I usually have good feelings about the Princess of Staten Island, or whatever the hell she used to call herself. She's not a great wrestler but she's not a terrible one either and she does have that dancer's body that's responsible for a good number of those good feelings.

The bad feeling I have is that they're going to have her successfully cash in her MITB briefcase at WrestleMania, thereby ending Asuka's undefeated streak in a way that's going to have the internet howling for Vince McMahon's blood. Asuka challenging Charlotte Flair is a match that I think most of us want to see and it's rumored to be happening. The thing is that Carmella's MITB contract is only good for another 3 months and this just has one of those shocking moments in the making written all over it. It just seems like the sort of thing that Vince truly loves, something that he thinks will make for really compelling television: the most dominant female wrestler in WWE history upstaged at the biggest show of the year and the biggest match of her career by someone not remotely in her league.

I'm of the opinion that Carmella's attempt, whenever she makes it, shouldn't be successful because she's just not ready. I just feel that WWE is leaving a lot of money on the table if they go with an MITB screwjob ending for Asuka's undefeated streak.