    Harrys: Introducing next from Crawley, South East England. He weighs in this evening at 202 pounds, this is Vlad!

    Copeland: What a heinous attack on Dirk Buchanan. Does this Vlad character even have a conscious?

    Cohen: Not since Barbosa have I seen someone this unstable, Seabass. Vlad's a dangerous man, that's for sure.

    The lights go pitch black. For a few seconds, nothing occurs. Then the music begins and static can be shown from the titantron. When the voice declares that things have fallen apart, the lights come back on and Annie can be shown from the ramp, arms extended and facing the titantron. She lowers her arms and turns around slowly, walking the ramp and exchanging slight glances with some of the members of the audience. Halfway down the ramp she stops and focuses solely on the ring. With a cold glare in her eyes she rushes down the rest of the ramp and slides in the ring, once getting up she looks at her surroundings and gives a few sadistic looking smirks before heading towards one of the top turnbuckles and raising her left arm and fist high up in the air for the world to see.

    Harrys: Introducing their opponent from Manchester, England. She weighs in tonight at 127 pounds, this is Annie Halloway!

    Copeland: Annie's been on a bit of a losing streak recently. A big win tonight would surely put her in a good spot come Unscripted.

    Cohen: We've started to see some fire out of this young lass in recent months. I'd hate to see that fizzle out against a hack like Vega or a lunatic like Vlad.

    The referee checks all three competitors and then calls for the bell...

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    All three competitors circle each other not knowing quite what to do, until both Annie and Vlad decide to double team Vega. The largest man in the match tries to fight off his opponents, but they beat him into the corner. The crowd boos as they toss him out of the ring. With the fan favorite temporarily disposed, Annie blindsides a distracted Vlad, who stood admiring his handwork a little too long, with a spinning heel kick. Annie drops down to the mat and begins pounding away on her larger foe, until he counters. The jujitsu expert locks in a hammerlock and brutally maims her shoulder with repeated elbow strikes. Annie screams in pain as Vlad puts pressure on the hold, but she turns and grabs the ropes forcing the referee to break the hold. He hoists the smaller woman to her feet and whips her hard into the turnbuckle. Annie hits the corner with enough force that it drives the wind from her lungs. She tries to move, but isnâ??t quick enough to dodge Vladâ??s running corner dropkick. Annie falls to her knees grabbing her chest in pain, as Vlad picks her up and takes her to the mat with a snapmare. He runs, bounces off the ropes, and plants his elbow into the back of her head. The veteran covers her: 1â?¦2â?¦ but canâ??t score the three count, as she kicks out.

    Copeland: Looks like Annie and Vlad have decided to dispose of Vega early on.

    Cohen: That was a smart move on their part.

    Copeland: Vlad looks vicious tonight as he takes the fight to Miss Halloway! His firmly in control so far.

    Vlad gets to his feet and begins to measure the girl as she begins to stir. Like a deranged lunatic he stares at her like an animal stalking its wounded prey. She gets to her feet and Vlad proceeds to deck her with a 720 Guyver kick! He kips up and roars at the crowd. They come unglued, as movement behind him catches the madmanâ??s attention. Vega is back on his feet, and is now standing on the ring apron. The former Mayhem champion propels himself up and lunches himself off the top rope as he proceeds to crack Vlad in the skull with a flying knee strike! Vega unleashes a war cry of his own as he springboards off the middle rope, and the flying triangle choke is on. Vlad tries to free himself, instinctively trying to roll to his side to counter. He gets to his knees, but Vega has the hold cinched in deep. Trapped, the former MMA fighter does the first thing he can think of. He starts swinging. He throws straight right fists pummeling the slightly larger man until the former champion breaks the hold. Vlad follows that up with a left-right combo, until the referee gives him a warning over his excessive use of closed fists. He looks up, only to be bowled over by a raven-haired ball of fury, as Annie comes alive.

    Copeland: What a cheap shot! Come on Vlad, watch those hands!

    Cohen: The kids smart, Seabass. Everyone knows that the most effective way to break a triangle choke is to punch your way out of it.

    Copeland: Watch Annie out of the corner though. She explodes, taking Vlad down!

    A short arm lariat rocks Vlad, and a sitout jawbreaker has him sprawled out on his ass. She turns her attention to Vega and hits him with her signature â??1984â? straight jacket neckbreaker. Planning on finishing this match quickly, she turns her attention back to Vlad. She eyes him and plants her foot into his midsection the second heâ??s back on his feet. She grabs his head and drives it into the mat with a vicious looking snapmare driver. The â??Root of all Evilâ? connects! She goes for a cover and pins Vladâ??s shoulders: 1â?¦2â?¦ but the psychopath kicks out! Annie canâ??t believe it. She argues with the referee, but he stands firm on his call. Shaking her head, she turns her attention back to Vega. She pulls him to his feet as grabs his head, but the larger man shrugs her off and gets behind her with one fluid motion. He grabs her around the waist and launches her down to the mat with a release German suplex. Vega turns his attention to a woozy, but quickly recovering Vlad. The MMA fighter stands, only to eat a release German suplex of his own. A DDT rocks Annie, as the veteran competitor drives her head into the mat. Vega is in control as he eyes the other man. He smirks a little bit before helping Vlad to his feet. He apples a full nelson, and launches the madman across the ring with a release dragon suplex. Vega is putting on a show! He points to each of his fallen opponents, asking the fans with one he should target. He points to Annie first and then Vlad. The psychopath becomes the unlucky winner. Vega smiles and slaps his knee, gearing himself up for his signature sure fire kill strike to the head. He lunges forward, but Vlad sees it coming and ducks. Not pulling any punches with the more decorated performer, he decides to pull out all the stops. He kicks Vega in the back of the head and immediately follows that up with a jumping knee strike. The â??Leviathan Crossâ? connects! Vega crumbles to the mat, but Vlad canâ??t go for the cover. He must deal with Annie first. The tenacious woman eyes him with fearsome eyes, and motions at him to bring it.

    Copeland: Vega is down again! All three of these competitors are not pulling any punches tonight. It might not take any fancy maneuvers to get the job done tonight, Jack.

    Cohen: Just one strike is all any of these three will need, and they know it. Theyâ??re riding the knockout game, seeing which one can land that last big move.

    Copeland: Looks like Annie and Vlad are going at it again!

    The lunatic charges forward with reckless abandon, but Annie takes him down with a drop toe hold. She mounts him, and quickly spins to control his head with a front facelock. She knees him in the head a few times, trying to wear him down, but the larger man begins to overpower her. Her strikes barely seem to register as his rage propels him forward. He shrugs her off and stands. He throws a reverse hook kick, but she ducks underneath it. She throws a kick of her own, nailing him in the hamstring. Not one to be fazed, he throws a kick back, but she catches his leg. Vlad eyes go wide as Annie takes him down with a drag screw. She keeps control of his leg and applies an Indian deathlock. Vlad howls in pain, as Annie maintains control. He reaches out and begins to pull himself towards the ropes, but Annie stops him with multiple forearm strikes to the back of the head. She grunts and tries to drag him backwards towards the center of the ring, but ops to spin him around instead. She swiftly locks in the â??Hallowed Road!â? She bridges herself, trapping Vladâ??s arms behind him with a butterfly hold. The madman screams in pain, completely trapped, but refuses to surrender. Out of nowhere, Vega flies into the picture having launched himself off the top rope. He plants his feet into Annieâ??s abdomen, causing her to relinquish the hold. He grabs Vlad and hoists him to his feet. He grabs him by the head and torso and plants him with his mighty reverse swinging STO. The â??Target Lockedâ? is on point tonight! Vega keeps his eyes glued on Annie. Fueled by adrenaline, the smaller woman gets to her feet. She doesnâ??t quite realize what hit her from the air, and is still a little disoriented. Vega leaps forward and nearly puts his knee through her skull with â??The Kill Shot!â? He quickly falls into the cover as the referee counts: 1â?¦2..3!

    Harrys: Here is your winner of this bout by pin fallâ?¦Vega!

    Copeland: Annie had the Hallowed Roads locked in deep, but Vega broke it up out of nowhere. And just like that, The Kill Shot ends it.

    Cohen: Gotta give Vega credit where itâ??s due, I suppose. He was the better man tonight. Lets just see if he can finally amount to something come Unscripted.

    The referee lifts Vegaâ??s arm in victory as the crowd cheers. Annie rolls out of the ring, still reeling from the knee strike. She looks disappointed, as Vlad proceeds to walk back up the ramp in disgust. He eyes Vega from the top of the stage, snubbing his nose at the winner of the evening.


    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-26-2019 at 06:54 PM.

  7. #7
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 127 pounds, Katherine King!

    The music kicks up and plays for a few seconds before Katherine bursts through the curtain and out onto the stage. She jumps around on the stage while looking around the arena, then begins making her way down the ramp, slapping hands with as many fans as she can along the way. Upon reaching the bottom of the ramp, Katherine slides into the ring and goes to the corner, lowering her energy as she begins to focus her mind on the upcoming match at hand as the music cuts.

    Cohen: An interesting matchup tonight as two students of Mikey Stromrage and Matt Tastic will face off with their teachers currently suspended from the company.

    Copeland: That's right and this is their top student, Katherine King. It'll be interesting see what she brings to the table here in her WZCW debut.

    Harrys: And her opponent, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 198 pounds, El Hijo Del Deseo!

    The music hits and Del Deseo makes his way out, all business as he heads right for the ring, ignoring the fans reaching out to him as he makes his way up the ramp, and steps through the ropes into the ring and goes to his corner as the music cuts.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    Feeling out process to start as the two students lock up in the middle of the ring and struggle for control. Deseo gains control early with a takedown into a headlock. King is quick to fight back to her feet, but Deseo keeps the hold on until he catches a series of elbows to the ribs, knocking him backwards as King shoots off the ropes, but Deseo ducks a clothesline, then as King bounces off the opposite set of ropes, he catches her with a dropkick. King goes down and Deseo begins stomping on her, not giving her a minute to breath until she manages to escape to the ropes, which forces the referee to pull him away after he continues stopping through the 4 count. The fans boo Deseo as he walks away holding his hands up innocently, while Katherine is getting up in the corner, a look of fire in her eyes after the dirty tactic her fellow student took.

    Copeland: The fans are letting El Hijo Del Deseo hear it for his actions, clearly he picked that up from Matt Tastic.

    Cohen: Hey I don't see any problem with it, he had a 5 count to work with, he didn't break any rules there.

    Copeland: It's about respect, and he showed no respect for his opponent doing that.

    Cohen: Hey respect doesn't win matches Seabass.

    Back inside the ring, Katherine has charged Deseo and taken him down with a sling blade, and is now waiting for him to get back up, and as he does she charges in again and takes him down with a second sling blade! Deseo rolls to the ropes as Katherine stays back and waits for him to get up, and as he does she charges again, this time knocking him over the top rope and to the floor with a big clothesline! Deseo hits the floor and Katherine begins clapping her hands, which gets the fans doing it as well while she nods in approval and stalks her opponent from the ring waiting for him to get to his feet. As he gets up, she springboards off the top rope, looking for a springboard misses! Deseo sidesteps and King crashes and burns on the floor!

    Deseo sees his opening, and pulls King to her feet, and shoves her face first into the near by ring post! King goes down as the fans boo, and Deseo ignores their boos, simply rolling back into the ring, and rolling back out on the side nearest King as she starts to get up, and throwing her by her hair into the barricade! King hits spine first and is laid out as Deseo gets yelled at by the referee for his actions.

    Copeland: Oh now that just was mean! What a poor sport!

    Cohen: I don't know if I agree with his actions, but that's one way to weaken your opponent and take back control of the match.

    Deseo is indeed back in control of the match as he tosses King into the ring, and hits her with a running senton after sliding in himself! Deseo now hooks the leg on a pin attempt, could he have it won? 1...2..but King kicks out. Deseo now moves King into position, as he goes out onto the ring apron, and it appears he has something big in mind. The luchador now springboards into the ring, going for an elbow drop to the heart of his hits! Deseo motions that it's over now before hooking the leg on a pin attempt,! King kicks out! Deseo doesn't give up though and goes for another pin attempt, this time hooking both legs. 1...2...but King kicks out for the third time in a short amount of time. Deseo is frustrated as he slaps the mat before getting back to his feet, and now begins motioning for Katherine to get to her feet, it seems he has a new idea for how to end this match. King slowly begins getting to her feet, using the ropes for a little help to do so, but as soon as she's on her feet, Deseo grabs her and goes for a she hangs onto the ropes! Deseo hits the mat as King turns around, and jumps over the top of him, bridging for a pin looking to steal one here!, kick out from Deseo.

    King gets back to her feet, stomping on the ribs of the luchador to keep him down before grabbing his legs, lifting them up and dropping a split leg legdrop on him! King rolls away as Deseo begins getting up, but as he does he gets struck down quickly with a Headscissors Driver!

    Copeland: She calls that the Panther Driver.

    Cohen: That could be it Seabass, but it seems Katherine isn't going for a pin? What's she thinking?

    Indeed she's not going for a pin, it seems she wants to inflict more damage here as she backs up again, and motions for him to get up, this could be the end coming here. Slowly Deseo gets to his feet, and as he does he gets blasted with the Kira Kick, a flying thrust kick!

    Copeland: Well that looks familiar, stealing a page out of Matt Tastic's playbook!

    Katherine now goes down to the mat behind Deseo, and locks him into the King's Cradle, the lotus lock! Deseo struggles for a moment, but it's clear he's taken too much damage and after realizing he had no escape, he ends up submitting!

    Harrys: Here's your winner, Katherine King!

    Copeland: An impressive showing for both of these rookies here tonight, but I can see why Katherine King is the top student with that showing she had tonight.

    Cohen: I agree, she looked very impressive but I'd say both of them have a bright future in this business. But for tonight I guess we can say Mikey Stormrage managed to get one over on Matt Tastic with his pick winning this match.


    Arriving April 3!!

    Witness the night WZCW first opened it's door as familiar faces and Hall Of Famers such as Celeste Crimson, Joseph Rios and the current World Champion Titus Avison. In the main event, Aaron Craig faces Aries. Get Hyped!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-26-2019 at 07:02 PM.

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Segments & graphics - KJ
    Garth Black vs Alice "Baby Doll" Adams -Spidey
    Zorro Volador vs Katherine King - Matrix
    Dirk Buchanan & Vega vs Annie Halloway & Vlad Azarov - Ech

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