Quote Originally Posted by Psykohurricane
For people living in the U.S, this will be the start of a interesting time for wrestling next week. NXT move to cable television and try to get more fans watching the product in the same way. Then in Three week, AEW start airing on TNT and try to be competition for WWE. This is a weird move as they are alienating their international fans just so they could counter program AEW.

This is the thing thought, just like the monday night wars, only U.S. wrestling fans gets to experience it as fans outside of the U.S. couldn't care less about this since we're not on getting AEW and NXT will still be playing on the Network the following day so it's just a matter of changing are viewing pattern.

As far as Takeover specials are concern, i kinda see it this way, i feel like they have the thinking that with the new mainstream exposure to the product, maybe the brand will become strong enough to not have to piggyback off the IWC audience that goes to the big 4 ppv and maybe by exposing it to another audience, they might not get a repeat of what happened in toronto for the last takeover special when they pretty much gave away ticket to make sure the arena was packed.

I don't know what the endgame is and how this will all plan out but something is for sure, while i doubt that WWE is seeing AEW as competition, they are still fighting to get the attention of the IWC audience they have and right now, that's what the wrestling business is. They're not fighting to get to casual fans or the forgotten fans to watch their show but they are fighting to keep us watching and that's pretty much why for us, it's a interesting time in wrestling but outside of our group, nobody cares about wrestling and won't for a very long time.
This would make a lot of sense. Wild thing is there are ppl who watch the main roster who don't NXT and they aren't casuals.