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Thread: The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery: Blood Money

  1. #11
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Stetson, Act I

    Act 1: The Intervention

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    The Intervention

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  3. #12
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Stetson, Act II

    Act 2: The Interstate

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    The Interstate

  4. #13
    Senior Member Spidey's Avatar
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    Stetson, Act III

    Act 3: The Interpersonal

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    The Interpersonal

    I must win for rasslin' itself!

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    WZCW in association with NBC Jive Present: â??The Curious Cornerâ? with Flex Mussel.

    Flex: Hello everyone!

    The former World champion can be seen sitting on stage in the auditorium of Flex Fitness Headquarters. On either side of him comfortably seated is Svetlana and Wasabi Toyota. Crowds of employees, interviewers, fans, and curious onlookers fill out the rest of the auditorium as the King of FlexAmerica begins to speak again.

    Flex: Today weâ??re going to do something a little different. Usually following an important WZCW PPV there is a â??State of the Flex Addressâ? where I make a declaration and my lovely subjects ask timely questions. And I know pressing thoughts must be on your minds such as: â??How did our hero Flex so courageously defeat Vega in a victory for his entire nation?â? or â??What will Flex do now that he seemingly back on track after a rough couple of weeksâ? and even better yet â??Will Flex Mussel enter â??The Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery?â?. Well that one I can answer for you, and thatâ??s a certified GUARAN-DAMN-TEE FLEX MUSSEL will be in the Lethal Lottery!

    A couple dozen employees and some fanboys in the back deliver some sparce cheers for the King. He isnâ??t very impressed, but he moves forward anyway.

    Flex: While thatâ??s all good and well I think there are much more important questions that need to be asked, such as: How can there be a Lethal Lottery when WZCW currently has a roster that struggles to fill two shows?

    The crowd has no response to this question, but their interest has been piqued.

    Flex: I can tell you as one of the veterans in this company, WZCW has seen better days. I mean think about it guys, thereâ??s a reason weâ??ve skipped the roulette round and gone straight into the Lethal Lottery. Just as thereâ??s a reason why the WZCW World title is up for grabs for anyone and EVERYONE.

    The crowd begins to converse between themselves as the King realizes he has their attention.

    Flex: I mean letâ??s look at the last time a Lethal Lottery was contested for the World title. We had an absentee champion, a much healthier and competitive roster, and yet somehow at the time Matt Tastic winning the whole thing was a breath of fresh air. But while things may change, others stay the same, and that stale formulaic pattern is what has made the World title become so devalued the company is now begging anyone and EVERYONE to come off the street and possibly luck their way into the most richest prize in all of wrestling. But I digress, let me ask the fine public this: Do you any of you know about the World title curse?

    Hands in the crowd dart up immediately, all of them looking to answer Flexâ??s question. The King stands from his seat and looks to pick out one of the hands to answer, but at the very last second continues on.

    Flex: The world title curse is that no one has been able to successfully defend it sinceâ?¦.since Justin Cooper successfully defeated me.

    The King noticeably becomes silent. Svetlana stands up to comfort him, he waves her off as he gets back on the mic.

    Flex: Fear not my loyal subjects, for that Flex did not have the strength of FlexAmerica behind him. And from there holders of the championship such as Constantine, Eve Taylor, Tyrone Blades, Titus, and even yours truly all succumbed to the pressure of the World title curse. But there is one victim that I think is the most important: And thatâ??s Kagura Kojima.

    Half the crowd is confused by the last name while others continue to listen on intently.

    Wasabi: I donâ??t think sheâ??s called that anymore man.

    Svetlana: I donâ??t recall that being one of her last names at all.

    Flex: Interesting, must have had Death Stranding on the mind, regardless of whatever last name she picks this week, Kagura is currently the WZCW World champion. Winning it at our most recent event, and is now forced to defend it in the Lethal Lottery just a round later. But this is no coincidence, as Kagura has been World champion before, where she won it just a round before defending it at the Lethal Lottery, where she lost it. Anybody seeing a pattern?

    The bodybuilder then motions to someone off stage as a large poster falls from the raptors stating: â??KAGURA PUBLIC ENEMY #1â?.

    Flex: This is Kaguraâ??s match to lose, because while last time she lost the prize while contesting with a raving anime weeb and an overrated model, this time the entire company is gunning for you all at once Kagura. Statistically, the odds just arenâ??t looking good. But something tells me you and your people know the math better than I do.

    The King lets out a chuckle before exiting the stage and entering the crowd.

    Flex: But thatâ??s the obvious, Iâ??d like to hear the unexpected from the very people here!

    The crowd becomes lively as the King begins searching for people to ask questions. The moniseur of muscle eventually settles on a fan desperate for attention.

    Flex: Who would you like to see win the Lethal Lottery?

    Fan #1: Titus, heâ??s my fave.

    Flex: Oh Iâ??m sure heâ??d like that too, so he can continue to hold down young deserving talent such as myself! Next answer.

    The King brushes past the fan and positions the mic in front of the face of a reporter.

    Reporter: Iâ??d be interested in a Steven Holmes victory.

    Flex: What?! He doesnâ??t work here anymore.

    Wasabi: Nah heâ??s back man, and heâ??s entered the match.

    Flex: Well I hope he brings Celeste Crimson with him because heâ??s going to need a lot more than whatever is across the pond to beat FlexAmerica! Next answer.

    The King then walks over to another eager fan.

    Fan #2: Chris K.O.! Chris K.O.! Chris K.O.!

    Flex: I donâ??t know who that is. Next answer.

    The bodybuilder scans through the audience to see a fan with Flexâ??s face on his shirt. He makes a beeline to him.

    Flex: How about you good sir?

    Fan #3: I think itâ??d be interesting to see Ramparte return.

    Flex looks down at the fans shirt to see that is Cerberus themed. The King immediately loses interest as he motions for security to remove the fan.

    Flex: Well is there anyone else with a guess-

    ???: How about Keith Kole?!

    The King turns around to see his former protege Keith Kole behind him, alongside is fellow WZCW competitor Alice Adams, whom Flex recently tangled with.

    Flex: Wasabi! On guard!

    The bodyguard struggles to get through the crowd of people but eventually makes it to Flexâ??s side as they ready for battle.

    Keith: Relax, this isnâ??t an ambush.

    Flex: Then whatâ??s your business here traitor?

    Keith: I didnâ??t betray you.

    Flex: You left. Just as bad.

    Keith: Because you were unfocused and leading your great people astray, I can see that this has now changed.

    Flex: So now you want back in the fold?

    Keith: I come with gifts, and with allies.

    Keith hands Wasabi the complete HD collection of â??Friendsâ?.

    Wasabi: Finally, with bonus commentary and extras.

    Alice: I am the new ally cutie.

    Flex: Just a few weeks ago we were at odds.

    Alice: That was then and this is now honey, and I want to be on the winning team.

    Keith: If you plan to win the Lethal Lottery you will need help Flex.

    The King ponders the offer, and ultimately accepts.

    Flex: You do bring up a good point, and Alice was a formidable opponent. I welcome you two in FlexAmerica!

    The group embraces, and joins Svetlana back on the stage.

    Flex: Now this is how you do proper border control, letâ??s welcome Keith Kole and Alice Adams to FlexAmerica!

    The crowd begins to clap for the wrestlers but it short lived as Flex cuts them off.

    Flex: Enough, I wasnâ??t finished with the corner. Because my curiosity will not stop. Before I kept going, smashing through the roster with great force and immense power. But now, now I want to think, now I want all of you to think. And I want you all to question what is around you. Do not become sheep flocking to the next trend. You may cheer for returning superstars, you may rally behind a young upstart, rookie, or underdog who may look to win it all, but you all know in the back of your minds that this may be the last Lethal Lottery this company ever has.

    A silence befalls the crowd as they ponder the weight of the statement.

    Flex: With that in mind do you want another selfish legacy act with nothing else to offer this company winning the entire thing once again? Do you want to waste this historic moment on some part timer who hasnâ??t been with WZCW while things have been rough? Do you trust the future of wrestling with an untested rookie who isnâ??t worthy? Then you know what the only logical option is, and thatâ??s the FlexAmerican option! I am just as worthy as any veteran in this company but the one thing I have not done is win the Lethal Lottery and go on to main event Kingdom Come. Iâ??ve wanted this moment since I first laid my eyes upon WZCW programming. I am going to outlast every other competitor, and reclaim what I never should have lost, the WZCW World title, and I will break the curse that haunts this championship! And I will save WZCW from the life support that it has been on for so long! But not for my interests, for well-being of the great citizens of FlexAmerica!

    Employees and fanboys cheer on as reporters and onlookers begin to exit the auditorium. The FlexAmerican stable joins hands and raises their arms in celebrationof the decree.


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    The scene opens to Just Carl sitting on a bench in an airport, about to fly out Saudi Arabia for Lethal Lottery. Carlâ??s first match in the company would be for the World Title. He knew it wouldnâ??t be easy, but he was going to give it his all. Carl pulled out his phone and began recording himself.

    â??Well, here we areâ?¦ about to hop on a plane and fly to Saudi Arabia for Lethal Lottery, the winner of this prestigious match gets bragging rights, as well as the WZCW World Championship. Itâ??s sink or swim with no land inside and the sharks biting at your heels. I intend to swim as fast as I can and I will find land. â??

    He pauses for a moment, watching a family as they pass by him.

    â??Kagura Ohzora, our current world champion. You are an especially deadly shark. Your striking is some of the best Iâ??ve ever seen, your quickness, your agilityâ?¦ they are uncanny. You fought your butt off to win that championship and you are going to fight your butt off to retain itâ?¦ and I respect that. I look forward to facing you most of all in this match, to facing the best in the business right now. Iâ??ve watched as many tapes on you that I could find, I know that if you hit Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami, thatâ??s it. And so Iâ??ve been studying, trying to predict when you might hit it based on cues from previous matchesâ?¦ But youâ??re not the only person to worry about.â?

    He shakes his head, before beginning again.

    Titus, the hungry former champ is going to want his title back more than anything. I fully expect him to rush into this match when his number is called and tear it down. Tit Drops for everyone. The man who won Lethal Lottery II shouldnâ??t be looked down on, no if anyone was going to pull out all the stops and win this match Iâ??m sure Titus would be that man.

    But there are also going to be Hall Of Famers Iâ??d imagine, Mikey Stormrage, Matt Tastic, Steven Holmsâ?¦ and on the other spectrum there are people only slightly newer than myself like Stetson Hayes. This match has all the makings of being a true slobberknocker and I know I am literally no oneâ??s â??favoriteâ?? to win, and I can respect that. I am a nobody who has done nothing of note in this company, and most fans probably couldnâ??t even pick me out of a lineup.â?

    Carl smiles, pauses a moment and then continues.

    â??I like to think I work best when Iâ??m the underdog, and I know thatâ??s a cliche thing to say and I can accept that most will probably just laugh me off. â??Heh, look at the new guy!â??, but I plan on proving myself in that ring. The goal is always to win but if I can prove myself and show that I belong, then flying home without the world title might not sting as bad.

    Iâ??m not the biggest, the strongest, the fastest, the most flashy. But I donâ??t need to be. I am Just Carl, and at Lethal Lottery, Itâ??s just business in that ringâ?

    Carl turns off the camera before emailing the video to WZCW. He smiles and as if on cue, the loud speakers call for his flight. He smiles and heads that way.


    Just Carl is sitting in his airplane seat, he got stuck with a window seat but he doesnâ??t mind. Not a lot of room but the view is nice and the wall is cozy enough. The person next to him appears to be a businessman, least heâ??s wearing a business suit. The man snores loudly but Carl doesnâ??t mind. He just watches the world from the window, he can see the airport coming into view and a smile appears on his face. The airplane lands smoothly and Carl retrieves his belongings and exits to find a pretty crowded area. Carl retrieves a map, hails a taxi and is on his way to the hotel.

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    The following message is not endorsed by, nor does it reflect the opinions or position in any way of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer alone. WrestleZone Championship Wrestling accepts no responsibility regarding the reaction to the contents of this article. All queries and complaints should be sent directly to at the request of the author of the article.

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    I love wrestling.

    I've loved wrestling ever since I was a boy. There's a pretty well told story about me sitting up with my dad to watch Headlock Pro Wrestling as a kid, watching all my favorites, including a guy by the name of Oscar Sanchez. Man, he was the business. Ahead of his time, exciting to watch and always put on a show for the people. Until one night, he got it wrong. He dived off of the turnbuckle for a headbutt; a move he'd hit a thousand times. And he left the arena on a stretcher, paralyzed. My earliest wrestling memory is of my favorite performer losing the ability to use his fucking legs.

    And people wonder why I'm kinda fucked up???

    But, shit happens. We all know it. We all accept that when we step between those ropes, anything can happen. Good and bad. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that because it is a choice. Our choice.

    Another well-known story is of my childhood. I drank. I smoked. I shot myself full of shit to make me feel good, and alongside me was Abi. Those who've followed my career the longest know that story. Use whatever cliché you want; we were kindred spirits, star crossed lovers, soulmates, yada yada ya. The point is, we were a we. A team. We stuck together, drank together, got high together; you name it, we did it by each others side.

    Then the shit we kept putting in our bodies killed her.

    I blamed myself for years. Years. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I didn't any more. Part of me will always feel responsible for not being the one to help her see what she was doing to herself. But I was too busy doing it next to her.

    One overdose later, I woke up. I felt my purpose, and I took off for the nearest wrestling school and, the rest as they say is history.

    I came to this company because it felt like the next step. I wasn't ready. I sure as hell didn't feel it. But the truth is you never are ready; you have to earn that by reacting. And, if you look back, I sucked. BAD. But I learned, every time I went out there, with every step I took, I learned more and more and eventually became Elite X Champion. One of my proudest achievements. But it was labelled as a fluke. Maybe it was. But the cheers from you are something that will live with me for the rest of my days. As are those of my winning the Eurasian Championship. I pinned Mason Westhoff and Rush, and the feeling I had was unlike anything else I could describe. Almost at least. There was one sure fire way to describe it.

    Not a fluke.

    But that was the last time I tasted gold. Fast forward to now, and here I am, still looking for the shot I deserve. Or at least, that I believe I do. And I do; I feel I've done more than enough to earn that right but that is not a decision I get to make. Maybe that's for the best.
    So, why the walk down memory lane? Why bore you with Wikipedia facts you could have searched for yourself?

    Because I have to be honest with you. And the truth...


    ... that Xander Knight has not lived up to his potential.

    I know, I know. I've heard the podcasts, I've read the blogs and reviews. This isn't the biggest revelation ever. But it's true. It's truer that I would ever care to admit. Its hard for me to type, but it's true. And I wish it weren't. I wish I were sitting here and gushing to you all about my three World title wins, winning the King for a Day, coming out on top in a couple of hotly contested Lethal Lotterys but, sadly that isn't the case. And its not the case for a reason.

    I have not been good enough.

    And I owe an apology to you; the fans for that. This may seem out of character for me, but I have not met the standard a WZCW superstar should be hitting; especially one with the potential everyone touted me as having. I know, that sounds bigheaded, but y'all know I'm an arrogant son of a bitch.

    I owe an apology for the times I've had opportunities and squandered them. I've had the chance to be number one contender, the chance to be the champion, numerous times, and every time I've blamed someone else. Be it the referee, outside interference, my opponent, or you. The fans. You, who pay your hard earned money to see superheroes like us on your television screens or in person in the arena. I've blamed you for my mistakes and honestly that wasn't fair. And I am sorry for that.

    I am sorry. More than words can say.

    I am sorry because...

    ...because I never did more to shove your pathetic words down your sorry throats.

    You think you deserve a genuine apology from me??

    Fuck you.

    Who the hell do you think you are? You're nobody. Just some whiny little scumbag who'd never have the balls to get into a real fight. Instead you sit at home, you watch people like me get in that ring and get beat the fuck up, while I'm busy beating someone else the fuck up. Because that's what happens in this ring.

    I'm sorry if you feel I've missed my potential. I am. But fuck you for thinking your opinion is something I should listen to. This is my life. My career. My show. I do shit my way, and that ain't about to change. Especially for you.

    At Greatest Grandest Lethal Lottery, I have a chance to become an immortal of the wrestling world. I have a chance to become one of the greats. I have the opportunity that none of you ever will have. So before I even step in that ring, I've already beaten you without landing a single punch. Suck it. And when I walk out of there as your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, I'll have beaten you so hard I'll have ended the game.

    This is the truth of the career of Xander Knight. While you've all sat there cheering for the Showtimes and the Titus's and the Blades' and the Constantines, you despise the fact that you can't boo me out of existence. And that for all of your cheers, your favorite sons can't put me away. Because they can't. I'm always here, and you can't get rid of me.

    I've gone past the point of wanting to win. I exist to win. I need it. The need is what drives me forward, and as long as you are all there to witness my rise, I will never stop. And you will never stop watching because you are predictable sheep. And you will follow whatever false shepherd ushers you along. I am not that shepherd. To you, I am nothing, but after the Lottery, I will be what you fear the most; your World Champion. And you will have no choice but to witness the rise of my greatness.

    Click for Spoiler:
    The video link comes alive immediately, to show a darkened room. A spotlight slowly fades in, highlighting a Championship belt atop a stool. The WZCW World Championship, no less. For a moment, the belt is the only thing in view, before the spotlight extends out, revealing the floor is covered on t-shirts. Ty Burna, Showtime, Titus, Big Dave, Everest, Ricky Runn, Austin Reynolds; you name it, the names were there. Including several with a certain Triple X adorned to them.

    From the darkess, stepping forward into the light is Xander, decked out in his wrestling gear, smiling with a pen in hand. He raises the pen, writing along the camera lens, before looking down the lens as if to peer into the souls of those watching.

    'Because every other option you will have...will fade. Away.'

    Xander smiles again, raising his other hand. He flicks his thumb and it becomes plain to see that he is holding a lighter. He walks out of shot, with a few seconds of sheer quiet going by, before the glow of the flame can be seen in the Championships main plate. The flames roll on into view, enveloping the shirts that cover the ground one by one. They burn, then spread, then burn, then spread. Soon, the floor is a carpet of fire surrounding the championship; the only thing left standing in the room.

    The video fades to black, before returning with the words Xander carelessly slapped on the lens now inverted for all to read.

    Your Next World Champion,

    Xander Knight

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    Keith Kole was seen leaving the FlexAmerican HQ, having finished explaining his actions to Flex. Traitor? Ha, little did Flex realize how much Keith had done to ensure Flex America ran smoothly while the King was off rediscovering his savagery.

    Kole: I didn't even get to show him my new pin, or tell him about the promotion I gave myself in his absence!

    Kole looked down at his Game of Thrones Hand of the King replica pin on his shirt, before shrugging it off and heading to his car. To his surprise, Alice Adams wasn't waiting for him. The two had came together so Kole had assumed they would leave together too...

    Kole notices a note on the windshield and goes to see what it says.

    Dear Keithie Kole,
    I'm so sorry I had to disappear on you like this, but I totally forgot that I had a hair appointment and, we'll sweetie you know I must maintain my top notch beauty.
    Anywho, thanks for introducing me to Flex and opening the door to working as a group. Maybe I'll see you in Jeddah? Maybe if the numbers add up, you might get to get a handful of me during the lottery haha
    Sincerely, Alice XOXO

    Kole laughs as he finishes reading the note, getting into the car and starting it up.

    Kole: She sure likes to play hard to get, we all know she needs Kole Daddy in her bed and her life haha!

    Kole heads out of the parking lot and back towards his hotel. His flight to Saudi Arabia leaves tomorrow. Kole wanted to get there early to get acclimated to the weather. Heat could play a big factor in his pursuit for gold, especially if he draws a low number.

    One Week Until Lethal Lottery
    Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Kole had been here for a day now, and the heat was similar to what he experienced growing up in the deserts of San Diego. Kole hoped his experience in the heat would help. Kole had been doing nothing but training and working out, making sure to stay well hydrated. Kole also took advantage of the fact not many of the other roster members had arrived yet, so in between his workout regimen, he would try to get time with some of WZCWs production staff, paying close attention to how things were being set up. If he could maybe he would try to flirt with Becky Serra, see if he can't guarantee a late entry into the lottery....not that it mattered what number he drew.

    Kole: With all the names already announced for this match, nobody is talking about Keith Kole winning. No big deal, why should they? That's fine though. With all the focus on people like Titus, Chris K.O., Kagura and the like, I'll have a prime opportunity to cement my name in the WZCW history books. It's not about skill in these types ofmatches. It's about luck. What number did you get? How many people are waiting in the ring? How many MIGHT be an ally for a bit?

    Kole finished his rant to himself and headed back to the hotel. Soon Kole would get his chance at being the heavyweight champion. He was already well on the way to securing the girl, he had the power within Flex America all he needed now was some gold around his waist.

    Kole: Soon. Soon we find out how my luck turns out. If I have my way it'll be glorious. For myself and FlexAmerica.

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    Sell out.
    Sell out!
    Sell out?

    Sell out crowd for sell out wrestler.

    Thing is, Black saw a lot of himself in the situation

    Saudi Arabia, unquestionably of dubious morals by western standards, but the reality wasn’t so simple. The thing is and the thing was and the thing forever had been that the status quo is a sum total product of everything that had happened before. Saudi Arabia had dubious morals, and I’m sure that many people would say the same of Black, but the fact that was true, was that Saudi Arabia was trying to change for the better. In the last year, women could drive, cinemas had opened. Small measures but changes for the better. What had the west done? Brexit? Trump? The Deep South vs Women’s Rights. Look, Saudi was in a worse state, but it was on the path to righteousness, no matter how slow the progress.

    The social expectations of Saudi Arabia were clear. There was a moral code of ethics, and sure, they were draconian, but they were consistent. Black saw a lot of himself in that too. He saw a country unbound by expectations from the outside and unconstrained in its desires. A country that lived by its own rules no matter how idiosyncratic they appeared to be. Black was that too. He knew what he thought was right and he followed it, and made sure that anyone in his presence followed it too.

    And what else? Saudi Arabia was full of oil, but nobody truly knew how much, much in the same way that Garth Black was full of every tangible and intangible skill that a wrestler could ever want, but he kept it bubbling under the surface, much like the crude oil in the Arabic kingdom.

    It was a pillar of Islam that Mecca in Saudi Arabia was to be visited during the fans life and in the same way, it was a pillar of professional wrestling fandom to go and see Garth Black before you stopped watching the show.

    And another thing…errr…well there’s sand and sand doesn’t dissolve, just like Black doesn’t dissolve when he’s under pressure…

    I’m trying my hardest, readers, I really am. But I have absolutely no motivation for this. Not only do I resent having to be here without any real direction, but I resent having to be here full stop.

    I’m trying my hardest not to be a contrarian but I don’t know, I’ve moved passed that now, but it just doesn’t seem right to be here without any build or really without any rhyme or reason. I’m a champion and a representative of the company and I’m going to give it my best, but I’m not really interested in it.

    It’s easy enough to make light of hosting a show somewhere like this, but I’ve spent a lot of time in the Middle East and I don’t know if anyone really appreciates that this company or any other going here really isn’t much of a laughing matter.

    It feels like the only reason we are here is the punchline to a joke that the people telling don’t really get. I’ll go out there and I’ll give it my all, but I do so reluctantly, knowing that I’ve sat here trying to articulate these ideas for hours and then trying to make the best of it.

    The truth be told, this is the best of it and the deeper truth be told that I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fact that I felt the company needed me to be. I have a stag do to go to this weekend, and frankly I’d rather be here than there. The fans deserve a show and the company deserves to have one, and I’ve no doubt will pull it off.

    The pinnacle of my career, the apex of all my hopes and aspirations is to hold the WZCW Championship again, but I think winning like this would be hollow. I don’t think we should be here. I don’t think I want this audience to cheer for me, but I can be safe in the knowledge that press censorship means they’ll never get to hear that knowledge.

    This is Garth Black, in Saudi Arabia in body, if not in spirit, wishing all the people who have enjoyed my character twist and developments over the last year the very best of wishes. Tonight is not for you, it’s not for me, it’s for people that appreciate nothing of any of this.

    So I’ll go out, and I’ll stare down the past, present and future of this company, but no sooner than my two feet touch the floor or, more likely, my hand is raised in victory, I’ll be on a flight home. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you.

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    The scene opened to an empty wrestling ring surrounded by a sea of empty chairs. Itâ??s dark. Everythingâ??s black. No signs of life can be seen or heard here just yet. Soon the roar of tens of thousands would fill this place. The air stood still. The blistering heat from the desert outside would soon corrupt this squared circle, turning it into a torture chamber of unrivaled magnitude. The silence was cut by the sound of soft laughter. The demented feminine giggling started low, before quickly building into a crescendo. The cacophony of raucous noise falling on deaf ears. A single spotlight shone onto the mat, revealing the WZCW world title.

    The lights cut out as static flickered onto the huge tron above the stage. A devilish looking kabuki mask appeared on the screen. Falling to the floor like a flower petal, the mask hit the ground with the dull thud. The feed stopped. The spotlight reappeared revealing Kagura kneeling in the center of the ring. Her red and black face paint contorting as she smirks. Reaching down, she grabbed the title belt and stood, flinging it over her shoulder. She gazed around the arena at all the empty seats. She sneered.

    â??So this is Jeddah,â? she scoffed in Japanese.

    â??Iâ??m not impressed. The company has lost their goddamn minds, trading their souls in for some blood oil money. I was even told that Iâ??m privileged to work here because of my gender. Fuck that shit. These Saudi bastards are the ones that should feel privileged to see me! I was going to skip this event because I had no opponent, but Chuck Myles forced me to post a bond for the title. The last thing I wanted was a lawsuit, so fuck it. Iâ??m here now.â?

    She stared up into the rafters as the spotlight disappeared. In its place rose the house lights, bathing the entire stadium in a soft warm glow.

    â??Now doesnâ??t this feel nostalgic. Wasnâ??t I the newly crowned world champion heading into the Lethal Lottery last year? Wasnâ??t the deck completely stacked against me then too, practically guaranteeing me no chance of victory? Yeah, I remember, but I donâ??t care about that. This is the present, not the past. So whatâ??s different about this time around? Why, I have ten times the amount of opponents to contend with now.â?

    Kagura had to applaud good old Chuck on that marvelous decision.

    â??I have a great idea!â? she spat in a mocking tone, doing her best impression of her asshole boss.

    â??Lets all go to the hottest goddamn place on Earth and put on the greatest Lethal Lottery the world has ever seen! We can drag out dinosaurs that the fans havenâ??t cared about in years to fill out the ranks. The world titleâ??ll be on the line. Itâ??ll be great!â?

    She growled, â??I am going to dropkick that old wrinkled shit after this is over.â?

    â??The difference between last year and now, is that back then I had little confidence in myself. The world title had been the prize that I had sought and fought tooth and nail to get for so long that I crumbled under the pressure. Yeah, I admit that I wasnâ??t ready to carry the company just yet. Now things are different. I compare my journey from winning King-for-A-Day to this recent one of winning Gold Rush, and they were exactly the same. I had no confidence in myself after beating Xander because in my mind I was convinced he was the better man that night. Then something in me just broke. I was tired of being the punching bag, tired of being the laughingstock, and tired of being the failure. Last year I had a massive target etched on my back and I couldnâ??t hack it. This year thoughâ?¦â?

    A new spotlight reflecting a target shooting signal shone down onto the canvas covering Kagura. She took the belt and held it in front of her.

    â??This is what everyone wants, right? The top prize. The holy grail. The career definer. The ultimate ticket to fame, and Iâ??m the one standing in everyoneâ??s way.â?

    She laughed, â??Like I give a damn. None of you peons have the capacity to take this from me anyways, so why so I be worried? If a career failure like me managed to make it to the top twice, then what does that make the rest of you that havenâ??t? Garbage is what you are, the entire lot of you! None of you deserve to share the same ring as me. Youâ??re all here to grab a quick paycheck and go on home until the road to Kingdom Come starts.â?

    She shook her head in disgust, â??And before anyone points the finger at me because Iâ??m here to, I was forced to be here. The title was going to be on the line no matter what. So instead of risking the lawsuit and being stripped of my title, I showed up to defend as champion to give you all someone to target while bodies are being hurled out of the ring left and right.â?

    Kagura dropped the title onto the ground. She took a step back as the camera zoomed in on the ten pounds of gold. The gems glittering, as the light reflected off her freshly minted name plate.

    â??The prize is right here and Iâ??m the mountain that must be conquered. I must sound pretty arrogant from where Iâ??m standing, but in my opinion, I have a right to be conceited when I worked my ass off to win this in the first place. Donâ??t think Iâ??ve become complacent. Iâ??m prepared to defend this belt by any means necessary. Ever since it became evident that the title would be on the line with or without a defending champion, Iâ??ve done nothing but prepare myself for this. So spare me your taunts and your jeers. Donâ??t puff out your chest at me, and make a bunch of empty claims to pump up your little egos.â?

    She narrowed her eyes as the camera zooms in on her face, â??Hereâ??s a spoiler: Iâ??m winning the Lethal Lottery this year and Iâ??m taking MY belt, and Iâ??ll be the headlining Kingdome Come. The last person that I throw out of the ring, the runner up loser, can come challenge me then. This match is going to be a clusterfuck. I know all of you are thinking the same thing, that youâ??re going to outlast everyone and win the belt. Itâ??s not that simple. Any past Lottery winner will tell you itâ??s not that simple. Put 30 blowhards into the same ring and theyâ??ll eat each other alive. I bet no one even notices me because everyone will be too busy trying to kill each other. I sit back, I pick my spots, and my odds of winning increase the longer the match goes.â?

    The lights disappear leaving the ring in darkness once again. Red lasers shining from the rafters take aim at Kaguraâ??s body like a sniperâ??s bullet. Smiling, she raised her arms into the air.

    â??I donâ??t have to justify anything, though. Iâ??m a woman of action after all. Anyone doubting me at this point in my career is a fool.â? She walked forward and scooped up her title belt before slinging it over her shoulder once more. The red lasers following her every move.

    â??Kagura Ohzora will go down in history as a woman of â??firsts.â? After tonight, when the heat rises and sweat and blood stains this ring, Iâ??ll be adding two more â??firstsâ? to my list of accolades. The first woman to win the Lethal Lottery, and the first to successfully defend the world title in one.â?

    She became a little more somber as her tone shifted, â??This yearâ??s Kingdom Come might very well be our last ladies and gents. If it is, how poetic would it be for the woman whoâ??s the first to do everything, is the last to headline the biggest and perhaps most important event in company history.â?

    Taking the title belt, Kagura raises it about her head, â??The battle lines are drawn, and the gladiators are set. Once again for the second year in a row I find myself to be the benchmark starting us off on the long road home. Beat me, if you can. Throw me out, if you have the strength. Take this from me, if you have the guts!â?

    She grinned deviously and began to chuckle, as her onyx eyes flashed dangerously with glee, â??I welcome the challenge.â?

  12. #20
    Senior Member Jeff Deliverer of Mail's Avatar

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    Hong Kong Science and Technology Institute and Seafood.

    High up on the mist covered hills in the western outskirts of Hong Kong sat the giant laboratory of H.K.S.T.I.S. Chinese scientists in white lab coats worked in silence in the huge central room, filled with flasks, beakers and other sci-ency stuff.


    They all immediately stopped what they were doing and stood at attention. Emperor Zhanshi’s Royal Guard walked into the lab, gave the scientists a quick warning glance, then nodded to the hand maidens to escort The Emperor inside. Several servants spread flower pedals on the floor, one of them sprayed a perfume scent in the sterile air.

    “Oh for fuck sakes fool! You just ruined a years work! I was...” SMACK! A Royal Guard quickly knocked out the outspoken scientist with a swinging right fist to his face.

    Zhanshi entered the lab, adorned in his golden ceremonial robe with a small black hood on the back, flower patterns all over the robe in front. He lifted his ring covered hand and beckoned the head scientist to approach him.

    Head Scientist Jang quickly nodded then shuffled towards the emperor, a man in his late 70’s, Jang had grey hair and a wrinkled face. He bowed then kept stride with Zhanshi as he slowly walked through the laboratory, inspecting the equipment with great scrutiny.

    “I’ve heard rumours that you have completed my Immortality Potion, Jang.” Zhanshi started in English, with terribly timed lipping as he inspected a flask.

    “Yes, yes my lord. It is everything you asked for! A concoction of great power. Please, follow me and I will show you!”
    (Mandarin reply) Jang excitedly bowed too many times as he made his way across the laboratory to a station filled with flasks and liquids. He picked up a small, finger sized tube filled with blue liquid, it had a cork on one end to keep the blue liquid from spilling everywhere.

    “What is it?” Zhanshi asked as he watched Jang inspect the tube up close.

    “Well, it’s essentially 15 mg’s of stanozolol, blue #48, alpha-hydroxide in meca 40’s, dibasic calcium phosphate, hyper gum lactose, magnesium stearate, starch, sugar, flax seed, banana extract, 12 grams of dried bull semen, 15 grams of dried lion semen, diluted Taipan poison, cocoa, monkey cellulite grams, bat guano mixed in red #23, Pepsi...”

    “Excellent,” Zhanshi grabbed the tube off of the old scientist, “an Immortality Potion if I've ever heard one.”

    “Be very careful, my lord. Only two drops applied directly to your tongue will do the trick. Once administered, you will feel invincible, your senses will activate at a triple rate, smell, sight, sound will be magnified, your strength will be tripled and last for two hours. You’ll have the energy of a young,ferocious lion. It’s extremely dangerous for your heart and should only be used sparingly. Maybe before one of your big fighting matches in the MMA Fighting Leagues. Or during one of your day long work out routines perhaps.”

    “You have done well.”


    Several days later, at the Emperor’s Underground Chambers in Hong Kong

    A giant screen played The History of the Lethal Lottery with Jack Cohen in the background as Zhanshi flipped the glass vial of blue liquid through his fingers, bored out of his mind. Servants were fanning him with huge feather poles and hand maidens were dancing provocatively around an ornate fountain. The Massive Lethal Lottery was only one week away, and it was for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. Every wrestler in the company would be salivating for a chance to win the lottery and be the new champion, even that walking snake Azarov. The man who cost him his easy victory at the last event. He studied the documentary over and over, listening to tips from past winners and WZCW experts who predicted that the next Lottery would be chalk full of surprises, news swirled of past wrestlers returning and stealing the show.

    The main doors to the chambers banged open, startling nearby servants. It was the super cocky Chan The Delivery Man, a chubby, Canadian looking guy with sunglasses on and wearing a mailman uniform.

    “Hey yo Emps! Got a delivery for you, man! Peace!” Chan slammed a scroll on to Zhanshi’s table in front of his throne, turned and left the room, faking a high five with a servant on his way out.

    Damn, I had a joke all set up about not wanting any more bills. Next time.

    Zhanshi inspected the scroll, expecting another flyer telling him to eat at McDonald’s or something. He unrolled the scroll and saw the message written in black ink.

    - My Emperor -

    It is of great urgency that we meet, we must discuss something of great importance that only you can solve with your authority over China. The president and his military aids have been snooping around our territories, impeding our progress with the takeover of many sections of Hong Kong. We thought you had everyone in your pocket. Please meet me at my mansion in Wan Chai so we can discuss this in private.

    P.S - Come alone, do not bring any of your Royal Guard.

    From – Yakuza Leader, Yoshi Batanabe
    Zhanshi slowly placed the scroll back down on the table. He ordered a servant to destroy it, then another servant to fetch his casual wear, specifically his black silk shirt and black dress pants. He liked having the shirt open a little to show off his muscular chest.

    A Royal Advisor appeared from behind his throne, “Going out my lord? I can have the Royal Guard to start preparing for...”

    “That will not be necessary.....” Zhanshi raised his hand with a swooshing noise, the camera zoomed in on his eyes....

    “I’m going ALONE.”



    Several Hours Later.... Wan Chai

    Zhanshi stood at the massive oak doors with golden dragons curled all along the sides to the top, he knocked and almost immediately, a butler let him inside the large, Yakuza mansion. The Butler showed Zhanshi to the massive games room and offered him a cigar while he waited, the emperor politely declined and the butler left. He studied the room, lion heads on the wall, a gigantic stuffed moose in front of the million dollar grand piano, near the brick fire place. Every turn of his head was something of equal splendour. A golden pool table with a bear fur couch behind it, near a mini bar and a double door glass wall with a view of misty woods stretching into the distant mountains.

    “Where is he? Yoshi is never late for these meetings.” Zhanshi said out loud in Mandarin as he stood up, he suddenly realized he wasn’t alone as the camera quickly spun to the right.....

    WOOSH!!! A strikingly beautiful blonde woman assassin swung at him with steel claws on her hands, he dodged and a huge scrap of claw marks went right down the marble wall! She kicked him right in the chest, he flew back and landed hard in front of the fireplace, The 289 pound Green Ninja appeared over him and dropped a crushing elbow on to Zhanshi’s neck, THUMP!

    A set up!! The Yakuza want me DEAD!

    Zhanshi scrambled to his feet but was absolutely shocked at the amount of assassins in the game room now, 25 of them came to take him out, some armed with knives and nunchucks, some with just taped fists and whips.

    Woosh! Woosh, w-w-w-w-woosh! Snap! Block! Block! Snap! Block! Block! Block!

    The assassins swarmed him, he blocked and countered attack after attack but was fading quickly, no way he could keep this intense pace up! A stiff shot glanced off of his cheek and he staggered into the wall, he rebounded back and blocked a double kick sent from two men, he countered with a back flip kick knocking both men to the floor, The Green Ninja clotheslined the back of his neck sending him tumbling over the pool table, he picked up a golden pool ball and threw it at a very old assassin, knocking him out with a perfect connection between the eyes. POP!

    He took a golden pool cue across the ribs, then a punch and elbow to the face, sending him rolling off of the other side of the pool table. He jumped to his feet, tired, sweating from the fight. A big Russian ran and drop kicked him back over the pool table then to the floor on the other side. Two young assassins jumped on top of him, bringing down punch after punch at Zhanshi’s head, he half blocked them, but he was started to black out from the punches and kicks from other assassins who joined in....


    “Take that bitch, we got him, we got him. He’ll be dead soon!” A cocky young assassin bragged as he continued to level punches at Zhanshi on the floor.

    Too weak..... to fight’ll be over soon.....

    SNAP!! POW!!! SNAP!!! SNAP!! SNAP!!!

    TINK!! T-T-TINK!!

    In and out of blackness, Zhanshi could see the finger sized glass vial of blue liquid rolling around his head on the floor. He weakly grabbed it, popped the cork off with his thumb....and downed the entire vial of metallic tasting liquid.



    Zhanshi power kicked the two young assassin’s off of him and they flew across the room, crashing over the mini bar!

    He kipped up to his feet, face covered in blood, but feeling extremely energized. Like he was born again. He grabbed his silk shirt and ripped it off like it was nothing, revealing his bulging muscles, his veins extra popped out from the potion. The pupils in his eyes spread to nearly black, he could almost see everyone in slow motion now, could hear the slightest wrinkle in clothing as they moved, could sense every perceived action about to take place.....

    I’ve never felt so ALIVE! Look at this woman.....blonde hair....steel claws on her hands coming at me....looks very much like CALLIE CLARK, a woman hell bent on creating disorder in wrestling while dressing up like a fool to throw people off of their game....

    Zhanshi easily dodged a claw attack, then turned, draped her arm across his shoulder and broke it backwards at the same time giving her a massive mule kick, SMASH! She flew through the air and smashed right inside the stuffed moose!

    Look at these two attacking me, a greasy egomaniac much like KEITH KOLE and a sexy dancer assassin much like ALICE ADAMS, both dangerous together, so I’ll bring them a little closer....

    Zhanshi dodged a double fist attack from both of them, then smashed their heads together, then spun around with a spinning back fist, hitting both of them! S-SMACK! They corkscrewed in the air three times then landed, knocked out.

    Ah, The Green Ninja, attacking me with sausage links now! The fat man is very much like MIKEY STORMRAGE, big and fat, but agile and popular with the people, somebody you canÃ?’t take your eyes off.....

    Zhanshi chopped one of the links, gave it a roundhouse kick, the sausage link smacked off the Green NinjaÃ?’s head, distracting him long enough for a running karate kick from Zhanshi! POW!!! The Green Ninja flew through the air and landed right on the million dollar grand piano! BOOM!! Smashing it down to five dollars worth.

    5 assassins charged at him now, all expertly twirling nunchucks! S-S-S-SWOOSH SWOOSH S-S-SWOOSH!

    Surprises, group attacks..... Lethal Lottery will be full of them.....

    Zhanshi dodged a nunchuck swipe, and another, he grabbed the next one in his palm and hauled the assassin towards him, he gave him a short arm clothesline, back flipping him to the floor, Zhanshi expertly twirled the nunchucks around his shoulders and sides, he took out the other four weapon wielding attackers quickly! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

    A masked ninja pole vaulted over the fur couch and attacked Zhanshi with a golden staff, Zhanshi easily evaded the attacks...

    MATT TASTIC,not even a question if heÃ?’s the greatest wrestler in the company, has achieved everything there is to achieve and is the holy dragon one must slay to make it in this business...

    Zhanshi threw away his nunchucks and spun off the staff attacks, he used his elbows to quickly snap off two pieces into fighting sticks for himself, he smashed the masked Tastic ninja in the sides, then both sides of his neck, Zhanshi grabbed the front of the ninjaÃ?’s mask and gave him a headbutt to the face, knocking him to the floor, out cold.

    A cocky American with a US Flag tightly wrapped on his head came at him, he was a tall Texan holding a spiked baseball bat, next to him another American, with his shirt off showing steroid-ed muscles almost as impressive as his own, his fists taped....

    STETSON HAYSE AND FLEX MUSSELL, two grave threats always in every event theyÃ?’re in. CanÃ?’t take either powerhouse lightly.....

    The Texan swung his bat but Zhanshi dodged it and pushed it towards the taped fist from the other American, the nails stuck into his knuckles and he screamed, Zhanshi kicked the handle and it flew out of the TexanÃ?’s hand into his cheek, SMACK! The Emperor then round house kicked the taped fisted American who spun around knocked out. Zhanshi shot out rapid punches to the TexanÃ?’s gut then gave him a fast uppercut, back flipping the big man through a glass table. SMASH!

    A small female assassin charged at him, he power pressed her over his head and threw her, she landed face first off of the lions head on the wall then hard to the floor. WUMP!

    ANNIE HALLOWAY, a hacker, always dangerous around electronics, but this is a combat sport, not some E Sports competition....

    Another American assassin charged at him with two axes, Zhanshi back flipped and grabbed two golden pool cues, he engaged in a quick slashing, counter slashing spark fest with the assassin until a quick dodge, duck then a pool cue baseball swing knocked the man out....

    Xander.....fuck him and his X moves. But still, super dangerous. Dangerous, but not worthy of my skills. I will eliminate him quickly.

    The bodies piled up, now Zhanshi stood, still energized to the max, with five assassins standing around him. A bald, slightly insane looking tough guy: GARTH BLACK. A cocky, sunglasses wearing jerk with spiked ball n chain looking like: TITUS AVISON. A masked, emo looking teen with spikes on his hands: VEGA. A huge Russian man with a heavy leather jacket on and a chain wrapped around his fist: AZAROV. And last but not least, a beautiful looking Chinese woman assassin with dual katanas : KAGURA.

    The bald man and the spiked hand man attacked at the same time, Zhanshi kicked the bald man right in the head, knocking him out of action for a moment, he dodged quick swipes from the hand spikes....

    VEGA.... super agility, able to tight walk the ring ropes. Is he a circus performer or a combat competitor?

    The spiked fist assassin came at him with both hands, Zhanshi kicked him in the stomach and threw him right at the glass doors! SMASH!! The emo kid staggered, then accidentally drove both spiked hands into a big totem pole, he hauled back and fell out of his gloves, then stumbled back over the balcony, then pants himself on a tree branch and hung upside down showing his private parts to the camera, they were pixelated out, but not very many pixels due to the very small penis on the man.

    The Bald assassin threw a punch at Zhanshi and slipped on the sweaty floor, he bashed his head off of the side of the fireplace and fell down, knocked out.

    GARTH BLACK, most likely wonÃ?’t show up to The Lethal Lottery due to his drinking problems, heÃ?’ll be found at a bar somewhere in bumblefuck America, watching the show on television and telling anyone nearby that he used to be one of those wrestlers. If he does show up, IÃ?’ll eliminate him with no problems.

    A spiked ball just missed ZhanshiÃ?’s head, the cocky, sunglasses wearing assassin was quick to point that out to him.

    Ã?“Got lucky there mate! But donÃ?’t count on gettin lucky a second time! Lad!"

    TITUS AVISON, another big fish to fry in The Lethal Lottery, fresh off of his World Title loss, he must be absolutely chomping at the bit to win his title back, an opportunity he will not waste in this event. A man with an entertaining a career as anyone has ever had, both in movies and his accomplishments in the ring, I will have to outsmart him somehow, maybe play to his vanity, a false team up. HeÃ?’ll likely try the very same thing, who knows what he could be planning? IÃ?’ll eliminate him third last.

    A spiked ball attack was way off this time and Zhanshi kicked the man right in the neck! He gasped, holding his neck and calling a time out. The Emperor grabbed his fingers and snapped them back, then gave him an elbow uppercut, knocking him out.

    WOOOSH!!! The big Russian missed a chain fisted punch that obliterated the brick behind Zhanshi on the fireplace.

    AZAROV, fuck Azarov!

    Zhanshi kicked the fisted chain into the RussianÃ?’s face, then gave him a left, right, right, right, left, roundhouse, roundhouse, left, right, roundhouse then finishing off with a spinning elbow. The big Russian spun, then backed into an open door, fell down a flight of stairs THUMP! THUMP! T-T-T-T-T-THUMP! WUMP! THUMP! ....and clanged his head off of a washer in the basement, knocked out.

    W-WOOSH!!! Two Katana strikes that barely missed ZhanshiÃ?’s face!

    KAGURA! The WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the world. Well, this assassin is nowhere near as beautiful as her.....but IÃ?’m doing comparisonÃ?’s here.....she is holding a prize that every competitor is after at this event. A prize that fighters like me wake up in the morning and picture it in my head before IÃ?’ve even had one blow job from my hand maiden, but what prize would be more worthy to me if Kagura offered herself to be my Queen?!

    The very distracting thought almost cost Zhanshi his life as a katana strike barely missed his neck, he grabbed her elbow and tossed her over his shoulder, but she was very agile and calmly put her hand on the floor and vaulted back to her feet....

    .....what of it.....? I am the Emperor of China! I need a queen! Not just hand maiden after hand maiden fifteen times a day! I need someone who will rule by my side......


    The Kagura look-a-like assassin resumed her relentless assault with her katanaÃ?’s Ã?– SWOOSH! SWOOSH! SWISH SWISH SWISH SWOOSH!!!

    Zhanshi calmly dodged every fast slashing motion from her little arms....

    .....I will eliminate her LAST!!!!

    Zhanshi did a back flip, catching the female assassin right in the chin with his knee, SMASH!!!!! She did a back flip with blood pouring out of her mouth creating a circular arc of spray in the air and landing right on her head, knocked out cold.

    He stood in the large gaming room, bodies knocked out everywhere, his face covered in blood. He was sweaty from all the fighting.

    Ã?“You will pay for this YOSHI!Ã?” Zhanshi yelled out in English, his mouth moving a few seconds later.

    Ã?“Right after I DESTROY everyone in WZCW and win the LETHAL LOTTERY!!Ã?”
    Zhanshi picked up the empty glass vial.

    He will need it filled again before the next event.

    Last edited by Jeff Deliverer of Mail; 06-16-2019 at 09:53 PM.
    Frank: Ludwig?!
    Goon: Drebin!
    Frank: Yeah, I'm Drebin!
    Goon: I have a message for ya from Vincent Ludwig!
    Goon: Take that, you lousy cop!
    Frank: I'm sorry! I can't hear ya! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!

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