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  1. #1
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Meltdown 160

    Callie Clark: I find it totes cray that I still don't have a match at Unscripted. But I'll figure it out. I always do.

    Xander: Callie Clark has been a constant thorn. Tonight I put her aside to then go after the Eurasian Championship.

    Stetson Hayes: I am not sitting this one out. Tonight I beat Matt Tastic and I'll get myself a match.


    Vlad Azarov: You have no idea what I am capable of. And soon enough, you'll all know.

    Matt Tastic: ................................Mikey............. .........

    We approach the final stop before Unscripted. Tension builds. Tonight, we battle. At The Pit.

    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-27-2019 at 10:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final Meltdown before Unscripted! Garth Black and Titus Avison are out this week but we're still loaded with action!

    Cohen: That's right, Seabass. Tonight we got Stetson Hayes vs Matt Tastic, our main event of Xander vs Callie Clark and Vlad Azarov vs Zhanshi!

    Callie Clark appears on the entrance way in a jumpsuit and a mic at hand as the crowd seems pleased to see her.

    Callie: Shush, Post-Crisis Mexico.

    The crowd starts booing as Callie gives a bit of a confused look at the reaction.

    Callie: I totes get it. You're not actually totally not Mexico. They actually do interesting stuff. But enough about that, I am standing out here under protest. I should have a match at Unscripted! I'm, you know....... Me! I'm on the poster for the love of Stan Lee. How can I not be on the show?

    Stetson Hayes wanders on to the stage as Callie seems greatly annoyed at the man in the ten gallon hat appearing behind her.

    Stetson: Good on ya', kiddo! Stick out for yourself. Women's revolution and all that. I als-

    Callie: YOU!! You yippie kay yay, Quick-Draw McGraw wannabe!! You keep showing up behind me! I hate your hat. I hate your accent. I hate how ignorant you are. I hate you going around on a horse. I hate you in general. As a matter of fact, I challenge you to a match at Unscripted and I'm not gonna take no for an answer! If I'm in the poster, I'm gonna insert myself into a match. Now get out, I have a match against Xander tonight. Who I didn't get to beat for an Eurasian title show. Because of you.

    Callie goes by Stetson and shoves him by the shoulder. He's stumped as Callie just brushes past him. Cutting to the locker room area, we see Xander watching what's going on.

    Xander: Oh girlie. You better be focused tonight.

    Cohen: Callie has booked herself into a match by virtue of being in the show poster. I think that is completely fair.

    Copeland: I'm not arguing that. Plus these two have been slightly butting heads the past few weeks.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-28-2019 at 10:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Harrys: This contest will be fought under the traditional rules of professional wrestling!


    The camera pans out to four nervous looking men in white gi. They stand two per side, clutching boards. Zhanshi walks to the top of the stage, he gives them all a glance before spinning and snapping one of the boards with an elbow. He hops on one foot to deliver a crescent kick to snap the board opposite him. He screams again with a straight palm thrust, breaking another board. He grabs the last board off the man and pushes him away. He walks a few steps down the ramp, holding the wood with a smirk on his face. He raises the board out in front of himself and pauses for a moment, then snaps the board with a lightning fast punch...

    ...the lights go out and a spotlight shines over Zhanshi, two red lights shine from under the ramp as the muscular demon stands there, staring straight at the ring as dust from the broken board still lingers in the air. He starts to slowly walk towards the ring, he's taking his time as the lights follow him. He walks up the steel steps, he stands on the ring apron for a moment, he gives the fans a long stare before grabbing the top rope and springboarding high over them and into the ring, he lands and does a quick front roll to the other side of the ring, he stands back up and roars as the lights come back on, jets of thick steam shoots out of each ring post as the music hits 1:05 with the choir in full noise. Zhanshi slaps his thighs and stretches his neck as he prepares to do battle.

    Harrys: Presenting first, from Hong Kong, weighing 245 pounds, Zhanshi!!!

    Copeland: No matter how many times he does it, I cannot get used to this entrance. Display of discipline from our resident martial artist.

    Cohen: He's gonna need that prowess here shortly. Vlad is on something of a roll since coming back into the fray.

    Smoke billows across the ramp. Vlad, expressionless, quietly strolls across the runway.

    Harrys: And his challenger, from Crawley, South East England, weighing 202 pounds, Vlad Azarov!!![/b]

    Cohen: Now here's a guy that makes a statement. No karate army, no boards to break. Just a man and his mission.

    Copeland: And a fog machine but sure he's better than Zhanshi.

    Cohen: Gotta get a lick in, don't you?

    Ding Ding Ding!

    The crowd boos both men callously. Vlad savors the sound while the martial artist looks around like he took a wrong turn in Albuquerque. They square up, and then lock up. Zhanshi shows a bit more stoutness by leading his opponent closer to the turnbuckle. Referee Katie Shepard checks to see if Vlad is touching the corner, but he is not. The genius grabs Zhanshi's arm and twists, sending him into the corner. Vlad backs away, popping his own neck. Zhan bellows, and strikes out with a High Spin Kick. Vlad dodges and gives a stiff Single Leg Dropkick...that misses! Zhan rolls and connects with a Spinning Elbow Strike. It doesn't waver Vlad who kips up...and gets another elbow strike to the side of the head. Fans are still not giving either the time of day.

    Cohen: Oh right. Vlad is a former martial artist. He's probably used to this style of fighting.

    Copeland: Zhanshi invented this style of fighting.

    Zhanshi lifts Vlad off of the ground and drops him with a scoop power slam. It's only good for two. The karate master lays into Vlad with fists across his temple until Katie instructs him to stop. Vlad crawls out of the ring. Zhanshi takes some time for himself by sitting cross-legged in the center of the ring. He meditates. Vlad forces the timekeeper at ringside to get up from his seat. He grabs the steel chair. Katie Shepard orders him not to step into the ring with it or she will give the win to Zhanshi. Zhanshi doesn't stir from his meditation. Fans can't make heads or tails of this, but a few holler from the front row to just smack the kung fu guy with the weapon. Vlad hears them and tosses the chair down. They jeer him. Katie remembers she can count to ten and proceeds to. Vlad slides in and Zhanshi jumps back to his feet. Zhanshi tries to connect with his knee. But Vlad captures it shoves it away...Vlad with a Snapmare followed by an Elbow of his own to the back of Zhan's head. Zhan seems dazed. Vlad elbows him again, and again until Zhanshi is flat on his back. Vlad goes for the cover but it is not enough. The crowd starts to rally behind Zhanshi.

    Copeland: Been a striker's game here in New Mexico. Gotta wonder who is hitting the hardest.

    Cohen: All it takes is one good blow to the head or neck to k̶i̶l̶l̶ keep the opponent down.

    Vlad tries for the pin again. This time Zhanshi pushes him off. Vlad runs the ropes, rebounds and delivers a Moonsault. Goes for the pin once more but it is still good for only two. Zhan roars to life and kips up himself, Greco-Roman arm throwing Vlad down to the mat. Zhan signals for the end. From the ground, Vlad signals for the end. Zhanshi is confused but takes his kicking stance anyways. Vlad rolls back out of the ring. Unamused, Zhanshi gives chase. They run the parameter of the ring before Vlad jumps back in. He turns around...Zhanshi with The Running Karate Ki- Vlad strikes first with The Hiza Geri knee strike! Zhan crumples and Vlad hooks the leg. Katie Shepard counts the pin for the three.

    Harrys: Here is your winner, Vlad Azarov!!!

    Cohen: Look at that killer! Outsmarted a man that invented a new way to fight. Unbelievable.

    Copeland: He was just a tad quicker, Jack. Really could have been Zhan's night easily. Gotta wonder what these two could do in a cage or something where neither could escape. Who knows.

    The fans continue to boo the victor. He doesn't seem to mind.


    In a dark and dreary room, we see a glowing red light along with it, we see footsteps and the sight of smoke. From the darkness, a single eye glows red with hate. Fumes emerge from the mouth of none other than Matt Tastic as he stares at us directly intently with nothing but fury in his eyes. He emerges from the darkness the eye, the smoke is all gone. You just see a man.

    Tastic: I've sunk so low. All in the name of glory. Mikey, this was meant to be. This is what it's all about. You. Me. Throwing everything we have on the table. All for one final gambit. That's what pro wrestling is, Mikey. A game of Russian Roulette. You throw your entire life away, hoping the next shot is a blank. If I hadn't betrayed you, you at some point would've done it to me after coming to the same realization. You should be thankful, Mikey. Because I at least am honest about it. I tell it like it is to your face. I admit it. I still have feelings for you. Those feelings are why I tell you all this. To make you understand. In this business, no matter what, we must fight. I simply got ahead of the curve. You can say all the heinous things about me that you want. But you can't call me a liar. And you can't say you didn't see me coming from behind.

    Matt walks towards the camera. An audacious smile decorates his face. But as he draws closer to the camera to leave, you can see it in his face. Something off his cheek, shines due to a small light. A single tear.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-27-2019 at 08:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Backstage Leon Kensworth is seen walking across the hallway and enters the locker room area where Stetson Hayes seems ready for his match.

    Leon: Stetson Hayes, Callie Clark challenged you earlier today to a match at Unscripted. Most of us were kind of surprised to find you accepted the match.

    Stetson: Surprised? Why does that surprise you? Because she's a cute little girl and I'm such an imposing man? Come on, kid. I know she's a talented pretty lady. Sure, it might not be much a challenge beating her, but hey. I think I should humor the challenge. I promise not to go overboard. I don't wanna come off as a mysoginist after all.

    Leon: You're set to face Matt Tastic after this break. We've seen him act very erractically lately. Does that concern you going into tonights match?

    Stetson: That boy. He's always wacky watching all that crazy japanime nonsense and bitching about people caring too much about spoilers.


    Harrys: This next match is scheduled for one fall to a finishâ?¦

    The sounds of hooves echo through the arena as Stetson appears on top of the stage riding a large black horse. He gives the horse the go-ahead and the pair trout down the ramp. He eyes the audience, who welcome him with a mixed reaction. He doesnâ??t seem to mind or care. Once at the bottom, Stetson unsaddles giving the reigns to one of the ring hands. He climbs the stairs and enters through the middle rope. He takes off his cowboy hat and plants it on the turnbuckle post behind him. He stands in the center of the ring and waits for his opponent.

    Harrys: â?¦Introducing first from Fort Worth, Texas. He weighs in tonight as 296 pounds, ladies and gentlemen, Stetson Hayes!

    Copeland: It as just confirmed earlier tonight that Stetson will face Callie Clark at Unscripted. The winner of that match will surely be in a top position in the title hunt moving forward.

    Cohen: Stetsonâ??s a stud Seabass, thereâ??s no doubt about it. It took Garth Black in order to beat him at Gold Rush and even then, that was a hard fought victory.

    Matt Tastic appears on the stage as soon as his music starts to pick up. He seems incredibly aloof this evening. The crowd rains down boos so heavy that for a split second it causes him to frown. Almost immediately his face becomes a mask of empty emotion. His eyes empty and cold. He slowly walks down the aisle and rolls into the ring. He doesnâ??t even acknowledge Stetson, whoâ??s still standing in the center.

    Harrys: Next his opponent, from Southwestern, Puerto Rico. He weighs in at 235 pounds, Matt Tastic!

    Copeland: I donâ??t even have words to describe this man anymore.

    Cohen: I do. Heâ??s despicable. Thereâ??s been no honor in any of his actions.

    Matt walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He stretches himself out, lounging on the top ropes, making himself comfortable as the referee calls for the bell.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    Hayes gets into a fighting stance and gestures at Matt to come at him, but the former world champion remains perched where he is, with his feet propped up on the ropes with absolutely no care in the world whatsoever. The big Texan snarls at the smaller man and begins to walk towards him at a quick pace, prompting Tastic to hop off the turnbuckle and slide to the outside. Stetson curses, and bellows at Tastic to get his ass back in the ring. The referee begins to count as Matt starts to slowly walk around the outside. The official gets to the count of 9 before the hall of famer slides into the ring. The two men are on opposites sides now, Hayes walks to the center and stands firm with a look of disgust on his face. Tastic doesnâ??t seem to pay him any mind, and instead looks rather distant. He leans against the ropes, not even wanting to fight. Stetson hurls several derogatory slurs his way, and calls him a coward. This elicits a response from Matt, who simply frowns. He leaves the corner and lifts his hand up, calling for a test of strength. Stetson smiles jokingly, but Tastic backs away at the last second.

    Copeland: It seems like Matt wants no part of Stetson here tonight.

    Cohen: Stetson not a bullshitter, Seabass. Heâ??s not gonna tolerate these silly little mind games.

    Tired of being mocked, the big man charges forward. He tries to avalanche the smaller man into the corner, but Tastic moves out of the way and Stetson eats nothing but the turnbuckle pad. Matt unloads with a flurry of punches, but Hayes pushes him away like a small child. The former world champion flips backwards and stands, charging forward before blasting Stetson with a running dropkick. He reels a bit and stumbles forward, as Tastic takes him down with an armdrag. Hayes feels pressure on his neck, as Tastic grabs his head and cranks it as hard as he can. Stetson gets to his knees and plants his elbow firmly into the smaller mans gut. He shoves the smaller man forward into the ropes, Tastic ricochets off only to be floored by a shoulder block. Stetson hoists the Puerto Rican to his feet and whips him into the corner. This time the avalanche connects as Hayes squashes the smaller man with his near 300-pound frame. Stetson picks Tastic up from behind before dropping him down with a huge belly to back suplex! Hayes is in control as the crowd pops for him. The New Mexican crowd opting to cheer a Texan over Tastic seems to surprise even Hayes himself, but he just shrugs and runs with it.

    Copeland: Mattâ??s ploy to throw Stetsonâ??s off guard looks to have failed, and the Texan takes control.

    Cohen: You canâ??t pull the wool over the eyes of a man like Hayes. As soon as he tried, Tastic got suplexed out of his boots.

    Copeland: The crowd seems to have gotten behind Hayes too. I know he isnâ??t used to hearing that.

    Cohen: I donâ??t think he cares either.

    Matt stands, but is quickly floored again with a short arm lariat. The smaller man tries to roll away, but Stetson follows him, kicking at him with his boot. He screams at the former world champion, â??fight me Matt. Fight me!â? Tastic growls and proceeds to bury his fist straight into Hayes stomach as hard as he can. The cowboy gasps as he feels the air being driven from his lungs. Matt practically leaps to his feet, and kicks the larger man in the head with an enzuigiri. Stetson falls to one knee, but manages to recover almost immediately. Matt follows this up with a running tornado DDT, driving Hayes onto his head. Matt floats over and pins his shoulders to the mat: 1â?¦2â?¦ but the big man kicks out. Tastic sneers as he gets to his feet. He taunts Stetson, and boots him in the side of the head. He exists the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle, watching his fierce opponent get back to his feet. Tastic flies and the missile dropkick connects. Stetson is down, and Matt is fired up! He charges forward and blasts the larger man with a running dropkick that sends him careening backwards into the turnbuckle. The force of the blow causes Stetson to drop to one knee, as Matt measures him. He pulls him away from the corner and hits the Goblin Slayer! The snap falling facebuster connects as Matt makes another cover: 1â?¦2â?¦ but Hayes kicks out again.

    Copeland: This match has been all Tasticâ??s since Stetson taunted him. He seems much more focused on this match now than he was in the beginning.

    Cohen: Itâ??s gonna take a lot more than that to beat a guy like Stetson, and I know Matt understands this.

    Matt smiles, before doing something unexpected. He sits down on the canvas and leans back against the middle turnbuckle. Hayes gets to his feet, only to find Tastic laughing at him. He looks down and shoots the smaller man a glare, before hurling obscenities at him. The referee interferes and orders Tastic back to his feet. The two men meet in the center of the ring, and prepare to lock up. Matt gets behind Stetson and tries to take him down to the canvas at the waist, but the larger man wonâ??t budge. Hayes breaks Tasticâ??s grip and gets control of his arm. Matt flips forward, chain wrestling his way into a counter. He grabs Stetsonâ??s wrist and bends it the wrong way. The big Texan grimaces in pain, but he manages to counter with a snapmare, taking Tastic down. He runs, bounces off the ropes, and plants his boot into the former world champions face. He pulls the smaller man to his feet, and lifts him into the air. Stetson drops his foe shin first across his knee, as Matt howls in pain. He tries to roll away, but Hayes smells blood in the water.

    Copeland: Now itâ??s Stetson in control of this match.

    Cohen: Mattâ??s getting too cocky and thatâ??s gonna cost him. Mark my words.

    Back inside, Hayes misses a charge into the corner, having whipped Tastic into the turnbuckle. The smaller man leaps out of the ring and onto the apron like a gazelle, kicking the larger man in the face. Matt reenters and begins pounding away on Stetson with forearm shots, but his blows donâ??t do much begins anger the big man. Hayes grabs him by the throat, as Tastic finds himself backed into the corner once more. Hayes delivers a knife edged chop. The sound of his hand hitting Tasticâ??s chest echoing through the arena. He hits another, and then another. A vertical suplex puts the smaller man on his back. Hayes makes a motion with his hand like heâ??s drinking a shot, and calls for his signature move. He kicks Tastic in the gut and positions him for the powerbomb. He lifts the smaller man up into the air, but Matt begins to counter raining down a fury of punches which stun the big man. He attempts a huracanrana, but the cowboy stops him. In an impressive display of power, Stetson muscles Tastic back up and slams him down back first connecting with a massive powerbomb! Both men seem to be down.

    Copeland: Stetson got all of that powerbomb, but it took quite a bit out of him.

    Cohen: That could be the turning point he needs to finish Tastic!

    Hayes gets back to his feet first and signals for the Cloverleaf. Mattâ??s still down, seemingly reeling from the effects of the powerbomb. He hasnâ??t moved. Stetson grabs his legs and attempts to lock in his signature hold, but Tastic kicks him off! The big man gets right back to his feet, but this time Mattâ??s huracanrana is successful in taking him down. Hayes looks disoriented as Matt proceeds to kick him in the legs and thighs. A spin kick to the gut wobbles Stetson, as Matt rears back on his left leg gaining a little momentum before nailing a spinning wheel kick. Hayes is down, but Matt isnâ??t finished. He measures his larger foe and springboards himself off the middle rope. The flying power kick connects! Stetson is driven backwards as he falls, his hands wildly and blindly trying to reach out to grab something that his there to stop himself. He manages to roll his body towards the ropes. He grabs ahold of the middle rope and begins to pull himself up to a vertical base. Matt measures him once more, before he runs, bounces off the ropes, and charges forward. He nails Stetson with a clothesline, and both men go sailing over the top rope and onto the floor!

    Copeland: What a move by Matt Tastic! Now both men are down and out on the outside.

    Cohen: All Hellâ??s about to break loose at â??The Pitâ? here in Albuquerque!

    Tastic is back to his feet first. He brings the fight to Stetson, really letting the big man have it after punching him in the jaw with a straight right hook. A few kicks add to the damage. Matt pushes Hayes forward and sends him crashing into the turnbuckle post! The crowd gasps as the larger wrestlers head bounces off the unforgiving steel. Tastic grabs the larger manâ??s head, and hits another Goblin Slayer onto the floor! Matt slides into the ring to break the count, before immediately sliding back out. He makes his way to the Spanish announcers table and begins to clear it off. He turns his attention back to Stetson and pulls the big man to his feet. In his mind he begins to see Mikey Stormrage and only Mikey Stormrage. He tries to lay Stetson onto the table, but the big man fights him off. He kicks Tastic in the gut, put his head between his legs, lifts his up, and powerbombs him through the table! The crowd is stunned, and so is Hayes. He barely beats the count sliding back into the ring to save the match. He slides back out, gingerly this time and collapses onto the mat on the outside. Tastic looks to be out cold, his body demolishing the wood on impact. Stetson stands; this time heâ??s the one thatâ??s smiling. Satisfied, he grabs Tastic and picks him up. He carries the body of the smaller man over to the ring and rolls him inside. Hayes follows him in and signals for the end. He grabs Mattâ??s legs and promptly applies the Cloverleaf! The former world champion screams in pain and immediately taps out.

    Harrys: Here is your winner by submission, Stetson Hayes!

    Copeland: What a way to end that match. I didnâ??t think Stetson was going to beat the count back inside, but he did. The Cloverleaf clinches another victory for that man right there.

    Cohen: I knew Mattâ??s emotions would cost him. This isnâ??t Unscripted, and Stetson Hayes sure as hell isnâ??t Mikey Stormrage.

    Stetson celebrates briefly in the ring, and the officials check on Mattâ??s condition. Satisfied, the cowboy rolls out of the ring and starts to walk back up the ramp. He stops at the top of the stage and points to his waist. He makes a gesture with his hands that heâ??s coming for one of the title belts soon enough and nothing was going to stop him.


    Cameras rest on a horse tied to a guardrail backstage. Like many horses his age, he is completely unfazed at his predicament, but in a few moments this majestic beast will come face to face with his sworn enemy.

    Before our friend does however, there are a few details to consider. 1. This horse is a decommissioned police patrol horse from San Antonio. It has fought bravely in the war of downtown parking tickets. 2. The owner of this horse has many opinions, but none stronger than his feelings regarding property. That feeling includes livestock. 3. This horse was his property. It is by no mistake that last sentence is in the past tense.

    Callie Clark walks and talks on her cellular phone, catching up with her friend on the other line. She sees the animal and takes a pause.

    Callie: My. Frickin. GAWD. Harper, Harper there's a little pony tied up back here! What kind of monster...

    Callies closes her eyes and sighs.

    Callie: Stetson. I told him how I felt about cowboys and stuff, but too far is too far. Animals are totes not cosplay. Lemme call you back.

    She hangs up, giving the horse a sympathetic smile. The horse remains chill. She dials.

    Callie: Ello PETA? I need some of your best men. Oh yes. It's bad.

    In the back of his equine mind, he thought "You raggedy bitch. If I was human I'd shoot you with a nail gun." To be fair, if he was human he'd shoot a lot of people with nail guns. As he was being led away, the flashbacks came to him. Even with a cushy job for horses, he had seen unspeakable things down in San Antone.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-28-2019 at 09:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Xander: Callie has been a thorn on my side for quite a while.

    Xander sits on a bench prepared for his match as a camera pans over him as he talks just before his match.

    Xander: But tonight, I'll show that no matter what, for all the complaining she may do, I'm just better. When I defeat her, she'll just not have right to complain any more. Even if she beats that sawed off cowboy. And after that, I'll do the same to Garth Black. I'll show everyone he's nothing more than washed up and lucky.

    Xander gets up and walks away for his match.


    *Earlier Today*

    We're outside the Albuquerque Petroglyph park as Flex Mussel wanders about.

    Flex: You know, I look at all these rocks with drawings on them. I gotta say it's impressive. Carving shit on a rock is not easy. Much less drawing something half decent on them. But the only thing harder than drawing on a piece of rock is beat me. You can carve your hand on a rock, but you can't carve a damn thing on this perfect body. Vega! Is that even an American name? I don't know. But you're not welcome at Flexamerica. Where there are no rocks with drawings. Just bods that are harder than stones. Which is what you're missing down under.

    Copeland: What was he on about?

    : He said he's harder than stone and no one can draw on him, Seabass.

    Copeland: Then what about the tattooes on him? Anyway, coming up next ladies and gentlemen, its our main event! Callie Clark vs Xander!


    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, he is the #1 Contender to the WZCW Eurasian Championship, Xander!!

    Xander appears on the stage with all the lights down as one lone spotlight shines over him as he makes his way down the aisle. The crowd does not take lightly to him as they boo relentlessly. He just smirks. He stands on the top rope pointing upward.

    Copeland: You see the #1 Contender to the Eurasian title pointing upward which is where he very much wants to go. However he could very much suffer a setback if he loses here.

    Cohen: Xander's no stranger to living on the edge. He's tried over and over to take home a mayor title. He's come short going after the World title. But perhaps he'll have better luck going after a title he's won in the past.

    His opponent from New York City, she is Callie Clark!

    Callie appears on the stage in a rather simple wrestling outfit. Her shirt however reads #DontSpoilTheEndgame as she makes her way down the aisle. The crowd is more receptive of her than they are of Xander.

    Copeland: Callie and Xander, alongside Callie's slated opponent for Unscripted Stetson Hayes faced each other in a 3 Way match several weeks ago. You gotta think there's still some lingering animosity.

    Cohen: Never mind all that. Here's Callie telling us Americans not to exercise out Freedom Of Speech.

    Copeland: I am not touching that subject at all.

    The two square up in the center of the ring. There's no peace to it though as the two verbally berate each other. Referee Jurou Akiyama tries to curtail a bit of tranquility before starting the match but not much of it.

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    The two are quick to lock up with the Collar & Elbow Tie-Up as they look for any kind of advantage. Callie bends to Armdrag Xander away and hits him with a Dropkick. Xander goes outside where he recomposes himself slowly. Callie waits for him in the ring for a bit, but again, hotter heads prevail and she goes outside after Xander running. She runs up the ring steps and leaps off with a Crossbody but ends up caught by Xander. He lifts her up, aiming to throw her against the same steps but she manages to slip out and shoves him against said ring steps. Callie realizes the ref is counting and goes to break it at the count at 7. She goes back out for Xander but he's managed to recompose himself and he baits her in against the ring steps. She falls after hitting them and Xander goes back into the ring to wait for her. She drags herself across the ringside floor and pulls herself up using the ring skirt. That gives Xander the chance to grab her and brings her back in with a Suplex.

    Cohen: Callie's already getting into trouble all because she tried to be proactive.

    Copeland: Proactive? She's being a hot-head. She may be letting the fact that she's not in a title match get to her.

    Callie still tries to pull herself up and does so pulling herself up on the corner. Xander grabs Callie by the arms and lifts her up with a Double Chickenwing attempting a Tiger Suplex but Callie manages to put on the brakes and holds on with her legs before rolling forward with a Victory Roll. 1….. 2………-But Xander kicks out at 2. They get up fast with Xander attempting an Enzuigiri. Callie dodges it and tries a Pele Kick but Xander manages to duck away. He comes back but Callie lifts him up on her shoulders impressively attempting the Air Raid Crash but she falls down and Xander rolls her up for a Crucifix. 1…… 2……-But no, she gets out and rolls out of the ring.

    Copeland: I see the action is starting to pick up. These two just seem to move so fluidly and capable of countering each other well.

    Cohen: So they're two good wrestlers is what you're saying. There. I summed it up for you.

    Xander sees Callie outside and very much as earlier, he goes after her. He goes past the ring steps this time and tries the Enzuigiri again. He misses it as Callie ducks and retaliates with a Spinning Backfist before tossing Xander back in the ring. She measures from the apron and flies in with a Slingshot Spear but Xander surprises her mid-fling with the X-Rated Superkick, stopping her cold. He's quick to drop and go for the cover, hooking the leg……. 1…….2 but it's only good for 2. Xander shows a bit of frustration slamming the mat before going after Callie. He pulls her by the hair before sending her to the corner and sits her up on it. He hits chops and fists to keep Callie under control and tries to climb up the ropes. Callie fights and Xander throws another fist but it gets caught. She catches the punch with one hand and shoots PURE DEATH with her stare at Xander. She grabs the caught hand with both of her's as she just eagle eyes Xander who can't really react without falling down. He screams and begs, trying to pull himself away but Callie's grip is just too tight. She does it. She pops the fingers! She stretches the fingers! She very much breaks them! Xander grabs his busted fingers and as he does, gravity takes effect and he tumbles down, taking a big bump and bouncing hard off the canvas. Callie takes the opportunity, turns around FLIES with the Calliesault BUT NO CONTACT! Xander, maybe in pain or maybe still aware, rolls out of the way, avoiding the deadly move.

    Copeland: Callie Clark may have very well had the match secured there but she was denied! A mere inch away, Xander managed to avoid defeat.

    Cohen: Truth be told, I can't believe that finger snapping move isn't illegal.

    Xander tries to get back up, struggling to do so with one hand and clutching it in pain. He attempts to lock in the Fade Away, but he is unable to lock it in with just one hand and lets go. Callie drags herself over and surprises Xander with a Schoolboy roll-up. 1……. 2……...3-But just barely, Xander is able to kick out at the very last possible moment. They both get up as Callie tries the Slingblade, but Xander, with one hand, is able to stop that. He catches her and adjusts with a one armed Afterthought DDT. He doesn't get all of it, but doesn't stop to hesitate. He goes to the corner and starts to tepidly measure on the apron. When Callie gets up, Xander pulls himself up to the top rope with one hand, but loses his balance and falls hard on the canvas. Callie sees her opportunity grabs Xander, hitting the Lights Out!! 1…….. 2….. 3!!

    Harrys: Here is your winner, Callie Clark!!

    Jurou Akiyama raises Callie's arm up signaling her victory as ringside assistance tend to Xander, putting ice on the hand.

    Copeland: So now what? Xander is going into his title match against Garth Black with this defeat and very likely, broken fingers!

    Cohen: I have no idea Seabass. I would assume Clark gets a title shot if she beats Stetson Hayes but we can't make promises about that. We'll have to see soon enough. But for now, we're done tonight.

    Copeland: That's right. We'll see you tomorrow for Ascension!!
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-28-2019 at 09:44 AM.

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