I can't believe they're still milking a storyline that started in 2009. They used the HBK-Taker WM match to build WM 26, then bring heat to WM 27 and then they used both WM 27 and 26 to build up 28. And now they're using it again for a show in Australia which will lead to HBK's return? Lol again. Sure, it makes sense story-wise. For once. But is it worth it? I don't know. I just hope HBK doesn't come back at Wrestlemania. I'm burned out from stars coming back at Wrestlemania. Give Mania back to the main roster. Bring back legends for other special shows like Starrcade or Saudi Arabia or Super Showdown or the Moon. But keep them away from Wrestlemania. Otherwise the current stars will never EVER become draws.