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    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    WZCW Unscripted 2019

    The Alamo. Where bloody conflict erupted in the name of occupation. To expand the land from where you came. The forefront of a battle between two nations. It stands as a grim reminder of the price of conflict.

    Tonight, we see more personal battles. Personal struggles come ahead in the same battlefield. As men and women look to expand the frontier of their careers. To go further than where they stand.

    They put their pride, the health and their lives on the line for the sake of victory. Regardless of the outcome, things will not be the same as before they came into this conflict. The Alamodome will serve as the house of their conflict. And Hell In A Cell will be the monolith at the center. All as the fans choose their destinies.

    And now......... live from The Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, WZCW is proud to present UNSCRIPTED~!!

    Copeland: We are live and jam-packed with over 40,000 fans inside the Alamodome for what is WZCW's first Pay-Per-View tradition!! Fans take control of our matches with the sole exception of tonight's main event! Matt Tastic vs Mikey Stormrage inside the demonic structure, Hell In A Cell with the Elite Openweight title on the line!!

    Connor: But we got our other titles on the line as Garth Black defends the Eurasian title against Xander and for the World title Titus defends against Kagura with many more matches to come!!

    Cohen: Speaking of which, we start hot with our first match of the night right now.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 05-27-2019 at 12:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    King Flex Mussél v Vega

    FlexAmerican Rules -90.91%

    Mayhem Rules -9.09%

    Harrys: The following match is scheduled as a FlexAmerican rules match!

    Vega slowly saunters his way down the aisle, almost staggering down as he contorts his body in different ways to take in as much of the crowd and moment as possible. Vega walks around the ring and approaches the crowd on the camera side. He gracefully hops onto the guard wall and stands there on top of it near the fans with his arms out wide, soaking in the crowd noise as if he feeds off of it.

    After a few moments of standing in glory, he walks across the guard wall from one corner to the other to pose before hopping off with ease. He walks up the steel steps at the corner of the ring and then walks to the center of the apron. Vega spins around so he's facing the crowd again with his arms draped over the top rope behind him. He smiles confidently before lunging back, flipping backwards over the ropes and into the ring. Once inside, Vega stands in the center and holds out his hand in the shape of a gun, as smoke rushes across the canvas. He stands there taking aim as spotlights in the arena shine down upon him in the shape of a foggy "V."

    Introducing first from New York City, New York weighing 225lbs...Vega!

    The crowd cheer for this.

    And his opponent, from Paris, France at a weight of 220lbs! King Flex Mussel

    Flex walks out with a group of about 10 people all waving Flex American flags. The group includes Cheesecake, Joe West, Toyota among others. They circle the ring as it become apparent they are lumberjacks.

    Mussel makes his way to the ring waving his FlexAmerican world championship around and throwing a couple of protein drinks to the crowd. He gives the title to Cheesecake and enters the ring. Katie Sheppard calls for the bell.

    Flex and Vega look intently at each other. The crowd cheering for Vega continues. Flex smiles as he points to the outside of the ring. There we have a representation of the citizens of Flex America. Toyota and Cheesecake with the biggest smiles of all. The crowd starts to boo the King who goes for a right hook. Vega manages to avoid it and kicks a judo kick to the side.

    Vega continues with a kick to the left side, followed by one to the right. The swift kicks make Mussel drop to his knees. Vega steps back and goes for a side kick to the head. Flex ducks and avoids it. This allows Flex to jump to his feet. He grabs Vega and throws him into the turn-buckle.

    Connor: A great back and forth already here, this has been a heated feud and both men want to get that momentum.

    Copeland: Vega with some great strikes, it's often forgotten how much of a martial arts expert he is.

    Cohen: Flex is smart and has the advantage in this match in more than one way.

    The crowd boo but the Flex Americans clap. Flex rushes at Vega and delivers a European uppercut. Flex rushes to the other corner and back for a forearm smash. Vega looks on as he sees Flex run to him to finish off the Body Breaking Diet. Vega is able to avoid the shotgun kick and makes his way to the middle of the ring.

    Flex turns, looks at Vega and decides to pose and flex his muscles. He rolls out the ring to the Flex Americans outside. They all pat him on the back as if to give him a pep talk. The King doesn't need it as he rolls back into the ring. He steps into the middle of the ring and turns to face his followers. Vega uses this as the perfect opportunity for the flying bulldog. His lucha training kicks in as he's able to leap over Flex bringing him down to the mat with a bulldog. A cover attempt is made by Vega but it's a kick-out at one. Vega proceeds to deliver a chin grab to Flex who pushes him off easily.

    Connor: Smart to get a breather in by Flex.

    Copeland: But Vega reminding us with his time with El Califa Dragon, that he's able to jump that high.

    Cohen: Mussel's strength pulling through again though. This has a lot to it.

    Flex grabs Vega and delivers a few knees to the gut. This allows Mussel to get Vega in a position for a suplex. This is a delayed vertical suplex as the mat crashes. Mussel picks him up again but this time it's a Belly to Belly. A third suplex is hit this time a German suplex. The crash of the mat can be heard by the whole arena. Flex goes for the cover but referee Katie Shepard doesn't count. Vega's foot is under the rope!

    The Flex Americans are waiting outside the ring like a pack of dogs as their king give them what they want. Vega is thrown out the ring as they descend on him. A few stomps by the group as Cheesecake picks up Vega who is knocked down by Joe West and Toyota delivers a quick banzai drop. Katie Shepard forces the Flex Americans to throw Vega back in the ring.

    Connor: Joe West, Cheesecake and Toyota with the others needed in bringing Vega down.

    Copeland: It shows how much he wants this.

    The crowd is at an electric level of hatred for the King. He uses this as an opportunity to pose for the crowd who, somehow, get louder. Mussel throws Vega into the turnbuckle again to set up the Body Breaking Diet. Mussel rushes to give the European Uppercut and Vega somehow manages to lift his legs to kick Flex in the face.

    Flex steps back as Vega is able to rush and hit Target Locked. Flex is out in the middle, the crowd chant for Vega. He looks down and looks at the citizens outside the ring. He then climbs the turnbuckle and starts to walk the tightrope. The crowd cheer as Flex America look frustrated on the outside. The King stands to his feet and then Vega leaps hitting a Flying Kill Shot. The V-Trigger knocks out Flex. Vega goes for the cover. 1...2...! The pin is broken up by Wasabai Toyota!

    Toyota throws Vega and takes Flex into the corner. Vega is fuming at Katie Shepard demanding a DQ, but Shepard shakes her head as if to say no. She points for Toyota to leave the ring. He does and stands on the edge of the mat. Flex then proceeds to give Toyota a high five. Flex leaves the ring and Toyota enters! Katie Shepard waves this to continue. Vega looks flabbergasted as Shepard explains that Toyota is a legal man in the match.

    Cohen: Very smart there! The rules of the match show this is a handicap match as well. Toyota is a legal man!

    Connor: It's conniving, it's sneaky, it's immortal.

    Copeland: It's Flex America.

    A new level of anger is seen by Vega as he rushes to Toyota. The size advantage works in Toyota's favour. Vega tries a few kicks to the side but nothing seems to move the behemoth. Vega bounces back off the ropes and leaps up delivering an elbow strike. He bounces back and hits a second. He then hits a third as Toyota crashes to the mat.

    Toyota lays on the mat as Vega climbs the turnbuckle. He then hits a shooting star press on Toyota. The crowd go insane as Vega goes for the cover. 1...2...3! Vega pins Toyota. He jumps to his feet to cheer but Flex enters the ring. There's no bell and Shepard waves Flex in. He shouts that the rules are that of an elimination handicap match.

    Cohen: Toyota was not switched on and that's allowed him to be eliminated.

    Connor: How has he been eliminated? That's not the rules of a handicap match.

    Copeland: It's Flex American rules.

    Vega is furious but Flex, rejuvenated, hits the Flexicution! The Discus clothesline knocks Vega flying with a crumble. Flex poses again as the citizens outside chant to counteract the boo's of the crowd.

    Flex then signals for the Mussel Bomb as he delivers it flawlessly. Vega hits the mat as Flex covers. 1...2...3! Katie Shepard calls for the bell.

    Harrys: The winner of this match. Flex America!

    The Flex American citizens storm the ring in celebration.

    Cohen: Yes! The might of Flex America is displayed for all to see.

    Connor: Considering the circumstances Vega put on one hell of a fight.

    Copeland: The former world champion is in good stead ahead of the Lethal Lottery. Vega was up for this and can feel hard done by but Flex was able to outsmart him.
    Last edited by ABMorales787; 05-27-2019 at 12:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    We return from a quick break to see the shot of King Abdullah Sports City. The feed then cuts to the booth where Cat Connor is getting up and leaving.

    Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget that we are just days away from the Lethal Lottery, live from beautiful Jeddah, Saudi Arabia!

    Cohen: WZCW is expanding its borders, and the Middle East is our next stop.

    Copeland: It's the most exciting and unpredictable match in WZCW! Who knows which legends from the past might show up.

    Cohen: It's gonna be Joseph Rios! He seems the type to make a deal with the Saudi government to get into the match.

    Copeland: Regardless, you won't wanna miss it folks!


    We cut backstage to earlier in the night as we see the arrival of Garth Black, followed by the arrival of Xander to the building. We get a split-screen view of them as they hall their suitcases into the building.

    Connor: And there you see the participants of the upcoming Eurasian Championship match coming up now.


    Voting Results:

    Guest Referee Becky Serra: 16.67%

    Full Metal Mayhem: 25%

    Fans Bring Weapons: 58.88%
    Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

    Anderson: And it is for the WZCW Eurasian Championship! In this match the use of weapons will be legal. Per voting, fans may present weapons for the match participants to use.

    As Anderson makes her statement, we see fans in the front row pulling out a variety of objects to be used in the match.

    Introducing first from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 210 pounds, this is Xander!

    Xander appears on the stage, slowly walking across it as the crowd loudly boos him. He makes his way down the aisle as the fans boo and jeer. They heckle by waving their random assortment of weapons.

    Copeland: Xander was the runner up of the Gold Rush Tournament. He defeated Callie Clark and Stetson Hayes to earn this opportunity. Xander tonight tries to take a step to success after his various losses.

    Cohen: Is it really fair that THIS is the match Xander gets?

    Connor: It's fan's choice. Xander earned his opportunity for this exact match. Those are the rules.

    His opponent, from Rhyls, Wales, he is the current reigning and defending WZCW Eurasian Champion, he is Garth Black!!

    Garth Black appears on the stage as he pours a bottle of water over himself, hoisting his Eurasian title up. The crowd cheers on as he makes his way down the aisle, seeing all the weapons they have prepared.

    Connor: Garth Black has come a long way since his return. The fans now support him wholeheartedly.

    Cohen: Oh, of course. And that is perfectly fine here in this match where fans get to hand weapons to the people they like.

    Copeland: Garth was all about that dislike for fans and management too. But that didn't stop him. Perhaps Xander can learn a thing or two.

    Referee Keith Morse raises the Eurasian Championship up in the air as the two participants look at it. As he lowers it, Garth and Xander stare each other down. Pacing, they await the bell to begin however they do not move from their spot. The tension builds as Morse puts away the title. And it sounds.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    Right away Xander tries to bail out to the floor, but Garth puts a stop to him and pulls him back in. He hits a big haymaker, knocking down Xander who again tries to roll outside but Garth is quick to grab the feet. He pulls Xander’s legs but one manages to get free and Xander uses it to kick at the shin of the current Champion. Xander gets a hold of the chin and measures to hit a big forearm to the face. Garth falls and he ends up being the first to roll out of the ring. He tries to get his bearings though as he’s held up by the ring apron. Xander doesn’t waste time as Garth has to delay doing anything. He charges across the ring and leaps over the top rope with a big Tope Mortal taking down Garth. The fans right in front of the action cheer on raising up their weapons. Xander, much like Garth earlier, gets his bearings but Garth is down leaving Xander unopposed. He turns and eyes all the weapons the fans are showing. He sees one holding an aluminum bat and goes for it, but the fan pulls it away. Xander looks on angrily and goes for another one. A fan holds up a walking cane. But yet again, it’s pulls away by the fan.

    Cohen: What the heck are the fans doing?! That’s not fair!

    Connor: You can’t force them to give you the weapons they bring along. I guess they’re playing favorites.

    Xander is frustrated as he keeps looking around for what to grab. He sees in the distance, a fan holding up a sign that reads “Xander, Use My Stop Sign!” as he holds up an object shaped like a Stop Sign wrapped in paper. Xander goes over the barricade and takes the large sign. The fan is very pleased and so is Xander as the crowd boos. Xander makes his way back towards Garth who has gotten back up . Xander takes aim and bashes Garth over the head with the apparent stop sign. But it snaps in half. Garth grabs his forehead but there is no real effect. Xander wonders what the hell is going on and he rips up the paper to reveal an at this point broken thin dryboard in the shape of a stop sign. The fans laugh as Xander realizes he was fooled. As it sets in though, Garth has the bat from the one fan and hits Xander through the remaining wood which breaks and hits Xander in the gut.

    Copeland: This match very much shows how the crowd has learned to accept Garth Black after he turned over a new leaf.

    Cohen: Oh, that's nice. Meanwhile Xander is being made to look like a fool. Clearly, that's fair.

    Connor: That's what these two agreed to in this match. To be at the mercy of the fans choices.

    Garth raises the bat high for a big blow, but Xander thinks on his feet. Using more of what's left of the drywood, Xander manages to avoid impact, using the shattered remains of it, he jabs it to Garth's gut. It's not much but the jagged shard hurts enough to make Garth back away, just enough for Xander to hit a big X-Rated Superkick, making Garth drop the bat. Xander surveys the crowd once again. He spots an object worth taking and approaches the fan holding it. Not wasting time, he swipes the item before it can be pulled away. It's hooked walking cane. He places the hooked portion across Garths throat and begins pulling on it, dragging Garth across ringside. Garth tries to fight his way out but to no avail as Xander holds on. He drags Garth across the ringside area as referee Keith Morse can do nothing more than check to see if Garth is still conscious. But Garth is not passing out from this and that will not win Xander the match so he releases Garth once he thinks he's done enough damage and jabs Garth in the gut with the bottom tip of it. He smashes the cane over Garth's ribs over and over, bending the cane and breaking it. He grabs Garth and throws him back into the ring. Xander rolls in and measures his opponent. He runs by him for speed, bounces off the ropes but *BAM* Out of nowhere, Garth has a guitar in his hand and bashes it over Xanders head!!

    Anderson: Please do not throw the weapons into the ring!

    Cohen: Are you kidding me?! That's a clear violation of event protocols! How can you possibly justify that?!?

    Copeland: Personally, I don't think you can. But it happened. Xander has to contend with it.

    Connor: The very core of this match is who the crowd approves of. They approve of Garth. They don't approve of Xander. This is karma at work.

    Garth rolls over after the guitar shot as the referee kicks away the debris, then drops down for the count. 1....... 2.......... -But it's only good for 2 as the shoulder is raised. Garth rolls over to his back, as the earlier struggle has left him breathless, and he tries to catch it. He pulls himself up slowly while Xander starts to come about. The two men stand up at the same, exact time and stare each other down. Just as in the start of the match. However, this time you can see pure contempt in each of their eyes. They shove each other as they exchange foul words. The heat becomes physical as the two start throwing haymakers at each other, not looking for anything impactful, just looking to attack each other with no second thought. The blows rain down on each other. They grab the back of their necks as they get closer, now exchanging hard forearm shots to each other. Xander is the first to come to reason as he kicks low, hittingg Garth in the shin and stopping him cold. Xander creates some separation with a Dropkick, pushing the Champion away but it doesn't last long as Garth retaliates, bouncing off the ropes with an Enzuigiri as the back of his foot wraps around the back of Xander's head. He collapses to one knee and Garth follows up with a Bulldog, planting Xander face down against the canvas. Garth runs up the ropes, signalling for The Come Down, but Xander rolls. He tries to roll to the outside of the ring, but Garth leaps off the corner and lands right next to Xander, stopping him from going out. He stomps away on the chest of Xander repeatedly and mouths off as he does it. It's payback to him, for the cane attack earlier. Garth whips Xander into the corner and mounts him for the 12 Step Programme but before he can throw Xander with a Monkey Flip, Xander lifts him for a Powerbomb. Before he can execute it though, Garth gets down. Xander is quick to grab him though with a Double Chickenwing and hits a Tiger Suplex. Xander bridges for a pin. 1...... 2.......... But it's only good for 2! Garth gets back up and Xander Clotheslines him to the outside before skinning the cat to get back in. Xander dashes across the ropes yet again and goes for another Tope! He leaps over the top rope, but yet again, being outside this time, Garth manages to arm himself, this time holding a VCR! He tries to take a swing but Xander sees it coming and holds on to the ropes and lands on the apron. He re-adjusts and Moonsault Presses off the apron taking down Garth and tries a Shooting Star Press but Garth uses the VCR for cover. Xander grabs his chest as Garth smacks him in the back with the VCR before tossing it away in confusion, shrugging about it. The two pace through ringside when suddenly Xander takes something from a fan and sprays aerosol onto Garth's face. He hits Garth in the head with the can and then aerosols Garth while on the floor.

    Cohen: That's right, Xander! Take the weapons! Spray them and sanitize them.

    Connor: What was that giant black box earlier?

    Copeland: A VCR.

    Connor: A what?!

    Garth is pulled up by Xander who whips him against the ring post around the ringside area. Xander grabs the VCR and aims for the head but Garth manages to roll out of the way and the VCR explodes as wires and circuits fly all over ringside. Seems there was a videotape inside it too as you can see the tape flying off. Xander braces himself against the post and right as he does, he's surprised with Garth hitting the the Getting Of The Wagon against the post. Quickly, Garth lifts him up on his shouders and drops him head first on to the ring barricade as the fans cheer and offer their weapons but Garth declines. He whip Xander into the ring and Garth goes after him. The fight is on as Garth charges in and ducks an oncoming Clothesline from Xander. Garth hits a Flying Body Splash as Xander is knocked down but Garth doesn't let up and whips Xander to the corner, quickly climbing it as the fans cheer him on. He delivers the big punches in the corner as the crowd counts along. 1...... 2....... 3....... 4........ 5........ 6.......... Xander tries to fight back, he goes for another Powerbomb but Garth leaps off and charges, ramming Xander in to the opposite corner and once again mounting it. 7......... 8......... 9........ ooooOOOOOOHHHHhhhhhhh 10~!! He kicks Xander before throwing him with the Monkey Flip! Seeing the perfect opportunity, the Eurasian Champion climbs the ropes and measures for the big Come Down and he leaps but Xander manages to roll out of the way. Garth lands back first on the canvas as both are down and out.

    Connor: Both men are down and out! Despite all the struggle, issues with the fans, this is about two men fighting for a major prize. The playing field is leveled now as there's no ringside weapons now.

    Cohen: That's how this whole affair should've been in the first place!

    Copeland: Regardless, both men are down. Who can get back to his feet first?!

    They both struggle and get up at the same time, holding on to each other by instinct before the come to blows, exchanging haymakers with no second thought. Xander goes low again, kicking the shin. He takes aim with another X Rated Superkick, but Garth sees it coming and ducks. He tries to counter with a German Suplex, wrapping his arms around his opponent's waist but Xander gets out with a pair of elbows to the ear and retaliates with the Afterthought! He grabs Garth's head and locks it in! The Fade Away!! Xander clutches tightly as Garth struggles to breath! Tight as he holds, Xander screams for Garth to tap out but the Champion does his best to stay alive! His hand reaches out to the ropes but they're too far away. It seems all is lost as Garth seems to fade away in the submission hold, but with one last gasp, he manages to hoist himself up to his knees! He manages to stand up as Xander still holds on tight, mounted on Garth as his arm wraps around the neck. Garth barely manages to get to a vertical base but he does and powers Xander, placing him on his shoulders! Before Xander can retaliate or react, Garth hits it. BLACK OUT!!! Xander crumbles down. But the Champion doesn't let up! He hoists Xander up on his shoulders again. Garth even trips up trying to keep his challenger on his shoulders but powers through with yet another BLACK OUT!! And there, Xander falls. Garth on top of him. 1........... 2............ 3~!!!

    Here is your winner and STILL WZCW Eurasian Champion, Garth Black!!

    Cohen: How fair is it that Xander had to fight from behind?!

    Copeland: I don't think it's a matter of him fighting from behind. Garth Black after years of hatred and frustration was able to turn things around into a successful career beloved by fans. Who knows, that could be Xander in a few years and having all the titles he wants. There's no doubting he fought hard. But maybe he's just too focused on winning and not enough on being a success.

    Connor: Xander makes his own decisions. He took this challenge. It did not pay off. He's had many opportinities. Many pay off. Others don't. He's not the first. He won't be the last caught in the struggle of this business.

    Garth poses on the top rope with his Championship as Xander is being helped by ringside assistants.
    Last edited by Lee; 05-27-2019 at 03:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Connor: Well it looks like we are getting to the World Title match sooner than expected.

    Copeland: This should be a tightly contested affair and one I look forward to.

    Cohen: Of course you are excited about a Titus match. Super professional Seabass.

    As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. She walks down the ramp through the mist, and ascends the stairs, entering between the middle ropes. The challenger bows to the referee and then to the crowd on all sides of the ring as she awaits the champion.

    Copeland: Kagura has been in a long quest to get back to the World Title since she lost it at Lethal Lottery last year after a short reign.

    Cohen: It's been a long time coming indeed, but Kagura looks to recapture the title some say she shoul d have never won in the first place.

    Connor: She cashed in her Queen For A Day fair and square, the first woman to win by the way, and became a female World Champion. She is historic.

    Cohen: You are just a misandrist Cat.

    The crowd roars as Titus makes his way to the ring, the World Title secured around his waist. He focuses on his opponent, the title a natural fit on the Hall of Famer. He makes his way into the ring, all business. He poses with the title once inside the ring and the crwod again roars their approval.

    Copeland: Few have done it better than the man walking into this match as champion. Titus, a man you can never count out. And he has the support of the crowd tonight.

    Cohen: Well don't ask Cat about him, she is a classic misandrist.

    Connor: What else is there to say that hasn't been said? Titus has been doing this at a high level for a long time. This should be a close match and Titus will give it his all.

    WZCW World Heavyweight Championship

    Pure Rules - 36.36%

    Tokyo Deathmatch -63.64%

    Truman Harrys enters the ring as the results of the fan vote are still on display.

    The following contest will be a Tokyo Death Match and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship! To win you must pin or submit your opponent and keep them down for a ten count! Introducing first, the challenger, from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 145 pounds, KAGURA!

    She bows one last time as the crowd gives her a mixed reaction.

    And in the corner to my right, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, he is a WZCW Hall of Famer and the reigning, defending WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, this is...TITUS!

    The crowd cheer as Titus kisses the belt before handing it over to referee Keith Morse. Morse checks both competitors to make sure they are aware of the rules and holds the World Title high one last time before he hands it off to a ringside worker and calls for the bell.

    *DING! DING!*

    Titus moves in and is met instantly with red mist to his face! The champ is blinded and is hit with Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami! The Two Fisted Heart Punch she has used to win most of her big matches drops the champ. She makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! Kagura jumps to her feet and points at Titus, who is still down, and starts to slap her hands together. The referee begins his ten count on the champ, who begins to wipe his eyes.

    Cohen: Kagura is the new champ! Wait never mind.

    Connor: Starting to forget things in your old age Jack? Titus has until the count of ten to get up, this isn’t over.

    Copeland: The champ appears to be in no hurry either.

    Indeed, Titus looks well recovered and the referee has yet to get to five, but the champ didn’t rack up numerous titles by being dumb. Titus, ever the master of mental chess, takes his time and waits until the ref gets to a count of nine before he springs to his feet. The two tie up and Titus is bested, with Kagura taking his back with a rear waist lock. The Hall of Famer drops down through and manages to sweep Kagura’s legs. She falls to the mat and Titus tries for an armbar, but she fights him and is able to get back to her feet. Titus is on her though and gets a side headlock, which he uses to take her down and wrench the hold a bit. Kagura reaches up and calws at the face of the champ, which is completely legal in this contest, breaking the hold. She scrambles to her feet but launches a dropkick that connects with Titus’ flank and knocks him off balance. As he stumbles, Kagura takes him down with a forearm shot. He falls into the corner in a seated position and Kagura runs at him. He grabs the ropes and springs to his feet, getting a boot up and slowing Kagura’s charge. He hops to the second turnbuckle and leaps, but the challenger connects with a punch to the midsection. The champ hits the ground and lands on his knees, which allows Kagura to lock in a full nelson. Titus fights the hold for a bit before he realizes the hold doesn’t really hurt that much, so he just sorta kneels there until Kagura releases the hold.

    Copeland: Bit of gamesmanship by the champ.

    Cohen: Looks like it just pissed the challenger off.

    Kagura fires off a stiff kick into the back of Titus after releasing the hold. She follows it up with a downward elbow to the shoulder, before she takes a few steps back and flips over Titus, slamming his face into the mat. She follows it up with a quick kick to the face once the champ has gotten his head back up. With the champ flat on the mat, the Japanese star locks in a trapezius claw, clamping down on the champ. Titus kicks and struggles, eventually he is able to bridge to his feet, though the hold remains locked. He reaches back and grabs the head of his opponent and sits out with an extremely modified jawbreaker. Though not impactful as a regular variant, it does break the hold. He gets to his feet and avoids a clothesline attempt but the challenger, before he fires off a dropkick that knocks her down. She scrambles back to her feet and the champ misses a spinning heel kick but connects with a Pele kick. The challenger staggers into the corner. Titus takes a moment to bend his neck around, relieving pain from the earlier hold before he makes his way to the challenger. He connects with a European Uppercut before he climbs to the second turnbuckle and begins to rain down punches as the fans count along. "One..Two..Three.." all the way until "nine" when Titus pauses for a moment. Instead of hitting the tenth punch, he leaps and connects with a beautiful hurricanrana to bring Kagura out of the corner. His reaction is to make a cover, but he knows the move won't keep Kagura down for the pin and ten count so he measures his foe up and drops an elbow. He follows up with a second and third before he takes a few steps back connects with a leaping knee drop. He makes the cover this time...One!...Two!...Kagura kicks out and Titus only looks annoyed at himself.

    Connor: Frustration setting in already?

    Copeland: It's likely to be a long war, Titus may just be upset he wasted time and energy going for that cover.

    Cohen: Do the math. A normal pin fall is supposed to take just three seconds, but the ref has to get into position, so let's call it five. Then the ref has to start the ten count, but the count doesn't start until the wrestler who scored the pin is away from their foe, so it may take fifteen, even twenty seconds for the referee to get to ten. You have to conceivably keep your opponent down for thirty seconds. That may not seem long to the average fan, but these are highly skilled, highly conditioned athletes in the ring. It will take something like a Mac truck hitting them to keep them down for half a minute. It could be even longer if a submission is used.

    The champ doesn't bother with a transitional hold, he simply gets Kagura to her feet and connects with a European uppercut to keep her staggered before he Irish whips her into the corner. He puts all his force behind it, flying off his feet in the process. Kagura tumbles up and over the top rope due to the force and lands on the apron, having managed to catch herself. Titus gets to his feet and charges, but Kagura stops him with a forearm to the face. She grabs the champ by the hair and pulls him into a suplex but the champ grabs the rope to block. Kagura is unable to complete the suplex, so she gives it up so she can hit a shoulder to the midsection through the ropes. She uses this to drag Titus onto the apron with her where she tries the suplex again. Titus again blocks the suplex, this time wrapping his leg around his opponent's leg. Kagura gets frustrated so she shoves the champ back before hitting a dropkick that takes both down to the floor. Kagura, who was able to soften her landing a bit, is on her feet first and grabs the hair of Titus and drags him to his feet before Irish whipping him into the post. He is able to avoid the post at the last second though and step aside. He turns to face the challenger, only to see Kagura dive through the ropes for a tornado DDT! Titus is planted and Kagura makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! She jumps away and lets the ref start his ten count, but Titus is on his feet before Keith Morse can even get to the count of two.

    Connor: If Titus was able to recover so quickly, why didn't he kick out?

    Cohen: Why kick out of any pin at all? It is just going to expand energy. The pin fall isn't the end of the match.

    Kagura kicks Titus in the legs, but the champ responds by firing off right hands. They trade blows until Kagura slips a punch and gets behind the champ and grabs a sleeper hold. Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami! Kagura leaps onto the back of Titus and wraps her legs around him and falls to the floor. Titus immediately taps. Kagura scrambles away as quickly as she can so the referee can administer his ten count. Titus though rolls over and relaxes before the ref gets to two. Kagura shouts very Japanese.

    Cohen: HAHAHA!

    Connor: What could you possibly be laughing at?

    Copeland: I think Jack is finding humor in Titus gaming the rules. As soon as he tapped to the submission, Kagura has to release the hold so the referee can start his ten count. So Titus, instead of fighting the pain, tapped to relieve the pain and end the hold. He then gets nine whole seconds to recover if he so chooses.

    This time though, Kagura doesn't wait for Titus to get to his feet. She goes on the offensive and stomps away at him. She starts to stomp him directly in the face, causing some members in the front row to recoil and cringe a bit. Once she is finished she makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! She shoves Titus away and walks off as Keith Morse begins his count...One!...Two!...

    Copeland: So for the first time here in this match, the ten count actually coming into play.

    Cohen: Kagura is pissed.

    Five!...Six!...Titus uses the barricade to stand but is met immediately with a kendo stick to his side. Kagura starts to wail on the champ with the kendo stick, the sounds of the bamboo hitting flesh echo through the arena. Titus scrambles into the ring to escape the onslaught, and when Kagura slides in the champ connects with the Tit Drop! He falls to the mat with her though, as the fameasser took a lot out of the Hall of Famer. The fans start to rally behind the champ, who is already starting to turn red with welts. He pushes the weapon out of the ring and then steadies himself on the ropes as Kagura stirs. Titus connects with a kick to the midsection to double the champ over and looks for a second Tit Drop, but Kagura avoids it. She wraps Titus up from behind and runs him into the ropes, looking for the classic roll up off the rebound, but Titus hooks himself on the ropes. As Kagura rolls away, Titus springboards off the ropes with a wheel kick and drops the challenger. Kagura rolls out of the ring to regroup, but Titus grabs the top rope and uses it to propel himself at Kagura with a plancha. The fans continue to cheer as Titus starts to fire himself up, slapping his already red chest. He drags Kagura over to the announcer's table and slams her head on it. He does this a second and third time, then the fans start to count along until they reach ten. Titus scatters the newly founded Saudi announce team before he clears their commentary table and preps Kagura on top of it. She begins to fight back and prevents Titus from completing what was looking like a Tit Drop through the table. The champ is able to regain the upper hand and in a flash hits a Northern Lights Suplex from the German announce table onto the English announce table. Both Titus and Kagura land hard among the debris and both end up cut in various places from the monitors.

    Cohen: OUR TABLE!

    Connor: Are you guys okay? Is our equipment still working?

    Sebastian Copeland is in the arms of Jack Cohen. Cohen managed to catch his longtime colleague to prevent him from suffering any real harm.

    Copeland: Thank you Jack. Sometimes I forget they put you out here for a reason, and it isn't your commentary.

    Cohen shoves his broadcast partner back to his feet as Cat snickers and the competitors roll around the floor. Titus is cut on his leg and arm, Kagura is bleeding from her back, though the blood is trickling as opposed to gushing. Titus is on his feet first, but trips trying to get away from the wreckage, allowing Kagura to catch up to him. She has a monitor in her hands and swings it at Titus. She misses though and Titus turns and superkicks the monitor into the face of the challenger. He makes the cover following the kick....One!...Two!...Three! Titus scoots away to the barricade to lean on as the referee begins the ten count...One!...Two!...Three!...Four!...Kagura begins to stir...Five!...Six!...Titus lets out a groan, knowing Kagura is going to beat the count. He grabs her and drags her to the ring steps. She uses a simple scoop slam to subdue her long enough for him to take the steps apart. He takes the smaller top piece and stands on it and drags Kagura to her feet, before he connects with a suplex onto the flat surface of the larger, bottom step. Kagura screams in pain as she hits the steps, but her momentum carries her into the barricade so she is quickly on her feet. Titus takes a moment to wipe his bloody arm on his trunks before he runs at Kagura. He leaps off the steps, but she knocks him out of midair with a throat thrust that connected clean. She takes a few moments to clear her head and walk off some pain before she barks at the fans to move. Despite her orders being in Japanese, she was angry enough that the fans move. She grabs Titus with a wrist clutch and then connects with an exploder suplex over the barricade. Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto! Titus ends up wrapped up in some chairs, which prevents Kagura from making a cover. She has to clear a path, which gives the champ time to regroup. Though not fully recovered, the Hall of Famer is able to stagger to his feet and trade blows with his challenger. They fight up the steps and into the production area, neither getting in more than a punch or two at a time.

    Cohen: Can they be careful? We would look stupid if our camera or audio feeds cut out.

    Connor: This company is elite Jack, we would never have our cameras miss a big moment of action.

    Kagura backs Titus up against some equipment trunks and hits a side kick to drop him to a seated position. SHe then gets as much space as she can and looks to connect with a shining wizard, First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. Titus rolls out of the way at the last moment and Kagura crashes into the crates. As Titus gets to his feet, he finds Kagura sprawled out on top of one of the crates that is on the edge of a drop off. The champ climbs onto the crate, which is moving slightly under their weight. He then looks up and sees a camera tower above him, so he decides to scale it. He gets to the top and looks down at Kagura. He is at least twice as high as he would be on the top turnbuckle when he jumps and The Red Comet! The amazing twisting flipping elbow drop connects right to the heart, but the crate slides off the edge of the drop and both competitors go with it.

    "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" The crowd chants their shocked approval as the two are temporarily unseen until the camera crew get into better position. They arrive as Titus is crawling over and draping an arm over Kagura. Keith Morse parkours over the wreckage and counts the pin...One!...Two!...Three! Titus does his best to quickly get away from Kagura and allow the ref to start the ten count. One!...Two!...

    Copeland: Both Titus and Kagura will definitely be feeling that in the morning. What a devastating maneuver from Titus, who risked life and limb to keep his title.

    Connor: I have a feeling that waking up knowing you have gold around your waist will ease some of that pain though.

    Cohen: Trust me, when you wake pull off a move like that, you are waking up the next morning next to a beautiful woman, with gold around your waist, or hooked up to a morphine drip and all three do a wonderful job of making you forget the pain.

    ...Seven!...Eight!...Nine!...The ref waves off the count as Kagura is on her feet thanks to a nearby guardrail. Titus looks equal parts impressed and annoyed. He starts to fire off right hands, backing Kagura through a curtain. On the other side we see that the two are in the concourse of the Alamodome and fans scatter. Kagura has recovered enough to fight back, the two just trading punches and forearms back and forth. Titus grabs a nearby wet floor sign and cracks it across the side of Kagura, but it doesn't do enough damage to give him the upper hand. She starts to connect with a series of forearms that back Titus up to one of the concession stands. The workers scatter as Titus tries to fight back. Some nearby ketchup and mustard dispensers offer him a very brief reprieve as he squirts them into the face of the challenger, temporarily blinding her. Titus tries to create some space, but slips in the wet spot on the floor that he would have seen had he not just used the sign as a weapon. This gives Kagura enough time to go after him. The champ is keen to her advance though and grabs a mop to defend himself. Kagura doesn't waste any time messing around and simply kicks Titus low. The crowd groans as Titus takes a shot right to his family jewels and doubles over in pain. Kagura then grabs him and rams him headfirst into a popcorn machine, shattering the glass. A sharp edge catches Titus on the forehead as she pulls his head out and blood starts to trickle down. "THIS IS AWESOME!" The fans chant as the sight of another human being cut open by broken glass has excited them. Kagura stands Titus up and measures him and connects with the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami! The two fisted heart punch connects with Titus for the second time. He falls and she makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! She takes a moment to catch her breath before she climbs to her feet and leans against the wall...One!...Two!...Three!...

    Copeland: How many times have we actually witnessed Titus bleed in his career?

    Connor: Not many, at least not this badly. This is territory Titus hasn't been in often, we will have to see how it impacts him.

    Cohen: If he is able to get up.

    ...Seven!...Eight!...Nine!....T....The ref waves it off as Titus used the popcorn cart to pull himself up. Kagura closes her eyes and just seems to click off for a moment, as if she knew this would happen and is upset she allowed herself false hope. She lets out a primal yell and runs at Titus, only for him to push the cart into her. She doubles over so Titus springs to his feet and hits the Tit Drop! Just like the first time he hit it though, he collapses. The ref checks both competitors and makes sure they can continue. Kagura grabs the shirt of Keith Morse and uses it to pull herself up while Titus crawls away, looking for something to help him to his feet. He crawls to a staircase and rolls down just as Kagura was about to get to him. Kagura makes her way down, but her exhausted pace meant Titus has time to recover. He grabs her in a headlock and pulls her through another curtain and back into the ring area. He throws her against a mini barricade and grabs a chair and is about to swing at her when she tries to kick him low again. Titus is able to use the chair to block the kick, but he loses the chair in the process. He responds by clotheslining the challenger over the barricade and onto the floor below. He then spies a table nearby and sets it up in the space he has available. He then spots a ladder and sets it up as the crowd starts to cheer, as they know what is coming. Titus positions Kagura on the table and then calls for the Red Comet. He starts to climb the ladder when an incredibly overweight fan runs up and yells at him.

    "Leave my waifu alone!"

    The fan is wearing a shirt which has an anime style Kagura on it, but the Kagura has an Ahegao face. The fans throws something at Titus. The champ catches it and realizes its a body pillow with Kagura on it and the champ quickly tosses it away. The distraction gives the real Kagura time to recover. She pushed the ladder over, leaving Titus to crash through the table below. She then grabs the fans and throws him on top of Titus and yells something at him in Japanese as she makes the cover...One!...Two!...Three! Kagura then rolls away and make the ref start his count...One!...Two!...Three!...

    Connor: What....

    Copeland: ...the....

    Cohen: ....hell?

    ...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten! Titus struggles but has no energy and can't shift the weight of the massive fan off the top of him.

    "Senapi noticed me!"

    Kagura shoves the fan away as she orders the ref to bring her her newly won title. She holds it high as the announcers are speechless, even Jack Cohen. Truman Harrys takes a moment before he makes the call.

    Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and the NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Kaaaaaaagura!

    The fan gets up off Titus, who just lies there with a look of pure shock and horror on his face, and tries to waddle over to Kagura. She ignores him as she clutches her newly won title.


    Backstage in a dark room we see Matt Tastic looking on at the result of the match that just happened. He suits up, putting his hoodie over his head and turns. The camera catches him as he leaves. His eyes are almost soulless.

    From there we see Mikey Stormrage pacing around the entrance area, ready for the match. You see his eyes full of a range of emotions.

    Copeland: The time is upon us.

    Cohen: It is the match both men need to win and neither can afford to lose.

    Connor: We're about to find out just how far friendship falls in the name of glory.

    Last edited by ABMorales787; 05-27-2019 at 01:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    We go back into the arena for the main event of the evening, and already the cell is surrounding the ring. Inside the ring, Truman Harrys stands next to the referee as he raises the mic to his lips.

    Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Hell In A Cell Match for the Elite Openweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Southwestern, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 235 pounds, Matt Tastic!

    The fans boo instantly as the music hits, and after the song picks up, Tastic walks out onto the stage emotionless, ignoring the jeers and boos as he quickly makes his way down the ramp. Tastic stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks up at the imposing structure in front of him, and takes off his mask and hooded jacket before entering the cell. The challenger enters the ring through the middle rope and goes over to the far corner of the ring as he waits for his former best friend to come out.

    Copeland: Tastic is all business tonight, prepared to go to war with his best friend turned enemy.

    Cohen: These guys are going to tear each other apart tonight Seabass and it's going to be good. Tastic won round 1 back at Gold Rush for the Mayhem Championship, now he looks to take Mikey's other belt.

    Connor: He's certainly going to try but it's not going to be easy, these guys have been waiting for awhile to get their hands on each other here tonight and I'm expecting more of a fight than a wrestling match.

    Harrys: And his opponent, formerly from Southwest, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 361 pounds, he is the Elite Openweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

    The music hits and the cheers begin as Mikey walks out after a slight delay, all business tonight as he only gives the fans a nod to show his apprecation for their support, but his eyes are locked on Tastic in the ring, who's now pearched himself on the top turnbuckle, waiting for the arrival of his opponent. Stormrage heads right down to the ring, reaching the bottom of the ramp and taking the championship off his waist, heading into the cell with it in hand as he rolls into the ring, causing Tastic to hop off the turnbuckle and stand ready just in case the champ tries to attack, but it seems Stormrage is waiting for the bell as he heads to his corner and hands his belt over to the referee, who holds it up for both men before handing it to Harrys as he's exiting the cell, and the referee outside the cell shuts the door behind him and locks it.

    Copeland: This is the match we've been building to all night and after a night of crazy matches, this is going to top them all for the violence I think.

    Cohen: I think that's fair to say, these guys hate each other right now and their going to tear each other apart all in the hopes of leaving tonight with the Elite Openweight Championship.

    **Ding Ding Ding**

    As the bell rings, Mikey charges across the ring trying to get his hands on Tastic, but Tastic sees him coming and bails from the ring. The fans boo as Tastic walks around ringside, but there's no escape and Mikey exits the ring, and the chase is on!

    Copeland: Where does Matt think he's gonna go?

    Cohen: Mind games Seabass! He's not gonna let Mikey get his hands on him right away!

    Mikey is closing in on Tastic, who leaps over the steel steps, but as Mikey gets to the steps, Tastic turns around and dropkicks the steps into Mikey to stop him! Mikey stumbles away and Tastic is quick to go on the offensive, walking over and shoving Mikey face first into the cell! Tastic keeps a hold of the hair of his rival, using it to push Mikey back into the cell wall face first, and now begins grinding his face against the cell! Tastic finally lets go, as Stormrage stumbles away, but Matt follows him, and gives him a shove, sending him into the ring post and knocking him down! Matt holds his arms out, soaking in the boos from the fans as Mikey is recovering on the floor and Tastic looks under the ring, pulling out a steel chair!

    Matt holds up the chair as Stormrage is getting to his feet, but Tastic is on him quickly, going for a steel chair shot, it connects on the back! Mikey goes back down as Tastic tosses the chair into the ring and this match is going exactly the way the challenger was hoping so far. Tastic drags Stormrage up, and rolls him into the ring and it appears now that he's got control of the match, he's going to take things back in the ring. Tastic debates following the champion into the ring, but instead slides off the apron, and goes back under the ring for a new weapon, pulling out a second steel chair. He slides in with the chair and sets it up in a sitting position, before grabbing the first chair he brought into the ring, and driving the top of it into the back of Mikey!

    Cohen: Everything is going Matt Tastic's way right now and if this continues we could be looking at a new champion soon.

    Connor: He only has so much control right now due to multiple cheap shots, he's not going to be able to keep Mikey Strormrage off his feet all match.

    Back in the ring, Tastic has just finished dragging Mikey into the set up chair, slapping him across the face after doing so, earning him some boos which he ignores. Tastic now bounces off the ropes opposite the chair, and runs back at Mikey, but suddenly, Mikey jumps up, grabbing a hold of Tastic, and launching him overhead with an exploder suplex onto the chair he was just sitting on! The fans let out an audible "OHH!" as the chair folds under the weight of Tastic landing on it, and Tastic lays on the mat holding his back in pain and Mikey takes a moment to recover from the beating he was just taking.

    Copeland: Oh my god that had to hurt!

    Cohen: It certainly looked painful but that's exactly what Stormrage needed to get back into this thing.

    Connor: Now he needs to capitalize while Matt is down and fully take control of this match.

    Indeed that's what Mikey is looking to do as he goes out onto the apron after Tastic rolls out of the ring, and as soon as he gets up, Stormrage dives off the apron with a cannon ball dive onto Tastic! Tastic goes down again as Mikey gets right back up, and walks around ringside, over to a different side of the ring, where he pulls out a kendo stick, followed by another one! Tastic meanwhile is back on his feet and after spotting Mikey, he walks over, but as he reaches him he gets cracked over the head with a kendo stick, dropping him where he stands! Mikey now seems to get an idea, as he drags Tastic to the corner of the cell, standing him up against it and hitting him with a headbutt to keep him in a daze, before picking up the two kendo sticks, and sliding them through either side of the cell, one at Tastic's waist and one at his chest, and Matt Tastic has been trapped against the cell!

    Copeland: Oh no this is going to be bad for Matt.

    Cohen: He's trapped, how is this fair!?

    Connor: All's fair in a Hell In A Cell Match Jack! If Matt got the chance to do this to Mikey I'm sure he would do it in a second.

    Indeed Tastic is trapped and he realizes this as he struggles to try and move, but he can't free himself and has to watch as Mikey pulls out a third kendo stick from under the ring. Mikey walks over, dodging a kick from Tastic, and smacking him in the legs with the stick he's swinging! Matt yells in pain as Mikey smacks him over the head a couple times with the stick before smacking him in the legs again along with a couple body shots, and Tastic is clearly only standing because of the kendo sticks. Mikey finally decides to stop swinging after another shot to the head, and now slides the third kendo stick into the cell, this one trapping Tastic's legs against the cell!

    Copeland: Well he beat the hell out of him with the kendo stick, and now he's fully trapped his challenger against the cell wall, now what's he got in mind?

    Cohen: I don't know but this can't be good.

    Stormrage now backs up all the way to the other side of the cell, and charges back at Tastic, who's got nowhere to go and is forced to take a big splash from Mikey! Tastic is slumped over against the sticks now as Mikey pulls the sticks out of the wall, and lifts Tastic onto his shoulders, carrying him over to the nearest side of the ring and dumping Matt into the ring. Matt is laying on the mat in the ring as Mikey rolls in after him, and hooks the leg for the first pinfall of the match as the referee counts it. 1....2....but Tastic kicks out. Mikey doesn't look surprised, knowing how much fight his former partner has in him, and it looks like he's going to stay on the attack as he goes to the corner, and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, jumping off and connecting with a splash! Mikey rolls off Tastic, deciding not to attempt another pin and instead get back to his feet.

    Mikey is back on his feet and Tastic is on the ring apron, using the ropes to get back to his feet as Mikey walks over to him, and pulls Tastic the rest of the way up, which proves to be a mistake as he catches a thumb to the eye from the challenger! Mikey stumbles backwards as Tastic shakes the cobwebs out of his head, and now Mikey walks back over, but gets caught with a punch to the face! Stormrage stumbles backwards, and Tastic springboards into the ring, looking for a hurricanrana...he's caught! Mikey hangs on and uses his power to pull Tastic up into powerbomb position! Tastic quickly realizes he's in trouble and begins punching away at Mikey, who spins around and runs to the ropes, but just as he's about to powerbomb Tastic out of the ring and into the cell, Tastic counters, grabbing the top rope and managing to hurricanrana Mikey out of the ring and to the floor!

    Tastic sees his opening now, and jumps off the ring apron, connecting with two feet to the chest of Mikey as a way to try and keep him down, at least for a couple minutes as he walks around ringside, and picks up one of the kendo sticks, walking over to Mikey, waiting for him to start getting back up, and cracking it over his back! Stormrage goes back down, and now appears to have a cut on his back as Tastic looks under the ring, appearing to be hunting for a new weapon. Suddenly, Tastic emerges from under the ring, and he's holding a lead pipe!

    Copeland: A pipe!?

    Cohen: This is going to hurt.

    Tastic stalks Mikey, waiting for him to get up, and as soon as he does, Tastic spins him around and swings for the head with the pipe, but Mikey ducks, spins Tastic around and drops him with the Live Mas Slam! Tastic goes down and Mikey picks up the pipe himself, and looks at it for a minute, debating using it himself, but instead he tosses it away, it appears he has another idea. Tastic meanwhile, is crawling around ringside and over to the side of the cell farthest from the ramp, and begins pulling himself up. Mikey sees this and as Tastic does get up, Mikey charges him, looking to slam him against the cell with a running body block, but Tastic sidesteps, sending Mikey barreling into the cell....AND HE BREAKS THE WALL! Tastic stumbles back and leans against the ring as Mikey lays on the broken piece of the cell while the crowd begins chanting "HOLY SHIT!" at that.

    Copeland: That was crazy, Mikey was trying to put Tastic through the cell but instead ends up putting himself through it! He might be out cold!

    Cohen: That's what he gets for trying something so crazy!

    Connor: We might need a doctor to come check on Mikey Stormrage here as he hasn't moved since going through the cell, but this could be Matt Tastic's chance to win this one.

    Matt Tastic indeed does see an opening here as he walks out onto the broken piece of cell, and steps over the prone body of Mikey, walking over to a fan in the front row and snatches the soda out of their hand! The fan yells at Tastic, who opens up the cup and gets a mouthful of coke, before throwing the cup on the ground, causing the rest of the soda to spill out.

    Connor: Oh come on that wasn't nice, that was a collectible WZCW cup, that probably cost them like 10 dollars.

    Tastic walks back over to Mikey, and leans over him, spitting the soda into his face, causing him to show signs of life as he rolls off the piece of cell and to the floor, and Tastic laughs, he's just toying with the champ at this point. Tastic debates pulling Mikey to his feet to inflict more damage, but instead he walks back into the cell, and he finds the pipe that he tried to use earlier! Tastic has an evil grin on his face as the fans begin booing, worrying about what's coming as Tastic exits the cell through the hole in it, and as he does, Mikey is slowly trying to pull himself to his feet with the cell as help. Tastic stands behind him waiting to strike, and slowly the champ does reach his feet, and as soon as he turns around, CRACK! Right over the head with the lead pipe! Mikey falls right back down, landing face first on the floor as Tastic throws the pipe down, and yells at Mikey that this is all his fault before shaking his head.

    The challenger isn't done yet though, as he pulls Mikey back up slowly, revealing a cut now on the head of Mikey from the weapon shot. Mikey appears out on his feet, as Tastic pushes him backwards, causing him to stumble back against the cell, and Tastic hits him with a dropkick, causing Mikey to fall down to his knees, Tastic however doesn't let him fall, pulling him back up against the cell and slamming the back of his head against the cell, before backing up to the barricade, charging back at Mikey for another dropkick...but Mikey sidesteps it, and Tastic connects with nothing but the cell!

    Copeland: Mikey has been out of it ever since crashing through the cell, but Tastic took too much time there and paid for it.

    Cohen: But does Mikey even know where he is? Or was that just instinct?

    It appears it might have been the latter as Mikey isn't able to capitalize before Tastic gets up, and attempts to spear Mikey against the cell now, but Mikey again sidesteps, and Tastic goes face first into the cell! Tastic stumbles backwards holding his head, and out of nowhere Mikey finally gets some offense in, hitting Tastic with a short arm clothesline to the back of the head! Tastic goes down and Mikey stumbles around for a moment, before shaking out the cobwebs and looks around, before finally looking up at the top of the cell as a smile crosses his face!

    Copeland: Oh my god he can't really be thinking about going up can he!?

    Cohen: I think he's taken too much of a beating Seabass, he can't possibly think this is a good idea!

    Connor: Well it might not be a good idea, but that's not stopping him, Mikey Stormrage is climbing the cell!

    Indeed he is and currently he's about a quarter of the way up, slowly making his climb as his challenger gets up on the floor, and quickly realizes where his opponent is, and starts climbing himself! The race to the top is on and they end up getting there at the same time, both men pulling themselves onto the roof with Mikey taking slightly longer, due to his size, and this lets Tastic get to his feet and begin stomping on him, and he's trying to kick the champion off the cell!

    Copeland: Oh my god no! Mikey has already gone through the cell but if he falls off the cell now he's going to be seriously injured!

    Cohen: I would say it's genius but if he succeeds here he's going to have to find a way to get the dead body of Mikey into the ring to pin him.

    Connor: Someone needs to stop Tastic here!

    Mikey is covering up to try and block the kicks, but without much luck and he's now been pushed to the edge of the roof, but suddenly Tastic stops kicking him and backs up. Tastic is now standing on the middle part of the roof as Mikey rolls slightly closer to him, only to get hit with a baseball slide dropkick, which knocks him right back to the edge! Tastic gets up and backs up to the middle of the roof again, and comes running at Mikey, this kick could do it....NO! Mikey catches his foot, and uses his other hand to sweep the legs out from under Tastic, knocking him down!

    Connor: What a save from Mikey there!

    Cohen: He got lucky!

    Both men manage to get back to their feet at the same time, and are firing off back and forth matches, with the crowd booing for Tastic landing punches and cheering for Stormrage landing his, but the back and forth ends with Mikey blocking a punch, and instead hits Headshot! Tastic stumbles backwards, back to the middle of the cell and gets hit with a second Headshot! Tastic is on woobly legs now but he gets scooped up, Mikey has him up for Game Over...but Tastic hits an elbow to the side of the head escaping it, and quickly dropping Mikey onto the roof with Goblin Slayer! Mikey is down as the roof bends a bit from the impact, and Tastic is quick to notice this, and it seems he has a new sadistic idea.

    Tastic is looking to finish off Stormrage once and for all, slowly dragging him back to his feet by his hair, and slapping him across the face a couple times, before grabbing him by the head, and setting him up for the Headache Driver!

    Copeland: If this hits, that cell is going to break!

    Cohen: I think one way or the other this is going to end very badly with someone.

    Tastic now goes for the Headache Driver, but Mikey slips down out of his grasp! Tastic looks angry now as he stomps on Mikey a few times before pulling him back up, and setting him up again! Matt now goes for the Headache Driver again...but Mikey slips out of it and backdrops Tastic, AND THE CELL COLLAPSES, TASTIC FALLS THROUGH THE CELL AND LANDS HARD IN THE RING, CAVING IT IN IN THE PROCESS!


    Cohen: He tried to put Mikey through it, but instead ended up going through himself!

    Connor: I think the referee needs to call this match, it's obvious Tastic can't continue!

    The referee does not call the match however, but he is checking on Tastic who's clearly knocked out and laying in the caved in spot in the ring. Mikey Stormrage now turns around from the roof, realizing what's happened and he looks sad as he looks down at Matt Tastic, and he slowly and carefully climbs down the piece of the roof hanging down into the cell, and he safely makes it back into the ring. Mikey now drags Tastic out of the hole in the ring, pulls him back up, and hits him with a quick Game Over! Mikey calls the ref over as he hooks the leg on his opponent, and the ref counts the pin 1...2...3!

    Harrys: Here's your winner, and STILL Elite Openweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

    Mikey rolls right off the pin, taking a seat in the corner of the ring as he looks over at the broken body of his former best friend, who still has not moved on his own and the referee stands up from checking on him and calls for help from the back before handing Mikey his championship. Mikey takes the championship and stands up as the cell begins raising up, and after taking a look back at Matt Tastic, he bails from the ring and walks up the ramp with his championship on his shoulder as the feed fades to black.

  6. #6
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    We get a five way shot of the competitors in the five way match. They are all walking down separate corridors. The camera feed zooms in one at a time as they speak.

    Annie: I've got a few tricks up my sleeve tonight.

    Vlad: The demons of my mind demand pain.

    Kole: This upcoming beat down is gonna be served up flaming hot.

    Adams: I'm letting it all hang out tonight, so watch out boys.



    We go somewhere backstage where Johnny Klamor is walking with a mic in his hand. He approaches a door and knocks. Mikey Stormrage answers, his Elite Title on his shoulder.

    Klamor: Do you have a few moments?

    Mikey nods as he adjusts his title.

    Klamor: Tonight, you defend your WZCW Elite Title against your former best friend Matt Tastic inside Hell in a Cell. You have got to be a ball of emotion right now. What are you feeling?

    Stormrage: Tired.

    Klamor: Tired?

    Stormrage: Tired. I keep getting asked questions about how I will react, about if I can fight the man I loved. I am a WZCW Hall of Famer, the only dual champion is company history, a grand slam champion. I've never not been able to go once I got inside that ring. Matt cut me deep, and that hurt is going to last a long long time. In life you have to do stuff you don't like. I just want to move on, to be happy. So when or lose, after tonight, Live Mas is No Mas. There will be no handshakes, no hugs, no nothing. When the show goes off the air tonight, it will be just me, standing tall, with this held high.

    The champ raises his title high for a moment before he retreats into his locker room.


    We cut to the ring where Annie Halloway, Keith Kole, Zhanshi, Alice Adams, and Vlad Azarov are already in the ring, expecting the announcer's answer to their mysterious stipulation fight.

    Anderson: The following contest has been voted on by the WZCW faithful. Here are the results:

    FIVE MAN MATCH POLL: Alice Adams vs. Annie Halloway vs. Keith Kole vs. Vlad Azarov vs. Zhanshi

    Burger King Street Fight: 15.38%

    Neon Match: 7.69%

    Feathered Boa On A Pole: 7.69%

    Kumite Rules: 30.77%

    Clockwork Orange Match: 7.69%

    Juggalo Deathmatch: 30.77%

    Anderson: As a result of a tie, all five must-

    Digital noise cuts the ring announcer off. It plays from the tron - images of binary and random sequences of letters and numbers flicker onscreen.

    FIVE MAN MATCH POLL: Alice Adams vs. Annie Halloway vs. Keith Kole vs. Vlad Azarov vs. Zhanshi

    Burger King Street Fight: 15.38%

    Neon Match: 7.69%

    Feathered Boa On A Pole: 7.69%

    Kumite Rules: 30.77%

    Clockwork Orange Match: 7.69%

    Juggalo Deathmatch: 30.78%

    From the ring, the hacker grins.

    Anderson: ...the proceeding match is a Five-Way Juggalo Deathmatch! Every opponent is to wear a dog collar conjoined by chains and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission!

    Referee Katie Shepard applies the dog collars around each of their necks. Kole smirks. Vlad cracks his neck from side to side. Adams bares her teeth in anticipation. Annie stares them down with a cool confidence. Zhanshi shouts the entire time. The cameras slip into an overhead bird's eye view and the videotron shows the chains meeting up into a central disk. The chains look like spokes on a wheel.


    Everyone gangs up on Annie, pummeling her into the ground. The sound of the chains striking the canvas echoes in the arena (the fans are quiet given the five in the ring are all evil people). Zhanshi, who prepared for Kumite Rules, removes the black belt from his waist, balls it up, and shoves it in the hacker's mouth. With some legroom to spare, the four eye each other closely.

    Having Kole's interest the most, Adams nods to him in a silent allied agreement. Vlad and Zhanshi turned to each other and do the same. Keith Kole rushes Zhanshi - Adams to Vlad. The martial artist gives a karate front kick that staggers Kole. Kole bounces back with a short arm clothesline. Zhanshi kips up and attempts to suplex Kole, but the chains are in the way and he hesitates. Kole with a double arm DDT that's not even good for one.

    Adams and Vlad mat wrestle, with Vlad on top of her, wrenching his chain to go around her neck but she slips through and wiggles passed his legs. The burlesque dancer attempts to choke out Vlad using the same technique. He laughs like a madman and shouts that he's enjoying it. Vlad uses his weight to dump Adams off of his back. Vlad goes back to strangling Adams...and he gets it around her neck! She flails for a minute but starts to laugh, telling him she likes to be choked too.

    Cohen: What the hell is even happening?

    Connor: Err mind games.

    Back to Zhanshi and King Mussel's lackey, Zhanshi uses a barrage of missile-like jabs and kicks to his opponent's torso. Kole backs into the ropes. Zhanshi with a Jumping Roundhouse Kick! The finisher comes out of nowhere and takes Kole off his feet and tumbling over the ropes to spill outside. Due to the length of the chains, Zhanshi, Adams, Vlad, and the down Halloway pull towards him! The sudden motion makes them either impact with the turnbuckle (Alice), the rope (Zhanshi and Vlad) or causes the dog collar to tighten against their throat (Annie).

    For a moment, all five seem in a state where they could no longer fight. Katie nervously keeps her eyes on the performers. But Kole manages to get on all fours and move around. He checks underneath the ring...and produces bolt cutters! The crowd groan as the fast food employee takes the cutters to his chains and breaks himself free.

    Copeland: He can't do that! That's cheating!

    Cohen: It's a Deathmatch, SeaBass. There aren't any rules.

    Annie Halloway is the second person to pick herself up...and Vlad is on the assault, a low single-legged dropkick frogs the back of her calf. She goes down to her knee. Vlad sees what Keith Kole did, and snatches up the loose chain he left behind. He proceeds to lash out, whipping the backside of Annie with the iron. She gasps in pain.

    Kole walks over and joins the commentary table.

    Kole: Yeah baby! You see that? None of them are smarter than me, not even the genius!

    Connor: It's a smart tactic but not a very sporting one.

    Kole: You think anybody in that ring cares about sportsmanship? Ha. Hahahahahaha. Silly cow. You're fired.

    Alice Adams sends Zhanshi into a neighboring turnbuckle. She takes one shapely leg and places her boot over Zhanshi's face, applying pressure to his neck. Zhanshi counters by tugging at his chain and pulling her close. Adams is now against the turnbuckle and Zhanshi with a jumping elbow strike. Adams tumbles between the second and bottom ropes out onto the apron.

    Vlad toys with Annie, lightly kicking her while she's down.

    Zhanshi attempts to bring Alice back in, but she catches him with a loud slap to the face. Vlad goes over to the two combatants, pulling Zhanshi to face him and landing a reverse Hook Kick. Zhanshi is down on the mat but grapples with Vlad, trying to take his legs out from under him. Vlad lifts the martial artist and dumps him out onto the apron - Zhanshi holds on and brings Vlad down with him. Annie gets back up.

    With Adams, Vlad, and Zhanshi on the apron, Annie throws herself into them with a Suicide Dive! All four collapse to the outside. Miraculously, the chains soar right passed the rope and didn't get caught.

    Copeland: Annie showing some resourcefulness there.

    Kole: Eh it's been fun but I want to make somebody bleed.

    Kole takes his time getting up from commentary and rummaging through what's beneath the ring. He pulls out a sheet of glass. Satisfied, he goes over to the fallen four and props it up against the nearby barrier. Kole goes back over to the free side of the ring and looks for more things under the ring.

    Vlad and Zhanshi battle it out, blow after blow, until Vlad gains the upperhand. He grabs Zhanshi and whips him into the glass - Zhanshi reverses and Vlad goes skull first into it!

    Kole with another sheet of glass. Zhanshi helps himself to what's on the other side of the ring. He finds...a weed wacker!

    Adams pulls Annie by her hair and shoves her into the closest ringpost. Kole and Zhanshi charge one another, weed wacker loudly whirring. The force Zhanshi charging forward tugs Adams and makes her lurch into the ringpost herself. She hits the side of her head.

    Vlad is up and, with blood on his face, looks like a man possessed. Kole hits Zhanshi with the pane of glass, shards flying into the front few rows. The black belt crumples. Vlad finds the weed wacker and goes after the prone Annie. She crawls away from him in a frenzy. He turns the machine on, and lets the trimmer head inch closer and closer to Annie's hand. The string trimmer slices the back of the her fingers!

    Copeland: Good God! They're showing her no mercy.

    Cohen: The hacker is hacked to bits!

    Alice Adams finds the cast aside cutters and uses it on herself. Adams is free and immediately goes after Kole, who slides back in the ring. Adams is on the pursuit, but is brought down with Kole's Snap DDT. He uses what is left of the dangling chain she has hanging around her collar and grasps her back into a German Suplex. He holds onto it for the pin but she bats him off.

    Vlad attacks the still-dazed Zhanshi, using an over-the-shoulder judo throw.

    Kole uses a catch-and release German before rolling back outside of the ring. He explores the recesses of the ring again...and for the third time he discovers a sheet of glass. He slides it in, looks under the ring again, finds a table, and slides that in.

    Annie claws at Vlad's back and he hollers in pain.

    As Kole enters the squared circle, Adams is on the assault, stomping the living hell out of him. He writhes in agony while Adams sets the table up. For good measure, she places the glass on top of it.

    Connor: Don't remember seeing this construct before.

    Vlad lifts Annie off of her feet, but is met with a low blow by Zhanshi. Vlad falters, and the two kick him while he's down.

    Adams hoists Kole up to his feet and signals for the end. She gets her arm over his head and the fans expect a Private Show! Kole counters with a Spinebuster and it puts her through the table! Glass shatters and Kole pins her for the one...two... Annie, Vlad, and Zhanshi are back in to break the cover.

    Annie is still suffering from her torn up hand and sneakily backs out of the ring, and spots the box cutters. She reaches for it, but there's not enough slack in the chains with Zhanshi and Vlad still in the ring.

    A clearly pissed off Keith Kole is back on the outside and for the fifth time in the match he looks for something under the ring. He finds a baseball. He pitches it hard across the ring and it hits Annie in the back of the head. She's out cold. Kole looks under the ring again, and he finds a decorative skull. Shrugging, he told the crowd "This'll do" before making his way into the ring one more time.

    Connor: That skull is familiar.

    Cohen: Caught up on your Juggalo Deathmatch history, are ya?

    Vlad and Zhanshi are no longer fighting with the etiquette expected in a professional wrestling match. They are brawling with the basic primal frenzy of fists against faces. Zhanshi is busted open the hard way. Both men bled profusely as they tangle themselves in their chains.

    Kole clocks a near-standing Adams in the face with the skull. She drops like a bag of bricks and there's the pin. One...two...thrkickout! The crowd shows signs of life and Keith is confused. Vlad and Zhanshi scramble to attack Kole but the unconscious Annie from ringside keeps them in place. Kole takes a moment to survey the warzone, and a big shit-eating grin sprouts from his face. He snatches the skull and beats the piss out of the contorted Zhanshi and Vlad, crawls out of the ring, for good measure strikes Annie with it repeatedly, and then goes for the box cutters. He breaks the half-dead hacker from her bonds and lifts her onto his shoulder. He climbs the steel steps and dumps her in. Adams, with a last ditch effort, leaps over the ropes, latches onto Kole's head, and it's a Private Show to the outside! Now the fans are on their feet at the spectacle. Adams lands on her arm and screams in pain. Kole is out. Annie is out. Vlad is out. Zhanshi is barely breathing as he inches towards Annie.

    Alice sits up and sees Zhanshi. She roars to life, getting back on her feet, swaying badly towards the ropes. Zhanshi giving everything he has with the weight of Vlad still attached to him. Alice Adams slides inside the ring...and it's Adams who makes the cover. One...two...Zhanshi tries to break the count, but Vlad grabs hold of him before he can, completely in his own malicious world, unaware of the pin. Three.

    Anderson: Here is your winner...Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!!!

    Even as the bell rings, Vlad won't stop attacking Zhanshi, and personnel has to come in to try and break the two apart. Adams can barely stand as Katie Shepard raises her arm to signify victory.

    Connor: Mercy, there's blood everywhere.

    Copeland: Not even the Jaws Of Life can pry Vlad and Zhanshi apart. This is getting out of hand. Congrats to Alice Adams who pulled off the win in spectacular fashion.

    Cohen: Somebody oughta check on Annie.

    Cameras zoom in on the unmoving Annie Halloway before going to commercial break.

  7. #7
    Death By Retarded ABMorales787's Avatar

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    Titus is seen sitting alone in the corner of the catering room. He has his World Title on the table in front of him. Leon Kensworth takes a seat across from him just as two men in suits and sunglasses walk up.

    Leon: Why do you have sunglasses indoors?

    One of them men grabs Leon by the collar and leads him away.

    Agent Man #1: Titus Avison? We need to ask you some questions regarding your Visa status. Please come with us.

    The man makes Titus follow him to answer his questions as Titus and everyone else looks confused.


    Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall. This is a grudge match where the fans will decide the match we’ll have.

    Copeland: This match came about when Callie challenged Stetson to a match on Meltdown in Albuquerque.

    Cohen: She stole the man’s horse, Seabass.

    Connor: She even got PETA involved.

    Copeland: Callie’s no saint. I’m sure Stetson will come at her guns-a-blazin’. Pun not intended.

    The screen above the ring comes to life, as the fans are presented with three choices. A traditional match, a bull rope match, and a con rules match.

    Copeland: Can you image what’ll happen if fans choose the bull rope match?

    Cohen: Yeah, it’ll be over in about 30 seconds or however long it takes for Stetson to throw Callie over his shoulder and run to each corner.

    Connor: I think it’ll be a little harder than that, Jack.

    Harrys: The results are in…!

    Bull Rope Match – 18.18%

    Traditional Rules Match – 0%

    Falls Count Anywhere: Con Rules Match – 81.82%
    Harrys: This match will be a Falls Count Anywhere match! To be contested under con rules, the contestants will be dressed in the cosplay of their choosing. No hair pulling and no attacks to the face will be permitted.

    Callie struts out onto the stage as her music kicks in. She’s dressed as Marvel’s Carol Danvers. She pumps her fist into the air, striking a pose. She met with hostility as she walks down the ramp. She walks up the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope. She poses once more, awaiting her opponent in the center of the ring.

    Harrys: Introducing first from New York City, New York. She weighs in at 100 pounds even. She is a former Elite champion, please welcome Callie Clark!

    Copeland: Looks like Callie chose a cosplay from one of the more recent movies.

    Cohen: End Game has only been out for a few weeks, Seabass. I should spoil the ending to the movie right here.

    Connor: Please don’t, I don’t want to be trampled to death by a bunch of angry fans after you cause a riot.

    Her opponent, Stetson Hayes, appears on a large white horse on the top of the stage. Except this wasn’t a fairy tale and he was no prince. The horse might as well been a pale one because Stetson was bringing the apocalypse with him as he trotted down the ramp. He eyes the audience, mostly ignoring Callie, as he dismounts and hands the reigns over to an official. He climbs the steps and enters through the ropes. He takes off his cowboy hat, allowing everyone to get a glimpse at his makeup. For a moment no one understands who he’s supposed to be, but Callie does. Suddenly she begins to scream at him, demanding that he not be so disrespectful.

    Harrys: Introducing next, from Fort Worth, Texas. He weighs in tonight at 295 pounds. This is Stetson Hayes!

    Copeland: Who is he dressed as?

    Cohen: I think it’s the KFC guy, Seabass.

    Connor: You’re both idiots. It’s Stan Lee.

    Copeland and Cohen: Who?

    Hayes smiles. It’s clear that his attempt to throw Callie off her game a little has worked. The small blonde screeching at him in utter disgust begins to change the source of her anger. Instead of being mad at him for dressing up as Stan Lee, she begins to run down the quality of his costume. The cowboy looks flabbergasted as the referee checks them both. He calls for the bell….

    *Ding Ding Ding*

    The two competitors circle each other, both unsure how to make the first move. For Callie, she didn’t want to beat up a man dressed as one of her idols, crude as the cosplay was, he was still making a mockery of something she loved. Stetson just wanted to deck the bitch. But by god, he wanted to win this match. The two wrestlers tie up in the center and the big Texan traps Callie in a headlock. He applies pressure again her temple and really cranks in the pressure. The referee checks to make sure he isn’t straddling her nose. He’s good. Stetson takes her down to canvas and continues to increase the pressure. Callie rolls onto her stomach and starts to get to her knees, but finds she lacks the power to even budge the big man. She slowly gets back to a vertical base, punching Stetson in the stomach as hard as she can. Her blow mere anger the big man, and he buts her off with a knee to the gut. He clubs her in the back with his forearm sending her crashing down to the mat. He hoists her up and whips her into the turnbuckle. He follows that up with an avalanche in the corner, and Callie already looks out of it. Stetson grabs her by the hair and yells, “you demanded this!” The referee stops him and forces him to let go of her hair. The cowboy swears, now realizing that he can’t utilize his punches. What a pain this match was going to be. He grabs the smaller woman and launches her from the corner and halfway across the ring with a Biel throw. Callie hits the ground hard. She slowly gets to her feet as Hayes charges forward and plows her over with a huge shoulder tackle. The force of the impact sends her flying backwards as she hits the canvas hard. Woozy, she rolls out of the ring and plops onto the floor. Stetson plays to the crowd, who are clearly behind the big Texan here tonight.

    Copeland: What would be your strategy if you’re Callie going into a match like this, Jack? You can’t attack the face and the hair is off limits.

    Cohen: Get the big man to the ground and attack the legs and feet if I could.

    Connor: A sound strategy but would that really be needed in this case?

    Stetson lifts Callie to her feet doing his best not to grab her by the hair, but she stirs and hits him low! Hayes cries out in pain as his knees buckle. A sling blade keeps him on the floor. With a look of rage in her eyes she quickly begins looking under the ring for something. Callie pulls out a chair and whacks the big man across the back with it. She lifts it up and aims for his head, but thinks against it due to the rules. She continues to slam the chair across his back and aims for his legs as well. She drops the chair and covers Hayes. 1…2… but the cowboy kicks out. Callie looks stunned. She bites her lip in frustration. She reaches for the chair again and lifts it over her head once more. She starts to bring it down, but Stetson comes to life and rams her back first into the apron. He grabs her by the head and whips her face first into the turnbuckle post. The ref gives him a warning, but he holds up his hands. “I didn’t hit her in the face; the post did!” He grabs the smaller blond and whips her back first into the barricade. Stetson signals for the end. He grabs her head and sticks it between his legs. He lifts the smaller woman up and tries to powerbomb her onto the floor, but Callie counters with a hurricarana. She hesitates, unsure what to do yet. Throwing caution to the wind she uses her own body like a battering ram and tries to hit Stetson with a crossbody, but he catches her out of the air while still on his knees. He stands, still holding her in his arms, before bodyslamming her down onto the floor.

    Copeland: This match stip makes it difficult since the head is off limits. Stetson has received two warnings so far.

    Cohen: This is what the fans wanted; I suppose.

    Connor: Stetson has such an overwhelming advantage in power that he could feasibly end this contest any time he wants. Most of Callie’s offense does involve striking the head.

    Stetson begins to clear the Spanish announcers table. He has bad intentions with Callie’s name written all over them. He turns his attention towards the blonde and positions her for another powerbomb. He lifts her up and walks her over to the table. He locks his arms around her waist and attempts to slam her down, but she tries to save herself by pouring oil into his eyes, blinding him. Everyone looks shocked. The fans and the announcers. She smiles. Under the ring, while she was looking for a weapon, she found a bottle of lubricate oil and stuck it inside her tights. It didn’t appear to be anything but spit from the officials standpoint, so he hadn’t noticed it. The referee wipes Hayes eyes clean, but they still burn, and his vision is blurry. The official restarts the match. The two are still on the outside of the ring. Callie charges forward and hits a dropkick to the knee. Another sling blade has Stetson down. Callie retrieves the chair she used earlier. She uses it like a battering ram and jams it into the back of the cowboy’s other leg. She hits Stetson over and over with the chair, doing everything she can to wear the big man down. She eyes the table that he cleared earlier. She curses, knowing that she didn’t have the strength to pull him to his feet and set him on it. She sighs and rolls back inside the ring. She climbs to the top turnbuckle, deciding now to be the best time to go high risk. She eyes Stetson’s position and flies, coming off the top with a Spiral Tap. She spins in the air numerous times, her body landing on top of his on the outside with a thud. The impact looks to have hurt her just as much. In pain, Callie collapses on top of her opponent as the referee counts: 1…2… but it’s not enough! Both competitors are down.

    Copeland: What a dastardly move by Callie, squirting oil into Stetson’s eyes.

    Cohen: Even I didn’t see that one coming. That’s a new trick in my book.

    Connor: Doesn’t seem to have paid off, as Stetson’s not down for the count, even after that Spiral Tap.

    Callie’s the first to stir. She tries to hoist Hayes to his feet, but he grabs her and promptly powerbombs her through the announce table. He wipes his face with his hands, still trying to get the burning sensation out of his eyes. Hat was that? Did it have alcohol in it? He falls on top of Callie beneath the crumbled pieces of plastic and wood as the official counts: 1…2… but she kicks out. Stetson curses. He wants to punch something. Punch someone. Punch her. But he can’t. He slams his fist onto the floor in frustration. He knows what’ll end this. He stands and gathers the smaller woman into his arms. He turns and drives her back first against the turnbuckle post. Callie cries in pain as Hayes eyes her with almost a look of pity. He picks her up again and begins to carry her around the ring and up the ramp. He drops her down onto the stage close to the edge. He looks down at all the electrical equipment set up on tables some ten feet below them. Underneath that was unforgiving concrete. He kicks her the gut and positions her head between his legs. The crowd is going crazy. They know the plan now. He lifts her up, but Callie counters and hits a DDT onto the steel stage! Hayes looks to be out cold. Instead of covering him, she waits. She eyes him like a wild animal staking its prey. A feral dog on the hunt. Stetson slowly gets back to a vertical base, not really sure how he was able to slip up so badly. Callie doesn’t wait for him to turn or even fully right himself, she charges immediately. She runs as fast as she can, building up as much speed as possible. Her tiny body likely to bounce right off his enormous frame. There is no time to react. No time to prepare. No time to think about the next move. No time to think about wins or losses. Friends or family. No time to pray. Only the edge of the stage awaits. Underneath that was hell.

    Copeland: Stetson tried to powerbomb Callie off the stage!

    Cohen: Is he trying to kill the girl? This isn’t a deathmatch.

    Connor: There’s nothing but electrical equipment down there.

    Callie rams into Stetson with all of her might, knocking the big Texan off guard. In slow motion, like a giant oak tree, he falls. Taking her with him, they both fall into oblivion together. His body hits the row of tables first. Hers hits a fraction of a second later, bouncing off of his frame and rolling off. Sparks fly and explosions flash as smoke billows up from the tables they crashed into. Their bodies are tangled in a mess of plastic, steel, and wires. The crowd gasps. Almost immediately the arena goes silent. The official runs down to check on both. The camera pans showing both wrestlers down. Neither are moving. There’s no cover either. Stetson’s body hit much harder going straight through the equipment and down to the concrete floor. Callie’s body lay just above his, her leg crossing his. Both are out cold. The official inspects the damage and calls for the bell.

    Harrys: I have been informed that because neither competitor can continue, this match will be ruled a draw.

    Copeland: Oh my god, someone get some help down their now!

    Cohen: Honestly, I don’t think this match could have ended any other way. Kinda ironic watching Captain Marvel take out her own creator though.

    Connor: You’re not helping, Jack.

    More officials and medical arrive as they pull Stetson and Callie from the rubble. The crowd gives both warriors a standing ovation for their efforts. The cowboy recovers enough to sit up. He eyes his fallen opponent. There was no winner here, only two losers. Callie sits up and stares at the medical team. She refuses medical attention and tries to leave under her own power, but fails. Hayes smirks as he gets to a vertical base. He proceeds to walks away leaving Callie and the carnage behind. He muses that’s a small victory he can gloat about later.


    We see Titus re-enter the locker room area. He sits down rather quietly.

    Titus: Well that was weird.


    A cold, dim church. The somberness of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata creeps out. A single illuminated figure plays the tune, sat at a grand piano. Their fingers work feverishly to keep pace with the Ludwig Van’s work. We catch glimpses of their face; unmistakably male, white, older, graying brown hair, drooped slightly over their face.

    As the music persists, we begin to hear sound bites of memories long since confined to the annals of history. Images shine in projected form. They are cast in a sepia stained golden form. They are almost ethereal. Alliances are formed and broken. Championships won and lost. Love blossoming. Blood spilt. Glory earned. These are all to the sounds of WZCW’s narrators, Jack Cohen, Cat Connors, Sebastian Copeland, all telling of the horror and the ecstasy. They bleed together to form a grand but practically intelligible tapestry.

    Finally the player ceases. The golden hue dies, fading slowly. Darkness… but then a clear voice emerges…

    Always and forever remember: Aristocracy Reigns!

    A single spotlight bursts into life. The player begins a new tune…

    After those first iconic chords, the camera cuts to an intense close-up of the player’s face. Staring dead into the camera is one Steven Holmes, “The Elite”. His hair is still swinging by his face, his eyes piercing the soul of the viewer. His lips turn upwards to that old familiar, yet still sinister, smile.

    Holmes: I’m back.

    Swiftly he resumes playing; the repetition of the opening. The feed cuts, the sound still ringing out as we return to the arena…
    Last edited by Lee; 05-27-2019 at 03:55 AM.

  8. #8
    G-Mod Lee's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Likes (Given)
    Likes (Received)
    Spidey - 5 person match
    Lee - Flex v Vega
    Echelon - Callie v Hayes
    Matrix - Stormrage v Tastic
    Yaz - Titus v Kagura, segments
    Killjoy - Black v Xander, segments

    We would also like to wish good luck and good bye to Echelon who is stepping down from WZCW creative. He'll still be in the fed but life is getting busy. Through the 12 years of the fed he's been on and off creative and his input has been great. Thanks.

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