Quote Originally Posted by BaconBits View Post
Charisma is way, way more than promos and some creative freedom. Every generation of wrestling has had its fair share of shit booking and guys that still managed to transcend the entity of wrestling, except this one. They’re up shit’s creek with no paddle. The only guy on either roster that maybe has that ability is Elias, but he isn’t the focal point of the show yet.
I don't know, I can understand the mindset I guess. People like The Rock, Austin, Taker, Hogan, Savage, etc. were going to succeed to some degree regardless. But they rarely had to deal with the type of inconsistent and, at times, downright criminal booking that this era's roster has to deal with. And when they did, they kind of sucked.

I'm just saying, this era has nowhere near the opportunity to succeed as past eras had. And I mean NOWHERE near.