I left for a good while as I lost most of my interest in wrestling and began attending university, but since the launch of AEW, I feel I've finally found a product worth supporting again. They've got all the makings to really put the WWE against the wall, so long as they continue to keep their core audience and also generate interest from outside the IWC sphere.

WWE is in a sad state of affairs right now. Despite having a myriad of talent, the misuse of them has been nothing but disheartening, and I really wish AEW makes a few worthwhile steals in the coming years, perhaps to gear up to challenge the flagship shows head-on in the future.

I just want to apologise to the fed, and to everyone here for my past actions mainly, the former for flaking time and time again. Suffice to say, I won't be wasting your time with another application, at least not at the moment, as you simply deserve better than me at the moment, and I have very little time to make a character work in the fed right now (however, I am still interested in following it). The latter is for my overtly political behaviour in the past and needlessly driving a wedge between people due to my own sense of self-righteousness.

I'll try to stick around and contribute how I can, I've really wanted a good place to come and talk about AEW, and I figured there's no better place than here.