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Thread: Ascension 136

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Ascension 136

    Instead of the traditional opening sequence, we the camera is at the commentary desk with Cat Connor and Jack Cohen.

    Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, we want to show you this footage from earlier today. WZCW does not condone the actions of either superstar in this amateur video, but we choose to show you this footage to dispel any rumors or third party accounts of what may have gone on just about an hour before we came on the air.

    Cohen: The video does contain language that isn't suited for all ages.

    The footage shows Mikey Stormrage and Katherine King walking through the Anaheim GardenWalk. Mikey has his title belt slung across his shoulder, as is his customary practice when he is a champion in public. Katherine tries multiple times to hold the hand of the Elite Champion, but he rebuffs her attempts. As they pass a few shops, it is clear someone if following them. Mikey stops so he can walk inside The Cheescake Factory to use the restroom, and once inside Matt Tastic jumps Katherine from behind. He throws her into a nearby cart, before he slams her through a table with a Headache Driver. He grabs her by the hair and drags her to his feet as Mikey comes rushing out of the building. Tastic locks her in a choke hold and demands Stormrage keep his distance.

    Tastic: Just stay right there! You know why I'm here. You are trying to get out of giving me what I want, what I'm owed.

    Stormrage: Fuck you!

    Tastic: You never got your chance did you? Is that why you are so mad lately? Why you got us suspended from WZCW events for fighting and endangering the crowd? It was all just an attempt to get out of giving me my rightful title shot.

    Stormrage: I'm mad because you threw away our friendship, you betrayed me. I'm upset because you are mental.

    Tastic: You were nothing before me! So go ahead and try to blame me for your shortcomings, but what happened was just the natural order of life. The strong eat the weak, and you were weak.

    Stormrage: I'm never going to give you a title shot, so let her go.

    Stormrage tries to close the gap, but Tastic pulls something from his pocket.

    Tastic: Remember this!

    It was the butterfly knife Matt was given years ago while he and Stormrage trained with Himalayan monks. He sticks it through the gauge in Katherine's ear.

    Tastic: Give me what I'm fucking owed! Either you give me my rightful Elite Title shot or your little girlfriend gets a new piercing. After all, I am just a danger to the public.

    Mikey puts his hands up to calm Matt. He takes the title off his shoulder.

    Stormrage: Just calm down you fucking maniac. This is what you want? Just lower the knife and I'll give it to you.

    Stormrage gestures that he is going to toss the title over, so Tastic lets Katherine go. As soon as she is out of the way, Stormrage hurls the belt at Tastic and tackles him to the ground. He begins to hammer away with vicious punches. Blood soon begins to cover both men as Stormrage is showing no signs of letting up. Police rush to the scene and separate the men but the two are soon back at it, this time with Tastic taking Stormrage down and slamming his head on the concrete. Two officers manage to drag Tastic away and handcuff him, which only allows Stormrage a free opportunity to tackle the defenseless Tastic. He unloads on him with a headbutt and gets in a few unblocked elbows, further cutting him open, before multiple officers tackle Stormrage.

    Stormrage: You want a fight? You got a fucking fight! I'll put the title on the line, but I want your ass at Unscripted inside the Cell!

    The video is cut off when some officers try to disperse the crowd.
    The camera returns to Cat Connor and Jack Cohen.

    Connor: Both Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage were taken to a local police station and are still being processed. No word on any potential punishments handed down to the two superstars, but neither will work any WZCW events in California for the time being.

    Cohen: Still, you have to be excited as the prospect of these two getting to go at it inside Hell in a Cell. It would be a truly fitting end to one of the most personal rivalries in WZCW history between two of the most decorated athletes in our business.

    Connor: We will pass along any news if and when we get it regarding the two.

    Cohen: Don't go away though as World Champion Titus will team with the number one contender Kagura, plus King Mussel squares off against Xander, and more tonight here at the Honda Center.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Leon Kensworth and Zhanshi are backstage playing an advanced copy of Mortal Kombat 11. Leon is playing Cassie Cage and Zhanshi is playing Kung Lao. Leon is getting his ass kicked.

    Leon: Why do I keep losing? I've tried every character. You keep beating me.

    Zhanshi moves with mouth but no words come out at first. Some deep, disembodied voice comes out instead.


    Zhanshi stops moving his lips but the voice continues for a few seconds after.

    Leon: Let's try again, this time I'm picking Jax.

    In just a few seconds, Leon loses again. The deep disembodied voice comes back as Zhanshi laughs as he walks away for his match. As Leon gets mad and throws his controller, he finds that Zhanshi's controller was never plugged in.


    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    The camera pans past four nervous looking young men in white Kung Fu uniforms. There is no music as they stand two per side, all four are holding square wooden boards. Zhanshi walks to the top of the stage and screams something indistinguishable. Before the scream could end, she spins with an elbow and snaps one of the boards. He spins around in one lag and delivers a crescent kick to snap the board on the opposite side. He screams again and breaks another board with a straight palm thrust. He turns around with a roundhouse kick to the next board but the young man holding the board freaked out by his screams had scooted far away from Zhanshi’s reach. He walks to the young man, patted him on his shoulders and grabs the last wooden board from his hand. Zhanshi takes a couple of steps down the ramp, with a smirk on his face and the board on his hand. He spins around and breaks the last wooden board on the helpless Young man and screams at his face…

    Connor: Was that really necessary? And God! What’s with that scream?

    Cohen: That imbecile spoiled my favourite entrance! He deserved it. FYI, it’s not a scream Cat, it is War Cry!

    ...the lights go out and a spotlight shines over Zhanshi, two red lights shine from under the ramp as the muscular demon stands there, staring straight at the ring as dust from the broken board still lingers in the air. He starts to slowly walk towards the ring, he's taking his time as the lights follow him. He walks up the steel steps, he stands on the ring apron for a moment, he gives the fans a long stare before grabbing the top rope and springboarding high over them and into the ring, he lands and does a quick front roll to the other side of the ring, he stands back up and roars as the lights come back on, jets of thick steam shoots out of each ring post as the music hits with the choir in full noise. Zhanshi slaps his thighs and stretches his neck as he prepares to do battle.

    Anderson: Introducing first from Hong Kong, China, weighing 245 pounds, Zhanshi!

    Connor: Regardless of our conflicted opinions, Zhanshi is riding on high tide tonight after last week’s win over the team of Flex Mussel and Keith Kole.

    Cohen: This man right here is the inventor and master of Ã?xìng Shènglì. I can’t wait to see him unleash his rage on Keith Kole.

    Lights are out until the words "Are you ready" at which point the lights flicker constantly as Keith Kole comes jogging out onto the ramp, stopping in his vest and
    posing for a moment , turning around and soaking in the energy until the song begins to calm down. At this point Kole begins walking down the ramp, randomly telling fans that they aren't ready, they wish they were ready and such. Kole climbs up the ring steps and wanders his eyes through the crowd sitting at the front row behind the barricade. He notices his friend Mark sitting there and gives him a thumbs-up and climbs the final step.

    Kole enters the ring arrogantly, posing multiple times and gesturing to the crowd. His home state crowd seems to reciprocate his gestures by cheering him. He gets in
    Zhanshi’s face and glares into his eyes before heading to a corner and removing his vest.

    [B]Anderson: And his opponent, from San Diego, California, weighing 235 pounds, Keith Kole!

    Connor: Seems like we have some support from San Diego for Keith Kole. Not to mention, his good friend Mark is sitting at the front row to support him tonight. He looks laser focussed and I’m pretty sure, he’s going to bring the fight to Zhanshi.

    Cohen: Yes, indeed. It must a bit surreal for Kole to hear some cheers from the crowd tonight. However, I believe his thought will be more on his mentor Flex Mussel. He can’t afford to fail his mentor again.

    Both the wrestlers walk to the middle of the ring. Keith Kole has an imposing look before his shorter opponent. Zhanshi lowers his height even further by crouching into a Kung-Fu position and proceeds to let out a long whiny scream… yet again. Referee Elizabeth Prince signals for the bell.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    Keith Kole swings a wild right hand at his opponent, only for Zhanshi to duck underneath it and rolls to the other side of the ring. Zhanshi climbs to his feet near the
    opposite turnbuckle and screams at Kole to bring it on. Not falling for the bait this time, Kole paces around the ring to make Zhanshi come at him. The Kung-Fu expert measures the ring in his crouched position and meets Kole in the middle of the ring. Both men lock themselves up in the traditional collar and elbow tie-up. Having the size advantage, Kole snaps his arms down and breaks the hold almost immediately and wrenches Zhanshi’s head in a side headlock. With his incredible core strength, Zhanshi pushes him to the ropes. Keith Kole rebounds of the ropes and comes charging at Zhanshi but the Kung-Fu veteran leap frogs over the Kole and sends him to the other side. Gaining momentum by rebounding off ropes, Keith Kole charges to the middle of the ring again and knocks Zhanshi down with a shoulder block. Without wasting any moment on the mat, Zhanshi climbs to his feet again and jumps at Kole with a flying knee. Kole anticipates the move from miles away and ready to counter it, only little did he know that it was a faint attack from Zhanshi. At the last moment, Zhanshi transits the flying knee into an elbow
    catching Kole right on his chin. Kole grabs his chin and stumbles to the far corner. Zhanshi positions himself in a Tiger Stance position and lets out a scream.

    Cohen: Look at that stance! Listen to that war cry! Zhanshi looks like a God of
    Kung-Fu in the ring tonight!

    Connor: I reckon you’re exaggerating a little, Jack. Neither men have gained any clear advantage over each other. They just have faced each other recently and knows exactly what to expect. This is going to be interesting.

    Both men walk to the middle of the ring again. Kole extends his arms up signaling for a test of strength. Almost shorter than Kole in his Kung-Fu stance, Zhanshi extends his arm and goes for a long reach. Taking advantage of the situation, Kole kicks him in the gut, grabs his hand and clubs him down with a vicious short arm Clothesline! He immediately goes for the pin, however, Zhanshi kicks out even before Referee Prince positions herself for the count. Kole drags Zhanshi up to his feet and dumps him outside the ring. He signals the crowd, hits the far end of the ropes and charges in for a suicide dive! But Zhanshi expertly stops Kole on his tracks with a Karate Front Kick from the outside! Kole falls face first on the apron. With his opponent laying motionless on the apron, Zhanshi climbs up the apron and nails his opponent with a Rolling Thunder Senton! Keith Kole withers in pain and drops to the ringside. Zhanshi gets in the middle of the ring, back to his stance and let the referee to count.

    Cohen: What an incredible move by Zhanshi!

    Connor: Keith Kole seems to be in lot of pain. I doubt he can make it back to the

    Keith Kole gathers himself outside the ring until the count of 6 and crawls his way back to the ring. As Kole was sliding inside the ring, Zhanshi charges at him but Referee Elizabeth Prince holds him back. Somehow Zhanshi manages to touch the back of Kole with his three middle fingers. Kole screams out and hangs at the bottom rope.

    Connor: What happened there? Zhanshi barely touched Kole but the pain in his
    back seem to have multiplied.

    Cohen: Don’t you see it? Ignorant eyes can’t see the Sciatica Nerve Pinch! This is
    going to be over soon.

    Zhanshi pushes the Referee away and drags the motionless body of Kole from the ropes and locks him in a Bow and Arrow Choke! One of his signature moves! Kole starts to fade but he didn’t want to give up in front of his home crowd. He kept wiggling and somehow manages to break and hold and falls on top of Zhanshi. The referee checks for Zhanshi’s shoulders and starts to count immediately! 1… 2… Kickout! Zhanshi manages to get to his feet first and strikes elbows and fits, mercilessly at the direction of Kole. Kole helpless with his back being locked in the nerve bundle eats all the hits. Zhanshi screams again and goes for his Kung-Fu Combo! He hits Kole with a Punch, followed by a Chop to the neck and a spinning fist. He finally tries to end his combination with a foot sweep. At the last moment, Kole manages to get his left foot backwards and hits a Superkick with his right! May I take your order? Catching Zhanshi right under his jaw. Kole holds his back in pain and climbs up the top turnbuckle.

    Connor: He looks to be in so much pain! Why does he have to go for a high risk
    maneuver now!

    Cohen: He’s desperate to finish the match quickly. I believe he’s going for the
    Airbourne Arrogance! Elbow drop from the top rope!

    Grabbing his back with one hand, Kole takes forever to reach the top rope. It gives enough time for Zhanshi to gather himself. Just as Kole was positioning himself to fly off the top turnbuckle, Zhanshi jumps and grabs the top rope, which makes Kole to tremble and he falls crotch first on the top turnbuckle. The crowd lets out a gasp in unison. Without further ado, Zhanshi runs at his opponent, who’s sitting on top of the turnbuckle, and nails him down with a Running Karate Kick! Finisher! Kole falls off the top rope like a sack of potatoes and Zhanshi cover him for the count. 1… 2… 3… that’s it! Ding Ding Ding!

    Anderson: Here is your winner, Zhanshi!

    Cohen: That’s what happens when you challenge the grand master of Kung-Fu!
    Keith Kole was no match for his greatness!

    Connor: Don’t be ridiculous, Jack. It was an evenly matched contest. The desperation and lack of experience has caused Kole to lose at the end.

    Cohen: Lack of experience? Zhanshi is relatively new to WZCW compared to Keith Kole.

    Connor: It maybe true but as you mentioned, Zhanshi has far more experience in various martial arts.

    Cohen: That’s what I’ve been trying to say from the beginning! NOW! Wait for it… wait for it…

    Connor: Wait for what?

    Referee Elizabeth Prince raises Zhanshi’s hand in the middle of the ring. But he pushes her back and goes to his Tiger Stance position and screams his lungs out… again.



    Coming Soon! Live from the Alamodome in San Antonio, TX!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-28-2019 at 10:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, The Commander and Chief, King Mussel!

    The crowd boos as Flex makes his way onto the stage. He appears more business like tonight as he simply marches to the ring and ignores the chorus of jeers. He climbs into the ring and admires his own physique and slaps the referee's hand away as he tries to check him for foreign objects.

    Connor: Since he conquered the wrestling world and won the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, Flex has been in a downfall. A victory over a seasoned veteran competitor like Xander will surely give him a bit of traction though. You are always only one big win away from greatness in WZCW after all.

    Cohen: I wouldn't worry too much Cat. It takes a lot to win that coveted prize, and when you win it everyone guns for you. Eve dropping the title doesn't instantly solve that, as putting a W next to your name against a former World Champ still carries weight. Flex is still a force to be reckoned with.

    And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, this is Xander!

    Xander's theme plays for a few seconds before he walks out onto the stage with a spotlight following him along his way. The fans give him their worst, but it only seems to hype the former Triple X up further. He has a devious smirk on his face as he sprints to the ring and slides inside.

    Connor: Jack, in a match like this, with two men who aren't fan favorites, who do you give the edge to?

    Cohen: Often times the crowd rallying behind one superstar can shift the momentum, give that guy a second wind if you will. Xander was once beloved by these fans and I still see them wanting to cheer him when he busts out a big move. I think that and Xander's big win last week will help propel him here. You know though, the second those fans give him the slightest bit of support that he will want to puke, it will make him that sick.

    Referee Keith Morse has to keep the two men apart while they jaw back and forth, so he quickly calls for the bell.

    *DING! DING!*

    Flex explodes on Xander, connecting with heavy forearms that back him into the ropes. He hammers away, really rattling the skull of the straight edge superstar. Keith Morse steps in and starts his five count, but Flex takes full advantage and hammers away until the count of four. Xander looks to be miles away as Flex backs off just long enough to appease the referee. He runs and connects with a big clothesline that puts Xander up and over the top rope and onto the floor below. The King seems pleased with the quick start and poses on the second turnbuckle as Xander is still trying to figure out where the hell he is. Mussel climbs out of the ring and lifts Xander up by his hair and taunts him before he tosses him into the barricade. The fans boo as Flex knocks all of the soda and snacks that had been resting on the barricade to the floor. He grabs Xander by the hair again and lifts him to a kneeling position. He screams in the face of his foe, only for Xander to respond by spitting in the face of the former World Champion. This enrages Flex, who rams a knee into the body of Xander. With Xander on all fours, Flex runs and hits a vicious soccer kick to the midsection that lifts his opponent into the air. The referee warns Flex to get back in the ring, who responds by yelling back at Mr. Morse before tossing Xander back in. He gets into the ring and positions Xander for a suplex. He lifts him and shows off his impressive power by holding him in the air in the vertical position, before he starts to bend at his knees to show off even further. He then takes one arm away and begins to flex is biceps to further hammer home that Mussel indeed has many big muscles, before slamming him to the mat. He puts a foot on top of his opponent in a cocky cover...One!...but Xander kicks out to the surprise of no one. Flex simply shrugs before yelling "Guess he wants more" and dragging Xander to his feet. He connects with another knee to the midsection, dropping his opponent to his knees. As Flex goes to taunt his foe again, Xander slaps him across the face. The defiant act stuns Flex, though more so due to the sheer audacity of the move as opposed to power behind it. This allows Xander to get to his feet and connect with a Pele kick to Flex as he charges back in. Flex is staggered, so Xander hits the ropes and connects with a running front dropkick to finally put the King down. Xander looks like he is feeling himself a little out there and some small pockets of fans begin to clap for him. He senses this and decides to slow it way down and instead of capitalizing on his burst of offense, he slaps on a chinlock. The crowd boos immediately.

    Cohen: I told you. The crowd was getting behind the quick paced offense of Xander, only for him to hate it. What has a chinlock ever done?

    Connor: I heard that was your go to move back in your day Jack. Or were you just that boring that I imagined that?

    You can hear Cohen's angry grunt at his colleague as Xander releases the hold, but only so he can throw some downward elbows into the neck area of Flex. He then leaves Flex in a seated position and stands so he can hit the ropes. He bounces off and flips over Flex, grabbing a face first mat slam as he sails over him. He makes the cover...One!...Two!...kick out with little trouble by the King. Xander retreats to a corner and begins to urge Flex to his feet, surely looking for the X-Rated Superkick. Flex stands and Xander fires, only for Flex to catch the kick and lift Xander into a power bomb position. The King looks for the Mussel Bomb, but Xander fires off punches and is able to fight it off and switch around and get into position for a reverse hurricanrana, only for Flex to anticipate this and drop him with an electric chair. He takes a moment to recover before he grabs the leg of Xander and slams it into the canvas. He then grabs the leg and locks on a single leg Boston Crab. He leans back, really cranking on the hold as Xander is showing the pain on his face. He reaches out for the ropes but is just a couple of inches short. As Flex leans back, Xander is able to get his hand up and rake the face out of desperation. THis causes The King to break the hold and clutch his face. As he stumbles around, Xander creeps up from behind and rolls him up...One!...Two!....Kick out by Flex at two and a half!

    Connor: Xander almost stole a win there. Timely kickout by Flex.

    Cohen: Whatever works is fine with me. A win is a win.

    Back to their feet and the two men begin to trade punches back and forth with neither man really winning out. A kick to the midsection by Xander gives him a temporary advantage, which he uses to Irish whip Flex into the corner. He takes a moment to shake out his leg before he runs and splashes Flex. Flex stumbles forward a bit and get snapmared by Xander. Xander then goes for the kick he follows the snapmare with, but Flex had it scouted and is able to dodge. No matter as Xander simply kicks him in the face with a back kick. Xander then heads to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle. He calls for a tornado DDT and waits for Flex to stand. The former World Champion staggers to his feet and turns to face his opponent, who leaps. The powerful Flex catches him though and tosses him away. Xander lands on his feet and connects with the X-Rated Superkick! Flex tumbles out of the ring though, leaving Xander unable to capitalize. Frustrated, Xander urges Keith Morse to count to ten.

    Cohen: Simply a frustrating turn of events. Xander hit one of his go to moves, a move he has won matches with, only for his opponent to tumble to the outside.

    Connor: In this situation do you rest is you are Xander? Or do you roll outside and continue the attack?

    Cohen: It's a tricky situation, one you have to play by ear. Looks like Xander is content to try to get the count out victory.

    Indeed, Xander props himself in the corner and allows the referee to do his job. As Keith Morse gets to six, it becomes evident that Flex is going to beat the count, Xander gets to the top rope and launches himself at Flex. Mussel catches Xander though and rams him back first into the ring post. He then tosses him aside and taunts him some more. He sees Xander crawling toward the steel steps and pats his knee. He charges at Xander, looking to sandwich Xabder's head between the steel steps and his knee. Xander connects with a drop toehold at the last moment and slams Flex's face into the corner of the steps. His face is ripped open, blood pouring from a giant gash above his forehead. The referee immediately throws up the 'X' sign with his arms and medics rush to ringside. Flex and Xander both look confused as the referee walks to the timekeeper's area and medics tend to Flex. The referee rolls back into the ring and grabs Xander's hand and raises it.

    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been told that Flex Mussel is unable to compete due to injury, therefor your winner is Xander!

    Flex shoves the medics aside and gets in the ring, his face pouring blood from around his left eye. Xander celebrates up the ramp as if he had just won the World Title as Flex argues with both Keith Morse and WZCW medical personal.

    The crowd pops while Flex's eyes widen as Vega walks out onto the entrance stage with a mic in hand. Flex rubs some blood from his eye.

    Vega: Flex, when you invited me to "The World's Deadliest Game" at Meltdown, you started something you will never be able to finish. You see, a wise man once said "you don't hunt what you can't kill." You wanna play a deadly game, Flex? Game on.

    The crowd cheers at the notion of Flex and Vega hunting each other down. Flex demands a mic from the time keeper.

    Flex: Vega, Vega, Vega... you think you can just show up here and hunt me down? You seem to have lost that killer instinct of yours.

    Vega: No, I just refuse to play this game by your rules.

    Just then, Keith Kole quietly steps out onto the entrance stage behind Vega. The crowd starts jeering, but Vega remains focused on Flex.

    Flex: Silly boy. It's always my rules.

    Right on cue, Keith Kole aims right for Vega's head with a superkick, but Vega senses it coming and leans away, narrowly dodges it. Before Kole can even regain his balance after missing the kick, Vega responds immediately with a spinning back fist perfectly placed on Keith's jaw, buckling his knees and sending him down to the floor.

    Connor: Vega just dropped Keith Kole!

    Cohen: That's not how you play "The Deadliest Game!"

    Vega turns his attention towards Flex, and starts running down towards the ring. Flex prepares for a fight, blood covering his face, but the moment Vega slides in, Flex jumps through the ropes on the opposite side and exits the ring. He smiles as Vega stands there frustrated. He decides to go after him and takes a running slide underneath the ropes as Flex begins to run around the ring. Vega follows after him in hot pursuit. Flex turns and runs up the entrance ramp with Vega right behind him.

    Without warning, Vega's head is nearly decapitated by a superkick from Keith Kole coming to Flex's rescue.

    Cohen: Yes! That's how you play the game!

    Connor: Holy Jesus... that was a hellacious kick by Keith Kole out of nowhere!

    Keith Kole stands over Vega while holding his jaw, still feeling the effects of Vega's counter attack. Flex smiles as he approaches Vega's carcass. He instructs Keith Kole to lift him up. Kole holds Vega up as Flex unleashes a thunderous Flexucution on his prey. The discuss clothesline sends Vega's limp body flipping before it crashes down on the steel. Flex Mussel and Keith Kole both smile as the training staff makes their way to check on Vega. Mussel and Kole leave leave the scene proud of their actions.

    Connor: I really hope Vega is okay after that attack.

    Cohen: He knows better than anyone how dangerous this game can be, Connor.


    It's a dark alleyway. Not much can be seen. You can't see anyone. But suddenly, a knife falls to the ground. An eye peeks through the darkness. Seemingly bloodshot as heavy breathing can be heard. A little bit of light shines revealing none other than Matt Tastic. Having thrown the knife to the floor.

    Tastic: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! I- I threatened her. I really threatened her! Am I really that desperate?! Am I really that desperate to beat Mikey again?! GAHH!! I threw our friendship away. I can't back down. Even if I did push too far. It'll all be worth it when I win. Yeah. My victory will validate everything that I did.

    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-28-2019 at 12:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Stacey Madison is sitting on a chair and next to her is none other than the WZCW World Champion Titus Avison.

    Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen I am sitting here with the World Champion Titus who tonight teams up with the #1 Contender to his title, Kagura. Now Titus, to start off, I have to wonder just how it feels knowing you have to team up with your opponent at Uscripted. Do you trust her? Do you feel you can work together well enough to win this match?

    Titus: Do I trust her? The short answer would be yes. We both want the same goal. To win.

    Stacey: Don't you feel there would be a bit of conflict in Kagura's mind teaming up with her opponent?

    Titus: No. Not really. If there is, she's free to say so. Then again, she's not much of a talker. Anything outside of winning this match gets us nowhere. At least that's what I think. I dare say she should feel the same.

    Stacey: Years ago you two faced each other for the Eurasian Championship.

    [QUOTE+Apocalypse 2017]The referee does walk over to Titus but Kagura is hot on his tracks. As Titus pulls the referee close to his person, he leans over the referee and sticks a thumb in the eye of his opponent. No sooner has this happened that he has barged past the referee and is on Kagura. He turns his around and nails her with THE TIT DROP one more time! Titus covers his opponent and, unbeknownst to the referee, puts his feet on the bottom rope for more pressure on the pinfall. The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... 3! This match is over![/QUOTE]

    Stacey: You used underhanded tactics to retain. Do you feel there's a sense of anger in Kagura who probably remembers that?

    Titus: There probably is. But I was a very different man back then compared to today. In the same way, she's also different. I would hope she can look past that. But if she doesn't..... well it doesn't really matter.

    Stacey: And how so?

    Titus: We can do this cordially or not. She can do anything she wants. At the end of the day, the match takes place at Unscripted. I'll be ready there. No matter the result, she and I both have to accept it. Just as it happened back then. This time, it's totally up to her. Just know that I am bringing my A-Game.

    Stacey: Well you heard him here, ladies and gentlemen. Titus feels confident heading into his match at Unscripted against Kagura.


    The cameras catch up with Annie Halloway and Vlad Azarov as they are talking in a hallway backstage.

    Vlad: I can't believe we got screwed like that, we would have won if it wasn't randomly changed to a triple threat match just because Dirk couldn't compete!

    Annie: I know, I didn't plan for a triple threat match, and even then I almost won if it wasn't for Vega coming out of nowhere to save you!

    Vlad: You were not going to win, I was not going to tap out!

    The two begin arguing about it, as Chuck Myles walks up to them and stops them.

    Myles: Hey now, there's no need for arguing. I can understand your frustration though, having a match changed last minute can mess up your gameplan. That's why I'm here to tell you your match for Unscripted right now.

    The two stop arguing and look over at the GM with an interest in what he's about to say.

    Myles: At Unscripted the two of you will be opponents again, but this time in a fatal four way match.

    Annie: Wait who else is in the match?

    Myles: Keith Kole, and Zhanshi. Two other people who have been having their problems in recent weeks.

    Neither one is too sure how to react to it, as Myles wishes them luck and walks away.


    Arriving April 3!!

    Witness the night WZCW first opened it's door as familiar faces and Hall Of Famers such as Celeste Crimson, Joseph Rios and the current World Champion Titus Avison. In the main event, Aaron Craig faces Aries. Get Hyped!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 03-28-2019 at 12:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Anderson: The following Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Fort Worth, TX, this is Stetson Hayes!!

    You can hear hooves as Stetson appears on stage as a horse. Hayes slowly gallops down the aisle before approaching ringside and getting off on the ring apron. He gets in the ring, taking off his cowboy hat and placing it on the corner.

    Connor: You gotta wonder what's next for Hayes and Clark after they both lost the Eurasian #1 Contender's match.

    Cohen: Well, what would happen if they win here tonight? What if they defeat the #1 Contender and World Champion?

    Anderson: His Tag Team partner, from New York, New York, she is Callie Clark!!

    Callie Clark, also appears riding a horse. Slightly smaller and brown as Clark seems to be riding dressed as Jessie from Toy Story. But at the top of the ramp, she's quick to get off though and swipes dirt off her pants before she makes her way down the aisle. In the ring though, Hayes seems almost offended that she decided to "imitate him".

    Connor: I'm not sure Jessie was on the poster of the new Toy Story movie.

    Cohen: What? You mean it she's not imitating Hayes?

    Anderson: Their opponents, first from Ise, Mie, Japan, she is the #1 Contender to the World Championship, Kagura!!

    Cherry blossoms fall through the arena as pink lights illuminate. A camera cut to the stage shows the #1 Contender spinning an artisans umbrella before revealing herself behind it. She places it down on the mat before making her way down the aisle.

    Cohen: She may have won the Gold Rush Tournament, however Kagura has a bit of a checkered past with Titus.

    Connor: They had battles over the Eurasian Championship back when Titus was more of a ...... questionable wrestler. And with another title between the two of them, I don't think they can really see each other in a completely respectful manner.

    With all the contestants in the ring, referee Jurou Akiyama has the bell rung to start the match.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    Titus and Hayes start things off, both men circling the ring however Hayes stops and simply approaches Titus and tries to intimidate him with his size. However Titus simply grabs both legs for a Double Leg Takedown, knocking Hayes down and hits a Knee Drop onto Hayes' chest. Hayes clutches his chest in pain after that as Titus takes a defensive stance after the move. Hayes covers up, rolling to one knee despite the pain and the wind being blown out of him. He stands up carefully by his corner as Callie Clark gives him a stern look and asks for the tag. Hayes seems hesitant and scoffs before starting to walk off, but before he can leave, Callie tags him and referee Jurou Akiyama orders her in. Titus backs off to his corner where Kagura is. The two talk and Titus takes a step away from the corner but as he does, Kagura tags him in the back which stops him cold, not expecting it. She jumps in as Titus stands annoyed. Jurou orders him to the apron and Titus obliges. Kagura and Callie now face off. They lock up with a Collar & Elbow Tie-Up. Kagura being taller turns out to be a disadvantage as Callie pulls back and Hip Tosses Kagura overhead. Callie sees her chance and hits a Dropkick, knocking Kagura down. Kagura rolls to the outside and Hayes sees an opportunity. He drops off the apron and seems ready to charge in but as he rounds the corner, there's Titus as well. 2 to 1 doesn't seem favorable so he backs off. However, just as he does, Callie Clark flies in, taking Titus down with a Tope Suicida!

    Cohen: Wow! Callie surprising the World Champion out of nowhere with that Dive!

    Connor: It seems there's tension between partners here tonight, but at the same time, they all seem ready to take risks at the drop of a hat.

    With Titus down and startled, Kagura lets her guard down and Hayes surprises Kagura, pushing her against the ring post before returning her to the ring. Callie Clark also runs in and pushes Kagura to their corner where Hayes tags in. He starts thrusting his shoulder against Kagura on the corner. Kagura tries fighting back and Ax Handles him on the back. That slows him down but Callie takes the tag and jumps in. She lifts herself up off Hayes' back and hits Kagura with an Enzuigiri. Hayes drops to one knee in pain as Kagura collapses in the corner. Hayes gets back up and starts arguing with Callie for using him as a stool but she has none of it and shoos him off as she continues to work on Kagura, kicking her in the shin and dashing across the ring for a Running Neckbreaker. After it, she covers Kagura. 1...... 2.-But Kagura lifts her shoulder up so Callie holds her down with a chinlock, choking the air out of Kagura slowly but surely as Hayes gets to his corner. Titus also returns to his corner following the Tope earlier and sees what's going on. The tag seems far but that doesn't stop him and he stretches out his hand anyway. Kagura stretches her hand too, hoping to reach it despite the distance. She tries her best to break out of the hold and at least gets to her knees, her height being a big help, but Hayes comes in and pulls her by the hair, slamming her down and at the same time, dragging Callie to the canvas. While it doesn't really hurt Callie, she's obviously mad and the two bicker.

    Cohen: Not the best time to argue, guys. You're firmly in the drivers seat here.

    Connor: Unfortunately, their selfish tendencies are mixing with their attempts to work as a team. Problem is their tandem offense seems to involve their partner in an unwilling manner.

    Kagura gets herself together and tries to roll to her corner. Titus reaches out for the tag and Kagura is just inches close to it but suddenly something crashes onto Kagura, stopping her from making the tag. It happens to be none other than Callie Clark, Irish Whipped onto Kagura's back by Stetson Hayes in order to stop her from making the tag to Titus Avison. Hayes grabs Kagura by the foot and drags her back to his corner as Callie gathers herself and gets back up and ordered by Jurou Akiyama to go back to her corner as Hayes is the legal person. He boots Kagura on the side of the head several times to keep Kagura down and off in the distance is Callie Clark yelling at him. Kagura holds one Hayes' feet and shoves it away, freeing herself up and dashes towards Hayes but stops and grabs him by the hip, tossing him off her side with a Saito Suplex. An impressive feat given Hayes' size, but that also means greater damage for him. Kagura tries to go for the tag again. Titus' hand is yet again stretched out as he desperately wants the tag but just centimeters away the hands are from one another before Callie Clark manages to yank Titus off the apron, yet again cutting him off. Angered at this point, Titus grabs Callie and throws her against the barrier before hitting her with a Spinning Heel Kick. He gets into the ring and dashes at Stetson Hayes but Kagura is there too. She pushes Titus and the two start arguing again. They start shoving each other as Callie Clark returns to the thing. As the four now stand in the ring, they start to brawl all over the ring. Hayes throws Titus with a Fallaway Slam and Kagura hits Callie with the Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto. Hayes tries a Powerbomb but Kagura stops him and surprises him with the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. Callie manages to get back up and goes for the Slingshot Spear, hitting Kagura. Titus returns to the ring and tries surprises Stetson Hayes with a Springboard Bulldog. Hayes falls out of the ring as Titus gets back up. He goes to the top rope spotting Callie Clark and leaping with a Flying Clothesline to Clark, knocking her down. Hayes returns right after, barely composed and grabs Titus, hitting a Leg Trap Spinebuster. But as he does, Kagura hits him with the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami, knocking him out. Before she can realize what's going on, Callie Clark surprises her with a Slingblade. Titus comes in and attempts the Tit Drop but Callie shoves him. As referee Jurou Akiyama tries to clear the ring, his back is turned and Callie takes advantage, kicking Titus low. She hits him with Lights Out. The refereee turns around to see her making the cover and drops to count. 1..... 2........ 3!!

    Here are your winners, Stetson Hayes and Callie Clark!!

    Callie falls out of the ring with her arms raised up in celebration. Referee Akiyama goes outside and raises her arm as he does for Hayes but the two once again start bickering as they make their way backstage.

    Cohen: All four spent their time bickering but more to the point, what the hell was Titus doing this entire time? He barely did anything.

    Connor: What?! He was constantly trying to tag himself in and was constantly cut off. That's his fault somehow?

    As Hayes and Clark leave we cut to Titus and Kagura in the ring. They're both helped up by assistants as one of them returns the World title to Titus. He reaches his hand out to Kagura to try and smooth things out. She thinks about it but ultimately obliges. They shake hands but as Titus is about to leave, Kagura doesn't let go. Instead, she pulls him and sends him face first against the corner turnbuckle. The impact of the blow being so much, Titus takes a spill between the ropes and to the floor. Everyone seems shocked and dead silent. So does Kagura as she stands watching what she has just done. She spots the World title by her feet and grabs it. She looks at it before dropping it on top of the injured Titus outside. Assistants tend to Titus who does not seem well at all and the show fades to black.

  6. #6
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Titus Avison & Kagura vs Callie Clark & Stetson Hayes, segments - KJ
    Xander vs Flex Mussel, Intro, segments - Yaz
    Keith Kole vs Zhanshi - Prince Vee
    Segments - Matrix

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