TF2's last update was good, but I couldn't shake the impression that it was a swan song for ten years at the top of class-based shooters. Valve are focusing primarily on CS and Dota, as well as their Dota-inspired card-game going forward. TF2 is a distant fifth in their priorities when you factor in projects concerning Steam in general also, which really doesn't bode well for Left 4 Dead, Half-Life, Portal and the rest of Valve's properties.

Honestly, Valve's complacency is going to catch up to them. Ubisoft, Blizzard and yes, even EA, have all caught up to Valve's initial refinement within the FPS genre, and the CS:GO fanbase is going to dwindle down into competitive purists as time goes by. Games like PUBG, Overwatch, ARK, Siege and Fortnite (pretty good actually, runs better than PUBG, that's for sure) are all gaining traction, and CS has nothing else to offer but the same stuff again and again. Dota is fairing well on the competitive stage, but is still having a tough time with a more casual audience against League Of Legends. Valve's been lucky that EA have shot themselves in the foot with horrendously awful business practices, but they can't play the waiting game forever. Eventually, they need to do something revolutionary once more, on the level of the first two Half Life games.