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Thread: Ascension 137

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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Ascension 137

    It's a cold open as Mikey Stormrage is in the ring with nothing but the lights of thousands of phones lighting up the arena, he stands in the center of the ring with the Elite title around his waist.

    Mikey: I'm not gonna lie to anyone. I'm sad. I am very sad. And I think you all know why. It happened. It happened again. I trusted somebody and they burned me. The difference is this time it took very long for it to finally happen. But you know. Much like Thanos, it's inevitable. No amount of fingersnapping is going to repair the damage done. There could've been so many solutions to this. He could've just challenged me. It's been done before. But no. He stabbed me in the back and blames "the business". Oh, it was meant to be. I loved you, Matt. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you no matter what. But you, knowing my past, did what you did. That's the worst part of it. No one knows me better than you. But you still did it. *sniff*.

    Mikey stops and paces the ring, composing himself.

    Mikey: You put so much into this. You threatened our friend just to get this match. Threatened her life for it. All in the name of this title I have here! This is what you threw all this away for. I would throw it away just to spite you. Throw it down the damn trash. But unlike you, I show respect and class for others. So I'll hold this, beat you at Unscripted and just let you go insane from the failure. My ears will always be open to hear an apology come out of your stinking mouth. Just don't expect me to accept it.

    Mikey leans on the ropes. A long moment of silence goes by before Mikey lifts his mic up again.

    Mikey: I loved you, man.

    Mikey drops the mic and turns around. Suddenly he realizes, his opponent for tonight is right behind him. Kagura. The lights turn up and the two stare each other down. Suddenly, she starts pretending to be shedding a tear. Mikey snaps and charges and the two start brawling. Security runs down to separate the two. They seem to calm down rather quickly as Kagura just backs away. Mikey however just seems dejected. But suddenly, Matt Tastic leaps from the crowd, standing on the barricade. He stands behind Mikey, surprising him. Mikey turns around and MATT GRABS HIS FACE AND KISSES HIM!!

    Connor: Oh my God, where did he come from!?!

    Matt then kicks Mikey right in the gut, to separate him. He picks up the Elite title, dropped in the earlier scuffle and hits Mikey in the face with it before leaving as security tries to intervene but it's too late. Mikey seems fine. Physicially at least. He's staring at the ceiling with empty eyes, but they blink. He whipes his lips and looks at his hand, shocked by what just happened.

    Cohen: I think things finally calmed down. My God, what a start to this show. Mikey was just pouring his heart out there. Listen, I am not a personal fan of his. But watching just how far Matt Tastic has gone, doing so much unneeded damage to someone who, we just heard him, wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. I'm disgusted. Matt Tastic has sunken to such incredible lows. That's flat out sexual molestation there.

    Connor: I'm-I'm so sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Man to man, man to woman, whatever the case, that kind of action is just...... Dammit, Matt Tastic was the best of us. He was the face of this company. I can't. I just can't.

    Mikey is helped up bu some ringside assistants but suddenly he shoves one of them violently and grabs his title before leaving.

    Cohen: I can't blame him.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-30-2019 at 10:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Connor: I know that was quite a difficult moment to process. But this is it ladies and gentlemen, the final stop before Unscripted with Titus vs Kagura for the World title. Mikey Stormrage vs Matt Tastic for the Elite Openweight title. Garth Black vs Xander for the Eurasian Championship. All that and more.

    Cohen: However.......... Cat.

    Connor: What is it Jack?

    Cohen: The hell is this?!

    Connor: A segway I am not prepared for, Jack. Our cameras caught up with our World and Eurasian Champion out on a peculiar assignment.


    Garth: Are we sure this is what we should be doing before our big title matches at Unscripted, Titus?

    Titus: Oh, come on Garth. We still have many days to get ready. This is just for today.

    Garth: OK. So what is it? A big wrestling event?

    Titus: Who would have a wrestling event at a football field?

    Garth: Titus our next wrestling event is on a football field.

    Suddenly, you can hear music. The duo walks towards the stadium. A light. A reveal.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Titus: Hey, I wanted to come to New York.

    Garth: If I'm being honest so did I.


    As that finishes up, we cut to the locker room area where Alice Adams is watching. She does not seem pleased.

    Alice: That's just nice. I'm here busting my tail to make a name for myself. The two top stars of this company are just clowning around.

    Connor: Up next! Our first match of the evening! It's Alice Adams vs Flex Mussel!


    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Paris, France, King Mussel!

    Flex is all business as he heads to the ring, looking for redemption after his loss last week. Flex ignores the fans booing him, and steps through the ropes and stands in the corner as his music cuts.

    Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 175 pounds, from Palm Springs, California, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

    Alice struts out in her signature robe, smirking a bit as she looks down to the ring before rotating her hips and ditching the robe to make her way down the ramp. The look on her face now changes to one of determination as she struts down the ramp and makes her way into the ring, looking over at Flex, who doesn't seem all that entertained by her antics. Once inside she flaunts towards the middle of the ring, throws her hands straight up into the air and slowly brings them down forward, caressing her front hips, legs and finally bending forward til she reaches her boot, then goes into her corner and waits for the bell to ring.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As the match begins, the two competitors step to the middle of the ring and Flex offers a test of strength, taunting her in the process knowing he'd have the advantage there. Alice makes it seem like she's about to take the offer, but instead uses it as a distraction to kick Flex in the shin, and as he grabs his shin, she hits him with a mule kick! Flex goes down and Alice drops an elbow on his chest, and covers him for a pin, but only manages a 1 count. Alice takes advantage of the prone opponent, applying a side headlock, but Flex doesn't stay down long before getting up to his feet, and pushing his opponent off him, into the ropes and he snaps off a german suplex as she comes back at him!

    Alice goes down as Flex takes a moment to strike a pose. Flex watches Alice roll out of the ring, and takes the chance to drop to the mat and bust out a couple push ups, as she regroups on the floor. As she gets up, he jumps up to his feet and she slides back in, only to walk into a jumping knee strike, followed by a belly to belly suplex! Alice rolls to the ropes as Flex follows, pulling her right back up, and hitting her with a second belly to belly suplex! This time Alice doesn't roll away, and Flex covers. 1...2...but she kicks out.

    Flex seems to be in full control right now as he slaps her on the side of her head, causing her to throw a wild punch to try and strike him back, but she misses. Flex looks annoyed at her trying to fight back, and kicks her in the side of the head, knocking her back down to the mat before grabbing her legs, and he motions for the swing and win! Flex goes for the Swing and Win, but before he can begin swinging her, Alice grabs a hold of him and gets a small package pin! Alice is hoping to steal one here as Flex is trying to wiggle free. 1...2...but Flex manages to escape.

    Both competitors get to their feet quickly and Adams ducks a punch to the face, then spins Mussel around, dropping him with a DDT! Adams isn't done yet though, as she connects with a vertical suplex! Alice is getting momentum now as she gets up to her feet, while Flex rolls away to the nearest corner, pulling himself up into the corner in a sitting position, but this proves to be a mistake as once Adams notices it, she charges him and connects with the bronco buster! Alice sees a chance to end it now as she drags Flex away from the ropes and hooks the leg for a pin. 1....2.....but Flex kicks out.

    Connor: A nice flurry of offense there from Alice, but not enough to pin the former champion.

    Cohen: No way, not going to pin a former World Champion that easy, even more so when it's one as strong as King Mussel!

    Alice looks a little frustrated, but she stays focused, and rolls out to the ring apron, before slowly climbing up to the top turnbuckle as Flex stumbles to his feet, he could be in trouble here. Flex turns around, and Alice dives off the top....she gets caught! Flex catches her in midair, drops her down to the mat after grabbing her legs, and quickly begins rotating around for the Spin and Win! The fans begin counting the rotations after Flex reaches 10, and it keeps going and going and going, 37, 38, 39, 40, and Flex finally drops Alice on the mat! The fans can't help but cheer for the impressive show of strength there as Flex falls into a pin, and the ref counts it, 1...2....No! Alice kicks out!

    Cohen: How did she kick out of that!?

    Connor: I have no idea, but that's impressive, almost as impressive as the strength it took for Mussel to spin her around 40 times!

    Mussel looks slightly surprised at the kick out, but signals for the end as he deadlifts Alice up into powerbomb position, but before he can hit his finisher he gets hit with a series of punches to the face, letting Alice escape! Alice kicks Flex in the gut and now she sees her chance to win, attempting to lift Flex up for Not Your Doll....but Flex is too strong and escapes the attempt, pushing Adams away! Adams blocks a punch to the face, and goes for Encore, but Flex ducks it, and clubs her over the back of the head knocking her down! Alice goes down, but Mussel quickly lifts her back up, right into powerbomb position, and drops her with a Mussel Bomb! Adams is down as Mussel falls into the pin. 1....2...3!

    Anderson: Here's your winner, King Mussel!

    Cohen: A good showing tonight for Adams, but not enough to pull off the upset.

    Connor: I thought for a minute she had it when she blocked the Mussel Bomb, but I would say the experience edge came into play there and helped Flex pull off the victory.

    Cohen: Maybe Cat, but in the end Mussel is the one to get back on the winning side of things while Adams will continue to look for her next win.


    Xander: Garth who? For a guy that has accomplished so much, why do we talk so little about him? At Unscripted, he's just going to end up forgotten again.

    Garth: I take Xander very seriously. This guy time after time comes so close to breaking through. It reminds me a lot of myself in younger days.

    Xander: Yeah, I know. He's a former World Champion. He's beaten many of the best. But so have I. And I've never seen him as one of them. I don't think anyone does. Him winning this title. To me it's a fluke because he did not beat me. Yeah, maybe it's not really a valid reason. But all I care about is myself.

    Garth: He's selfish, thinks the system is rigged against him, is constantly angry. I get all that. But it wasn't until I cleared my mind that I was able to find success. That's the only way he'll be able to beat me at Unscripted.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-30-2019 at 11:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Mikey Stormrage is somewhere in the parking area, sitting against a wall. He has his head down. The Elite Title is on the ground, face down, off to his side. He hears footsteps approaching and raises his head. The sound of heels clicking against the smooth pavement grow louder. The heels belong to Meltdown General Manager Becky Serra.

    Stormrage: I thought you had the day off.

    Serra: I do.

    Serra bends down to pick up the Elite Title and brush it off. She extends it out to the champ.

    Serra: I miss this title sometimes, just like, believe it or not, I miss having you on my show. Chuck should consider himself lucky to have someone of your star power to help anchor his brand.

    The champ took the title and placed it over his shoulder.

    Stormrage: I miss Meltdown catering, they always had those mini pizza bagels. I miss not having a constant knot in my gut every time I wake up. I miss having a best friend. I know you didn't come here on your day off to tell me you miss me on Meltdown, so why are you are?

    Becky took a seat next to the rotund superstar.

    Serra: Officially I'm here because management saw you just throwing this title around the past few weeks without a care in the world and told someone to take care of it. Chuck said the last time he tried to get you to act like a proper champion, he woke up in a tattoo parlor with his pants around his ankles, so I volunteered to straighten you out. Unofficially I'm here because I know what's going on between you and Matt and wanted to give you some news and advice. I think Matt fancies me a bit, so he came to me with a request. He wants the match at Unscripted to main event. Given the circumstances and the history of Unscripted having a Hell in a Cell main event, the board of directors has decided to grant that request. This business doesn't care about friendships or feelings. I had to scratch and claw my way to where I am, and I had my share of hurt feelings. I also had my share of using the feelings of others. I worked my ass off to climb that ladder and I watched as you did the same. Don't throw away your entire career on some school boy crush.

    The Meltdown GM rose to her feet and started to walk away. She turned after a few steps.

    Serra: Make sure that title is in pristine condition by the time you fight Kagura tonight.

    She was stern, she meant business. She also flashed the champ a quick smile before she left.


    Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from San Diego, California, Keith Kole!

    Fans boo Kole as he poses on the turnbuckle.

    And his opponent, from New York City, Vega!

    Fans cheer as Vega is quicker to the ring than normal. He doesn't look scared, but rather on guard. After the last few weeks and numerous mind games and blindside attacks from Flex and his cronies, Vega knows better than to let his guard down. Kole mocks him as he makes his way down the ramp, but the veteran keeps his composure and focus as he climbs into the ring.

    Connor: For weeks now, Flex has mocked and taunted Vega, and now, on the precipice of Unscripted, only Keith Kole stands between Vega and Flex.

    Cohen: Vega can't overlook Kole. He has been working closely with the former World Champion and is sure to have picked up a few tricks along the way. Though it should go without say that Flex keeps some secrets to himself, should he ever need to battle those close to him.

    Connor: Are you suggesting Flex will turn on Kole?

    Cohen: Not in the least. I'm simply saying, you don't become a self described king without being a very smart man. The smartest in fact.

    Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell and the match is quickly underway.

    *DING! DING!*

    Vega quickly closes in on Kole, who swings a haymaker. Vega ducks and grabs a quick school boy...One!...but Kole kicks out. Vega grabs the former fry cook and tries to toss him with a judo throw, but Kole grabs the ropes and blocks. He hits a kick to the calf area and then grabs a side headlock. He works to a rear waistlock and then drops Vega with a belly to back suplex. He makes a cover...One!...Two!...The referee sees Kole using the ropes as leverage and stops the count. Kole is furious and gets in the face of the ref.

    Cohen: What the hell? The ref just stopped doing his job! He stopped mid count!

    Connor: Kole was clearly cheating, the ref was doing his job.

    Cohen: But him doing his job hurt the guy I like so I choose to say he did a poor job!

    Vega quickly recovers and stands behind Kole. He taps him on the shoulder and Kole spins around. Vega feints a kick, which causes Kole to flinch. Vega laughs, which just angers Kole. He charges, but Vega avoids him and dropkicks him in the back of the knee, dropping his opponent down to a kneeling position. Kole tries to stand, but Vega keeps firing off kicks to the hamstring and knee region, forcing Kole to basically crawl to the ropes for a reprieve. The crowd is cheering as Kole is on the ropes and Vega knows its time. He aims his finger gun at Kole and fires before he runs and connects with a flush knee strike to the head just as Kole turns around, still on his knees. The Kill Shot connects clean and Kole is down. Vega hooks the leg...One!...Two!...Three!

    Connor: That didn't last long as Kole suffers a quick end after blatant cheating.

    Cohen: So what if he cheated? I could make a lost of all the times Vega cheated in his career and that went unpunished, so Kole should get a pass for his cheating.

    Anderson: Here is your winner, Vega!

    Vega stands victorious in the ring as Keith Kole struggles to his feet still feeling the effects of the knee to his head, but the winner has no time to celebrate as Flex Mussel suddenly enters the ring! He unleashes a running Flexicution... but Vega senses it coming and ducks... Flex accidentally nails a freshly standing Keith Kole with the Flexicution! The Discuss Clothesline from Flex’s massive arms sends Kole back down to the canvas.

    Vega backs up as King Mussel looks incensed. He charges straight towards Vega, who just drops to the mat while dragging the top rope down with him. Flex goes barreling over the top rope, bounces off the apron and tumbled down to the floor below. Vega stands in the center of the ring where Keith Kole is, barely, beginning to come to life.

    Keith Kole gets to his knees, and Vega points his fingers at him like a gun while staring directly into Flex Mussel’s eyes. Instead of jumping in to save his stablemate, Flex slowly back pedals up the entrance ramp. Vega shakes his head before running off towards the ropes. He bounces back...

    Conor: KILL SHOT!

    Cohen: No, look!

    Vega pulls his knee just inches short of Keith Kole’s face. Vega shakes his head and looks towards Flex. Vega demands a mic...

    Vega: I know this isn’t the Vega you want, Flex. When you started this hunt... this deadly game of yours, you didn’t want a Vega that shows mercy.

    He looks over towards Keith Kole, who seems confused while trying to recover from Flex’s miscue.

    Vega: I know the Vega that you want, Flex... and I think it’s about time I unleash him. But I’m not going to do it against Keith. I'm going to do it against you, at “Unscripted,” the best way I know how. My stipulation? At “Unscripted,” I unleash MAYHEM on you.

    Flex looks worried as he reaches the top of he ramp. Vega looks behind him, and offers his hand to help Keith up off the canvas. Bewildered, and still banged up, Kole accepts Vega’s hand and gets up on to his feet. Vega stares down an angry Flex one last time before Mussel exits to the back and we fade to commercial.


    Titus: Yeah, I was kind of fooling around earlier. But let's get something straight here. I held the Eurasian Championship for well over a thousand days. That reign was not far removed from me winning this title. I defended that title against tons of opponents. Some that were more serious than others. I always knew when to take a challenge seriously and I have not failed in that. I have faced Kagura in the past. I know how dangerous she can be at her best. If she wasn't a real challenge, she would not have won Gold Rush. But she did. She beat the best in WZCW to win that tournament. The same way she did to win King For A Day. I will bring my best at Gold Rush. I want no excuses if she loses.

    Kagura: ..............Titus. Sukuriputo nashide anata ga ochiru yo. Jissai no tokoro, watashi wa aete iu to omoimasu....... Omae wa, mou shindeiru. Watashi wa tsugi no sekai chanpion ni narimasu. Hanabira ga ochiru to anata no chisei wa owarudeshou
    [Titus. At Unscripted you will fall. As a matter of fact, I'd dare say....... You are already dead. I will be the next World Champion. Your reign will end as the petals fall.]
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 04-30-2019 at 11:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Vega is backstage with a towel around his neck and a bottle of water on his hand as a mic is held up towards him.

    Vega: You know, I think it's taken me a while. But I feel I've finally started to click since coming back. But then came Flex Mussel. This man. I don't think I've ever seen a person so detached from reality, but still be so dangerous as an athlete. It's actually impressive. It almost makes me respect him. If he wasn't also a disgusting, sickening coward. I've faced a lot of greats in this business. I remember having a big rivalry with Titus many years ago. The current World Champion. He failed repeatedly to beat me for the Mayhem title. But he was removed from his time in the main event. This time though. I'm facing the former World Champion one Pay-Per-View removed from his title reign. I can't help but feel that makes this a big deal. Which is why I have to win.


    Elsewhere in the same building, Matt Tastic just walks around in the dark.

    Tastic: I've given up EVERYTHING for our match at Unscripted, Mikey. Will it pay off? I have no fucking idea. But at this point, I'm going all or nothing. It's kill or be killed, Mikey. We lay it all on the line!! And as an added bonus, we will close the show. Where we were meant to be. The main event! It's us. 40,000 people will surround us as we do battle, Mikey. Don't let the fear get to you. BECAUSE I WILL!


    Anderson: This contest will be scheduled for one fall, and it is our Main Event of the evening!

    As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. She walks down the ramp through the mist, and ascends the stairs, entering between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the side of the hard camera, and awaits her opponent.

    Anderson: Introducing first, from Ise, Mei, Japan, weighing 145 pounds, Kagura Ohzora!!!

    Cohen: Titus may have gotten the slip on King Mussel last month, but Kagura has proved to be more than worthy to become World champion again.

    Connor: But she's still not a champion. Mikey is. I'd still give him the edge going into this contest.

    Mikey is late to the ring.. He keeps his head down, plenty going on in his mind. Once in the ring, he slumps in the corner and awaits the match to start.

    Anderson: And her opponent, from Southwest, Puerto Rico, Mikey Stormrage!!!

    Connor: These past few weeks haven't been kind to Stormrage. But he is still our Elite Openweight Champion, and news broke earlier that he's closing Unscripted in its infamous Hell In A Cell Match. Mikey knows a thing or two about that stipulation - he had his back broken in one against Ty Burna ages ago. But that's all next week. He has to face Kagura even with so much going on in his life.

    Cohen: He needs to suck it up with the high school drama. This is do or die time as Tastic said. If Mikey loses tonight, that won't bode well when he has to fight his longtime partner in a career-threatening bout.


    Kagura grabs Mikey's wrist and instantly tosses him with The Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto! His back smacks against the canvas after The Exploder Suplex and Kagura stays on him with rapid palm strikes . Referee Katie Shepard begins the standard five count before ordering Kagura to back away from her opponent. Mikey is barely on his feet as Kagura sweeps his leg and attacks using her knees. Again Shepard with the five count and Kagura backs away. Visibly woozy, Stormrage rolls over to the bottom rope and pulls himself up. Ohzora shuffle sidekicks him though it wasn't strong enough to send him sailing out of the ring. Kagura Irish Whips him across the ring, the Openweight Champ rebounds, and the shrine maiden catches him with a Saito Suplex. She attempts to pin him. It is good for only two.

    Cohen: She's running over him. If he doesn't get his head in the game then we may as well award her the TKO.

    Connor: It's reasons like these that we need an off-season.

    Back up, Mikey runs at her with a clothesline. She dodges, stomps his leg, runs the ropes, and executes The First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto (Shining Wizard)! The audience is beside themselves. Kagura hooks the leg for the one...two...kickout! Ohzora is audibly laughing. Mikey's bottom lip is busted open. His opponent gets him to his feet and pushes him into a turnbuckle. She backs away, showing the referee she's following the rules. Then she proceeded to bumrush Mikey with a Flying Knee Strike. Mikey fell like a stack of dominoes. Clearly enjoying herself now, the Number One Contender circled the fallen prey with hunger in her eyes. Stormrage crawls towards her. She says something unintelligible in Japanese. He slaps his chest and beckons her to finish what she started. The crowd go silent as Kagura lifts him by his tuff of hair, pulling him to her. Mikey with a Live Más Slam! Signs of life as the Belly-To-Belly connects. It pins her to the mat, but not enough for the three.

    Connor: Mikey pulling out his tag team moves tonight. What if that wins him this match? Would be poetic.

    Cohen: One slam isn't gonna win this for him. Not with his opponent in line for the World title.

    He pants, lifting Kagura up by her arm, and delivers his own Exploder Suplex. Kagura bounces off of the mat with such force she is back on her feet...and chops the back of Mikey's neck! He yelps and places his arm over the hit area, sliding out of the ring in the process. Kagura does not let up, chasing him down at ringside. She knees him in the stomach and lands a throat punch. Kate Shepard: "One!" She stays on him, but Mikey counters by hoisting her up into his arms. Fallaway Slam!!!! The back of her neck and spine strikes flush on the steel stairs. Mikey roars to life as the fans give him their support.


    "Two!" is spoken but Stormrage pays the referee no mind now. He gathers the geisha into his arms again, and another Fallaway Slam throws Kagura into the protective barrier. Kagura goes limp. Mikey beats his chest and looks at his opponent with a blind fury.

    Connor: I...I don't like this side of Stormrage.

    Cohen: Yeah. This feels different.

    "Three!" and Mikey is on top of Kagura, beating her head into the floor. She cries out but Mikey stops only after he is an exhausted, sweating mess. He rests against the ring apron "Four!" as Kagura tries and fails to get up on her sides. Mikey slaps his own face before going after the shrine maiden again. He whips her into the corner post. Kagura claws at the ring apron and it comes undone - the fabric rips apart, exposing wooden boards underneath the canvas. "Five!" Mikey is a face of stone hoisting her back into his arms. He shouts that it is the end. Kagura gives him a thumb in the eye! Game Over! Game Over is still executed but both combatants are wreathing on the ringside floor "Six!". Mikey rubs at his eye while Kagura is out cold. Katie pleads for one of them to get in the ring already, but is still ignored. "Seven!". The Elite Champion rolls onto his stomach, and begins to crawl to the ring. Kagura lies on her back spreadeagle. "Eight!" He's inches from the edge of the mat, and reaches out for support. Because Kagura ripped away the apron, he found none. "Nine!" Mikey is shouting furiously at himself, and clutches the panel of steel underneath the boards. He pulls himself up. "Ten!" Exasperated, Mikey slumps back down to the floor. Kagura stirs. Katie calls for the bell.

    Anderson: As a result of a Double Count Out, this match is rendered No Contest!!!

    Connor: He may have won this if he hadn't went mental whipping her into the corner post. Rage only gets a fighter so far.

    Cohen: He may have lost if he hadn't went mental too. Either way, something in Mikey snapped, and if this is just a preview of what he'll be in a Cell, then Unscripted will be one hell of a night.

    Connor: Kagura wasn't to be outdone in this bout either. Titus has to be home devising a battle strategy after that.

    Cohen: Folks it's been a long time comin' but Unscipted is close! Stay tuned.

    Kagura sits up, distraught at the outcome. Mikey is breathing heavily, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. The WZCW watermark with all of its affiliates pops up in the bottom left hand corner to conclude the broadcast.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 05-01-2019 at 05:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Intro & segments - KJ, Infinity & Yaz

    Main event - Lee & Spidey

    Vega vs Keith Kole - Yaz

    Alice Adams vs Flex Mussel - Matrix

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