Here's my top 5 wrestlers of all time. 6-10 to come later.

1. Hulk Hogan

If we're not going to take in ring work into account then Hulk Hogan should be 1 on everyone's list. Wrestling is still around today because of what Hogan was able to accomplish in the 80s. He was the main catalyst behind wrestling's first major boom period. He was the face/draw that took wrestling from regional territories to a national stage. Then, in the mid 90s, he was at the forefront of wrestling's second major boom period by turning heel and starting the nWo. There were other more important figures for the boom period of the 90s but Hogan played a major role himself. Look, I've never been a huge fan of Hogan's. When I started watching wrestling, it always seemed like, IMO, that he came in and stole the spotlight rather then just trying to contribute and make the product better. I think part of what put WCW out of business was Hogan's spot (and others) always at the top of the card rather than trying to build new stars. I've never been a fan of his matches. Sure, he had a few gems that were very good, but for the most part his matches were boring and unexciting. Especially at the end. As I said, though; if we're taking in ring ability out and focusing on success and impact then Hogan is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest professional wrestler of all time.

2. Ric Flair

I read your hot take Fallout and Idk how you could not have Flair in your top ten. Idk how anyone could not have Flair in their top ten. Here's my hot take: My list isn't going to have many names on it pre 1980. Reason why is I think the stars of the 80s onward is who built wrestling into this world wide entity that it has become. Maybe they were helped by cable tv being able to reach more people's homes and what not, but without the stars of the 80s wrestling wouldn't be what it is now. I can't say the same about the stars pre 80s. Without them, wrestling still would've been struggling regional companies and promotions. Anyways, back to the list. Where Hogan was without a doubt the biggest name in wrestling during it's first major boom period; Ric Flair was without a doubt the second biggest name in wrestling during that same time. Flair was head and shoulders the biggest draw in the NWA and he did most of that as a heel. Also, what I think Flair has over Hogan is that Flair not only was a top dog, but he helped to build other top dogs in the business as well. Flair put over names that would stand the test of time. Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, and so on. Flair also showed the importance of putting on a show in wrestling. His persona and mic work were second to none. Also, 16 times World Heavyweight Champion means something as well. As important as Hogan was to the WWF in the late 80s and early 90s; Flair was to the NWA at that same time period. Put it this way, without Flair, there likely wouldn't have been a WCW for Ted Turner to buy and for Hogan to go to in 94. When we look at all the things that are required to be a great in the wrestling business, Flair checks them all off and adds more in the form of ring work and mic abilities. No top ten list is complete without Ric Flair. Whether you like or don't like it; learn to love it because its the best thing going today. Diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin

If we're to take success and impact into account above all others then Austin should be at the top of most people's list. I wouldn't be surprised if some people put him number 1. I think Hogan and Flair edge him out because they had a period of time where they were the top dogs and there was no Austin. When Austin was head and shoulders the top dog, however, Hogan and Flair were still around and they were still huge names in the business. When talking success and impact, though, Austin was the biggest name in the industry during the industry's most profitable period it ever had. McMahon has gone on record many times and said that Austin was the absolute biggest draw that the business had ever had. What hurts Austin, however, is the relative short amount of time that he was able to do it for. Hogan and Flair had more than a decade at being the industry's top draws. Austin had about 4 years and one of those years, if we're honest with ourselves could easily go to the Rock (2000). Still, it was Austin's success that gave the Rock the platform and format for him to become as big a name as he became. When talking greatest of all time and we're talking success and impact; there are few that out pace SCSA.

4. Bruno Sammartino

I said that my list would have few names on it earlier than 1980. I didn't say that it would have no names on it before 1980. Bruno was the Hogan of his era. While wrestling was still a regional act during his time he was the biggest name in the business during that time. Bruno was able to make Professional Wrestling look legitimate. While he was champion and on top of the business, people thought it was a shoot. He gave off the look and feel of a legit badass who was the champion and people believed in him. Longest consecutive title reign in history at over 2800 days. Then, he has another reign at more than 1300 days. If the title goes to the man who is the top draw that means that Bruno was on top of the WWWF for longer than a decade. Although Hogan took the industry to much larger heights; Bruno was the standard bearer for the old ways and definitely one of the greatest of all time.

5. The Rock

I know that this one is going to be quite controversial, however, when taking into account the Rock's mainstream success and the fact that he had started that success because of how big a name he was in the wrestling world, I don't think the Rock can be over looked as one of the top ten greatest wrestler's of all time. Again, the Rock had a relatively short time as the top guy. What, maybe one year as THE GUY? 2 at most? By that time, though, wrestling wasn't really relying on the undisputed top guy formula any more. It had become more of an ensemble during the Rock's time. We had Austin, Rock, 'Taker, Foley, Angle, Trips, and so on during the Rock's time and those are some huge names. The Rock has had more mainstream success than any other wrestler in the history of the business and I think that more than warrants his place in the top ten.