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Thread: WWE Super Show 2017 Live Discussion

  1. #1
    Member MF Doom's Avatar

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    Exclamation WWE Super Show 2017 Live Discussion

    Coming at you from Melbourne Australia its time for WWE Suuuuuuper show!

    feel free to discus it live

  2. #2
    Senior Member Awesome_Miz's Avatar

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    Oh god first thing I notice is the long entrance ramp. Ugh no wonder the show is scheduled for 4 hours since Taker will need at least a 30 minutes to do his entrance.
    The Day Wrestling Got Too Real

  3. #3
    Senior Member ShinChan's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Awesome_Miz View Post
    Oh god first thing I notice is the long entrance ramp. Ugh no wonder the show is scheduled for 4 hours since Taker will need at least a 30 minutes to do his entrance.
    They could use something like they used for Wrestlemania 33. I guess.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Awesome_Miz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShinChan View Post
    They could use something like they used for Wrestlemania 33. I guess.
    That’s what I’m hoping for cause I don’t hate Taker’s entrance but it is too early for that stuff.
    The Day Wrestling Got Too Real

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    Wtf is John Cenas new finisher

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    You Never Know When You Might Stuff An Owl klunderbunker's Avatar
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    Super Show-Down
    Date: October 6, 2018
    Location: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia
    Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Corey Graves

    We’re at the latest big international show here and that means…well it’s hard to say actually. There’s a lot going on at the moment in WWE but they have a tendency to turn these shows into a glorified house show with almost nothing happening. Hopefully WWE has figured that out and knows that we need to actually get something important on the show. Let’s get to it.

    Click on the link below for the full review.

    Hey Old Guys

  7. #7
    Administrator Slyfox696's Avatar

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    Wait...this show already happened? I guess I'll have to check it out later then.

  8. #8
    Overall, I thought it was a pretty good show but a strange one. At times, it came off like a house show while, at others, it came off like a big league ppv.

    New Day vs. the Bar as a good 3 star outing and while that's on the low end compared to their past matches together, it was still a good 10 minute outing. New Day retained and that's to be expected.

    Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair was another fun 3 star match, wasn't that wild about the ending as the spot with the belt looked weak. Still, a good effort for a match that went about 10.5 minutes.

    John Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & Elias was a straight up 2.25 house show match. The draw here was the novelty of seeing John Cena for the first time in 6 months and if that doesn't do it for you, then this was entirely skippable.

    Asuka & Naomi vs. the IIconics: basically, take what I sent about previous tag team match and apply it here only with the novelty of the IIconics getting a decent response for once. This was a 2 star outing, at best, but at least Asuka didn't take the loss.

    AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe in a no DQ match for the WWE Championship was another excellent outing for these two. This was a great 4.25 star bout that featured great action, great storytelling and enough reversals and drama to make you wonder, even briefly, if they might actually go with the title change. I wouldn't have minded Joe winning at all but, at the same time, it's hard to complain about Styles as he's just so friggin' good.

    Ronda Rousey & the Bella Twins vs. the Riott Squad was exactly what I thought it'd be: a generally solid 2.5 star outing with the babyfaces picking up the win. They're at a point where they're going to have to stop having Rousey just blow through opponents the way she's doing because she's running out of them. They teased some friction with Rousey and Nikki Bella over who would start the match but they didn't go full tilt and have her attack Rousey post match as I thought they would.

    Cedric Alexander vs. Buddy Murphy for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship was one helluva sprint. They managed to fit 25 minutes worth of fantastic action, storytelling and urgency into a match that lasted just under 11 minutes and that says a lot for how well these two work together. I gave this match 4.25 stars as everything just really, really fell into place in front of a super hot crowd. Buddy Murphy winning the title here was the right call as it felt like a genuinely huge moment for him, the crowd loved it and I hope they just don't turn around and give the belt back to Alexander at 205 Live. He's done all he really can with the CW Division right now, this was literally the first match that he's lost in just over a year, so have him give a great rematch, lose and them move him to Raw or SmackDown as he's too talented inside the ring to spin his wheels in the Cruiserweight Division where he's already beaten everyone.

    The Shield vs. the Dogs of War was another strong match, not as strong as the CW or WWE Championship matches, but I thought it was a strong 3.75 to 4 star outing for the two teams. It was a bit clunky at times and I think a lot of fans prefer Strowman as a babyface, though I prefer him as a heel just tearing the place up and generally terrorizing the shit out of everybody. They continue to do a good job teasing the Ambrose heel turn and I'm thinking, at this point, it might be cool to suddenly throw a swerve and have either Rollins or Reigns be the one to turn heel. I'd prefer Reigns as it's something fans have clamored and campaigned to see for years as Rollins is doing a fantastic job as the workhorse babyface. Ziggler takes the loss via Dirty Deeds, which suits me fine as it protects McIntyre. This feud is still something of a mess since it involves men carrying 3 of the 4 men's titles for Raw and it leaves the tag division high and dry right now.

    Daniel Bryan vs. the Miz was too short to rate, it just went about 2.5 minutes. I was a little disappointed initially but that was after everything played out and announcements were made. For one thing, this evens things up between Bryan & Miz as far as singles matches go and Bryan has come out with the short end of the stick as of late that him winning, plus the treat of he and Styles going balls out is nothing to complain about. Bryan counters the SCF to pick up the win and will face AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at WWE Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia, which almost certainly Miz does something to interefere with the match, costs Bryan the title and puts the advantage back with Miz. I can then see Miz managing to get a title shot at Styles, probably at TLC, with Miz picking up the win, winning his rematch against Styles at the Royal Rumble and Daniel Bryan winning the Royal Rumble match itself to then challenge Miz at WrestleMania.

    The Undertaker vs. Triple H...well, this is a bit of a tricky one. Trips wound up making it a no DQ match, which I'm not at all surprised about nor was anyone else I don't believe. The match went a good 10 or 12 minutes longer than it needed to, but I will say that I appreciated the effort in that both men really, really tried out there. I give Taker credit because I have a feeling that he's probably hurting quite a bit right now for pushing his body into this sort of match for this length of time. The biggest problem for this match was that it moved really slowly, the pace at times was almost nonexistent. Then you get a ref bump and all sorts of interference from HBK that ultimately culminates with Triple H getting the win after HBK hits numerous SCMs on Taker, Taker eats a sledgehammer and a pedigree for the win. It was chaotic, but the live crowd absolutely loved it. If I had to give it something, I'm going with 3 stars as this one, for me, was hard to rank. It had a lot of things working against it, but I thought it could have been far, far, far worse than what we got. They did a great job in building HBK's return for a tag match at the next Saudi show, the fans were into all the chaos and both Taker and Trips worked hard. The pace was slow at times, abysmally so really, and you could tell that Triple H, while methodical in his own right, slowed down further for Taker's sake. When you also take into account this may be the last real 1 on 1 match we ever see for Taker and add it with everything else, I feel comfy giving it 3 stars. It wasn't a classic but, like I said, I applaud the effort.

    Overall, as I said, this felt like a house show at times while, at others, it felt like a big time ppv. All in all, I enjoyed myself and this came off as simply a lot more fun than the GRR earlier this year. I give the show a C+ to a B-.
    "What Do I Know Of Cultured Ways, The Gilt, The Craft And The Lie?
    I, Who Was Born In A Naked Land And Bred In The Open Sky.
    The Subtle Tongue, The Sophist Guile, They Fail When The Broadswords Sing.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member A11's Avatar

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    What was the crowd like on the broadcast? Being there live the crowd was a bit weird they got hot and then would go quiet but that could be because the G is so big and sound didn’t travel well. I really thought they’d have had more seats on the ground. There were some absolute spastics there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wider span of the gene pool some absolute creatures and some absolutely stunning women.
    Wrestling is weird live not having commentary.
    Fuck you AJ you cost me $60.
    Not having a single upset on the card was mildly disappointing and Cena’s shit right jab can fucking do one. Anyone got the story on why Bryan wrestled for 40 seconds?

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    Also re:Elias’ dig at Collingwood choking. Doesn’t really work for getting heat. There’s 10 afl teams in Victoria, 9 of which are in Melbourne and Collingwood are the most hated one by far. Lot of people enjoyed them losing the grand final last week. But him playing thunderstruck was magical

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